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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • PracticalMatt
    Free Member

    I had a poster of him in the team MBUK strip on my wall for years as a kid, the first issue of MBUK I ever bought had a feature on JMC and Sophie as the new team.

    He was an inspiration.

    Free Member

    Speak to your local beat manager, if the gun can't be seen and you're basically in the house shooting at something in the garden I'd say you'll be alright

    Free Member

    Dear God!

    Free Member

    @TSY going equiped for stealing is a charge, likewise you can restrict known offenders from being in posession of certain items.
    Stop and search is a handy tool too. If somone's acting suspicious you wait, get the evidence as they do it then get a conviction afterwards.

    Free Member

    As senior officer for a multi agency business crime reduction team in a large city I'd just like to say a big thank you for not knowing any techniques that I didn't already know.

    Keep going though, I normally pay to go on courses to check this sort of intel'.

    mattythemod- I'm watching you son. 😉

    Free Member

    TBH I hadn't thought about it being illegal, I thought that was just when you swapped the files etc. I thought this was like copying an LP to a cassete so you could listen to it in the car.

    I would be surprised if many of these were out there on mp3 as lots are ancient gems from american garage & soul vaults of long ago.

    Still you do have a point, time for a rethink perhaps.

    Free Member

    I found our petrol mower in a ditch and rusting when out with the dog. Took it home and loved it to life again, hardly looks new but I feel the greatest sensation when I fire it up and it chokes into roaring life.

    Free Member

    I'll do a list in good time, most of the Northern is reissues from the warner vaults, but I've got loads of odds and ends. I bought to play them not as a purist looking for the white label in a matching sleave.

    all manner of funk breaks, all the classics- Apatche, funky drummer etc as well as heaps of easy lsitening lounge type stuff- Rolling stones on the sitar anyone?

    Free Member

    Yeah, I was wandering (albeit nievely) if there was anything that I could use to put on side a – do the washing up, then put on side B and get a folder of files that just need naming.

    I guess I could book a week of work and catch up on my box sets whilst I do it or just spend a week dancing through the alphabet from Abba to ZZ top. Hell it could be an STW drop in party.

    Free Member

    Scrapheap- the formula became obvious the longer it went on and the more variables were missed, pus the less than obvious "ooh look just the engine I need" tucked inside a filing cabinet- what kind of scrap yard owner actualy hides things like that?

    re Total wipeout- unless it would be genuinly dangerous for you- ie you'll drown, do it.

    Free Member

    Cups hand to his mouth and hollors….

    Anyone in Notts got a USB turntable that I can borrow?

    Free Member

    Just for the record, you could get your book model stocked (ie a constant minimum order maintained by each store) and a shelf talker (the little bits of plexi that sit underneath face out books with a synopsis of the plot) by paying for it with head office or you used to be able to. I don't think it's cheap though as you may be paying to absorb the risk to the retailer.

    Mrsgrips is right re promotion- if you get a wholesaler to do the distro you can make it work by then plugging it everywhere and getting posters & ads out.

    Free Member

    cool, I can get it all running in that's no problems.

    Free Member

    I didn't much like Drew Barrymore in ET, but she's looking a lot better now.

    Free Member

    Herein layeth the catch.

    I don't have any money, that's why I'm selling the collection so I can't splash £70 on a USB turntable.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That's what they stuff the mountains with.

    Free Member

    I used to be a buyer for Waterstone's so I can tell you several ways to get it on the shelves.

    method 1, Get an agent to flog it about for you- this involves getting copies of your book to as many agents as possible who are taking on at the time. This changes regulalry as each agent has to read the thing so is only taking on work when they have time to read a text and then time to sell it. An agent will expect money to do this, but much like an employment agncy this comes out of your advance. On the plus side the honus is on them to sell it, just on you to write it.

