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  • poppa
    Free Member

    FWIW there is already research into using piezo-electrics to make ‘morphing’ wing profiles.

    Free Member

    Because everyone from up North is short.

    Free Member

    I think they probably decided to do this because it’s what rockets do when leaving the earths atmosphere.

    The difference is that the rocket is continually accelerating under the action of it’s thrusters, whilst the bullet has finished accelerating and is behaving as a projectile.

    In the former case, the rocket can accelerate faster by losing mass (the empy fuel/thruster modules). In the latter case the bullet would not travel faster by losing mass.

    In fact, I suspect that if we ignored unsteady forces/effects (like turbulence), in an idealised situation if you magically split the bullet in two without perturbing it, it would continue on the same trajectory as if it had not been split.

    Free Member

    I have a great joke that could be relevant.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I did some research into this, there are some compacts with a larger than average sensor size and wider than average aperture range. These include:

    -Canon S95
    -Panasonix LX5
    -Olympus XZ1

    All similar-ish, but seem like a step above your typical, even high quality, compact and are around £300-ish mostly. They only have around 4x zoom though.

    Free Member

    Waitrose have/used to have a few types of cider.

    Free Member

    Do you reckon a chain store like Jessops would give freebies with an already discounted camera?

    Free Member

    Well i’ve finally made my mind up then, i’m going to go for the E-PL1.

    Big thanks to you all for advice etc. If I hadn’t come here I’d probably be getting something quite different! I’ve just got to choose where to get it from now, John Lewis or Jessops. I would normally go John Lewis, but should I be supporting a specialist camera retailer, or are Jessops weasels?

    Free Member


    That E-PL1 for £280 is starting to look attractive. It comes as standard with a 14-42mm f3.5-5.6 lens (should be OK as a starting point?) and is at least £20 cheaper than any of the more expensive compacts I listed.

    I probably wouldn’t get the pancake straight away though, I’d save that financial hit for another day…

    Free Member

    Argh I knew this would happen, my brain is in a stew and I’m ‘upwardly revising’ my budget. I should really do some work. I think the cameras I am looking at fall into three categories:

    1. I have had a look at some of the micro systems, but even if you can find one cheap (e.g. Olympus E-PL1 for £280) you seem to need an adaptor before you can fit an f1.8 lens, and this makes the whole system quite expensive (unless I have misunderstood something). I do like the idea of getting a ‘proper’ camera, but think that at this stage it might be a bit OTT given that I haven’t even proven myself as an enthusiastic photographer yet.

    2. As a half-way house I have been investigating some of the compacts with slightly larger sensor sizes (1/1.16 rather than 1/2.3 for most compacts), with maximum apertures of f1.8/f2 and manual controls. These include:

    -Samsung EX1
    -Canon S95
    -Panasonix LX5
    -Olympus XZ1

    Compared to more ‘conventional’ compacts they have less zoom and lower res video but should take better photos and in lower light too(?). Only problem is, they are all £300ish, apart from the Samsung which sacrifices HD video (primarily).

    3. Finally, my original choice, a high-end compact probably either a Canon SX220 or Panasonic TZ10. Manual controls, HD video, powerful zoom for ~£200ish. Probably the sensible choice.

    Does £300 seem way OTT for a compact? I am after a ‘keeper’…

    Free Member

    Thanks guys very useful.

    I read a lot of reviews on and the Sony HX5 got a lot of praise. I am still drawn to the Canon SX210 however, since it was described as being having more manual controls than most other compacts, but various reviews suggest the picture quality isn’t perfect. The SX220 is apparently better, so looks like a more sensible choice.

    I am quite close to pulling the trigger on this one, but slightly nervous as it will be something of a leap of faith… I think I can get one for £225.

    Free Member

    Yeah, all members of the opposite sex are ugly. I am ace.

    Free Member

    I won £20 pounds at a pub quiz because I succesfully identified ‘Fellas Cock’ as the mystery tune. I should have waited till the next week and got £30.

    Free Member

    Or alternatively one of these:

    A bit cheaper and again with full manual controls.

    Free Member

    Ok,more googling, I’m quite tempted by one of these, although it’s at the upper limit of my price range. Wide(ish) angle, 14xZoom, HD video and full(?) manual controls:

    Free Member

    Hmm. I have been googling…

    Anyone used CHDK? It’s unofficial software for Canon cameras that you put on your memory card, which gives you more manual control.

    EDIT: Looks a bit heavy going.

    Free Member

    Good to know. Do compacts these days let you make your own pre-sets or are you generally limited to the manufacturers settings? I think i’ll fix a budget then do some online review searching etc. and look at the suggestions above.

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Well, budget is a bit chicken and egg. I want something worth keeping, but I suppose my initial guess was around £200. Does that sound reasonable, or unrealistic?

