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  • psling
    Free Member

    If you’re talking monetary value of MTBs I would say if it is 26″ wheeled with 1 1/8″ straight steerer then it will have pretty much lost its value. If you’re talking in terms of usability, if it’s still fun to ride then it has great value whatever its age ;-)

    Free Member

    Well, they better start negotiating the border now then!
    IF UK leaves EC and IF Scotland vote for independence and IF Scotland subsequently apply and rejoin the EC then they’ll have to sort out a Hard or Soft border – the first 3 ponderables may take 10 years or so but the border negotiations may take even longer so best start now…

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t mention S******n on the internet but somebody else already has, so. Might as well point out that the existing management plan there doesn’t account for its great value for mtb, and a more permissive approach is needed that allows the better wild trails to remain as well as respecting wildlife.

    This area has a bit of history now. When the first downhill(ish) trails were put in by the Monmouth boys and the original trails at the top were put in by the Forest boys the ‘knowledge’ was on a word-of-mouth basis. There were some issues with the Forestry Rangers because it is an important wildlife area and they were concerned that certain places may get disturbed but people talked and an uneasy alliance formed. Of course, these days the cat is out of the bag, strava gives access to all, signs went up restricting MTBing, signs are ignored and the area is now heavily ridden. The local horse riders don’t like this, the local dog walkers don’t like this, the FC don’t like this. It is probably one of the areas of conflict that has led to the need for this consultation.

    Free Member

    They are much more careless about how they leave the woods nowadays, though you can’t fault the contractors for their politeness and awareness of who’s around them.
    I think the high price of timber has got the FC in a money grabbing spin and their getting as much cleared as they can.

    Harvesting has always caused a mess. Most tends to be done in the winter months when the sap is low and foliage thin; unfortunately this is when the ground gets messed up more. Machinery is bigger too. There are a lot more people using the Forest now so we are a lot more aware of the mess rather than there being more mess.

    They’ll have locals rioting if they try to make every car park a paying one, not to mention there’s hundreds of places you can stuff a car if you just want to walk the dog. Stupid.

    Anarchy has already come close when they introduced car park charges! Generally speaking, currently if there are facilities, e.g. toilets, then there are parking charges. Barriers open at sunrise, get locked at sundown (approximately) and this applies if there is a barrier whether there are charges or not. Locals know places they can park to avoid charges, non-locals often block gates (some used for emergency access for MTB trails!) and park on the verges and wonder why their mirrors get knocked off.
    People resident with a FoD postcode should get a free or discounted annual parking pass i.m.o.

    Free Member

    Paul Kossoff – another great talent taken far too young. We shared a birthday, I was/am a big lover of Free.

    Free Member


    I only use the drops on my roadbike when descending. My gravel bike is shorter and I use the drops more. Was on a quickish (for me) group road ride yesterday on the gravel bike and used the drops a fair bit when sitting on wheels and when sprinting. Offroad the drops offer more security for the hands as you can have a loose relaxed grip whilst the hands cant slip off which you cant really do on the hoods. No doubt they’ll feel odd for a while but then its not a mtb its a gravel bike.

    ^^^ This

    There is a significant difference between road bikes and drop-bars on off-road bikes. IMO you won’t feel confident or comfortable in the drops off-road unless the reach/stem has been set up for off-road riding. I see too many d.i.y. conversions with the bars too stretched or too low; may be OK on-road but not so good off-road.

    Free Member

    Yeah always give horses room, except once when two horses suddenly appeared out of a field with a huge hedge and swore at me and my mate for not warning then we were there.

    What did they say? ***** ***** ***** ?

    [Edit: Oops, sorry mods. Didn’t realise ne1gh was swear filtered]

    Free Member

    Enjoyed that. Looks like they did too :-)

    Free Member

    What needs to happen is we stop the FC being liable for idiots messing about in the woods

    Not just MTBers. The FC in FoD receive a surprising number of claims every year because little Jonnie has tripped over a root and broken his arm, little Samantha has slipped in some mud and spoilt her clothes, a cyclist has fallen off crossing a rut and hurt themself, ad infinitum. (The last one is actual and happened last year – the rangers had to tape off the track and get the ruts graded. The ruts were about a foot wide and no more than three inches deep!).

    Free Member


    So, will that end up with us being able to ride in the forest as we currently do, or will we be expected to stick to sanctioned, controlled trails judged so by some H&S board ?
    Will all those fantastic pixie built berms, drops, jumps and things be banned ?

