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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • psling
    Free Member

    You sure it wasn’t deliveroo…?

    Free Member

    For most of the year I would imagine you’d need to pre-book accommodation (and for the rest of the year most places will be closed!).
    Given Scotland’s considerably more relaxed attitude to camping / campervans / motorhomes, Cornwall will be a nightmare and in the summer season everywhere whether hotel, air bnb or camp site will be fully booked years in advance!

    Free Member

    The woman in her sixties who had just been kicked to the ground and seriously injured her shoulder and was presumably doing her best to keep her dogs under control at the same time was remarkably collected to get that pic.

    Free Member

    It’s interesting that this thread has developed into a conversation on FE funding and FE development of trails which of course means official trails. The only expense to FE for unofficial trails is in either removing them or defending liability claims (and there are a lot!).
    On FE land there are two types of MTB trail:
    Official ones, built to guidelines and official standards at considerable expense for usage by large numbers.
    Unofficial ones which are illegal (criminal damage to land and the liability issues well pointed out above). Remember, most FE managed land is covered by Byelaws rather than Trespass laws.
    FE will only deal with properly formed groups to facilitate volunteer trail building and maintenance and those trails need to be built to the same rules and regulations as the FE developed ones.
    The fact that in some areas unofficial trails are tolerated is a real bonus for us but, at the end of the day, if these trails are removed for whatever reason there is really nothing we can do about it.
    In my area (FoD) MTBing is massive now and especially during the shutdown of Wales we have seen huge additional numbers. Judging by the parking in gateways, on verges, anywhere except official carparks I get the impression that a hell of a lot of people don’t want to contribute a single penny towards FE or the local economy so whilst they may be happy to ride unofficial trails I can’t see many contributing in time or money towards keeping the status quo.

    Free Member

    Go your usual way.

    Kerne Bridge is clear, Lower Lydbrook is clear. There’s a bit of standing water between Kerne Bridge and Lower Lydbrook but easily passable with care.

    (I work by Kerne Bridge and went home by your route past the Cycle Centre this evening).

    The trails are messy though, there may be some trail closures and there will likely be debris on the trails so take care and enjoy.

    Free Member

    Nothing ‘rude’ really shocks me having grown up on a diet of Dud & Pete’s alter egos, Chubby Brown and the likes but one line on TV caught me. Can’t remember the TV drama but the line was something like [psycho to ex when he is marrying her sister] “I love your smile. When I see your smile I think to myself – I’ve cum in that mouth”.

    Probably the only real shocks for me on screen have been scenes from documentaries about famine-hit or war-torn countries. Real life, not make-believe.

    Free Member

    Hi Simon. From end of Peregrine Path (Yat to Monmouth) at mini-roundabout keep straight ahead up hill through Wyesham keeping straight on eventually past barrier into woods. After barrier take 2nd path down on right to old railway track and follow to Redbrook (never had an issue over last 30-40 years Matt!). At Redbrook cross on old railway bridge (and have a pint at The Boat) then follow old railway then lane to Bigsweir Bridge. Cross bridge and turn right to follow riverside bridleway to Brockweir. Instead of road to Tintern from here you can stay on left side of river along a track but then have to walk down steep rocky footpath to cross old railway bridge into Tintern. Have a coffee at Filling Station Café then take lane opposite up through Angiddy and over top to St. Arvans – even if she has to walk the steeper parts it’s preferable to the (currently closed) main road. Enjoy!

    Free Member

    I have a Platypus soft water bottle and a Morvelo freebie one but rarely use them for riding.
    I do however use a stem cell bag to carry a water bottle; another possible option?

    Free Member

    Collect a £1 off everyone that feels like you.
    You’ll never need to work again.

    Free Member

    The other day I doubted myself for mistakenly putting my pea sized bit of foil from a KitKat in the trash and recovering it to put it in the recycling …… minuscule but then thought imagine if every piece of foil from every KitKat was recycled? how much is that?

