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  • DexShell Waterproof Ultrathin Socks review
  • Pyro
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    “And if ivver tha does owt fer nowt -Do it fer thissen.”

    Yorkshiremen. Like Scotsmen, but without the generosity… ;)

    Full Member

    @IHN – Amen to that!

    Full Member

    Well, no-one’ll be sending a card, it’s far too expensive.

    Pyro, Cumbrian, exiled to the wrong side of the Pennines

    Full Member

    Had no issues with Avis in Nice. Booked in advance on the web with the box ticked for “would like to purchase extra insurance”. Extra insurance @ €12/day paid on credit card, no substantial deposit (as the grippier is mainly to pay the excess in case of a prang and the extra insurance reduces excess to zero), just a small hold amount (€45 or so) on the credit card to cover fuel if I brought it back empty.

    Nice and easy, went with them because they had the most information available about what would be charged where and would happily do so again.

    Full Member

    Hmm. I rode with the Leeds CM a couple of times, a good few years back. I’d been knocked off my bike by a taxi driver, and after throwing the remains of my bike at his windscreen and uttering a few choice obscenities, I felt full of righteous indignation and a flaming desire to sock it to all the dangerous, inconsiderate drivers out there. A friend pointed out a CM ride coming up, and I vowed to join in.

    On arrival, I had by bike criticised by a young gentleman on a bullhorned fixie, because it had nobbly tyres and purple bits, and gears. “Fair cop” I thought “You get a percentage of nobbers in any group, maybe others are different”. We moved off and rode for a while, and then stopped. In the middle of a junction. Blocking a right-turn, a straight-on, and a bus lane. “Hmm.” I thought. “Not only is this hacking off the car drivers around us, but it’s also holding up the people who are using public transport. Tell you what, I’ll step off my bike and stand on the pavement.” This action was greeted with a mixed response from my riding peers, some chose to simply snigger at my apparently ‘noob’ faux-pas, a couple quietly but politely told me that blocking junctions was what we were there for, a larger number offered the same sentiment but with, shall we say, coarser language and more emphatic gesturing.

    I blushed slightly, got back on and rejoined the group, and we rode on slowly, a large number of vehicles gathering behind. Three or four stops later, a police van appeared behind, simply monitoring the progress of the group as far as I could tell. A couple of people in the group turned an interesting shade of white and cycled off slowly, in different directions to the main peloton. A couple of (admittedly shorter) mid-junction stops later, two young officers stepped out of the police van. One went to the rear, to have a quiet word with a couple of drivers behind who were making their displeasure known somewhat vociferously. The other approached the group and asked very politely if someone was in charge that he could have a word with, to be met with a mix of mumbling, plain ignoring and the odd not-very-clear bit of profanity. He asked again, to much the same response. A third time, and the not-very-clear profanity got a touch louder and a bit clearer. He shrugged, and wandered back to the van to consult with his superiors.

    Two junctions later, the group stopped and the police van stopped behind us. This time, the other officer approached the group and asked, again politely, if anyone was in charge with whom he could have a word. At the now usual derisive response, he simply stated, loudly and clearly “then would you all mind, please, clearing the junction to allow traffic to pass.” I don’t remember the wording exactly, but mentions of the Roas Traffic Act (1988) occurred. In my opinion, rightly so. More derision, more profanity, more jeering.

    At this point, I left, hearing a couple of choice words slung at my disappearing back by other riders (enter People’s Front of Judea joke here), for frankly, I was embarrassed to be part of it.

    I tried again a year-or-so later, because I was still passionate and pee’d off with drivers, and much the same happened, save for the criticism of my bike. Again, after some frankly borderline illegal (and if not illegal, then just plain rude/stupid) actions by those ostensibly but not confessedly leading the ride, I again left shortly after a police van showed up. I was expecting the profanity by this point, but the blog comment spotted by a mate a couple of days later saying “and if that < exp.del > on the purple mountain bike turns up and < exp.del > ‘s off at the first sign of trouble again, I’ll < exp.del > him myself” came as a bit of a surprise.

    Draw what conclusions you like from that account. The ones I drew were that CM in Leeds were a bunch of trouble-courting cowards, who banded together to annoy people, but hid behind the lack of structure in the “organisation” to avoid ever having to take responsibility for their collective actions. I won’t be going back, and I inform my friends of this when a couple of them have suggested going on CM rides. They’re free to go and make up their own minds, but so fast the only one who has, on one of the London rides, came back with the comment of “See what you mean. Won’t be doing that again…”

    Full Member

    I’ve got two copies, it was given away as part of World Book Night a couple of years back. Happy to post one on if you want it?