    Well, current By-Laws in the FoD prohibit riding except on designated cycling trails or hard-surfaced tracks so technically you’re not allowed to ride all those fantastic pixie built berms, drops, jumps and things now! That has been the case for years.

    We are fortunate that a blind eye is turned to much of the cheeky riding; the rangers will remove inappropriately built structures because the FC could be held liable for injuries caused on them. Some gap jumps and north-shore have been removed in the past. But trails like those put in by Dowie over 20 years ago are still there. The trails at Highmeadow (Staunton) are still there although there was some ‘unofficial’ discussion a few years ago about exactly how far they could go. There has been recent conflict with local horse riders near Shutcastle. Plus riding (and rider ability) has become much more extreme which brings its own conflict with local residents.

    My concern is that as policy becomes more defined then this local freedom may be curtailed or become more formally managed. In some ways we are our own worst enemy; the numbers of MTBers in the FoD these days means that it may be considered necessary to stop turning a blind eye locally and to manage cycle riding away from designated areas. And the FoD is very definitely a MTB destination these days! It’s on the map and has to be managed.

    Free Member

    Unless you are one of the 0.01% that actually does something with their life that helps progress mankind.

    What, like being a sperm-donor on your rest day…?!

    Free Member

    You have 1.5 days to cycle from CYB to Llandudno Junction, including Penmachno and Marin? That’s some going.

    And if your 1.5 days is from the start point at Machynlleth then it really is some going!

    Free Member


    They’re wearing PPE gloves, they’ve done a risk assessment.

    Erm, no – it’s so they don’t leave any fingerprints. The ones on the pavement are just passers-by giving an unsuspecting hand to the robbers.

    Free Member

    Yay. As per the other thread, all seems to be up and running again. Cheers tech!

    Free Member


    Yesterday’s news

    Ah. I’m a man of today ;-) Hopefully tech will be onto it on Monday; not just me then.

    Free Member

    It’s a lot of money but will be affordable to a lot of people; affordability is always relative.
    It will be interesting to see if they can attract enough entrants to make it worthwhile or even to prevent cancellation. I believe early on there were a number of ambassador places to attract some names and now they’re offering free entry to competition winners.
    Personally I can (and have) enjoyed multi-day rides in all of that area staying in B&B and eating well for a lot less than half that entry. But that’s missing the point really, I guess.

    Free Member

    Will you need to be screened before going on this new forum to make sure you are an e-bike rider or interested in e-bikes to exclude the e-bike haterz?
    It’s people isn’t it; tribalism. Some talk sh1t and can’t help but troll. Separating bike genres won’t stop that.
    I can understand that it would be handy to have somewhere you could go to ask questions/discuss e-bike stuff with other interested people and without childish input from the e-bike haters. Maybe Singletrack isn’t the place though.

    Free Member

    I’d like the media to take this story and expand on it to make headlines about the hundreds, indeed thousands of pedestrians, cyclists and occupants of motor vehicles killed or seriously injured on the roads each year rather than occupy the headlines for days with what is a pretty minor story.
    He may be the Queen’s consort but, meanwhile, a friend of mine was knocked off his bike and seriously injured last weekend in a hit-and-run incident and that didn’t even make the local news…

    Free Member

    gorffwys mewn heddwch luverly boy

    Free Member

    Given where you are I’d be having a word with somewhere like Sunset Cycles in Cardiff to see what sort of deal they could do for you; they have quite a range.

    Free Member

    All went a bit to rats really

    Usual trying-to-wrap-everything-up-in-the-last-60-minutes that happens so often in these multi-part dramas.

    Leaves things open for the next one though.
    Luther will be off the hook – he was trying to arrest the hitman for killing Benny (they have footage of what occurred) and he was trying to arrest Alice for killing Halliday.
    The gangster is still alive (house always full of cronies, not one to be seen when they arrest him!).
    AND… we have a new female interest for the next series. Possibly. The surgeon’s wife, mad as a box of frogs but scarily intelligent – they’ve got very little on her that’ll stick but Luther standing up to her seems to, err, turn her on…

    Free Member

    I fear Barney is dead, which is a shame because Luther needs(needed) him back at the station.

    Has Alice’s role become too mainstream? Previously there was a veil of mystery around her; she’d crop up every now and again having killed someone to clear Luther’s path, a cryptic smile and gone again. The mysterious psycho-bitch. Has she become just a psycho-bitch without the mystery, even displaying just a teensy bit of fear.

