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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • pussywillow
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    singlespeedstu – Member
    Yeah I hear fairhurst is entering the peatys steel city
    Make sure you write the correct name when you sign on.

    I’m sure the jolly fella will. 8)

    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member
    Well that will simply be cos u singlespeed boys can’t ride hard enough to appreciate what a good set up is!
    I’m not a middle class audi driver so can’t afford all the fancy gizmos.
    but really it gives u the excuse to ride so shit…

    I am shit at riding a bike, so bad you wouldn’t believe.
    I think u and simpleStu are the same troll yeah?? Am I right sweetie?

    No but I aspire to be him, one day I think I might make it.
    Anyway.. Can we forget about all this nastiness towards each other??

    I hadn’t been nasty at all, just flirty My Sweets. Trying to pull myself a richboy. XXX
    You coming to Dorset?

    Aye ups! He’s here!! Ole shep has come to save the day! I would love to come down to Dorset, show you southerners how to ride a bike properly… Don’t worry though, I won’t charge like that Jedi boy! :wink:

    singlespeedstu – Member
    I’m glad you liked my vids though…I feel honoured, thank you sir..
    No i do really think they’re great.
    Maybe stick to doing them at least they’re entertaining.
    You and Fairhurst must spend hours doing them.

    Yeah I hear fairhurst is entering the peatys steel city, might be a challenge their for u that aye! :wink:

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member
    Over and out, pussy
    I’m a bit dissapointed that you’ve not rolled out your other troll account so you can agree with yourself each other.
    On a semi serious note.
    Your vids are great.
    Maybe make a few more.

    No, I don’t have anymore trolls but I’m sure yours will be along shortly ole shepy boy! :wink:
    I’m glad you liked my vids though…I feel honoured, thank you sir..

    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member
    I have a feeling the single speed boys are upset!
    Sweetheart, never heard a fellow singlespeeder complain about technology or wheelsize being pushed.

    Well that will simply be cos u singlespeed boys can’t ride hard enough to appreciate what a good set up is! And only ride singlespeed for the novelty of it trying to prove to full suss boys that u don’t need suspension…but really it gives u the excuse to ride so shit…I think u and simpleStu are the same troll yeah?? Am I right sweetie? :lol:

    Anyway.. Can we forget about all this nastiness towards each other?? It’s getting rather childish wouldn’t one say? And after all, we’re all lovers of two wheels aren’t we love?? :D
    Over and out, pussy. :)

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member
    No not one racist remark there.
    TBF you’re speaking so much shite it’s hard to tell what you actualy mean.

    Why not stick to posting a few more pisstake vids they were funny…



    I have a feeling the single speed boys are upset!

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member
    Of course they are dear.
    All those “choco boys” are trying to turn you aren’t they.
    Got to have a look though ain’t you…
    Damn fallen for the homophobe racist troll again.

    No not one racist remark there.

    Free Member

    singlespeedstu – Member
    I don’t want to feel like I’m on top of a penny farthing
    Keep riding the bikes you have then and stay where you are.
    No one’s forcing you to do anything you don’t want to.
    Can’t believe I’ve answered to a troll account. @ me.

    Who says I’m trolling?? You stick with yer own fancy niche bikes but when the industry is trying to force clown bikes on us who ride properly then I’m not a happy chap! And when i say force, that is really what they’re doing as they’re phasing the 26 out for the sake of the choco boys that cant ride for shit feel like its making them faster! If you think I’m a troll or don’t like my opinion then don’t reply to my posts!! Simple really.

    Free Member

    jameso – Member
    You go to any bmx park and chances are everyone will be riding a 20″…cos they know what works best..
    ..for the smooth surfaces and strength needs that covers pretty much all of BMX, fair enough. MTB terrain is more variable.
    When you said smaller wheels for steeper trails, a bigger wheel puts your weight in a better position on steep trails – higher axles / more BB drop. More roll-over ability and lower bb relative to axles = less stall on very techy, chunky steep trails ime. Anyway, that’s not saying it’s ‘better’, just there’s advantages to most things even in unexpected places.

    I don’t want to feel like I’m on top of a penny farthing when I’m riding down my steep tight techy lines. It’s not gonna feel as clumsy on a smaller wheel bike and why only now after 25 years of mountain biking have they only just realised that bigger wheels are mysteriously better!!? I mean it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realise that bigger wheels covers more ground better! It would be the first thing on a bike to get right..I’m not saying there’s not a place for a 29er and obviously a lot on here love them but to me there kinda riding will be a lot different to mine, what’s annoying is when the industry is telling me that a 29er is overall a better bike! That is all.

