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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • psling
    Free Member

    I’m not sure what they mean by internal butting preventing this – surely the tubing is thicker at the ends than the middle so once they reach the point where the butting “starts” the tool will just hit empty space ?

    Unless that’s what they mean – that below a certain point the seatpost won’t be in contact with the tubing any longer.  Still don’t see why it’d make things impossible though

    My guess is they could go no further than the top tube joint.

    Reaming out a seat tube beyond that which it was probably designed to doesn’t seem a good idea to me but then my knowledge may not extend to the (claimed) extent of the OP’s!

    Poor communication by the LBS, you should probably have paid half the amount for their time and put the balance towards a new frame that will do what you want it to do.

    Free Member ?

    Bit limited in sizes at the discounted price, thinking XL may fit (been a while since I’ve seen you!). Extra 15% discount may also be available.

    3/4s are always going to be a bit ‘on the warm side’.

    Free Member

    Cumulus do seem to be popular and have good resale value. Depend by what you mean as ‘quilt’ too. And ‘value’. So many questions…


    Free Member

    Wonder if it comes with Continental tyres as standard?

    Free Member

    There’s a certain irony that you raise your concerns on the internet about inappropriate internet use and a number of replies advise using the internet for further information.

    The internet, social media, and electronic communication is a fact  of life these days and the youngsters are ahead of the game. Unfortunately there is a lot of ‘shit’  out there and you won’t get rid of that so discussion and education is, IMO, the way forward.

    When my two girls were growing up (a long time ago now and pre www) we had to deal with issues – alcohol, drugs, sex, etc. – and this was done with as little conflict as possible in a non-confrontational way by sitting down and discussing, allowing them to put their point of view and, yes, including their friends in the discussion too when necessary. We were often surprised by ‘shit’ they knew but they were often amazed that we’d ‘been there too’!

    Having said that, it wasn’t a one off. It was something we had to deal with several times over their formative years! And now they’re having to go through the whole process themselves with their own children. My how amusing it is to hear them tell us now how much they didn’t realise what parents have to deal with.

    The other thing these days is that the internet and the immediacy of modern communications means that this type of ‘shit’ is all around you, especially the really serious stuff in the news. Hopefully your family can nip it in the bud and that it really is nothing more serious than young adults being inquisitive and a little bit naughty. Good luck.

    Free Member

    On a totally different tack (and given the time of year) Life of Brian always makes me smile.

    Free Member

    They are putting more faith in a crappy driver seeing them than I would.

    In my experience, it doesn’t make an awful lot of difference even if a crappy driver does see you; crappy driver is crappy driver with very little ability to safely deal with your presence on a bike.

    Free Member

    Refreshing stuff hugo!

    We didn’t alter our lifestyle at all when our two were babies / young, just included them whether it was eating out, travelling, hotels, whatever. If you are confident and involve your children they soon get into the rhythm of things. Having said that, my children are now grown up with their own. When they were young I think we could get away with a lot more regarding ‘health and safety’ with fewer offended people frowning at us. Things like travelling to the seaside in an open top Land Rover with the kids loose in the back…

    Like hugo will have seen on his travels, peoples in other cultures work with their babies slung from their chest, travel everywhere with them on totally ramshackle vehicles and feed them on the go. None of this frowning on a bit of breast feeding like happens here!

    Free Member

    “I took monkeys post as a joke!”

    I did wonder but when the batten is dropped you sometimes have to pick it up and run with it!

    Free Member

    If you’re looking for a family tent, one with a ‘living’ area big enough to stand up in, has space to live through inclement weather with the children, and room to put on and take off wet weather gear!

    Free Member

    “Would an inability to admit one is a STW stereotype qualify as a STW stereotype much?”

    Totally the opposite it would appear…

    Free Member

    Has it always been like this or is this a recent development on a bike you’ve had a while? What type of axle? Have you changed the wheel/hub recently? Is the axle fully located in the frame?

    ps – I’m surprised it’s making the brake feel underpowered and unpredictable. What are your pads like and are they wearing evenly?