    Full Member

    Ah, the Evil Empire… ;)

    AS Watersports, RoHo, Sue’s Canoes and Up & Under always did me well. Desperate Measures are alright as well.

    Full Member

    My missus ended up going to A&E when a 3′ mirror fell off it’s mounting and cracked her across the bridge of the nose. I met her there after she’d triaged and was waiting for max-fax to see her. Sitting in a hospital waiting room while your lady holds a big wad of tissue over her noise attracts some fairly curious looks…

    Full Member

    If it’s still alive, a piece of rotting meat just below the nose should tempt it out.

    Full Member

    I went with Avis for a 4-day hire in France recently, simply because they provided the most information on extra costs, deposits etc. Everyone else seemed to be very secretive about how much deposit, what extra insurances were available, full and frank costs etc, Avis at least had that available, though it took a but of digging across their different international sites to get the most precise estimate. Basically, for what I got told and the actual collection confirmed, take out the optional extra insurance (SCDW) and there’s no deposit to pay.

    Full Member

    One of the best bits of advice I got for GRP last year -“think of it as a long walk. That way, every step you run is a bonus. If you think of it as a run, every step you walk will be depressing.”

    Worked for me!

    Full Member

    I ran the Grand Raid des Pyrenees (50 mile, 5000m ascent) last year. My longest training run was 27 miles, and that’ll be the same for me going back there this year. It all depends what you’re trying to accretive, I was just out to finish and wasn’t fighting for a podium, was out for just shy of 23hrs but loved every minute of it. To me, it’s more about getting your head right and keeping it right. Time in the legs is important, but the legs only do what the head tells them to…

    Full Member

    Flatfish +1

    Latrigg descent to Spooney Green Lane is more fun.

    Full Member

    I’ve had the same issue, now have a pre-pay “Credit” card – you have to load the card but it uses Mastercard’s network so is identified as a credit card.

    Full Member

    If you’re in Excel 2007, under the Conditional Formatting menu there’s a “Use a formula to determine which cells to format” option. You should be able to use an IF-AND statement to put your greater or lower than bits in and fire on from there.

    Full Member

    There is absolutely nothing about a zoom lens that prevents you getting great images. There’s something that prime purists never seem to acknowledge though – moving further away from the subject with a fixed focus lens is most definitely NOT the same as zooming out!

    Perhaps misinterpreted – completely agree with you about nothing stopping you getting great images on any lens. And yes, there’s a big difference between zooming and moving. I just felt that I learned more using a fixed lens. I wouldn’t say i’m a ‘ prime purist’ as such, I just own one that gets used much more than most of my zooms do, personal preference and all! I know what you mean about using the space to help people”act natural” though, my 50-135 does the same thing (the last thing I want shooting an adventure race is every bugger smiling and waving like it’s a walk in the park), but for general, everyday, potter-about shooting, the 50 gets left on all the time.

    To the OP – as you can see, two very different opinions on SLRs and lens selection. Try things out and see what works for you!

    Full Member

    I would NOT recommend a prime lens for what you are talking about. It restricts the kinds of pictures you can frame. It might be great fun to deal with the restrictions when out on a photography trip, but I tihnk you’ll be cursing insufficient field of view for those landscapes or insufficient zoom for that climber or stag or whatever. IMO it’ll teach you to accept what you can’t do and be sanguine about all the shots you’ll see but miss. Which might appeal to the purist but it won’t help you get shots onto the memory card.

    This is why I love this forum! Like I say, I came over from film shooting, so perhaps i’m more selective with shots than someone who’s always been on digital. I can see what you mean about potentially missing shots, but I’d rather have one, single, perfect, heartbreaking image than a memory card full of the same old dross*

    Perhaps I am a purist, but shooting fixed for me taught me how to look at different framings, think more about composition and where i’m shooting from, and helped me get in close to the action rather than just stand back and click away. Some of my favourite shots were taken in places where I could have been 50 yards back with a 70-200, but a very different shot came out of me getting in close with a 17-35.