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member
    pussywillow – Member
    You are the minority that has been brainwashed!
    i’m in a minority? you mean i’m special?
    if it’s only a minority that have been brainwashed, and the majority are free-thinkers, then that’s a good thing, right?

    You are the minority in the bmx world as they don’t buy into the bs as much as a typical stw cliché loving mtber. Over and out.

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member
    need a hug?
    …I notice how the bmx attitude is so much more grounded compared to the majority of mountain bikers, they all have 20″ wheels cos they know they work better!…
    my bmx has 24″ wheels, i tried 20’s but found them too twitchy.
    apparently, this one’s got 26″ wheels (blimey):

    I knew someone would be along shortly! :roll:

    You go to any bmx park and chances are everyone will be riding a 20″…cos they know what works best..
    You are the minority that has been brainwashed! :lol:

    Free Member

    All depends on what riding you do dunnit! The trouble is, is that majority of so called mountain bikers don’t ride mega technical or steep as muck terrain! It’s these trail centre type people who get aroused by silly new ideas like the 29er, they fall for the bs talk that the mags have been paid to put out, mountain bikes have always been 26, why do it now??
    Nothing more for them in terms of suspension or brakes, we’ve come to a plateau so the only thing for them is wheel size, the 29er may well roll better, but it’s no way suited to the kinda riding I do! I need Sumat small, chuck able and be able to get my wheels off the ground quickly if needs be, not have to worry about big clumsy wheels underneath me!!,
    I do a bit of bmx’ing too, and I notice how the bmx attitude is so much more grounded compared to the majority of mountain bikers, they all have 20″ wheels cos they know they work better! its simple really, theres no change, a few tweeks at the most over decades!! Why change something that works?? And that’s the trouble with mountain biking, just when you think they have everything spot on, suspension, brakes, geometry, they go and **** it all up by drastically changing wheel size!!! And trying to phase the 26 out but I honestly think it’s gonna change what mountain biking is and it won’t be for the better.
    I think the company’s that try keeping the 26r going will hopefully gain from the greed of others trying to coin in from trying to phase it out.
    Oh yeah the 650b errrrm **** it, I can’t be arsed anymore! :|

    Free Member

    I really don’t get this ‘eco-warrior’ bashing nonsense. The last time I looked, mountainbiking involved riding bikes in the countryside, therefore anything that impacts negatively on the environment has a knock on effect to the enjoyment of my hobby. My local trails have over the years been the victim of idiots who’ve cut down trees and pulled up saplings to make lines easier for themselves. It’s selfish, doesn’t take into consideration the fact that others might actually relish a challenge, and ultimately it has had a detrimental effect on the trails.
    I’d love to meet these guys, and quite honestly don’t think I’d be as polite and reserved as the chap who originally started this thread. We live on such a wee island, where pretty much every bit of countryside must be considered multi user, that selfish knob ends should be pulled up for their actions.
    It’s also quite interesting to see how over the years, many of these selfish fools seem to have congregated on this forum. Maybe the cull should start here.


    Free Member

    The first one cracked by the pivot point near the x second one completely snapped middle of the arm, gears all nicely set up no major crashes, been riding bikes with mechs for 20 year and never had problems that weren’t without a good reason before.
    No pics teasel, don’t know how to get them on here anyhow.

    Free Member

    Jeez some of you guys really are a set of Eco warriors!! :roll:

    A bunch of kids having some fun building a few jumps causing no intentional trouble and you guys acting like they’re a bunch of low life thugs!! I bet the moaners about it all live far in the country side with nice big houses away from all the REAL trouble in life hmmm… And I bet you all drive nice big fancy cars polluting the atmosphere too! Pot calling kettle n all that!

    Free Member

    Sounds good! Where abouts is it? If its local I might go give them a hand, OP you sound like a typical middle class mtb snob tbh! Would you rather them be on the street corners terrorising your neighbourhood! :twisted:

    They’re causing no harm its only mud and will repair itself live and let live man!