    Free Member


    All sounds like sugar coated exploitation to me.In a society with massive homelessness problems this really is a sickening thread.

    Do you think so. Homelessness is a result of many and various reasons, are you suggesting that tj providing a unit of accommodation is a cause of homelessness? Even letting at market value, as long as it is occupied it is not adding to homelessness. Indeed, landlords providing sub-standard, slum-like accommodation does a lot more harm and local authorities choosing to delegate their social housing responsibilities to private landlords is inexcusable. But that’s a whole other thread!

    Free Member

    You’ve already been letting out the flat for some time so you know the market and the ups and downs of renting.

    You let it furnished so yes, include a tv but no need to loose track of other more important issues and spend all your time worrying about it. Internet, Bluetooth, etc probably more important.

    Keep the kitchen simple with plenty of worktop, easy to keep clean, and a good working cycle; preparation>oven>dish>wash-up with decent storage. These days everyone is big into fancy home-cooking like in all the tv shows so I’d put in a good microwave and recycling/rubbish disposal facilities because the reality is ready-meals and takeaways!

    Faux woodburner? I probably wouldn’t waste money on that. It’s a city apartment, not a country cottage. If you must have a focal point, put in some arty fireplace instead.

    Some of the comments you make suggest a slightly philanthropic outlook on providing accommodation for people and yet you are thinking of preparing a top-of-market apartment to let at a discounted top-end rent. That may cause some conflict of thought in planning the improvements to the apartment?

    Free Member

    I just skim through the op and then don’t read the thread before commenting.

    Does that count?

    Free Member

    Depending on the ceiling for house values in the area, adding an extra ‘bedroom’ would usually add value to a property. Doing this as a loft conversion knowing that you are likely to be selling soon means that you will need to fully comply with Building Regulations (which can be quite stringent for loft conversions) and any Planning requirements. So, you would need to weigh up cost against increase in property value for your extra ‘bedroom’ (look at prices in your area for similar properties with n+1 bedrooms to get idea of increase in value).

    Free Member

    As others have said, no access restrictions to the marked trails if you’re riding in. My commute takes me past the cycle centre early mornings; usually only share the path with boar, deer, fox, and squirrels that time of day though.

    Free Member

    Christmas trees, shelf units, tables, and yes, log stores. Working at a sawmills helps!

    Free Member

    Or give someone else your log in / password and they can change the password for you.

    Don’t be tempted to create a new account though; it’s as easy as the possibility of logging in that you want to remove [rolls eyes]

    Unless of course that’s the plan – you’re just not a cookiemonster any more and want to return as a more svelte, mature and not quite so lovable character?

    Free Member

    Lots of good advice above. The only thing I would add is be realistic about how far you want to travel each day carrying a full load.

    Fully loaded the bike is as stable as you can imagine – will cruise all day long at 20-25km/h ”  is in my experience not realistic unless you are a super strong rider. Personally, I would halve that expectation fully loaded (unless you’re touring Holland with the wind behind you)!

    Free Member

    Plus in recent years since the magazine has become more gnarr to the power of rad, what’s with all the Body English? Talk about lack of diversity, I’m surprised our friends from north of the border haven’t boycotted the magazine for that reason alone….

    Free Member

    In 6 years I’ve never seen anyone in the forum say they’re gay

    How many have you seen say they are heterosexual?  [rolls eyes]

    Free Member

    Yeah, 2 – 3 inches of snow, main roads clear. Temperature hovering at or about freezing and snow is now ‘crunchy’.

    Free Member

    Did you also post on bearbones forum?

    This is the comment I posted there this morning:

    Mine is an older version but:
    Front to strap 165mm
    Strap width 50mm
    Strap to rear 25mm

    I use it on two bikes, one with a L Ocelot, one with a XL Ocelot and they are compatible.

    Free Member

    Not main stream thinking but I would look to squeeze North in at 14 though he’d probably make an excellent wing-forward too!

