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  • pussywillow
    Free Member

    [/quote]molgrips – Member
    Any trail is technical if you ride it fast enough. Otherwise Forumla 1 racing would be piss easy.


    What a load of shite! :lol:
    Takes more skill to ride something technical fast than it does smooth groomed bmx Rupert loving tracks!! :lol:

    Free Member

    stilltortoise – MemberI reckon a day of playing on smooth berms and jumps would teach me more about bike handling skills than a typical rocky point-and-shoot descent. Loose, rocky and uneven berms and jumps is the Holy Grail POSTED 22 MINUTES AGO # REPORT-POST

    maybe you ain’t riding down technical enough descents! :wink:

    All I see is ruperts with all the gear n protection riding smooth stuff then as soon as they get onto something moderately technical they get off and push!!! :lol:
    Wtf’s that all about?? big bike n smooth trail tells me the industry is fobbing them off! :lol:
    tis generally the southern ex stu’dy accent types! :lol:

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge – Memberpussywillow – MemberSeems that mountain biking is taking a turn for the worse with all this 29er shite and marketing bs, but recently started to notice new trails being built are all super smooth berm baby berm with the odd feminine jump! I mean come on guys!! what ever happened to real riding steep n techie, that is what mountain biking is surely?? I could do most of these modern day downhill tracks on me bloody bmx for christ sakes!So basically got me thinking about what riders want?Is it groomed or is it tech? over to you!POSTED 20 HOURS AGO #You are awesome!.Saying that, you’ve used one example of a trail, berm baby berm, which is in a trail centre. Tis you who is groomed, no me.POSTED 5 HOURS AGO # REPORT-POST

    cheers nob, but I do work hard at it and to be honest these new groomed tracks haven’t been much help to me honing the skills..I also don’t think they can be much help to the young up and coming riders and this is my point!

    Free Member

    FuzzyWuzzy – MemberTo be fair to Loco he has explained it was a mistake in that his other login was cached and I can see why you’d want two logins in this place as a cycling related business owner. Hopefully that’s all it is and there’s nothing underhand like the old Superstar debacle, I guess I can understand why some people are more suspicious though.POSTED 7 HOURS AGO #


    Free Member

    wowsers!! 8O Whats with all the trail centre accusations?? :lol:
    I never even ride in them places! full of ruperts dressing up like storm troopers thinking they can ride! :lol:

    Now dont get me wrong, I do like man made trails when built natural looking and techie but that is where the problem lies, The modern day dhiller prefers smooth arse tracks taking away what mountain biking really is!I think the industry is to blame for this as young people coming into the sport haven’t a clue and are mislead by all the magazines. Interesting though what some of your opinions are! Im guessing theres a lot of ruperts out there! :lol:

    Free Member

    this is piss funny! :lol:
    How could any of you half wits even think it was an honest mistake?? 8O
    I reckon the lbs guy tried his luck!
    Thanks for the warning, I shall never use that shop.

    I knew loco was a phoney! ever since he was defending foxs service intervals being every 15 hours!good business for him aye! :lol:

    Free Member

    I saw plenty riders like that chap up at inners a few week ago doing the gravity trail centre xc ride! :lol:

    Free Member

    Cheers mate. :D

    Free Member

    ^^^ :lol:
    It was very tame, that is all im saying, and I would like to apologise to northwind for my outburst, that I shouldnt have said! I guess I just felt let down by what I thought was going to be some good riding, never the less I hold my hands up and admit that I got it totally wrong thinking a gravity enduro meant nice steep techy downs that were timed, then a long climb back to the next stage.. I was totally wrong, its more like xc with trail centre descents, may the fittest man win! Dont get me wrong, Im far from unfit and do plenty plenty xc riding and have done lots of xc races too in the past but I went into this with the totally wrong idea about what a gravity enduro is, and thanks parr but I certainly wont be doing one again! Tbh with you maybe you should look into what people want as there were a lot of riders complaining, seems they all kiss arse on here though aye! ;) £60 I wish Id have kept hold of! :?

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member
    pussywillow – Member
    I expect a gravity enduro to be like the first stage
    Which has a huge amount of trail centre in it! Not to mention a load of easy “dh” trail on the tunnel and make or brake which is no different to the trailcentre stuff. S1 was the second most trailcentry stage of all.

    Eh!?? Either u don’t know what the **** your talking about or u weren’t there lad!
    Stage one was nothing like trail centre stuff! It was through the woods with nice rooty off camber lines, that to me is quite natural! Im not saying it was hard by any means, Ok so maybe there was a few berms been cut in but trail centres are the hard packed groomed manicured shite. Seen some of your posts before and u talk utter garbage lad. You always appear on here, I think u should spend more time riding yer bike than spouting shite u know nothing about over yer keyboard!

