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  • Hunt Proven Carbon Race Enduro Wheelset Review – UPDATED (Cracked!)
  • Pyro
    Full Member

    If you can hold it down, it’ll help a bit. I went on to Nuun and the odd protein drink as soon as I could stomach anything at all, thought that would be better than nothing.

    Full Member

    Yeah, but that’s because women don’t want jobs that pay more.


    Poe’s Law rides again…

    Full Member

    Corky & the Juice Pigs.

    You can add just about anything by Weird Al Yankovic in there as well.

    Full Member

    I remember staying at my older sister’s flat when she was at uni, and one of her male housemates quietly saying “there’s some reading material in the back of the airing cupboard, if you’re in the flat on your own”. Between the three male occupants (and possibly the two female as well, but since one was my sister, that way madness lies…) there was about a two foot high stack of mags, from Razzle to Private and just about everything in between. Did a treat for 15-year old me.

    Full Member

    Haven’t had to Google it because I know what it means, but since we just seem to be listing interesting words…


    Full Member

    A salmon-shaped stuffed toy/cushion.

    Means I’m far less likely to get fired for slapping one of our technicians about the head with a real wet fish.

    Full Member

    We usually use Plas Isa –

    Full Member

    Don’t hate the time itself, do hate the rampant consumerism of it all, and being forced to get together (and be nice to) certain relatives.

    Most Christmases recently have been a quiet few days with my parents, relaxing. That, I can deal with.

    Full Member

    Nanos are okay on tarmac if you’re at a decent pressure for it.

    Full Member

    Unrequited – yes
    Unwanted – no.

    Always nice to be reminded that I’m sexy, even if I do have to turn them down.

    (Note for the hard of thinking: This is a joke…)

    Full Member

    Like a few other people, misread situations and got politely (or not-so-politely in some cases) told to do one. Always backed off immediately, been somewhat embarrassed, and left it alone. (Though in one case, the young lady got back to me some time later to make her own return advance, having just become single.)

    Full Member

    If you are all so worthy, post up the last book you read.

    The Code Book – Simon Singh.

    I’ve read a couple of Dan Brown novels, while stuck in a holiday cottage, bored witless, where the choice was Dan Brown or Mills & Boon. I should have gone for the Mills & Boon…

    Full Member

    At the time you mentioned, M6-A65 will be absolutely fine.

    You’ll be hitting Pool Bank at c. 8pm, so it’ll be fine.

    Full Member

    Depends where in Leeds you’re going!

    If you’re aiming for Headingley and that side, use the A65. If you’re headed to the city centre, A66-A1 and in from that side. Mainly just because the City Centre loop is a massive PITA.

    I live and work in Leeds but drive up to my folks near Carlisle regularly. From work (Moortown) it’s easiest to go A1-A66 headed north, but coming home it’s easier to do M6-A65. Both have their good and bad bits – the single carriageway sections of the 66 can be a mare if you’re stuck behind something slow.

    Full Member

    Bought a 42, fits me fine. Thought it would, since my other Specialized shoes are a 42 as well.

    Just hoping the 41 I ordered for my Dad fits him as well.

    Full Member

    New order – blue monday

    Right band, wrong song I think – is it not True Faith rather than Blue Monday?

    Edit – beaten by two posts and a stealth edit… 😉

    Full Member

    First year of Uni (so, 17 years ago-ish), I can remember it like it was yesterday.

    Student halls, flat of 7 young lads thrown together. I didn’t really get on with 5 of the others, so kept myself to myself, socialised with the one I did get on with and left it at that. I’d had a year out and was the oldest, the youngest in the flat was (by coincidence) possibly the most smug, patronising, arrogant little (expletive deleted) on the planet.

