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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
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    Full Member
    I caught up on Jenricks ECHR angle this aft.

    Question for everyone.

    If3 it only me that has had chats with people/ family that are Brexity and want to leave the ECHR and been shocked that they don’t realise or care that the ECHR also protects *our* rights too?

    I find that bloody odd.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I caught some of it too. She sounded like an angry cabby shouting about all the things that they think is wrong with the world.

    The thing I notice the most about her is the absolute and total self confidence/ arrogance that oozes out of every skin pore.

    Id find her a little scary in opposition and absolutely horrific as PM!

    Full Member

    This is one of my primary uses – think of it as a tripod with very, very long legs.

    Buggers to control though, I lost this one in a bit of water, could I find it? Nah.


    Full Member

    Not too muddy the waters here op but did you daughter have a “courtesy car” at and point, after the collision?

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Next election is already set up…

    Reform loose seats/votes

    Tory gets seats/votes back possibly 250+ seats

    Labour loose seats but not votes down to 250 seats

    Lib Dems pickup new seats/votes possibly 100+

    Hung parliament, Labour and lib dems coalition….

    Far from the worst outcome but not the best either.

    In truth theres is just so much that can happen in the next few years I think it’s impossible to predict. Traditional voting predictors have eroded, add in tactical voting and pretty much any party could win the next GE or be the power broker in a coalition deal.

    Full Member

    Just tentatively stepping into the thread as it’s not my intention to fan any flames.

    That initial Hamas attack was truly evil. I can think of no reasonable justification for it. 

    The trouble is, we also have the Israeli State that has retaliated, as it had every right, but seems to have long ago exceeded any reasonable response that could be expected.

    Hamas original attack is totally unjustifiable but Israel’s government seems hell bent on losing any moral high ground it had.

    It’s all deeply sad and nihilistic from every angle.

    Full Member

    Op, as Matty has said, post a pic of t the letter with redacted details but keep any logos on the letter etc intact.

    Full Member

    They have no choice. The Tories didn’t loose to Labour, as so much that Labour won in Tory/Labour constituencies becasue the Tory votes was split between them and Reform. If they want to get to power again, they have to have those Reform votes back

    They made themselves a hostage to their own promises really. By saying, “you don’t need to vote for Reform, we’ll implement all their policies so you can still vote for us!” they put themselves in the position of actually having to try to reject the mad stuff that Reform (hopefully) never have a chance to make work.

    Full Member

    misguided as it is they are about the only people claiming to offer something other than more of the same

    I’m not sure I agree, as the Greens and to a lesser extent the Libdems are offering something fundamentally different.

    The only reason people are listening to Reform is because they are offering convenient scapegoats and even more importantly, offering up simple solutions to complex problems.

    This is all easy to do when you are in no position to actually enact change. If Reform ever get into power the people that voted for them will be the same people that start accusing them of being just like Labour/ the Tories after a matter of months.  Reform would soon find out that governing is actually pretty difficult as it happens when you have to actually enact promises made.

    The Tories already tried to enact Reform policy, let’s not forget. It doesn’t work.

    Full Member

    Sorry for OT.


    Saw your comment about the Berlingo and mentioned to my son about getting one. 2 young kids and 2 dogs mean current car cant take them all out at once. Berlingo seems like a good call.

    I tell him to have a look at them and he messaged back, “I’ve seen them and really don’t like them! <Smilie>”

    I message him saying, “you have a fiancee and 2 kids, who are you trying to impress these days?! <Smilie>”

    I get back, “If I get one of those I wont have a fiancee to worry about! <Smilie>”

    Shit head.

    Full Member

    That video that binners posted of the Sky News interview.

    That mad blinking Badenoch is doing whilst the interviewer is pointing out she is full of shit… There is some deranged/ angry stuff going on in that noggin!

    Like most of the hat right, she is perma-angry isn’t she?

    Full Member

    Have you asked the trader, op? I mean, they might just BS you but they might have genuine knowledge of what’s going on?

    Good luck, does sound odd but doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an issue of course.

    Full Member

    You are lucky it’s only High 5.

    My mate used to get and sell some knock off  Viagra type gel back in the noughties!

    If that had gone into your ear you’d be hard of heading for sure.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Utter tosh, but hugely entertaining

    I completely agree, brain out entertainment.

    Those old WW2 battleships are complete monsters. I think the US last used one in the first gulf war from memory. Lobbing shells the weight of a car, terrifying.

    Full Member

    To be honest I came here to post along the lines of, “well good for her, standing up for her principles and all, whether we agree or not…”

    Then I went off and read about some of her past comments and I’m not really comfortable saying that now!

    Full Member

    If Johnson “drew to the plans” he invariably called it, “Operation: Finger in Dyke” didn’t he?