    You were eating a KitKat, a Nestle KitKat? Walks away shaking head.
    Think how much more ecologically sound you could be if you forego eating a KitKat in the first place. We’re all on the scale of hypocrisy somewhere, aren’t we.

    One thing I don’t understand is that when people superglue themselves to the pavement or a window somewhere, why do we have to go to the bother of freeing them just to arrest them? Why not leave them there for a few days in a pool of their own excrement? That would leave a much more powerful message.

    Free Member


    The very very L/H edge whilst the current mrb sleeps in starfish mode

    They say that’s a good position if you have trouble getting to sleep. Apparently you soon drop off…

    Free Member

    Well, you’re the landlord. Most residential tenancy agreements exclude business use without express permission. What does your agreement/contract say?

    With regards liability if his business goes tits-up, he is a tenant so cannot use your property as collateral so other than potentially having the address of your property on debt records in the future which could cause you problems I wouldn’t have thought you have too much to worry about.

    Get proper legal advise and change your agents by the sounds of it.

    Free Member

    The stature of Alun Wyn was confirmed for me before the start of yesterday’s game when he took off his tracksuit top to wrap around the shivering lad (mascot) while they were lined up in the pouring rain for the anthems.

    Free Member

    a_a, that clip up there ^^^
    My lip reading’s not brilliant but is that…

    Nice to meet you.
    I love you



    Free Member

    They are the on-line arm of Halfords so will have big stocks. The other side of that is that they list pretty much everything as being in stock when their lead times obviously suggest otherwise. That said, I’ve not had any problems with them as long as I accept things may take a little longer to arrive sometimes (as others have said above ^^ ).

    Free Member

    What poly said ^^^

    Interview room after woman is found dead…

    So, your pick-up was seen on cctv following her vehicle, how do you explain that sir?
    She was seen at your house earlier in the night, can tell us why sir?
    Your wife’s fingerprints, etc., etc..
    Randomly stopped by for something to wrap sandwiches you say sir, is that a regular occurrence at your house? Total strangers making unusual requests?

    I think westwood would get a good lawyer.

    Free Member

    The bike in the article has a setup very different than a gravel bike so not sure it is that relevant to a typical gravel bike. The drops on a gravel bike are much lower as road style drop bars are used. When I use drop bars I have to ride in the drops a lot as I have no brake levers and climbing (especially standing) while crouching over and holding drops is not great.


    I use aero base bars as I don’t have brakes (so no hoods) and have the bars at about the same height as the hoods would be on a race bike. Good aero position, comfortable hand angle and great for climbing.
    I don’t even have a gravel bike, was just observing that 99% of gravel bikes have road style drops so maybe the 99% of people riding them are doing it wrong.

    Interested on a thread about drop bars for offroad what you are riding given your comments? No brakes; track possibly or turbo trainer perhaps?

    Free Member

    Just had a count. I have 13 gilets! I like gilets.

    Free Member

    Don’t let her meet any singlespeeders or you can wave good-bye…

    Free Member

    700c x 28mm = approx. 680mm diameter
    26″ x 2.1″ = approx. 658mm diameter

    Different frames will have different clearances. If there are no seatstay or chainstay bridges you have a better chance.

    Free Member

    The Welsh women are having a good 2nd half against England.
    England will win and Wales will no doubt tire but it’s good to see women’s rugby improving in the home nations; English women’s rugby is still a league ahead though at the moment.

    Free Member


    So, you aren’t certain who is allowed to use the the track that you were on…?

    Err, no. That’s why I asked.
    Do me a favour, you tell me.
    Track with red dots, OS 50,000 map. ‘Other public access’ Motorcycles or not?
    I’ll check later to see if you found out.

    [whisper]I think it’s being suggested that you may not have ascertained that you had a right to be there either[/whisper]

    Free Member

    Are you able to re-book the holiday for the summer so you can still go this year?

    The thing is though that these prognoses are not an exact science.
    I have lost 3 friends to brain tumours over the years. All were given less than six months; one survived about 2 weeks, one about 18 months and one about 3 years (albeit being in a care home for 1 of those years).