    One night in the second semester I’m cooking dinner and, out of nowhere, he steps into the kitchen and starts running his mouth at me, how I think I’m great because I was the only one who’d had a year out, thought I ran the flat, thought I was better than him, etc (none of which was true). Neither of us drunk, no incident that I can think of to precipitate it, just this rant at me for, well, being me. He ends this tirade with something like “I just want to punch you in the face”. I countered with “want to step outside the flat and I’ll let you try?”

    Two of the other flatmates decided this could be worth watching and goaded him into accepting (though they stayed out of the actual fight, fortunately for me). The actual fight lasted all of about 30 seconds before I broke his nose without him having landed a shot on me – he swung a couple of wild ones that I managed to dodge back from, I stepped forwards and landed a single very solid straight right bang on the bridge of his nose, he landed on his arse, eyes and nose both streaming, the other two decided this wasn’t going to go the way they wanted to see it go and carried him off to the Student Medical Practice. I gave it five minutes, had my dinner, grabbed some kit and went to kip at a friends for a couple of days to let it blow over. Never saw him again, he got patched up and discharged, came home, and apparently got kicked off his course the following day. Still, I’ve avoided fights ever since then as I don’t think I’m ever going to get that lucky with a shot ever again.

    Full Member

    I’ve just got a Minipresso (Amazon linky). Impressed so far, needs proper Espresso ground coffee but pulls a decent shot. Might buy the bigger water tank for it to extend the shot a bit, but it’s simple to use, easy to clean, and makes a decent coffee. Should work well for camping, it’s roughly the same size as an Aeropress packed down.

    (And makes choosing that bit more complicated, between that and the drip pot, stove top, Aeropress, Hario V60, GSI filter, Cypriot coffee brewer, Press-bot for Nalgene…)

    Full Member

    BigJohn – Member
    I always wondered what Caution Horses were

    It’s an album by the Cowboy Junkies.

    Full Member

    Mr Wendall – Arrested Development

    Great tune. Though not, in my opinion, their best:


    Also wholly agree with the Gin Blossoms (Follow You Down was ace as well), Black, Tanita Tikaram, Tracey Chapman.

    My vote would be Suzanne Vega. Okay, it’s the 90’s DNA version not the original acapella, but hey.

    Full Member

    The rain stopped, the pope walked out did the bizzo,he then finished and went back into St. Peter’s.. the moment he disappeared the skies opened again with torrential rain again. Made me think soggy.


    Full Member

    aches all over, temperature, groggy, huge headache etc

    Doesn’t sound right, you’re not braying “Yakkaboool!” every few seconds…


    Full Member

    I’d have said a Nightrider MiNewt, probably. The 2 might be a red herring.

    Full Member

    Enjoy the race ride, and be grateful that you’re moving.

    I’ll be sat on top of Cairnsmore trying to keep the event radio repeater dry and working.

    Full Member

    My better half gets here from Decathlon. She says “they’re cheap, but the best for non-bounciness. They do however make each boob a bit cone-shaped. But still…”

    Full Member

    That is all.

    Full Member

    Treat myself to a bag of Sqaure Mile – Red Brick seasonal blend every now and again.

    Ooh, hell yes. Nearly forgot about that. It’s a regular at Laynes near Leeds station. Buy it every now and again, but go through it far too damn quickly…

    Full Member

    Someone noticed me and thinks I’m okay. I feel so proud… < sniff >

    Full Member

    I got a Pact subscription as a birthday present, so get one bag of something single origin from them each month. The rest of the time, my standard is Break Fluid[/url]‘s BFGT, whatever blend or single that is at any given point (it’s a single origin at the moment)

    Full Member

    Thunder – Love Walked In.

    Full Member

    I’m selling a 17-55mm f/2.8 if it’s possible to add to the confusion any more?

    (Aye, not-so-stealth ad. Apologies…)

    Full Member

    Some of the best mountain runners in the world are from the UK, specifically Yorkshire

    Really? Ben Mounsey in the Mens. Who else? Jebby used to be.[/quote]

    Hmmm. Skyrunner World Series rankings say otherwise. The top Brit in the Sky series (in 21st place) is Jon Albon, and he’s from Essex. Duncan Coombs is in 69th, from Edinburgh. Murray Strain, 95th, also Scottish.

