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  • Pyro
    Full Member

    The Rhenigidale loop is a nice ride, but like others said, not enough to keep you going for a week.

    Full Member

    some chav from a crappy northern town

    He’s from Livingston, is that far enough north for you?…

    Full Member

    Glass is not a solid. it is actually a liquid

    I thought that was a myth? Old glass is thicker at the bottom due to an immature manufacturing process?[/quote]

    Think you’re right Cougar – paper back in 1996/97:

    Full Member

    Wahay!…i did a joke. 😉

    “Moves upstage, waits for audience applause… Not a sausinge.”
    – Bluebottle, 1950-something

    Full Member

    I often take my cross bike on rides where mates take full sussers, but most of them only own one bike so it’s a necessity thing rather than by choice. I wait for them at the top of the climbs, they wait for me at the bottom of the descents.

    Full Member

    Have two of them and they’re grand. As said, the main cup isn’t dishwasher-safe, but the lid is. Easy enough to pop the mechanism, pop the lid in the washer and hand wash the cup. Never had it leak in a bag, the button for the mechanism is smallish (finger size) and fairly well protected. Only complain I’ve had is that the drinking hole is fairly small, a higher flow rate would be nice sometimes, but that’s being really, really picky. Insulation is good enough for it to still be drinkable after 4 hours sitting in my transition bag on an adventure race and also 3 hours sat in the front of my kayak on a Scottish river in December. Under ‘normal’ use, my coffee doesn’t last that long…

    Full Member

    I’ve been using the Goodridge brake kits for a fair while, and they seem pretty good to me. Not super expensive, but they seemed to help on both BB7s and Spyres.

    Full Member

    He was sat with a group in the bar I was drinking in on Saturday.

    Full Member

    Ah, but you posted it on this thread, Cougar. I’m not spoiling for an argument, but your post (which I had read in full, I’m afraid) basically reads that those without TVs should be pitied as we’re missing out on all this stuff. I can’t speak for anyone else, obviously, but I don’t need the pity and I don’t feel I’m missing anything by not seeing the stuff. It’s not a badge of honour, but by the same count I also don’t need the TV-faithful trying to brief me in on exactly what I’m missing: if I was that bothered, I’d buy a telly!

    Oh, and embiggened isn’t a word, no matter what the Simpsons claim 😉

    Full Member

    I do find it slightly odd that some people wear “not doing something” like a badge of honour

    I don’t think anyone was thinking of it as a badge of honour, just answering the question asked and explaining what they do instead. Is that so difficult to follow?

    For what it’s worth: You have a TV, good for you. Do you want a medal to go with that?

    Full Member

    Not had a TV in a couple of years, and really not bothered by it. The other half has a Netflix subscription and watches stuff on her laptop, I listen to music and read books. Would never pay for Sky TV/Virgin/whatever as there’s nothing I’m that desperate to see, and I don’t seem to want to binge-watch entire series of anything.

    Even when I did have a telly (in a shared house, with housemate/landlord’s Sky subscription) it was at most just background in the living room while I ate my dinner. Music does that just as well for me.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    25% of all the world’s hazelnuts end up in Nutella

    Changed days…..when I was a kid, Cadbury’s would take them and cover them in chocolate.


    What has a hazelnut in every bite?

    Squirrel sh*t.

    Full Member

    The company which manufactures the largest number of tyres on an annual basis is…

    … Lego.

    Full Member

    I’m a bit wary of post processed images, I’d rather see photographs unadorned.

    If the post processing is done well, you’d never know it was done at all*. As others have said, almost all images have had some form of editing, whether that’s just tweaks to the colour curves, contrast or brightness or anything bigger.

    * My personal opinion, obviously.

    Full Member

    It’s always an interesting argument. I work on the basis these days that I use minimal LR processing, but because I tend to shoot RAW there basically has to be some. Because a lot of my shooting in large numbers of event images, I don’t have the time to individually tweak each separate image, so it tends to be drop the images, do a quick select then apply a preset or two. There are some things that actively annoy me, overblown HDR being the main one, simply because they don’t look ‘real’, but it all depends what you want out of your image.

    Full Member

    I thought that was the bit between your nose and your top lip…

    That’s the philtrum. Or moustache for some of us.

    Full Member

    ‘Goddamn bonce-licking nanny cuddler’ gets used in situations where I have to avoid proper swearing.

    I did call someone both a prat and a proper charlie the other day, that felt very old school.

    Full Member

    Idris Elba.

    Full Member

    I’ve got a set of Motorola TLKR T40s that will cover about that distance, but like gobuchul says, you’re limited by line of sight. They’re cheap and cheerful (and license free)

    Full Member

    Away back to the middle of the road with you, then 😉

    Yup. And that we don’t all get snotty about other people not listening to us…

    Full Member

    I’m thinking that the haters heard Creep once in a pub 20 years ago and wrote them off from that point.

    On the contrary, I liked Pablo Honey and The Bends as albums. In their case I get the feeling that some time around OK Computer Thom Yorke started disappearing gently up his own fundament, and it all turned into dirge-y self-indulgent bollocks from there on in. I tried listening to OK and Kid A and just couldn’t do it…

    Full Member

    Elbow. Athlete. The Smiths. The Cure. Coldplay. Reverend & The Makers. Oasis. Radiohead. Snow Patrol. Travis. Pulp. Blur. Suede
    Probably 95% of the output of that lot just makes me turn the radio down/off/over

    Well, unless you’re listening to the radio 10 years ago you’ll be okay.[/quote]

    That’s what Radio 2’s for, isn’t it? Nothing else could explain the inexplicably popular presence of Steve Wright in the afternoon…

    Full Member

    As I am the upcoming American Gods


    Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don’t let them ruin it.[/quote]

    Could be good, could be shit. Ian McShane as Mr Wednesday could be promising.