    It’s that uncertainty that makes it such a dilemma for el_boufador.

    Free Member

    You only have one dad and he’ll only die once; it would be a shame to miss it.
    Sorry for the flippant and insensitive way that sounds.

    Cancel the big trip abroad whilst you can, book something for the same time on these shores and take your mum & dad with you. A proper family holiday at the seaside. It may make things easier for them too.

    Free Member


    What ever the local Hardwear store sells for 9 quid.
    It does it wonderfully
    I struggle with how much better a grandsfor bruks could

    ^^^ this, for kindling

    Free Member

    England & Wales, the only Rights of Way that can be used by motorised trail bikes are Byways Open to All Traffic (assuming no Traffic Regulation Orders apply). The dotted routes are other tracks and trails, possibly old county roads or similar and may or may not have vehicular rights. As others say, you need to confirm on the Definitive Maps usually held at Local Authority or List of Streets usually held at the County Council.

    Free Member

    I’ve done naf all riding on the MTB since about November last year, been on the road bike more over the winter.

    If a bike with tubeless doesn’t get ridden for a while I make a point of spinning the wheels at least once a week to stop the jiz pooling in the bottom. Don’t know the science but seems like a good idea to me.

    Free Member

    I thought Sinkler was good but Wales certainly laughed off all Englands niggle. I thought Tuilagi was luck to get away with grabbing Liam by the throat.

    I wouldn’t mind betting that Gatland said at half time “get out there and wind them up, get them riled, spoil their composure”.
    Because that is exactly what they did 2nd half.

    Free Member


    This thread is a rather disappointing read IMO.

    It’s entirely up to the individual of course, but if you feel the need to mock others for their gender/sexual preference (or indeed a lack thereof) perhaps it says more about you than them…

    Have you read the thread? With the exception of a mis-placed attempt at schoolboy humour I can’t see any mocking?

    Free Member


    I need a mid season jersey

    Why were you trying on jackets then…?

    Free Member


    Don’t England have two more bonus points than Wales though? Surely if Wales lose to Ireland it’s still going to be England’s championship?

    Winning bp against Scotland, losing bp against Ireland and it could come down to points difference?

    Free Member

    Ultimately Wales deserved the win, but ref was pretty one way today.

    I think some of the refereeing was poor. I don’t think it was one-sided, more that Wales played the ref better.

    Free Member


    Why do Wales get the put in when it’s held up & they take it in?

    I think that’s what Farrell asked the ref too; the ref seemed to suggest Wales were going forward…

    Free Member

    Gatland 1 Jones 0

    Edit: OK, a_a beat me to it.

    Free Member


    Any refs tell me why that Vunipola turnover was a pen? The ball was well behind the back feet of the ruck – it’s out surely?

    Ruck had formed and ball was still in hand as a_a says.

    Number of borderline decisions both ways, players on both sides have to learn from the ref’s interpretations.

    Free Member

    Well, if you really really want that bonus point…

    Free Member

    In simplistic terms, if you are talking relationships, partners, love then gender really isn’t the most important thing. If you are talking physical sex then for recreational sex, gender isn’t necessarily important, but for procreation then I guess it really is.

    Free Member

    c-g If you enjoyed The Missing then Tchéky Karyo is back as Julien Baptiste on Sunday…

    Free Member

    Apart from the parking attendant what does the parking fee pay for.

    Access to park a vehicle there for a period of time?

    Whilst you’re parked there you can use the toilet facilities and the outdoor seating facilities too.

    You could even ride a bicycle along a number of mountain bike trails there if you wished, they don’t charge any extra for that…

    BTW, I don’t know if the parking fee is ring-fenced but the FC do spend a lot of money on the trails there. The event organisers also make a generous donation to the Dean Trail Volunteers who do a lot of work providing and maintaining trails there too.

    Free Member

    Loads more folks that are good for info in their field but a few whisky’s have stopped me from remembering their names on here.

    I know a farmer who was out standing in his field. Don’t know if he’s on here though.

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