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  • Rachel Atherton Qualifies (Despite Dislocating Shoulder At Fort Bill)
  • pop-larkin
    Free Member

    IMG_4895[/url] by pop larkin2010[/url], on Flickr

    Autumn at Chatsworth

    Free Member

    In homage to viz- Knacker as in biffa bacons dog- ‘**** him knacker!’

    Free Member

    We had a staffie/ border collie cross and he was brilliant- had a problem with alsations after one attacked him when he was a puppy but no issues with any other dogs or indeed cats – in fact when we introduced a cat into the house he was walking around with a cat claw sticking out of his nose without getting agressive back to the cat at all!

    when he farted you just had to say his name and he would walk out the room- very funny!

    Great bike dog as well- but would run himself into the ground if you werent careful

    Free Member

    Out on the chase for nearly 2.5 hours on saturday and saw 8 other bikes, 2 horse riders and 3 deer- must admit when we drove past Birches Valley car park it looked blummin busy!!

    Free Member

    As I said it is very straightforward if you can go in straight it only becomes a little twitchy at an angle because of the 2 trees- hence why I can understand a bit of frustration if there is a crowd in the way of the line in- perhaps they should put yellow hatches in that zone!

    Free Member

    It is a pain there as people who stall (bottle?) there stand in the way of the line meaning you have to go in an angle and risk catching your bars on the tree on the right- 2 lads made my lad fall off there the other week which pi%%ed me off a bit tbh

    Free Member

    ..should have gone to specsavers alert 😆

    Free Member

    I think team sports can only be good for kids as long as they enjoy it and that takes precedence- saying that my lad says he enjoys it alot more when his team wins!

    I think you just have to take a deep breath and walk away when you hear the uber competitive coaches giving it large- from my experience they all usually end up getting chinned by a disgrutled dad at some stage!!

    Free Member

    Mods mods- Tazzy said beaver…..BAN that foulmouthed mofo!!!

    Free Member

    Have a similar feeling- I nearly fell asleep in the bath- its great!

    Free Member

    Nice to see Nick backtracking from his ‘unconvinced by 29er’ stance in the vid 😀

    Free Member

    If you went for a single ply membrane flat roof it gives a 30-40 year guarantee- got to be a better solution than that effort- you will regret it if you go with that I would suggest- alternatively cant you just raise the window cill a smidge to achieve the roof falling from the building?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Singular swift??- just make sure you get non exploding wheels 😀

    Free Member

    Tazzy’s right you could have had one for nowt the other day after mine disgraced himself

    Great dogs but are defo hard work especially if theyre from a working line- ours literally bounces off the walls in the morning until he gets a walk

    Free Member

    I had an orange 5 and liked it but have felt the trek ex8 that replaced it to be a much more ‘complete’ bike that climbs better and is as much fun on the downs- all subjective I know – plus its alot quieter!

    Free Member

    Look at slovenia- we had a great time and the food and drink is much cheaper than france etc- lots of pizza and cheap wine- fine by me!
    Enough skiing for my lot for a week

    Free Member

    Be nice if they left the factory right in the first place at the price they charge 😉

    Free Member

    He said ‘sluggish acceleration’ – I dont agree- unless its me riding it obviously- I am more than happy to concede they are slightly slower but how much of a ride is taken up by starting off- once upto speed ( 2 pedal strokes) the added momentum for me (not for everyone obviously) more than makes up for that.
    So in conclusion youre all wrong and Im right!!

    Free Member

    Prize for mahoosive generalisation goes to kiwijohn there. I have tried/owned half a dozen 29ers and they have all been different- I have had a ti456 and now ride a lynskey pro29er and there is very little difference in the acceleration and the 29er handles brilliantly in tighter stuff – much more hair triggered than my swift.

    Please dont write off a whole type of bike on prejudice- would you say a soul handled the same as a blender??

    Free Member

    Be prepared for oodles or rear wheel traction- on par with a decent 26 inch full susser I would say- as Ringo says just try one (or more than one) with an open mind

    Free Member

    My hardtail is a ss and I have a geared full sus for bigger days out- that is all 😛

    Free Member

    Surely given the first post the name for the cutie has to be the bunny boiler

    The spider’s eye lights look more like a mad monkey to me

    Free Member

    I have just started back at early mornings and once Im out I love it and it makes me feel quite good heading back home as people are just getting up

    Free Member

    I was just chuckling to myself on my early morning ride this morning at the ‘ ride it as you see it ‘ line at the start- proper funny!

    Morvelo should do a tee shirt with it on

    Free Member

    you can see most of these puns cumin a mile off..

    Free Member

    beans on toast (wholemeal) – watch me blow!!

    Free Member

    Singular Swift was a revelation for me after a very average dabble with a GF Rig had put me off 29er’s

    Free Member

    For me it would be a barolo- lovely Italian stuff!

    Free Member

    We have had several and I hated the towing and my stress levels increased as we approached the site- especially when in cornwall as the roads are so tight and the walls are usually made of a very hard material- and there was always a tractor coming the other way (or so it seemed)

    Once on the site loved it but the stress just made me think it wasnt for me

    oh and if you have an awning be prepared for outright war with the missus when trying to put it up!

    Free Member

    blummin eck taz even with the offer of a bike shop full of 29er’s you cant get him alone in the woods! I think the swaffling has put him off 😉

    You forgot the swift as well 😥

    Free Member

    Everyone loves beaver 😉

    Free Member

    After sharing a car journey back up north with the tazmeister I would warn anyone thinking of getting too close to his ring!

    Free Member

    I would have had some photos if my plan of doing a quick (ish) lap followed by a nip to the tent to get the camera to take some photos had not been scuppered by me having 5 beers at the half way stop and just about finishing without heaving over the bars!

    A very enjoyable weekend (once past the chuffing m25) and a first in that ive never cleaned my bike with baby wipes before- it smells bootiful!

    Thanks to the organisers-lets have it in the midlands next year 😉

    Free Member

    trek ex8- may have one available 😉

    Free Member

    I started with a s/h GF rig and didnt get on with it at all and convinced myself it was all hype.
    Then tried a swift and blummin loved how well it rolled and how stable it felt – even on technical downhill stuff- only place it struggled is very tight switchback climbs compared with a 26er-
    Now got a lovely ss lynskey pro29 and it’s probably going to become my only bike (gulp!) as its made my trek ex8 redundant

    Free Member

    Got some tyres from them with no problems- fighting the urge to press the button on a salsa spearfish from them at £850

    Free Member

    Cant recommend slovenia highly enough for first timers- not too taxing slopes and alot cheaper than france, austria etc

    Free Member

    I’m there and a little worried that tazzy may drop assorted hair all over the tent if he rubs his chin too hard!

    Free Member

    willy waving whilst cutting the grass sounds blummin dangerous!!

    I am going to get one for next year on the basis that it will cut the grass even when a bit wet instead of clogging every 5 seconds with a flymo- how reliable are the modern ones- I inherited one 10 years ago and it took me longer to get the thing going than it did to cut the grass!

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