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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • psling
    Free Member

    Like the end of a blockbuster film, just making it to safety as the enemy bear down on him.

    Free Member

    Hope not though he wasn’t looking too happy; but then I was thinking that aboutG a short while ago and he’s ridden back into the peleton now.

    Free Member

    Small world easygirl, I never realised I worked with you 🙂

    Free Member

    Miles? Which way were you going?! 😯

    Free Member

    Was going to suggest spending more time on the internet but you’ve already covered that one… 8)

    Free Member

    Nice job. How did you get on with the bow-tie though? Real one I hope; proper babe magnets especially when you get them practicing to tie them on their thighs…

    Free Member

    Classic case of the higher you get, the further you fall but in LA’s case he and others are digging a big hole to make the fall even further.

    Free Member

    At least they’re headlining after Saturday Menu… Now, they were a good but little known band 8)

    Great pub btw, agree with pictonroad

    Free Member

    Someone on a forum somewhere has advised her not to accept your valuation and to get her own valuation 😉 She obviously believes she actually has to have the bike to do this.

    Your latest email to her should hopefully clarify the situation.

    Free Member

    Except SHET (sheep trails) and DERT (deer trails). All good but you need to carry a tool to extract stones from your cleats… 8)

    Free Member

    In answer to your question, no.

    Do you queue at the start of the trails to have your kit inspected, could you imagine it! Trail centres are pretty sanitised anyway and you’re never too far from help even if something unusual breaks beyond an informed persons usual “safety equipment”.

    For goodness sakes, people will be giving trail centres acronyms next… 🙄

    Free Member

    Ask the Ferry Co.. They will need to allocate a space with height clearance, possibly on the commercial decks (with the vans and lorries) and may want more money from you. If you ‘just turn up’ you may not get on…

    Free Member

    Can’t wait for the interviews…

    Free Member

    Blimey 😯

    Free Member

    Cav down

    Free Member

    Sprint finish on a chicane at 3km, gripping stuff… The bus is on the move!!

    Free Member

    One of the problems of dog ownership. Pretty much everyone with a dog that they feed, walk, play with, play-fight with, spend time with every day seems to think that everyone else will love their dog too and that their dog will behave the same around everyone else. They don’t.

    Hope the wee lad has no lasting effects from the experience.

    Free Member

    Has it really been a year, RealMan?!

    Would love to see Cav in yellow too and, after winning the Nats he’s on form; but, he often seems to take a few stages before clocking up the wins at TdF. Let the sport begin…

    Free Member

    I’m not there so can’t “review” sorry. But, at least one member of Portishead was wearing a flat cap 😉

    From what I’ve heard on the radio though, Portishead were spectacular.

    Free Member

    Novel use of an inner tube to hang the croppers around the neck. Although I imagine that is someone equiped to steal from the street/station there is enough kit there to get into most sheds.

    PS – what’s their marital status got to do with it..? 😆

    Free Member

    Yes, but only when the lights are at red on the road and then I always get back onto the road after the junction…

    Free Member

    248,685.3 per annum

    Free Member

    Yeah, pop round and flag it up. It shouldn’t get too rough, you’ll soon iron it out with them.

    Free Member

    The Long Mynd is just to the east, too.

    Free Member

    Are you saying taller people should wear helmets on trains? 😯

    Free Member

    Does that mean he gets slower as the tyres wear?

    Free Member

    Find a wall hit it hard with your head
    Place a helmet on your head hit head against wall again

    Not wishing to pre-judge the resultant data [what, on STW?!?], it may be better to start the other way round.

    Free Member

    Too late. Just got back from the supermarket. The shelves are empty. Not a candle, torch, lantern to be had. Bread and milk totally sold out. A few fans to be had though…

    Free Member

    Interesting that there is an opinion in the report that the wet weather may have reduced the number of cycling miles on the road. Meanwhile, here on STW it would appear that everyone was turning to tarmac miles because of the wet weather.

    Free Member

    Gravity is an attractive force which acts between objects with mass.

    So, a bit like speed dating? The guy/gal that eats all the pies should get the win then…

    Free Member

    Might help if everyone stopped believing the ‘I’m safer without a helmet’ stupidity

    Trolltastic 🙄

    As a percentage of the number of riders it’s probably fallen. Every death on the road is one too many; and pretty much all of them are down to human error 🙁

    Free Member

    Anyone visited India or China? The answer to the question may be found there…

    Free Member

    Suggsey – I use a Thule roof carrying rack inside my van, all you have to rig up are a couple of fixing brackets/cross bars/whatever; mine is clipped to a couple of bits of timber that wedge accross the van 8)

    Free Member

    Has he pulled a hamstring?

    Free Member

    It is comendable chestrockwell that you were observant enough to notice the weather conditions on the day, that there was a cycling event on and that riders were wobbling about all over the place and it would appear that you drove accordingly. It is unfortunateindefendable that the driver who drove into the cyclist was not as aware as you were. You prove that it is possible for the riders and motor vehicles to share a road safely; the other driver proves that dangerous drivers impact on everyone elses’ safety on the road. As has been said, it’s not the fact that there were cyclists on the road that is the problem here, the responsibility lies entirely with the inattentive driver.

    Free Member

    And interestingly, the dual carriageway I referred to above in my ‘ps’ used to be time-trialled by the local club but the TTs were stopped when the road became busier and was deemed too dangerous…

    Free Member

    It’s no different to chose not to ride a certain off road route as it’s too risky.

    Well it is really. In that instance the risk is all yours, you’re not having to take into account the actions of others.

    ps for the record, I choose not to ride on a certain local dual carriageway because I deem it far too dangerous and risky; what I am saying is that it’s a sad sign of the times that we have to accept that danger.

    Free Member

    Being determined to ride a push bike down a grubby piece of tarmac shared by hundreds of 1tonne plus steel boxes travelling at 60-70mph, piloted by fallible human beings, JUST because you have a legal right to, is NOT sensible or pragmatic, it is at best bloody minded and at worst bloody suicidal.

    I agree BUT it shouldn’t be suicidal, really it shouldn’t even be dangerous. It is only because society accepts such a low standard of driving as being normal that it becomes dangerous.

    Free Member

    It’s a sad indication of the mentality of people in the UK with regards to motoring when so many people say “I wouldn’t ride on this road / that road because it’s too dangerous”. It may well be the case that it is too dangerous but only because people drive outside of the law. With the exception of freak accidents beyond anybody’s control, any incident involving injury or death between a bicycle and a motor vehicle is down to human error. That we accept such human error as being normal or just unfortunate is a sad, sad sign of the times.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that Ambrose. I do wonder if the use of the area during the last couple of years for multi-participant bike events has brought more riders to the area which may have caused the farmer some ‘issues’ (the rights and wrongs of which is a whole other debate!) 8)

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