    Full Member

    I’m half interested in Dirk Gently as a TV series, as I am the upcoming American Gods, but I’d invariably rather read the books than sit and watch stuff on a laptop (Haven’t owned a telly in the past 10 years and haven’t missed it)

    Full Member

    Says more about your narrow-mindedness than the bands’ quality Pyro, if you lump all those completely different bands in together.

    I only “lump them together” because I find them all a bit ‘meh’, Dez. I’m not saying they sound exactly alike, and I’m not saying they’re not ‘quality’ bands, just that they all make me turn the radio off as they’re not to my taste. YMMV, as regularly gets said on here, and I’m not criticising people who like them, though you seem to be criticising me for not liking them. I’m not sure that’s entirely fair.

    I have a fairly broad-ranging taste in music, a lot towards the folk/country/americana points of the spectrum, various bits of rock, metal, rap, hip hop, drum and bass, some classical, some dance-y stuff, some world music stuff. Bits of everything. Just not, for the vast majority of the time, that list above.

    Full Member

    Elbow. Athlete. The Smiths. The Cure. Coldplay. Reverend & The Makers. Oasis. Radiohead. Snow Patrol. Travis. Pulp. Blur. Suede.

    Probably 95% of the output of that lot just makes me turn the radio down/off/over. There’s the odd occasional track they’ve released that doesn’t make me want to puncture my own eardrums, but on the whole I find them overrated, mundane, middle-of-the-road, drony/whiney rubbish. Other people may love that kind of stuff, and they’re welcome to it, but it’s not to my taste.

    Full Member

    Don’t get cross at the offers being made. Some people are just offering what they’ve got, some maybe taking the mick.

    Have learned this over the years, and just have to constantly remind myself that things that wind me up might seem perfectly acceptable to others. These things include:
    – Offering endless ‘swaps’ of parts/tat in lieu of cold hard cash.
    – Brusque, rude messages that don’t even include a ‘Hello’ at the start (most recent one simply read “best price on <item> posted” – not a question mark, no greeting, no name. I chose not to respond).
    – In fact, just asking for a ‘best price’. You don’t really get this whole sale thing, do you? Try making me an offer, I’m not going to immediately drop to the bottom line just because you’re too lazy to haggle.

    People who ask “what’s you best price” and then get pissy when you add £200 on.

    Ooh, I should try that next time…

    Full Member

    Raced it the first first year they ran it in the no-longer-existant ‘Elite’ category where you had your own support crew and could use two bikes. I really wished I’d had a cross bike rather than my MTB on the second bike stage, nothing techy at all – like Scotroutes says, can get a bit muddy in places but even the singletrack is well surfaced and I only remember one set of switchbacks that caused any sort of consternation.

    Never tried Nanos, but run On-One Gravel Roads on my cross and they’d be a decent option as well. Not sure about tubeless, never tried them like that, but they’re fairly fast rolling, not overly heavy, and cheap.

    Full Member

    There was a Nimrod and his brother Ariel at my school. The latter regularly got ‘Daz’ or ‘Persil’ as a pisstake.

    A mate worked with Fanny Fagot.

    Full Member

    I’m an Armer, presumed to be derived from ‘armourer’, but also of great amusement to my German ex-girlfriend, to whom it simply meant ‘poor’.

    Full Member

    Good one for me, up in the Lakes last night, a nice paddle (kayak type, not rolled-up trousers type) down the Leven this morning, sausage butty for lunch then a detour on the drive home to get in a gentle run round Malham Tarn this afternoon. Pasta for tea, hot bath then an early night.

    Full Member

    Also taken a punt, cheers for the heads-up! Shame they only had the medium left in Green. The £20 On-One I’ve got is that awkward ‘close but not quite there’ fit on my bonce, bearable but niggly. Hopefully this’ll be better!

    Full Member

    Was closed last Saturday (in case anyone else is going to CyB and wondering!)

    Looks like they’re having some building work done, so may not be open for a while.

    Full Member

    I tried to burn my flatmate’s house down once.


    Full Member

    No climbing shots (though I’ve done a little bit), but I’ve been a kayaker for too many years:

    Oh, and there’s a reason I’m known as ‘Pyro’

    Full Member

    Fortunately there’s only me and the missus, and it seems the concept of ‘putting dishes in dishwasher’ has bypassed her consciousness entirely, so I can be as habitual as I like…

    Full Member

    has to have only one type of implement per compartment – but that’s a logical consideration to ease putting things away,

    interestingly (or not) most dishwasher instructions tell you not to do this, as the results are better if you mix them up.[/quote]

    Dishwashers have instructions? 😐

    Every kitchen I’ve ever worked in, mixing them up would get you shot.

    Full Member

    Oh don’t get me wrong, there are certain things that have to be done a certain way – The cutlery rack in the dishwasher, for example, has to have only one type of implement per compartment – but that’s a logical consideration to ease putting things away, borne from too many years working in kitchens. I might get a bit grumpy about it if people don’t stick to it, it might make me twitch a little, but it sure as hell isn’t OCD.

    I’ve watched a patient with OCD be completely, pathologically, unable to pass through a doorway without touching the sides and top of the door frame three times each, in a specific order, within a certain time sequence. If anyone passed him while he was counting, he had to start again. Getting through each and every door took a good half minute.

    Wanting CDs in alphabetic order isn’t even close.

    Full Member

    I don’t think you can be ‘a bit OCD’ – You either have an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or you don’t. You can be a fussy bastard, or you can be a bit particular about the way certain things are, or you can like things neat and tidy, but that’s not OCD.

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