    *nb – not saying your shots are dross, Molgrips! I’ve seen a mate fill a 35gb card at a paddling event and get maybe 20 usable pics out of a full card – the epitome of “spray and pray”. I don’t have the time to edit that many pics!

    Full Member

    If you’re aim is “taking good photos” like you say, I would say a basic DSLR and a single, fixed prime lens. When I first started getting into photography, I used a basic film SLR and a 50mm prime lens. Now i’m over on digital (Nikon D80, mainly), the lens I use the most is still my 50mm f/1.8. For both Canon and Nikom, that’s a cheap but very capable lens, and (at least in my opinion) a prime will teach you more about positioning and composition than a whole raft of tele zooms.

    Full Member

    I got told off for flirting a while back – not full-on bo**ocking, just semi-joking “watch yourself” type telling-off – for some cracks I made with a pair of lovely, very pleasant and not-entirely-unattractive event medics. I wouldn’t even have considered it flirting, but maybe it was construed that way due to the innuendo content with people of the other sex that i’d only just met.

    Perhaps it was the point where one of them, talking about us evolving from quadrupedal animals, said something along the lines of “we were born to be down on our knees”. I couldn’t help but guffaw, i’m afraid…

    Full Member

    Watch out for the salmon mousse as well.

    Full Member

    Only on STW could NF be considered “chavvy”

    TNF is considered “chavvy” just about everywhere. With a few notable exceptions (the duffles, tents) their kit drifted away from being “serious outdoors kit” and into slightly neutered gear to appeal to Joe Public who fancies himself as a bit outdoorsy. I tested one of their supposed “Adventure Race” packs a few years back which was absolutely dreadful – uncomfortable, badly shaped, overly heavy and a nightmare to ride with. Not what i’d expected from a company with TNF’s pedigree…

    Full Member

    Had my ME bag for 5 years now and it still seems bomber, no holes, no zip issues, no loose threads. Conversely, when my housemate (stupidly) bought a cheapy Hi Gear version for a 5 week expedition to Nepal, the handles pulled away (stitching failed) the first time she tried to pick it up fully loaded.

    Full Member

    Be as gentlemanly as possible, until you’re accused of mysogyny. At that point, go caveman.

    Full Member

    Crappy MTBSO in about 89/90-ish after riding BMXs for a fair while.
    First ‘proper’ MTB was a second-hand Marin Palisades in about 92/93. It was the grey supposedly chip-proof paint with yellow bars and fork.

    Full Member

    I like setting fire to things. Including myself.

    Full Member

    Or if it’s auto linked, Conditional Formatting.

    (He says, having read the question in full, somewhat belatedly)

    Full Member

    Copy – Right click – Paste Special – Values


    Right click – Paste Special – Formats

    Full Member

    Loita – Teenage dyslexic Ray goes after an underage girl.

    Full Member

    A Knight’s Ale – A young would-be nobleman joins CAMRA

    Full Member

    Oh Bother, Where Art Thou? – An Amish man searches for the keys to his barn.

    Full Member

    SAR Wars – Search and Rescue teams go head to head in a “last man standing” battle.

    Fight of the Navigator – A middle aged couple argue bitterly while driving laps of the M25 due to the wife’s indecisiveness about which junction to take.

    Austin Power – a dodgy-toothed swinger croons “yeah baby yeah” at his vintage Allegro.

    Op Gun – homo-erotic masterpiece about a maverick surgeon trying to develop ballistic techniques in general surgery.

    Full Member

    Raveheart – Mel Gibson wears a neon skirt and facepaint and gets f’d up in the Glens to a 90s acid house soundtrack

    Full Member

    End it like Beckham – a pair of teenage girls spend their time looking for vapid, talentless, pouting blokes, wandering minor-league American ‘soccer’ clubs, spawning daftly named offspring, and being paid obscene amounts of money to do **** all, in homage to the twilight years of their favourite jazz-haired wendyballer’s career.

    Full Member

    A*S*H – a pair of zany military surgeons investigate why their tent burned to the ground, taking their illicit still and all their belongings with it.

    Full Member

    ALEN – members of the Abnormal Load Escort Network are terrorised by an extra terrestrial creature during the movement of a large dumper truck down the M6.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Tripe-Tainted Farts


    Full Member

    Cross-Batten Attached To The First Nail


    Full Member

    Quit Digging, People’s Suspicions Heightened


    Full Member

    Who’s Got A Shovel?


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