    method 2, You hound the publishers yourself- don't bother with big boys as they usually just use agents, instead try smaller indipendants, these tend to specialise in genre's. If they are V'small the budget for promotion is minimal and you will be reduced to turning up in stores and ordering copies for yourself that you never collect in the hope that it migrates onto the shelves to take an example entirley at random. If they are a well regarded moderate indipedant most book chains will take a cahnec on them and get in some of their stock regulalry. Go to your local bookstores and see what publishers are being stocked and apply to these first.

    method 3, You pay to get it printed, bound and all that jazz using publisher to design it. You get this distributed by a book wholesaler like Bertrams who put on barcodes etc and ensure that it is availabe to any store that wants it. All you have to do is ensure that they have enough copies to start with. This is in my opinion the easiset method, but you will have to front the cost of actually making the book and it will have to be in enough quantities for the distributor to take a load. You do also run the risk of having them all sent back if none of them sell and paying the cost of the warehousing.

    Free Member

    I'd forgotten that one despite being warned I had to change it again this morning. How many memorable words and number combos can one person have?

    Free Member

    Being paid half what every one else is in my office as my predecesor was a retard so when the job assesment people visited they thought the job basically involved chewing your tongue and staring at the ceiling.

    Now I have turned the job around and got national recognition for my work and every time I address a conference I just want to plead from the podium for someone to offer me a job and pay me good money. Every time I've dropped a hint people say "oh we couldn't afford someone like you"- Yes you can, I assure you!!

    Half the office play kiss chase all day and I get treated like the outside for taking my job seriously. Although a lot of the real freeloaders got made redundant the other month.

    Free Member

    Inbred it is then. What you asking Meehaja, can't promise I can come up with any readies right at the mo, but I'll always have a think?

    Free Member

    Pink and Green just like Robin Hood! No wait that was Lincoln Green, sorry.

    Free Member

    I'm with PP on this one,

    Sometimes this forum genuinely depresses me as a young man with a mortgage up to his eyeballs and no disposable income whatsoever and water running down his kitchen wall each time he takes a shower.

    If you're spending money that you don't have, that you need to keep the roof over your head or generally hold the house or family together then I'm sorry but you're being a t055er.

    On the other hand if you can afford it and all it takes is a little grovelling and letting the wife spend the equivalent then A) you're my role model and B) what's the problem, if you've got, spend it.

    Free Member

    I was thinking of getting some done for the HT project I'm planning (currently in my head, as I have yet to buy a frame)

    I was going to go here[/url]

    Would it be bad form to get my STW forum name as a little decal on the top tube?- that way I can get abuse to my face on the trails as well as online.

    Free Member

    I used to walk up to ladies in pubs/clubs and announce I was leaving shortly and they looked a little bored so they were welcome to join me for something better than wherever we were.

    It worked all the time.

    Free Member

    ….And proud 😀

    Free Member

    My mates pub used to be the court house for the county assizes. The cells are still in the cellar. Sometimes whole full casks of ale get moved around so that they are stacked up or ballanced in a pyramid – you would need a forklift to do this but obviously there isn't one there.

    Free Member

    Go to just about any country in the world and ask locals what they know about the UK: it'll be something like bowlers hats, phone boxes, the Queen, Man Unitied, BBC

    Why can't we get Man Utd to fly the planes and be run by the BBC, if we can get the Queen to do a wing walk dressed in a bowler hat and in a phone box then we've got the whole England experience ready to export.

    Let the good times roll people! Keerrching$£$£$£

    Free Member

    What about that clear stuff we used to cover our books with at school?

    Free Member

    My Dad's a vicar so not many expletive filled rants for me but phrases and moments that have stuck with me are:-

    The time he tried to 'get' hiphop and ended up saying in a bewildered way…
    "It's like the withdrawal method for sex, just when it gets to the good bit you pull out and it starts again how frustrating"

    On my borrowing any of his expensive carpentry tools "Take it and use it, but don't abuse it and go on your way rejoicing"

    The time he walked into the lounge and I was watching the French film La Haine. It being French he thought his son was going to be watching some art house ponce fest and when confronted by a subtitled tirade of swear words…
    "Don't they French know how to write poetry anymore?".