    In the Ultra series, Hector Haines comes in 40th and he’s from Yorkshire but lives in Edinburgh if I remember rightly. Oli Blomfield 93rd, from the Lakes. Tom Owens, 95th, from Glasgow.

    One out of 6 ain’t bad…

    Full Member

    However, if you’re a normal sized chap, say 5’9″ with a 32/33ish waist, your choices are basically limitless as that is the average size of trouser.

    Cobblers. I’m just about bang on that – 5’9″ with a 33″ waist – and can’t get decent trousers that fit nicely for love nor money. The problem is that I have the thighs and backside of a front row forward / sprinter so I have to go up a waist size to find something that fits over my junk. Which then pushes me up into the next leg length size as well and therefore either have to have trousers taken up or just deal with fabric being bunched around my ankles.

    However, frankly, this is all easily alleviated by a total and utter failure to give a toss. I gave up giving a hoot what anyone else thinks about how my trousers fit a long time ago, if I pull them on and they don’t either a) fall down too quickly, or b) cut off all blood supply to my gonads, then they’ll do.

    Full Member

    Wheelbase had the 105 version at half price – £1350 iirc. Only small left though

    Full Member

    Rode the first ‘half'(ish) of it earlier in the year with my Dad, Berwick-Wooler-Rothbury. Lovely route, as Reggie says, fairly easy to follow, nice scenery (Ingram valley is lovely), a few decent climbs. Some bits could be a pig if the ground’s wet but we had nice dry conditions and it was a pleasure. I rode my ‘cross with 40c tyres, my Dad took an MTB with semi-slicks and they were both fine.

    We overnighted in Wooler and got a pickup from Rothbury, and for the second half we’ll overnight in Bellingham and get a pickup from Hexham. Even though it makes for shorter days (30-35 miles) we split it that way as it sits better for accommodation on route, since longer mileage days land you in the middle of nowhere (and also my Dad’s 71 and not up for riding 40+ miles off-road).

    Full Member

    Good is utterly debatable, but one moment of my Grandad’s stuck out. He was a soldier in WWII, and a prisoner of war. The service was a fairly by-the-book one in a church in Kendal (he had, at least, been a regular church goer). Two of his old unit/Legion friends had deliberately waited by the door as everyone else filed in. Unplanned, unknown to us as the family, and also only announced to the undertakers at the last second, he was escorted in by two of his unit pals flying the Union Jack and the Legion flag. I may have cried at that point, but it was a perfectly fitting send off.

    Full Member

    My only objection is people labelling crap like that as ‘Cumberland’ sausage. They’re absolutely nothing bloody like a proper Cumberland Sausage.

    “Most sausages are divided into links but the Cumberland sausage is one continuous rope-like coil. The sausage is typically filled with coarsely chopped pork and black pepper, and sometimes other ingredients such as herbs and other spices. The meat content is usually 85% – 98%. However, the popularity of the Cumberland sausage has become so widespread in recent years that many large food producers started to mass-produce it and sacrificed its original quality with a meat content as low as 45%, containing emulsified rather than coarse-cut meat and being sold in thin links rather than thick continuous lengths.”

    – an irate Cumbrian.

    Full Member

    it really tasted just like the Tesco Finest Costa Rican instant I like.

    I’d say your palate was shagged then 😉

    Full Member

    Northwind – Member

    Pyro – Member
    Instant coffee

    Instant coffee has basically kept me alive for the last 10 years[/quote]

    You should graduate to the real stuff at some point, it’s a much more pleasant experience…

    Full Member

    I thought I’d aced it on the one occasion I got 6 ‘keepers’ on a 24 roll of Velvia 50. Of course, Sod’s Law was then invoked and I got absolutely nothing on the following roll…

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