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  • psling
    Free Member

    I thought they might have looked at rim and tyre width a bit more too.

    They concluded that 20″ was better than 26″ as it offered less air resistance. That was enough to put me off 29″ for a goodly time to come…
    And didn’t they look at tyre width / pressure and their effects on handling on the runs at Mt Ventoux.

    Free Member

    Trimix – Member 
    You can spend your whole life exploring the FOD – and never stop finding new/good stuff to ride.

    Got to agree, I’ve been riding in the woods at FoD since the early 60s and it’s ever changing being a working forest.
    Get to Pedalabikeaway at Cannop between Coleford and Cinderford as a starter, chat to locals and explore.

    You’re also quite close to the Malvern Hills and the Cotswolds for a good mix of riding. Plus you’ve got good access to South Wales, the Black Mountains and various trail centres at about an hour’s drive.

    There is also an excellent supplier of bike tyres in Newent (Next Day Tyres) and there’s some excellent road riding too.

    Free Member

    It’s a bit like when BACS/Standing Orders/electronic money transfers first started, people would say ‘ooh, I don’t like to give you my bank details, I’d rather give you a cheque…’
    You can smudge streetview but all the info’s still there.

    Free Member

    “I don’t know if she can weld” = class line! Got to get your priorities right :lol:

    Free Member

    Like dvatcmark, I’m curious as to why the seller contacted you to confirm delivery. Had you already contacted them previous to that to say you hadn’t received the frame?

    Free Member

    Get yourself over to the PHDesigns winter sale (though you’ll still need to dig into your piggy bank).

    Free Member

    it was years before I did it again.


    Free Member

    See, differerent people, different expectations. If I was paying for a fitted kitchen I couldn’t live with that miss-aligned cornice and plinth chip. Sorry!

    Free Member

    More than 99% of people I know who have sustained injury requiring hospital attention whilst riding MTB have been wearing a helmet. Pretty scary statistic…

    Free Member

    Remember your ‘elf & safety.

    And, if they send you to the stores to get something you’ve never heard of before, be afraid. Very afraid… :wink:

    Free Member

    mr potatohead – Member 
    Let’s not forget the importance of puncuation.

    Unlike spelling, obviously :?

    Free Member

    Another satisfied customer here 8)

    Free Member

    Are you primarily his friend or hers? All I would add is that when you make your decision, do not underestimate just how important the day is to her.

    Free Member

    v666ern – there is another group riding from PABA at 10.00 on Sunday; it’s not for me to invite you to join them but they are a friendly and welcoming bunch who I am sure would be happy for you to ride with them. Don’t be put off by singlespeeds or fat tyres, they are relatively normal people… (and they know the area pretty well) 8)

    Free Member

    Agree with mr blobby, it’s good to see women’s riding getting a higher profile at last. In reality, it is only the last few years that road racing has gained a slightly higher profile on TV in the UK so hopefully the interest will last and the girls can benefit from that; the more countries that promote the girls, the stronger their profile will become internationally which should increase sponsorship and funding.

    Free Member

    Bit like the car driver I had an encounter with on my (rural) commute the other day.
    Dry conditions, good light conditions, I’m wearing bright yellow jacket (no backpack) and have two rear lights on, one flashing & one static. I am approaching a road which joins from the left and there is a car coming up behind me. Now, I know that the driver has seen me because he gives me quite a wide berth as he passes me on the right. And then he turns left. By this time I am halfway accross the junction and about level with his rear doors! My only escape was to brake and swerve into the junction with him, luckily I had anticipated his movement by the sound of the gear changes he made. He’d definitely seen me but beyond that who the hell knows what his thought processes were 8O

    Free Member

    Certainly noticed a lot down this way (Forest of Dean) during September to the point that I actually commented to myself (as you do…) on how many there were!

    Free Member

    You’ve kind of explained why you didn’t see the cyclist Hora in your thought processes above. You don’t believe a cyclist should be there because you wouldn’t ride there; therefore you were not looking for a cyclist, you sub-conciously wouldn’t expect to see one.
    It’s a problem with a huge number of drivers; they don’t see the cyclist not because they’re not looking but because they don’t correlate cyclist with road user, they’re just not looking for cyclists. It doesn’t compute in their thought process.
    The answer is not to ban cyclists from the road as you suggest but to make drivers of motor vehicles accept responsibility to safely share the road by being aware of other users.

    Free Member

    Me, me, me :roll:

    Have you not for one moment considered that it may have ruined his day and that he not have been amused.

    It’s not banter, it’s agressive intimidation over some poor defenceless walker; your comment may have pushed him over the edge of despair, broken up his family, cost him his job, lost him his home. Have you no sensitivity?