    Free Member

    QR skewers don’t last for ever. They work on a cam principle to secure them but a lot of people tighten them up far too tightly. The lever should push into position with very little effort – I’ve seen people tighten the lever end with the lever closed and a spanner on the other end! The skewers stretch and the threads wear over time and this is accelerated by the overtightening. I would replace with new and, like cynic-al says, check the dropout faces are clean.

    Free Member

    Globalti makes a good point too. Having the woodburner and sealed flue installed may well have altered the pressure in the OP’s room and the draw of his original chimney which has now shown up aging and dilapidation in the original chimney separation wall. If there is no draw from the OP’s room into the original chimney then you would quite possibly get a reverse draw through gaps in mortar/brickwork under certain conditions.
    As others have said, the simplest solution seems to be for a flue liner to neighbours’ fire too.

    Free Member

    If bought from a business it would be the price advised by the seller which would usually be the selling price (less any local taxes). If it is something sent by friends/family they would need to declare a value.
    There is always scope for values to be misrepresented but that could potentially cause problems for the business/person declaring the value.

    Free Member

    To be fair, when I was that age we all had beat up Puch 50cc mopeds or old Honda step-throughs for ragging round the woods. Maybe a market for old e-bikes but kids these days, huh, they all want new stuff! ;-)

    Free Member

    16 years old, friends all on e-bikes. Yep, this thread could take a major change in direction now.

    Chocolate hobnob anyone?

    Free Member

    have I dodged a duty bullet

    Looks like it.

    Generally speaking duty is based on the description and value declared by the seller. There are different rates of duty depending on type of goods and value. In addition to duty, the company that processes the delivery through customs will charge an ‘administrative’ charge plus the duty plus VAT on the total.

    Free Member

    back in the younger days i’d ask a parent and give them monthly payments.


    cheers pal, I’ve Done this once allready not long ago lol so was hoping I could finance properly as I don’t think I’ll Ben able to persuade them again. Especially with the price being higher

    Sorry for reaching my own conclusions (this is a forum after all) but the above don’t sit well together to me for some reason.

    Free Member

    I think a few of are enjoying it (despite our satirical posts).

    …mumbled vocal track …. and flimed in such dark light it is difficult to see …

    I’ve found this with a number of programmes – or at least until my children and younger colleagues pointed out that it wasn’t a problem for them….

    And why does everyone raves about Idris … acting is very monodimensional …

    I think he’s in character to be fair.

    Free Member

    Are they the same at both ends (as originally supplied)? Turn them up the other way if they are, with the bent ones pointing outwards at the top.
    Or replace entirely if used by children.

    Free Member

    If it’s just edging to retain the bark then 22x100mm or 22x150mm set on edge into a small channel in the ground (or using pegs too if necessary). That way you haven’t got a big slippery-when-wet surface to step on.

    Free Member


    Reject capitalist war profiteering by not watching militarist propaganda. Also avoid superhero films due to their sickening elitism.

    Just porn then, huh?

    Free Member

    Of course, we the viewers already know more than Luther and Halliday so they’ve got a bit of catching up to do tonight’
    Hopefully if they raid an address with a dozen armed police in attendance again Luther and Halliday won’t suddenly appear alone wondering around the house room by room, not an armed cop to be seen…

    Free Member

    Unfortunate that the order was confirmed more than 14 days ago which would be your statutory cancellation period unless the T&Cs that you agreed to specify any differently.
    As maccruiskeen says, if you were happy with the price when you decided to order then it’s one you’ll just have to suck up and put down to experience. The prices may just as equally have increased in January.
    I’d be ensuring the work is spot on and complete before parting with the balance though…

    Free Member


    FMJ I think I mentioned as my second 😉

    To be fair, the OP did specify one title only so nobody is going to take any notice of your second choice ;-)
    Although the thread does seem to have mostly turned into a ‘think of something not already mentioned’ contest rather than just listing a favourite.

    Free Member

    I’m still not sure who the faux killer was though?

    Isn’t that kind of the point, it’s not Columbo you know!

    Free Member

    Mmm, tough, only one? For me Lawrence of Arabia is a favourite.

    Free Member

    Lots of stuff already written ^^
    Have you and her mother been able to find the privacy to discuss how to deal with this between you, perhaps seeking guidance for the two of you without the daughter present.
    The daughter can and probably will throw the “you’re not my father” card at you and possibly resents her mother’s love being focused on you rather than her (in her perception). In simplistic terms she needs her mother’s love, not to see you as a threat to that love and that discipline actually needs to come from within herself as part of a new family unit and that that unit is solid and includes her.
    Good luck.

    Free Member

    EDIT:: except your Bird is probably boost spacing, so a 135mm hub ain’t gonna fit…

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