    Top fave is the time he tried to convince me that a long time platonic female friend was good wife material and I should get rid/over the girl I had been seeing for three years. I explained that the friend also had a boyfriend she had been seeing for three years.
    "Sometimes other people get it wrong too"-
    not exactly a howler, but two years later when I went back for Christmas the friend got hammered and tried to seduce me explaining that she'd held a candle for me for years, so there you go sometime's Dad does know best.

    Free Member

    why? less work for more money
    How? even less work for even more money

    oh and the chance to hump the bosses daughter on the board room table once a week.

    although I do like the Wiesenthal centre idea.

    Free Member

    I think my first ever ahem.."mountain bike" (£180 Townsend ATB in 1991) was def a mistake.

    But at 12 years of age you just take what the shop sells your Dad, even if it wasn't set up right and the frame way too massive for the MBUK inspired off roading I tried to take it on every weekend whilst cursing it's lack of SIS shifting etc.

    Free Member

    Yep, bought a F/S for a move to the mountains that never happened, now I can't afford to service the damn thing.

    Sold my lovely H/T first gen Commncal combi full of nice upgrades to pay for it.

    Still got my eye on a C2W Boardman H/T from Halfrauds next that I intend to swap/change the frame on c.o the classifieds (and so it begins again….)

    Free Member

    The metropolitan is very lush and expensive if you turn up at the desk on the day, but if you book in advance and go at a weekend it's pretty cheap.

    I had a memorable weekend with a lady who is now my wife there a few years ago.

    Try late rooms or one of the similar websites.

    Free Member

    He means that all his friendships with ladies have come out of the fact he fancied them, they didn't fancy him i.e asymetric

    sometimes he stopped fancying them i.e "historic remnants of"

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice all, I was having one of those long dark nights of the soul at the time. Howvere Mrs PM has simered down now and we had a nice Sunday. I had comited the cardinal sin of cooking prawns and then not bleaching the sink to disapate the smell which was making her feel V'sick.

    I think the heart of the issue though is her fear of us turning into her parents, which is whole new thread/can of worms.

    Still she's invited her mates over on the weekend I'd penciled in to go away riding in a few weeks so we'll see how that turns out (clamps tin helmet on).

    Thanks again.

    Free Member

    I have only skim read this thread and I fear I'm about to agree with TJ (albeit unwittingly)
    The thing I have never got with dreads is this:-
    On white people, as a general rule I beleive they as supposed to indciate some kind of slacker/counter culture affectation- "I'm not too inclined to bother with my hair, as I'm too busy bucking the system"

    But the time, effort and products required to get your hair into dreads kind of belies or offsets the percived indication.

    Isn't it a bit like turning up for an anarchist ralley with a take away from McDonalds.

    Free Member

    Tell her all about the other date and watch her face, that'll be the giveaway if you've got any hope.

    On the plus side I've been mates with loads of hot women and they all have hot friends that they introduce you to and you've already got your foot in the door as it were with these hot friends-of friends as you're friends with their mate.

    Free Member

    Thanks Wookster, I've been up since 6 tiptoeing around as the tension in the bedroom wasn't condusive to sleep. You have given me faith.

    Free Member

    Thanks FB, I'll have a look.

    I used to witness arguments and snubs as someone's suit had three buttons but a single vent instead of a double so he 'wasn't Mod' and couldn't hang out with them etc hilarious really, I'm sure that in 1965 somone might have had a bop to my generation in such attire and not been piloried.

    As an obesrvation I did also notice a significant amount of verbal abuse of girlfriends and general aggresion at the end of Mod nights that I can only attribute to a night spent feeling like the ace face and on top of the world in your sharp whistle&flute only to be suddenly faced with the next day back behind the counter in W H Smiths or similar when the lights came up. Likewise when I DJ'd at events where the Jamm played and other similar tributes, the air of simering violence was really remarkable. Is this usual or was I just at the wrong clubs?

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