    Free Member

    ” – sure its hard to argue for any more scots bar Barclay but Jones at 13?  He was not the best 13 on show.”

    I get the impression that quite often when these types of team lists are made they select the forwards, the half-backs and a full back then make  up the numbers!

    Do you select attacking flair, defensive solidity, a play maker, a dead-cert kicking machine (look at No. 10 Trinh-Duc yesterday, 100% record previously).

    Thank goodness everyone’s opinions are different really.

    Free Member

    “Team of the tournament is Ireland’s 23 from yesterday.”

    Ireland definitely played the best rugby of the tournament imo but…

    if Sexton’s glorious drop goal didn’t go over in round 1 and

    if the TMO had picked up Kearney’s left hand knock on and England had slotted their kicks then

    Ireland would be near the bottom of the table! What ifs, eh!

    Having said the above [tongue in cheek!], Ireland are indeed worthy Grand Slam winners and still a developing team.

    Free Member

    “Jones the only Scot?  did he watch the games?”

    Sounds about right. Only one Italian too and given the last round of matches Scotland and Italy were more or less on a par.

    It’s fun choosing ‘teams of the tournament’ or whatever but at the end of the day you could pick the 15 best players in the world but they wouldn’t necessarily make a winning team.

    Free Member

    “and to complete the bingo on this one

    why not swap the price tag with a term time one before you go to the checkout “

    Ouch, someone’s got a long memory… ;-)

    Free Member

    *waves back* Hi John!

    IHN, remind them not to forget to stretch their glutes whilst they’re about it.

    Free Member

    Nah, it’s because they are driving gods and have made the judgement that it is perfectly safe for their driving skills given the road conditions. Which is fine until something happens beyond their judgement. Then someone usually dies.

    Free Member

    “As for supplements a quarter of an aspirin a day would probably be the daddy.”

    Two sides to every coin. Diverticular disease commonly starts in your 50s and is common to some degree amongst older people. Doesn’t affect your joints of course, only your movements. One of the causes, regular aspirin usage!

    Of course, nettles can be very good for you being rich in iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, iodine, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and the B-complex vitamins. Perhaps your ‘friend’ doesn’t hate nettles?!?

    Free Member

    “Binners says getting old is rubbish.  Well, I disagree. It’s brilliant. It’s the only thing keeping me alive. :o)”

    Big John is right (and I know he’s a couple of years older than me ;-) ) A lot of it is to do with state of mind.

    The trouble with being older is that your wellbeing has a lot to do with what you don’t do when you’re younger. At the weekend I saw a number of young riders shredding the trails in shorts. It’s  -2 or -3 degrees out there and they’re like “I wear shorts all year round  ‘cos I’m well kool”. Well, I have news for them – your knees won’t thank you in later years and no degree of pills and tablets will help them.

    My advice. Keep active, stretch daily, do some weights (even if it’s only press-ups, squats, whatever, using body weight), keep your weight below obese, eat as healthily as you can. And wrap your joints up warm when you go out riding!

    Free Member

    To clear your name it sounds like you need to get a CAT-scan done and hope the results come out clear.

    Free Member

    A “few dippy holes and streams” :-)

    Free Member

    Definitely worth popping in to see Charlie the Bikemonger at his emporium in Swanage; they can point you in the direction of all the riding around there. From where you’ll be you’re at the end of the Priest’s Way track which takes you into Swanage.

    Free Member

    “telling an animal to **** off may help other people to form an opinion about you though, perhaps it would be better to interact with the owner instead?”

    Well, to be fair to the OP, he did. He actually told the owner to **** off, not the dog.

    Free Member

    Were you terrierfied when it happened?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I wonder if it woofed “on yer right” as it bounded by!

    Free Member

    Two further points:

    1) You can use your bike as a means of transport, especially if you are unfortunate enough to not be able to afford a car,

    2) What if an out of control dog knocked your child off their bike and bit them? Would you tell your child to chill the f*** out?

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