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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
  • proteus
    Free Member

    Guys, if you say you will do something, do it. Or you look like knobs.
    quite. a bit like when folk flounce off from STW in a huff saying they'll never be back again, eh?

    Free Member

    along with the crime being brought in from Eastern Europe.
    coming over here, nicking our crimes. it's a fahkin liberty…

    I'd be interested to hear from anyone who doesn't see this as a problem.
    i don't think it's a problem. it's the sweaty socks i'm worried about.

    Free Member

    Think it's a bit of a cheek for nevis range to advertise it as a red route but that's not No Fuss's fault.
    Red grading is Forestry Commission Scotland's.

    Free Member

    So you can't criticise or pass negative comment on someone who tries but fails (having made a little fuss about it after all…)? Dearie, dearie me.

    Having ridden the WHW in both directions (over multiple days, three years apart mind) I was following online last week with interest.

    Rob – (if you're still about) what was it that did for you? had you recce'd the whole route beforehand?

    Free Member

    If we in the west side could get the resources to create as much new trail as they appear to do in the east side then there might be a bit less forest road.
    oof! that chip on you shoulder must sting a little. what new trailbuilding has there been in the east (other than the holy GT)?

    been a while since i've been dalbeattie had a couple of nice sections of trail and the slab. natural stuff was ok, but nothing to travel for.

    Free Member

    suspect they'll be bored of your dull shite/cries for help quite quickly.


    Free Member

    only words i can get are:

    "inferiority complex"
    "cry for help"

    Free Member

    >There has never been a more apt time to say MAN THE **** UP than now.
    Give it a rest hero> You're getting very dull.

    Free Member

    I used to think that this sort of comment only came from the unreasonable side of volunteer trailbuilders.
    Exactly. Unfortunately, the FC spin machine is adept at spinning against volunteer groups and labelling them as "activists" and other such loaded phrases. Quite happy to use their online "friends" to spread their garbage (you know who you are and you should think deeply about how you're being used)…

    IME, many volunteer groups too scared that their project will be disadvantaged by expressing support for others.

    FC has loads of good people on the ground. higher ups=?

    Free Member

    If you've written to Stewart Stevenson, then I'd expect you to get a fair hearing.

    I have read of a group who complained to Mike Russell MSP about the deplorable actions of one of his departments. What did he do? Pass said compaint to the very department that was being complained about. Strangely, they denied everything…


    Free Member

    Delay and bureaucracy is part of the FC MO. They know full well that if you delay volunteer groups for long enough then enough people will walk away for group to fall apart.

    If a group shows any sign of tenacity, then just bung another hurdle in their way. Easy to do when you're being paid for it and the volunteers are giving up their own time and money.

    Bitter? Hell yeah!

    Free Member

    y'see, that's what makes you elitist clowns what you are.

    what makes you think that someone who enjoys and sees the benefits in trail centres doesn't ride out in hills too?

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy dribbled:

    What's the point. You'll be doing it again on another topic you know little about before too long. It's why you "enjoy" a certain reputation on this forum. Hiding behind "believe" and "IIRC" isn't good enough – why don't you tell us what your connection to this topic is? Sounds like you know someone in the know…

    Free Member

    It's hardly elitist to make best use of a natural resource. If everyone did that the load (and the benefits) would be spread further.
    and another one.

    thought you were banned anyway?

    Free Member

    er, I just use an Ordnance Survey map. Loads of trails on any of them – it is Scotland, after all.
    Yawn! Dull elitist claptrap. You might be too clever for trail centres, but they've introduced thousands of people to a fantastic sport/activity/hobby/pastime. Not everyone has a stunning network of trails on their doorstep. X %age of Scotland's population may live within an hour of a forest, but doesn't mean that the forest is available to them as a recreational resource. Just f+ckloads of commercial crop and a few forest roads.

    From what I've seen, I think Scotland's biggest land manager has made a right arse out of things, but you can't deny that the trail centres developed over the past ten(?) years are a good thing.