    Free Member

    If you are considering the 456SS and the 456C it seems odd that you aren’t considering the standard 456.

    Anyway, lots of threads on all those bikes.

    The 456C and standard 456 have a more conventional geometry. The Ragley is apparently better at steep downs and steep ups (i.e. ‘technical’ terrain). The 456SS has quite a slack head-angle compared to the 456C and standard 456, and unless you are using it as a DH hardtail, is probably best ridden with a slightly shorter fork (100-120mm?) as some kind of hooligan bike.

    Pick the one with the nicest colours.

    Free Member

    Interesting. The Maguras are very ‘plush’, but I have a suspicion that means they use a larger (looser) tolerance on the bushings that makes them wear quicker.

    EDIT: Yes, the bushings were replaced last service. Total age of fork is probably about 2 years. Bought second-hand, bushings replaced immediately.

    Free Member

    I use hex bolt skewers and a stiff fork (Magura).

    I have no experience, but I think the longer the fork the more benefit you will see from bolt through. If your fork is 80-120mm it’s probably less important than if it’s 140-160mm.

    Free Member

    Ok, I think I may have opened a can of worms here. Time will tell. Thanks totalshell, useful advice.

    Free Member

    Obviously too much of a dandy. Bump for sympathy. 😥

    Free Member

    Aha, so you can tighten the bearings? Sounds like my sort of solution. I’m not really interested in the bling of the more expensive pedals, and the weight reduction is minimal (for higher end Shimano at least). Thanks for the help!

    Free Member

    Free would be best, this isn’t for commercial use.

    Free Member

    Carbon is essential. Being an overweight IT consultant, I need all the help I can get on the hills. I wouldn’t consider spending less than 3k on a bike either. I just don’t think I could have any fun on it otherwise.

    Free Member

    Lots of good advice here, basically chuck a fast tyre on the back and a normal tyre on the front.

    I think the Nanoraptor is very much underrated as a fast rear-tyre too.

    Free Member

    And whilst we are on the subject, why do blokes go for the top heavy look? I never see blokes at my gym using any leg weights, they have sparrow legs and look like Arnie on their top half. Do they really think this is a good look?

    That was one of the most common mistakes that I saw people doing when I went to the gym (IMO). Mostly made by men. Also commonplace:

    -Trying to lift the heaviest weight possible, irrespective of whether your technique is any good or not.

    -Drinking lots of protein shakes and lifting lots of heavy weights but never doing cardio and (presumably) eating an otherwise poor diet, ending up being fat with big arms(!)

    I hasten to add that this is amateur weight lifters and not a slur on those that are more serious!

    Free Member

    I like to use ‘all-round’ tyres for months with an R in them, and I stick a faster tyre on the back for the months without an R in them.

    HR/Minion are good and grippy up front but slow out back.

    Nevegals are good all-rounders but not fast.

    Free Member

    Update: Despite offering to pay for carriage, and to exchange for a cheaper tyre, the vendor has refused to accept the item, which IMO contravenes the DSR.


    Tyre for sale on classifieds soon.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the internet brilliant?


    You buy “half a pig” – usually known as a “side” of pork, butchered in the standard way,

    Unfortunantely, we only supply locally

    Free Member

    2.35″ Folding Stick-E?

    Free Member

    Fantastic. It’s a friends birthday present, I am anticipating spending a day butchering, making bacon/salami etc. with him.

    Thanks all.

    Free Member

    Thanks Stoner. Anyone have an estimate of cost? Obviously it will vary depending on weight. I have seen them advertised for ~£120 butchered, but this might not be free-range.

    Free Member

    I’ve already explained the situation to them and I’m waiting for a response, as I consider this the honest and reasonable thing to do.

    In my opinion the tyre is new and in perfect condition. It is their rules that concern me. Also, at no point did I say I expect them to cover all carriage costs.

    FWIW I am not interested in whether or not you dissaprove of the distance selling regulations, what I am interested in is whether or not I have a legal right to return the tyre those regulations.

    The regulations specifically state that the seller cannot insist that the item is unopened or unused, only that reasonable care has been taken with the item.

    Free Member


    To turn the table, the tyre has been taken out of it’s original packaging but hasn’t been subject to any use/wear. Why shouldn’t I be able to return it under the DSR?

    I expected the tyre to come up the same volume as the other tyre I ordered, what with them being from the same manufacturer and the same width as described by the manufacurer, but it didn’t. I didn’t expect this a priori and didn’t find out until I fitted it.

    How would the shop be ‘carrying the can’? They could easily re-sell the tyre as it is still new.

    Free Member

    You obviously didn’t see his ten-part documentary series on middle eastern trade routes in the 15th century.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    WTF is a maxi dress? Is it a ‘long dress’?

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