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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • puppypower
    Free Member

    I used an Android phone when I lost my iphone for a couple of weeks, and no way would I switch. It was an old Android phone but it drove me mad.
    There are some nice things about Android (well, the fact that processes can run in the background, meaning you can see if you have a new mail without opening your e-mail, and the little notifications you get at the top (which apple have now tried to replicate but not that well)) but I love my iphone. I say stick with iphone.

    Free Member

    Well I don’t come on here so often any more (never posted that much in the first place tho) as I find it quite sexist (among other reasons).

    Didn’t see thread in question though I did see one where Sue got a VERY different response to asking if anyone fancied a beer than if a bloke had asked…

    And I doubt Emmeline Pankhurst et al, if around today could be arsed with the likes of singletrackworld – as Sue says, she comes/came on here for fun – as she’s not finding it fun any more she’s leaving – who wants to have to come on a forum (which as you all validly say is just for fun, etc, etc) all the time and either put up with vile sexism or have to fight your corner by objecting to it all the time?

    Free Member

    feather and black have nice stuff imo

    Free Member

    We are in similar situation. Youngest is 4 months would be 6 months if we went in feb or so. Eldest is almost 2 though so too young for lessons. We are giving it a miss this year. I wouldnt be happy leaving youngest with anyone except husband and she is still breastfed as well (though will take bottle so i can leave her). I don’t think it’s worth it if we can’t even leave the kids for a day in childcare and go off together. We went when eldest was 1 and i found it hard work to be honest! He was a bit under the weather though and hence sleeping really badly but it just strikes me you just need one of them to get ill as they do and it wrecks a very expensive holiday!

    Free Member

    I used to post on here a bit but mostly just lurk now as don’t get to ride much with two children under 2. Soon though I hope!! Next summer I WILL do some riding if not before.

    Free Member

    I also used to get on the turbo when he was napping…actually used to want him to wake up so I had an excuse to get off!

    Free Member

    Well I'd bite their arm off myself.

    Let's assume you might think of having another baby soonish (big assumption I know), your parents are less likely to take 2 children for a week, your wife would have 9 months of pregnancy where most of that skiing would be out. Even if this is not the case, in a few years (which will go fast) she will be at school, and you will end up spending all your holiday covering childcare if you are both working. So you might not get another chance for a while.

    A week is quite a long time to be away from your daughter and I would think twice given it's quite a lot of your holiday allowance, but assuming you don't get to do it every year, and you'll get at least one holiday away with her at another time in the year I don't see why not.

    We went away snowboarding with our then 13 month old. We had a good time – we hired a nanny for a day and a half day, and got others in our group to babysit for a couple of hrs here or there, so we did get some boarding together. But it's not ideal – you aren't spending that much time as a family, which is what I enjoy – spending time in an expensive resort with not much to do for babies, with a non walking baby (at 13 months my son was tottering but had difficultly walking on the snow and didn't really like it, assuming your 10 month old won't be walking) while your husband is out boarding, is actually a bit crap. Sorry for being honest there, but I don't find every minute with my child delightful, sometimes it's a massive pain in the arse, much as I love him, and this wasn't the ideal environment from my point of view (to be honest wasn't helped by him being a bit under the weather and sleeping badly)
    Just think – you could get up at 8am in the morning, and be on the slopes together by 9, or you could have LIE IN – your choice. You can get back from the slopes at 5, and have a beer instead of going "Oh flap flap flap what shall I feed her from the limited selection we have bought from the crap resort supermarket, will she go to sleep in the crap travelcot in the hallway?" and then you can go out together for a meal instead of having to cook in the self catering apartment as you can't go out without a babysitter!
    Like I say, I'd bite their arm off. But I may be one of those selfish parents. Our snow holiday with him was good, but I'm not sure he got much out of being in a snowy environment (that's how my husband sold it to me, I wanted to skip the boarding completely that year), and from his point of view he would probably enjoyed pootling around with my parents for a week more.

    Like joemarshall says, I love spending time with my son, but there are other things I love like biking and boarding that I can't do with him in tow. And I'm not going to feel guilty for wanting to do them, or wanting to have adult time without him now and then.

    The only thing I would worry about would be whether she would be happy with your parents. Fortunately although my son doesn't see my parents that often he loves them and is quite happy with them. Like someone said 10 months can be a clingy age though.

    Free Member

    Congrats she is super cute!

    Free Member

    You will be me in a week – up at 330 feeding the thing. Actually you won't – husband is fast asleep!!

    Free Member

    Good luck!!!

    Free Member

    A mountain of Stilton a ton of pate and some nice red wine do it for me. Plus lots of tlc and help and sympathy.