    Free Member

    I expect a gravity enduro to be like the first stage and second although second could have been steeper in my opinion, 4 was good but only the start and finish, I felt my hard earned skill in the first and last bit was let down by the lengthy xc bit inbetween, now I’m far from unfit but I haven’t the strength to power those sections where I think someone who’s fitter would gain so much more time by being quicker on the flatter xc bits, horses for courses but when someone who’s more a xc rider beats someone who’s more a downhill or technical rider on something that’s supposed to be a gravity enduro then I think there’s something wrong? I think a gravity enduro should be about slow technical skill with some proper hard tech bits mixed with fast downhill like the one on stage one, that would create a true test of biking skill and agility!
    Maybe people have different ideas of what downhill is, but none of the bit in the middle of stage four was to me, stage 3 even worse just basically a trail centre stage!! :|

    Free Member

    getonyourbike – Member
    I was there and I thought that it was brilliant. It was exactly as an Enduro should be- not just a DH race with a pedal between descents but a form of racing in its own right to test skills and fitness.

    Was not just an enduro, it’s called a gravity enduro, anyway perhaps I’ve been mislead by peoples interpretation of what a gravity enduro is, but like I said, I wasn’t the only one dissapointed, if I wanted a true test of skill and fitness I’d have done a xc race or marathon event or even just enduro!

    Free Member

    Sancho – Member
    seeing as it’s a series, Id expect other events to balance out the overall xc/DH ratio.
    its like a lot of event series, some tracks are more in favour of certain aspects, others are different, [/b]would you have been moaning if it had been too technical for you, and not enough as per your perfect course.
    Seems people forget its a not a course designed with the individual in mind.
    I race motorbike enduro and the courses in the chamionship vary from very motocross biased to flatland to mental extreme almost trials.
    i am better at some than others, but I dont moan about the course, just accept the challenges it throws up and try my best.
    BTW my mates got 12th male elite and 3rd womens elite so totally chuffed to bits for them. They train hard for it.

    Errr…no, I would have loved that but I was given the impression that it was all gravity fed like all the nice steep secret lines they have on the golf course side, how wrong was I!!

    b r – Member
    So you expected it basically to be downhill?
    And Tracey Mosely won the ladies, XC, I don’t think so.
    The route:


    Yeah I expected it to be all gravity fed downhill, then pedal to the next stage, This was the whole point of gravity enduros designed for people who prefer the descents to there climbs but have to pedal to get to there descents, and so only the downhill is timed.. Well put it this way, the most people I spoke to seemed disappointed with how much xc was in it! It’s just I’m not afraid to say it! :)

    Free Member

    So weird to feel that, I can’t believe that my Soul could fell odd, but that’s the plus of having both I suppose. I soon got back into the swing of it, it jumps and turns much better, but I sense the 29er is faster overall.

    You sense the 29er is faster and that is all it is…a sense.
    Basically as the wheels are bigger, this creates the feeling of rolling faster as the sense of the wheel being closer to your eyes creates ground to look further away, thus having a feeling of being higher too.

    A 26″ bike will always generate more speed, ie, pumping down over technical terrain rather than just hitting it all with the big side shows.

    Free Member

    adjustablewench – Member
    Some people just fear change
    Or being classified as vertically challeged
    But not me pissywallow pussywillow im shortish and happy with my big wheels

    Your spelling is atrocious!!! :roll:


    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member
    Finished it now ole boy! Cos I iz so much quicker doing it on me bmx than a clumsy clown bike and I don’t get laughed at either!!
    Was it on of these new 22″ wheeled bmx’s? I’ve heard they are pretty quick.


    Aye ups stu! :wink:
    No us bmx’s won’t be apart of any marketing bs! We ride 20’s cos we knows they is better for what we do! Simples…Us boyz ain’t easily brainwashed kid! 8)


    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member
    oh dear..
    I do wonder who’s troll account you are though, if you’re a regular it’s a piss poor effort..
    Or you’re twelve
    He reminds me of the infamous Fred. Although not convinced its a comeback from him as he hasn’t ranted about farmers yet.
    khani – Member
    It’s not Fred, I know him and its not his style.
    And Fred’s not twelve..

    Cheer up old men, it’s Friday night! And I am allowed to play out till it gets darker which is 8:30 now! Woohoo! 8)

    Free Member

    khani – Member
    oh dear..
    I do wonder who’s troll account you are though, if you’re a regular it’s a piss poor effort..
    Or you’re twelve..

    Miserable old ****! :lol:

    Free Member

    Singlespeed_Shep – Member
    c’mon then darlin, don’t be shy we want a pic of you on your bmx
    His dad won’t let him till he’s finished his paper round.

    Finished it now ole boy! Cos I iz so much quicker doing it on me bmx than a clumsy clown bike and I don’t get laughed at either!! :lol:

    Free Member

    b45her – Member
    It goes something like this, bike company marketing man sits in an office thinking of ways to push new product because sales have dropped due to bikes not really changing much over the last half a decade or so.
    decides to lob some flatbars on a cyclocross bike and the yank fireroad warriors go mad for them.
    finance department notices they are selling well so decides to slap the same big wheels on anything they can get them to fit into accompanied buy a few million pounds worth of advertising budget – yanks go even more mad for them. unfortunately there is a point in suspension travel and bike type where they stop working so 650b is adopted – not really big enough change to make any real difference to handling but big enough not to fit into current frames and forks properly the perfect product to sell some more snake oil to the people that must have the latest bit of kit that bike gaydar is advertising.