    Free Member

    I’ve been on STW since Go-far days and I’ve never ridden a mtb…

    (but I kind of know what you’re saying op; it’s good to look back and be reflective and it is possible to move forward contentedly without embracing every new development. Find your enjoyment but don’t dismiss what others do or enjoy) 8)

    Free Member

    Well, that was an intelligent move and it paid off. How cool was he coasting over the line!

    Free Member

    That was an excellent bit of TV and what a character the man is.

    Free Member

    I too have an original Trek 69er SS. It’s currently laid up with a broken adjuster clamp on the DUC forks, I’m still undecided whether to track down a spare clamp or go rigid and half fat on the front 8)

    Logic of design? My understanding (and indeed my experience) is that the 29 front gives the advantage of rolling into (through) things while the 26 rear gives the acceleration and gearing of the smaller wheel.

    Free Member

    They may be on minimum wage but they do get a uniform and that gives them access to exclusive dating sites.
    Besides, their wages are actually subsidised by the Daily Wail who want their readers to be able to shop without feeling intimidated by, well… other less salubrious types of people 8O

    Free Member

    It can depend a lot on how much money you can afford to throw at it.
    What Chew says is based on a lot of experience. As Rich says, Alpkit make excellent value for money kit and as David says, Wildcat Gear make great quality kit.
    You could get away with strapping a sleeping bag in a drybag to your bars and strapping your tent to your saddle but you’ll soon want to improve on that once you start riding remotely off-road.
    Start with Alpkit if money is tight, look at Wildcat for a bit more, look at Rich’s links for more info 8)

    Free Member

    Make Your Own Gear

    Free Member

    I thought about suggesting the Gospel Pass which is a fantastic route but a big old climb too!
    Another suggestion that comes to mind is instead of crossing the river bridge into Crickhowell, continue on to Llangynidr then up to Bwlch and on to Talgarth past Llangors lake.

    Free Member

    You’ll need to cross the Severn over the old Severn Bridge (M48) to Chepstow.
    I would then suggest heading to Usk via the B4235 then the B4598 towards Abergavenny but cut across to the B4269 Llanellen to Govilon road to Gilwern and then the A4077 to Crickhowell.
    Unfortunately from there to Talgarth is horrible (to ride) busy A road :(

    Free Member

    Well, after you’ve finished with your sister you could always wear her jeans and order a coffee with a continental name.

    Coke with lime cordial is a favourite of mine btw.

    Free Member

    Well, that puts a whole new perspective on it Jamie…

    Free Member

    Well Trekster, I’m a similar age to you, maybe we’re beginning to mellow a bit! :wink:
    I get stressed about being stressed when I see lovely woodsy singletrack trails turned into straight lines and given a strava name whilst the original sweeps and curves are becoming overgrown secrets. Then I remind myself not to get stressed but to enjoy what I enjoy!
    Don’t let your injury and recuperation get you down. Grab a map and study some local routes, grab a simple camera without the complications of too much kit and get out for a shortish, slowish explore; road or trail, whatever. If you want to.

    Free Member

    :wink: @ ssstu & mboy!

    The forest is an everchanging holy grail of trails; I just can’t keep up with the newer names although it’s good to see areas referenced above where we put in the original trails 10/15 years or so ago :-)

    Free Member

    If you don’t want to ride then don’t. If you do, then do. Up to you really, not what everyone else choses to do!
    We can all tell you go and shred a trail centre but you might prefer to take a gentle ride into the countryside and take arty photos of lichen growing on a stone wall.
    Read a few cycling blogs, look at some pictures of amazing things. At the end of the day the decision is yours…

    Free Member

    Blimey, where are all these trails 8O

    I know a few trails in the area but am a bit of a plodder so if anyone is interested in a slightly slower ride on the Sunday whilst the faster boys go out to play I’d be happy to show them some of the bits that I know 8)

    Free Member

    He was happy c_g, did a deal for the stage win in exchange for help keeping far enough ahead to take the gc 8)

    Free Member

    You’re probably ahead of me here but, if walking is going to be a regular part of your rehabilitation/ongoing exercise regime, is it worth getting fitted out for some suitable footwear (in much the same way as you would if you were running).
    Aching legs, sore ankle? OK, maybe not the sweating (or the kn@ckered dog!)

    Free Member

    Yes, they absorb atmospheric moisture including your breath but this is generally so minimal that it’s unlikely to affect the performance of the bag.

    Free Member

    Without Jamie’s enlargement exercise though it really could have been a baby robin 8O

    Free Member

    But lose the diagonal cross too.

    Free Member

    Protein young man, protein. And hydration.

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