    Anyhoo, all bollocks really. There'll be no new meaningful singletrack built in FCS managed forests until there's a change of regime there…

    Free Member

    I don't know the whole story of Carron Valley but from what I do know there were two issues – the aims of the FC and the trailbuilders was different ( inclusive for all or red routes) and there were personality clashes.
    Maybe it'd be better if you didn't trot out your usual nonsense on it then?

    Free Member

    plora craig has a couple of black sections always been a red route always will be
    LOL! A textbook "TJ makes a tit of himself" post. Someone should do a book of 'em.

    Free Member

    personally I think navigating in the dark, somewhere you've never been before, in some potentially harsh countryside is a bit daft
    each to their own. maybe others are more experienced/adventurous…

    Free Member

    Takes less than 20 minutes if it is quiet or about 25 if it isn't…
    by helicopter, aye? ~25 miles and you have to do the squiggly bit between the A9 and Strathmashie?

    eh ?
    the (seemingly) automatic suggestion of a trail centre, despite it being a fair bit away from aviemore. what's wrong with glen tress, eh? 😉

    Free Member

    Laggan's about 40 minutes away
    jesus wept!

    bit of a daft idea imo.
    dearie me!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I now know what it is like to be black!
    If you really believe that, you're clearly dafter than your horrific over-reaction to someone quoting a few lines from a well known book/film…

    It is acceptable to be racist in Scotland.
    No it's not.

    Free Member

    dunslair heights or minch moor.

    Free Member

    well turk me sideways
    i've no idea what turkish is…

    greek i'll do. but you'll have to buy me a few drinks.

    Free Member


    here is your cue

    billiards! marvellous! your break.

    Free Member

    Saladdogger – Congratulations! you've won a special Daily Mail Achievers Award! If you'd only dropped in something about immigrants you'd have got an Achievers Award with Distinction.

    Please call in at reception to collect your Princess Diana mug.

    Free Member

    Just because an obviously better and fitter rider passes me I should quit.
    Better and fitter and on a unicycle…


    (& don't take things people type on the internet too serously…)

    Free Member

    they put me to shame at Mountain Mayhem, one of the unicyclists passed me on my night lap.
    You should sell your bike. Seriously.

    Free Member

    Thread title FAIL
    * how can you bike on a unicycle?
    * that's not real mountain "biking"

    Free Member

    tsk tsk. the trail centre generation have a lot to learn.

    not enough (tiny) jumps, berms and braking bums for you?

    shakes head and thrusts hands down front of RH tracksters.

    Free Member

    and if I haven't ridden them I would say " I believe this about this route"
    No, you didn't. You posted as "fact" about a trail you'd not ridden. I can't be arsed searching through your detritus.

    I'll not mention the apparently racist description you posted about Glasgow, eh? "Weegiestan" wasn't it? Something I'd never heard in 25 years of living in Edinburgh…

    Yer just trolling now.
    No worries, I'm not convinced you're for real. A bit like Hora, you appear too ridiculous to actually exist.

    Free Member

    As I said, deluded.

    Free Member

    Q. TandemJeremy (Blowhard)
    A. Giving "advice" on routes that you haven't ridden – multiple examples.

    Free Member

    virtually anything I post I can back up with solid facts – when shown I am wrong I will say so.
    Sorry, you're clearly deluded. Time and time again you will post on subjects when you're out of your depth.

    Clowns like you spoil STW.

    Free Member

    You aren't the right person to lead rides without this IMO. Its really not rocket science.
    You really are a pompous tit aren't you. However, given you history of providing advice/comment on subjects that you clearly know hee-haw it's highly amusing.

    Free Member

    and from their website:
    Entry on the day:
    If there are day entry places available (please keep your eyes on the website and the newsletter updates) then you can enter on either the Saturday or Sunday of the event weekend. There is a £ 5 day entry surcharge.

    Seems pretty clear to me that…

    Free Member

    So much for progress!
    It's an estate road* in a working landscape. Suck it up or buy the estate.

    * Y'know, like the one up Beinn a Bhuird…

    Free Member

    I've complained. Should you too? Or am I wrong? Is this the way to ride?

    PMSL. i'm sure the ASA love it when a nutter gets in touch.

    Free Member

    from what i'v seen make it a nice and easy underfoot. and keep them separate from bikes – they don't mix.

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