    Free Member

    Nowt wrong wi a bit of petrol to clean the chain…. Too many patronising folk on this site.
    I don’t think he’s going be cleaning it in the house next to the fire while smoking a cig…jeez, what do u stw massive do gooders do when it’s bonfire night? I hope u don’t handle fireworks as they can be highly dangerous especially in the wrong hands! Crying out loud, some of u are pathetic!

    Free Member

    Don’t forget yer body armour and met parachutes out on those trails guys :lol:

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    Free Member

    I hope that in a few year they realise that a 29er just isn’t as good overall as a 26r….mind u, I think they already know! I suppose they’re just making money while they can as technology hasnt advanced enough over the past couple of year so theyre struggling with ideas, then some yank clown comes on the scene and says “i know! lets make bigger wheels” get a pro rider to say how fast it is on the descents while he beats a load of mincers on 26ers, promote it in the mags n tell everyone how much better it rolls over technical terrain…its called marketing bullshit!!

    Soon the novelty to many people who have bought one will wear off and we will all look back in years to come and laugh about how many people got fobbed off by it! :lol:

    Free Member

    Cyclocross bike plus 2.5″ tyres…sorted! :lol:

    I’m sorry if I’v offended anybody, but I really don’t like what industry is doing this time. I suppose it doesn’t suit my style of riding and it does yours, I feel this will ruin my style of riding in a few years when 26ers will no longer be available,
    I love my 26 five and can’t imagine riding it with big clown wheels.

    Free Member

    Obviously touched a nerve wi all u 29 lovers! Why not just get yourselves a cyclocross bike and cut out all the bullshit. 8)

    Free Member

    willej – Member
    Why on earth would you bore it out when you can use a reamer.
    It’s unusual to find a reamer that’ll take a 6mm hole to a 8mm hole. Reamers are normally used to make very precise diameter holes so you might drill 7.5mm and them ream to 8mm. The hole in a shock mount reducer is only a clearance hole for a screw so the precision of the diameter is unimportant, relative to the concentricity. Drilling it out with a good 8mm drill would be perfectly acceptable. No need to bore or ream.

    No shit. :lol:

    Free Member

    The five 29r is a cycle cross bike, simples! It’s all marketing BS and all the jeys on here fall for it cos a few magazines have been paid to say how it rolls better!! I would much prefer a smaller wheeled bike for steep tight twisty stuff, but then again I think most people on here wont have a clue what steep n techy stuff is cos all theyll ride will be trail centres.

    The 29er will be the death of proper mountain biking. :(

    Free Member

    Really??….i I mean REALLY??? …….Over hyped pile of shite film! Not at all scary! In fact tbh I found the kids scooby doo Halloween special more scary!

    Free Member

    tuskaloosa – Member
    Kev pussywillow has a ‘thing’ for Hope :-), suggest give Hope a call they will sort you out

    Err.. No I don’t, I’v always used hope hubs and would highly recommend them as they’re good value to performance compared to the likes of Chris king, and can’t stand the hassle of cup and cone that Shimano only seem to do..
    However, I feel hope haven’t really advanced in terms of reliability and performance since the first minis came out…

    In contrast to the above I go my V2’s on a 2008 Marin Quake.

    Yes, this is the bike they belong on!! :D

    Free Member

    Hmmm….yes, unfortunately this is a common issue with hope, in all honesty, I would throw them in the bin or maybe sell them on here as there’s a lot of suckers on here that like them! :lol:

    They do all tend to have leaks, I would sell up and get Shimano…, xt’s are spot on and great price, I now have a set of these on both my bikes, I don’t know about the zees but I’m sure they’ll be great brakes too! Especially compared to hope.

    Free Member

    trail_rat – Member
    so you only found the crap trails listed in the guide maps then pussywillow- shame that

    Errr…no, I was foolish enough a few year back to be led by a load of arrogant middle class guides! And let me tell you there was a bit of slagging off from one young guide who I heard saying to another guide that he’d took some young pro’s out and they couldn’t keep up with him! :D

    To be fair the trails weren’t my cup of tea but I prefer more technical myself..

