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  • Make Your October Better With Singletrack Magazine
  • proteus
    Free Member

    Or, if you want to go left and there’s a big queue in the inside lane, use the outside lane, pass all the cars, then do a quick lap of the roundabout…..
    this is the act of a selfish arse.

    Free Member

    is there much astroturfing around the new centre or did they use real grass?

    Free Member

    with SBZ’s reputation, how much of this is actually true:

    riding bike
    4 y/o
    cycle lane

    place bets now…

    Free Member

    I think you’ll find you sweaty socks are spending OUR money down here anyway.

    Anyone who whimpers “but it’s our oil” in a barely understandable mangling of the Queen’s English can sniff my Barnett Forumla.

    Free Member

    Are you allowed to include descents that feature short uphills, are as hard work as the climbs and <gasp> aren’t 100% rideable by weekend warriors head-to-toe in body armour raised on wide smooth paths with artificial features added to stop you falling asleep?

    Free Member

    A descent with uphills and unrideable bit eh? How very dare they!

    Don’t remember any fallen trees when we did it a couple of months ago. HTH.

    Free Member

    Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Same with knives, screwdrivers, wires spanned between objects on a trail, cars on the road, etc.
    Yeah, but guns make it (quite) easy to kill people/things. How many of your “nasty things”* were done with things other than a gun?

    * you were, presumably, doing your duty at the time?

    Free Member

    Just a guess, but I reckon Ambulance Control will route the chopper appropriately. Perhaps in future they should phone Klunk and ask him/her who is most deserving?

    Speaking of choppers – has Graham1975 been banned yet? Nasty little racist.

    Free Member

    Whether the plane fell out of the sky because it was blown up or because the engines failed, same out come ^^^
    er, not really.

    Free Member

    Presumably this race was run under a standard, formal permission from FC? That permission would tell you whether there was any requirement in there to carry out work to repair trails to conditions prior to the event.

    FC should be able to supply that permission on request.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to start it all again but if it actually interfaced with teh airport and tha railway in any sort of useful fashion
    I do admire the way that you’re willing to return to the scene of previous idiocy.

    The trams do interface with both the airport and mainline train stations, just not as close as you’d like in TJ’s mystical La La Land.

    Still a shambles and a fine example of why the public sector shouldn’t be trusted with expensive, complex projects, but the whole thing could do with less of the bollocks and plain lies spouted about it.

    Free Member

    On which side of the debate?
    sounds like you have your suspicions too. interesting.

    the only person i’m willing to rule out is me. you?

    Free Member

    Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a whiff of astroturfing?

    Free Member

    buy cheap
    buy twice

    Free Member

    No, I’ve not ridden in Scotland for ages.

    Wasn’t sure if there was a cafe or a bike shop there. Could you recommend one?

    Free Member

    Anybody seen the new stuff at Ae Forest lately?
    Anybody been?
    um, don’t you work at there? why don’t you tell us about them? 😉

    Free Member

    FCS back pedalling from mtb provision started a good couple of years ago with a clear policy shift. spin will be about funding cuts i don't doubt.

    the FCS apologists will be along in a minute to tell us how everything in the forest is rosy…

    Free Member

    just checking in between tricks.

    it's a living.

    Free Member

    In Scotland on the whole the FC have been very good and it is an example (on the whole) of joined up thinking
    LOL! If only you knew what you were talking about…

    Free Member

    the 'reliably informed' on here don't half get it wrong at times

    Maybe there should be a "Reveal Source" button on STW for people posting "facts". No response in 30 minutes results in "fact" being deleted?

    Free Member

    bet those houses round the general area must be worth a bob or two. wonder who owns them and how much they paid for them?

    Free Member

    Even the ridable stuff has no flow
    The trail centre generation have a lot to learn. Mountain biking is more than just the path beneath your tyres.

    Free Member

    Night. I hope your dreams are filled with white elephants.

    Free Member

    And yet it moves.

    Free Member

    Which, I suppose, also kicks it into "It will never be built, it makes no sense, there is no case for it" even though it actually exists
    are you aware of skiing, snowboarding & tourists*?

    * who like a view and a cup of tea/scone. the former of which doesn't exist unless you built a huge 'lift right to the top of Minch Moor. The latter can probaby be served in your £5m tea shoppe.

    Free Member

    "a multi million pound visitors centre is pie in the sky – totally unrealistic. The number just make no sense at all."

    No it doesn't. At least not the way that project appears to have been "managed". Massively overbudget, long overdue.

    Free Member

    PS I think "X number of Laggans" should be the standard accounting term for any mountain biking project. "Nevis Red? Fantastic, and only .8 Laggans to boot"
    Only 0.8 if you completely ignore any of the other investment made at Nevis Range (I have no workings, just a guess)?

    Inners chairlift has been on the go for how long? Had attention from SE etc for 5 years(?) and nothing, even when there was money swilling around. Nevermind that the land manager doesn't want it:
    "we have no plans, nor are we able, to create more world-class facilities" Mike Russell MSP, Sunday Herald, 04/10/2008

    Free Member

    Let's not fall out over £750K. 😉

    And why not exactly? "Millions" is not a big number in the grand scheme of things, even now, and there's a strong economic case for it. Laggan as has been demonstrated paid for itself in full in under a
    year, in local benefits alone

    I'm not sure Laggan experience is directly transferable. How much does it cost to ride at Laggan? Paid and free attractions are very different beasts.

    Free Member

    £10m? So multiply Laggan by 40 then. I'd rather we had 40 Laggans…

    Free Member

    go on then, how much would it cost? remember to show your workings. 🙂

    Free Member

    can someone take a diary note for us to do this topic again next year? in fact, lets book in the next few editions now…

    Free Member

    new large visitor facilities about to be opened
    Therein lies the problem. With £9m(+?) being spent just along the road, then where is the money going to come from? It's not just a chairlift
    and a few jerry cans if diesel you need to run this, would need an awful lot of money to build a trail network big enough to cope with the massive increase in visitor numbers that you'd need to make it pay…

    Free Member

    dont think Scotland can take the moral high ground on this at all. It's shameful
    So how much do you know about the "jock" legal system and it's treatment of the terminally ill? Off you go, you small boy.

    Free Member

    Art is good.

    Not sure copying out a few words of a made-up language from a TV show onto a rock and bunging it in the middle of the forest does it for me though…

    The Pointless Stane might not a waste of money, but this most certainly is.

    And finally, puff pieces in the papers about the 7Stanes used to be about the trails and bike riding. How times change…

    Free Member

    Well wouldn't that be awesome.

    Presumably the new foresty minister (but still SNP) has changed position since Michael Russell MSP said this:
    …we have no plans, nor are we able, to create more world-class facilities in Scotland…
    Source: Sunday Herald

    Should have asked the optimistic ranger why the lochside trail still isn't waymarked more than a year after having being completed…

    Free Member

    btw very little of it is any worse than the pave of the paris roubaix
    Utter pish.

    Free Member

    I dont know who would be responsible ? Charities or MM.
    guess again…

    i'm betting more than one enthusiast will have injured themselves riding a poorly maintained bike at MM.

    Free Member

    Article in one of the newspapers (Guardian I think) last week where the producer cited the example of his two kids, both under eight, as an example of the audience he is trying to appeal to.

    Wonder if the Look North bit was staged like the rest of it since the reporter looked genuinely shocked.

    Epic Producer WIN!

    Free Member

    And I would not have been if the prizes had been sent.Um, you missed my point. How many times have you flounced outta here now? This thread counts as two flounces btw…

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