    Oh and not using the phrase too posh to push – lots of women get upset by this especially with all the nct natural birth pressure around

    I've had two c sections now (one two days ago). They are not so bad.

    Free Member

    Yes, my son could say bike before he could say "Mama". In fact he still doesn't say Mama properly (in context) and he's 19 months old! But go into the garage and he follows you saying "Bike bike bike" and patting his head until you put his helmet on!

    Free Member

    Seems like a bit of a mean thing to say to me, even if her hormones are all over the place….maybe you should ask her what she wants you to do when she's being more rational??

    (said by mad scary 5 days overdue preganant lady)

    Don't worry mrs Flash…only 3-4 weeks to go, hahahahahaha….<ducks and waddles away from slightly less pregnant lady as fast as possible>

    Free Member

    We used one of the baby insert things in a Chariot trailer from about 3 months. They are expensive though. Similarly you could do the whole putting the car seat in the trailer as well, but it's heavy I guess?? Also I would be scared that I would mess up and that it wouldn't be well secured.

    I don't think a seat on the back or front is a good idea as they really do need to be able to sit up and support their head well, with a helmet on. I heard that the weight of the helmet makes it a lot harder for them to hold their head up. We had our son on a back seat carrier thingy from about 10 months.

    Free Member

    I haven't been for an interesting off road ride since getting up the duff. Given I am 37 weeks now that is a lot of time not riding. BOO

    Free Member

    Sorry hora I think I may have blown your cover on your breast-feeding thread! (yes hora posted a breastfeeding thread)

    Free Member

    FG my son was like yours at that age, then he went through a few blissful days/weeks (can't remember but it wasn't long) of sleeping through 11-7 at about 3 months – then he went back to the same pattern you have now until he was weaned (6 months). He did get VERY efficient at feeding in the night though so I got used to it in the end.

    But then they start teething and you have it all again….or you send them to nursery and they get ill, and wake up all night just as you are back at work.

    Free Member

    + 1 for wwaswas, you can spend far too much time and energy on over analysing things, and comparing to other parents dream sleepers and wondering if you are doing it all wrong.
    Not saying don't listen and try things, but don't get too wound up when things don't work for you. They will sleep in the end. when they are teenagers.

    Free Member

    – Don't moan you are tired.
    – Don't wake up in the morning and say "Ooh I've had a good night's sleep, did he/she sleep through the night?" (Hint: they probably didn't, you were just fast asleep)
    – Take shortcuts with housework/don't bother with it/get takeaways/ready meals sometimes.
    – Go out somewhere nice all together at the weekends, unless she's really tired, in which case let her catch up with sleep.
    As well as all the stuff you mentioned.

    If breastfeeding is going well, I would go with it. I didn' t feed any formula for the first few months, just breastfeeding. Then he got the odd bottle of formula if I went out. If you do introduce formula, I would do the "one feed in the evening" thing, e.g. 10:30 feed, I know people who this worked really well for, and they carried on breastfeeding for ages. Lots of people I know who introduced formula a few times a day or not at a regular time ended up with their milk supply dropping off and them giving up. Not that this is such a problem, but if she wants to keep going but you did want to use formula to give her a break then that's probably the best way. Also she could express milk instead so that you could give the 10:30 feed and she could get to sleep earlier.

    This is all making me quite scared as I am having no. 2 in 6 weeks – how the hell do you manage 2????

    Free Member

    It smells nasty too!

    Free Member

    I would agree that it might be habit but if you can stuff them full so they have a really full tummy and thus sleep more deeply then you won't need to faff around with sleep training, etc, i.e. trying to persuade them once they are awake that they actually don't need any milk/food etc.

    So I would go with the snack at bedtime to see if that works. I also wonder if the different milk thing making her sleep better might be a red herring, could just be chance? But why not keep trying the milk that made her sleep and see?

    Free Member

    I tried giving mine cereal (ready brek) just before bed to fill him up as well as milk at that age – it did work. But he was (well read is) a fussy bugger with solids so was not eating much tea.

    Oh and I heard that full fat cows milk is more filling. But I can't remember where from now, could have just been one person's experience.

    Free Member

    My last ride was the Penhydd trail, Afan at 7 months but I seriouly cut down from 5. I was taking it pretty easy and at this stage it was starting to get hard work and uncomfy.
    I carried on cycling round town til 40 weeks, the last week I stopped and walked everywhere in the hope it would start something happening!
    I am sure my HR went above 140 sometimes but I generally took it easy.

    Free Member

    A machine to feed a baby in the middle of the night without you having to wake up

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