    Oh yeah and we were told that there were no shops about too….we found a supermarket down at the bottom selling a crate of of 24 bottles for 7 euros while they were selling them for a euro each! Yeah they gotta make a profit, but come on!! Also if u do like to go out to a few bars on a night then you’ll struggle in les arcs…well that’s my opinion anyway, I seriously wouldn’t pay money for a guide! My advise would be to get yourself to chamonix, there’s plenty good local riders about that were more than happy to show us some good trails, great night life too! :D

    Free Member

    Pinhead, I wouldn’t waste your breath trying to warn these lot about them as the majority of this lot on here are the ones you’d be waiting for at the bottom of every track!! To be honest there’s way better riding in the alps than les arcs, I really wouldn’t bother unless you like smooth trail centre type trails!.. If u want some REET good riding get yersen to chamonix! By far more technical proper mountain biking!

    Free Member

    wrecker – Member
    too many middle class rich kids thinking they know more about biking than me!!

    Just a thought; maybe a lot of them do!

    Haha, we have our selves a middle class rich kid here ^ :lol:

    I’ll give u an example:
    I was down at wharney a few week back, and was told by this little posh kid all armoured up, big bike riding down a smooth track that I needed triple clamp forks on my bike, I told him no I don’t and asked him if he liked his riding technical, he said of course I do reet clever, so I said well follow me I have a track for ya to go darn, he even told me there was no other track where I was taking him! Anyhow he was wrong and I took him down a nice tech line… Or at least I thought I did until I looked back and he was pushing down!!! I said, I thought u liked tech and he then went on to blame his tyres and so on…this is a regular thing happening down there..

    Yet I go down my local bmx park see lads who look like they haven’t too pence to rub together riding knackered up old bikes who can pull backflips and flares out of the bowl who tell me they’d love to try out mountain biking if they could afford one but they don’t think they’d be any good!!! Wtf! It’s a totally different attitude, there’s no bullshit in the bmx industry..

    Free Member

    pinhead – Member
    Is the reason hope brakes squeak so much is in that they leak fluid most of the time???

    Absolutely spot on! :D

    Free Member

    All the bullshit that goes with it! And too many middle class rich kids thinking they know more about biking than me!! Because they’ve been misled by all the mags feeding them shit! Like not having a clue about what downhill really is, most kids coming into it now think it manicured smooth trails with jumps that I could ride my bmx on!!!

    Free Member

    FFS!….M….T….F……U :roll:

    Free Member

    It’s all marketing bullshit! The best chance you have of staying dry and breathable is to stay indoors with the windows open! Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    No, a number of people did say he was an excellent rider. Jedi said (and I quote), “he’s the best rider on the forum”, although I’m not quite sure a) how you quantify that or b) how he knows. Clearly a bloody good rider though

    :lol: so Jedi takes a group of middle class retards out on a skillz day, takes a shine to GW and tells him he’s the fastest on the forum!!! :lol:

    Stw-hardly your average pink bike forum user anyway is it!!! :lol:

    Free Member

    philconsequence – Member
    hmmm agree with njee apart from one bit…. jedi said he was by far the fastest rider he’d had round his field of dreams IIRC.

    :lol: funniest thing I’ve heard all year!…..I assume he had great competition! :lol:

    Free Member

    Yeah it’s muddy as hell, don’t bother wi grip just drift darn it plus will hone the skillz 8)

    Free Member

    Absolute rubbish!! I’ve sent stuff over in the past only for them to tell me it’s not under warranty, and just sending it back without even giving me the option of fixing! So it’s cost me postage for them doing f@£k all to it! Fisher are by far the worst I’ve ever had to deal with! No loyalty whatsoever ever! Blower, I would try avoid if u can.

    Free Member

    Dales_rider – Member
    pussywillow – Member
    I really don’t think so! You keep living in fantasy land while jerking off at the keyboard!
    Ha insults now, you must be one of them there southern lot ATGNI
    I’d post some pictures to show you but from the race numbers you’d then know who I really am. So till you venture up North start getting those skills honed so as not to be left behind.

    Skills honed for the dales!!! 8O That says it all! :lol:
    Anybody can enter races btw. Come down to wharney and ride where the big boys play!
    I’ll even give you some free tuition just to show there’s no hard feelings?

    Free Member

    Your right, it’s getting quite childish now.

    Free Member

    Dales_rider – Member
    Mr Willow I think if you knew me your opinion would change, if ever your up this way maybe just maybe I will use my Hope brakes just enough to slow down so as you can stay on my wheel.
    ‘Appen thats why mine last so long, dont use em much.

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    :D I really don’t think so! You keep living in fantasy land while jerking off at the keyboard! :lol:

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