    +1 this has got to be the most accurate detailed description of how the 29 came on to the scene and brainwashed most of the Lycra cladded crowd.. Amen brother! :lol:


    Free Member

    :lol: ……Just want to to thank everyone who’s posted the pics!!! Me and the lads at work had a reet laugh looking at some the clowns on the circus bikes! :lol:
    Cheers chaps, keep em coming!..please! :lol:


    Free Member

    hels – Member
    It’s all just fads. New developments to justify new models each year, shift more units. Keep waiting and it will swing back around again.

    I seriously hope so!! Cos if I’m ever forced with no option but to buy a 29er….I won’t! I’ll stick to me bmx thanks very much, me and the lads at work have been laughing like **** at how daft people look on them their clown bikes! :lol:


    Free Member

    Oh shit! I forgot to put my trademark under me post! Sorry chaps! :D


    Free Member

    allthegear – Member
    It’s the only way I can differentiate myself from the STW cliché of a 42 year old, VAG driving, FS riding, male, IT worker…

    Sorry if it offends. I don’t do it *all* the time…

    No lovey, u ain’t offended me! :wink:
    Just that if yer posting all the time, doesn’t it get tedious? Anyways, I bet yer a REET nice bird in real life! :wink:

    wwaswas – Member
    Of everyone on here I’ve only noticed allthegear doing it and I thought that was for a specific reason.

    No there some Dr dude who does it too. :lol:


    Free Member

    zippykona – Member
    No pussy,these wheels are nearer.


    epicyclo – Member
    I’ve got a collection of 1870s to 1900s cycling magazines, and they are fascinating reading.
    The 26″ riders sound remarkably like the Ordinary (Penny Farthing) riders spouting off about safety bikes (ie current shape bikes).

    Typical stw 29 rider! :roll:

    vdubber67 – Member
    I’d be more worried about that awful helmet.

    Nowt wrong wi lid, tis his bike people will laugh at! :lol:

    Free Member

    Great question op..I would say yes if yer under 6 ft and want to look absolutely ridiculous! :lol:

    Free Member

    Is that a 20″ wheel yer riding ole cock?

    Free Member

    Paceman – Member
    pussywillow – Member
    Makes me wonder….wouldn’t surprise me if they start to tailor the courses to suit more flat pedally sections…the way the industry is going it really would not surprise me!
    Have you actually ridden a decent 29er FS Trail Bike?? Flat trails suit smaller wheels, bigger wheels eat rock gardens and roots. I’m not suggesting they’re suitable for DH racing, but seriously you’re talking rubbish.

    If a clown bike was being ridden hard by a top dhiller through a technical rock garden, there would be nothing left of his flimsy big wheel, So there for the rock garden would have eaten his wheel.

    Oh and I have ridden a circus bike before but I didn’t right enjoy the feeling of riding a barge gate

    Free Member

    JCL – Member
    Unless it’s 75% of the course then it’s a race that goes down a hill
    If a race is won on a stumpy then it’s not a proper DH race it’s XC with some manly bits
    Keep making up the excuses… You haven’t ridden one of those Stumpy Evo’s have you?
    I wonder how many doubters they’ll be when Curtis Keene starts kicking ass on the 29″ Enduro. No doubt the forum heros on here will still have their excuses.

    Yes but it will never happen on a true dh course will it!

    Free Member

    Makes me wonder….wouldn’t surprise me if they start to tailor the courses to suit more flat pedally sections…the way the industry is going it really would not surprise me! They will eventually kill off true downhill! :roll:

    Free Member

    My bone aches and throbs sometimes especially when I play with it, I rubbed fish oil on it once and it just made it stiffer and weepy. Although the swelling went down after the weeping subsided. Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough it’s started working again! :o
    Still, I would have got the iPhone 5 when my contract ends but not now knowing the warranty doesn’t last the length of the contract! Will be the s4 for me! :-)

    mikewsmith – Member
    apple only give 12 month warranties!
    Why would you want more? the new one will be out in a year so just upgrade

    Cos I want to sell it as working condition!… :roll:

    Free Member

    You have let him get away to go nick someone else’s bike! Fool boy! He will never learn his lesson wi soft touches like you about! :roll:

    Free Member

    The 26″ version looked so much better! And rides so much better too! I can see sales falling! :|

    Free Member

    Nice vid girls! Tis it longwood towers that?

    Free Member

    Good riding man! Thought u were injured ya #unt! :lol:

    Free Member

    I hurt my big toe 5 years ago n stills hurts every now and then especially when I sit and play with it. :cry:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Warnscale is ok but there’s better up there…if your wanting very technical you will be slightly disappointed with warnscale as it simply isn’t! if you want something that’s fast and slightly technical in places then maybe you will enjoy.

    Free Member

    No probs guys! guy!

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