    Full Member


    echo chamber

    Now after making my glib comment a few minutes ago I’ll make a slightly more serious post.

    The echo chamber isn’t the problem with the political threads in my opinion. By definition in an echo chamber everyone agrees with each other, beliefs and “facts” are amplified not challenged and the shared consensus actually brings harmony. Fair to say that description doesn’t fit the politics threads well.


    We are all too aware that they (echo chambers) lead to entrenched views and even extremism as viewpoints and “facts” go unchallenged.

    I’ve even laid in bed some nights (insomnia) and pondered about what effect having separated political threads for those on the left, centre and right would have? Views would go unchallenged, true but I don’t think anyone on here is going to reach for an AK and head towards parliament anytime soon.

    Would having political apartheid detoxify the threads though, possibly but would it be workable? Probably not.

    Why? We cant even agree who is on the left, centre or right of politics. If someone wishes to “self identify” they very likely will get told that they aren’t on the political part of the spectrum they themselves think they are and then it goes round and round again.

    So… the reality is, if the thread starts effecting your mood in real life, in even the slightest of negative ways, it’s time to go cold turkey. For some that only needs to be for a few hours, for some, days or weeks and for others, permanently. Which is a shame in my view.

    The political threads on here have actually helped form some of my political opinions over the years. I’ll happy adopt a view point from Ernie or binners or any other poster really. If it fleshes out a political instinct I already have, that’s great or it might even replace an opposing one I  had. That’s a harder pill to swallow as Im only human like everyone else. There are other times when I will remain ideologically and politically  fixed to a view even if, deep down, I know my reasoning is flawed. In that last instance, *if* I recognise I’m doing that, I’ll at least try not to defend it on here even if I just can’t bring myself to discard it in my head. If nothing else it stops me getting torn apart on here and sometimes, well, to cope with other stuff in my head, that’s enough.


    Even if separated echo chambers could actually lead to less acrimonious discussion it’s unlikely to work in the context of the forum and at a macro level for society in general, they just aren’t healthy long term.

    Full Member

    and riding your bikes

    Bloody extremists aren’t welcome in here!


    Full Member

    What’s Corbyn got to do with this? He’s long gone.

    Just the first political name that came to mind as being a long way politically apart from Starmer to illustration that policy isn’t the problem as far as “they are all the same” people go. No negative implications regarding Corbyn, I voted for him twice and still would if he was Labour leader going into a GE.

    Essentially I was trying to say that the people that label all politicians as being the same really, really mean what they say.

    A section of society simply don’t like or trust politicians, the party is irrelevant as is policy, good or bad .

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Thanks poopscoop

    Apologies, it would seem from the other comments that AI lied to me. I’m going to kick it’s virtual buttocks later.

    Have a wonderful time there though, I bet it will be amazing.

    Full Member

    AI tells me that, yes, they are usually the other way around to UK bikes.

    Congratulations by the way!

    Full Member

    Sorry, not sure where to post this so I’ll shove it on here!

    Baroness Warsi quits Conservatives in the Lords

    Former Conservative Party chairwoman Baroness Warsi has resigned from the party in the House of Lords, claiming it has moved to the “far right”.

    Full Member

    @ dazh

    To be honest the, “they are all the same” people would be just as negative about Corbyn. That’s the issue, they are genuinely stating what they believe, doesn’t matter the party or policy. Corbyn would have in no way been immune to this effect if he had won a GE.

    Their view isn’t based upon logic but ingrained perception in my experience.

    Full Member

    During the Summer I often sit down on a grassy bank that looks down on a row of shops/ a road.

    Most of the ebikes I see are used by riders picking up deliveries from the coop/takeaways etc. They are almost always derestricted but by enlarge, the riders abide by road rules/etiquette.

    Then there are the Sur-Rons…

    Always ridden at pretty much full throttle, dangerously and by riders in full face masks which im sure has nothing to do with hiding their faces from any cops… Never ridden by delivery riders that’s for sure.

    Full Member

    I live in a mostly white working class town and I can tell you virtually no one here thinks Starmer or Labour are on their side or will help them in any way.

    This mindset was rather useful to the Tories and they played a large part in creating it too.

    All that being said, did they not notice that pre 2010 seeing a GP, dentist, consultant… and not waiting years for an operation was no where near the Mission Impossible it is today?

    There are many other institutions back then that actually worked pretty well too, as opposed to being totally buggered now, social care, schools, prisons, you name it.

    If they can’t see the damage the Tory party has done to them and their families I can totally believe that they think they are all the same as they must have their eyes glued shut in all honesty.

    It wasn’t nirvana pre 2010 but jeezus, it was a  better functioning country than it is today.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    It’s funny how a party of protest is somehow derided whilst a party of free-loading, scatty, greedy and total incompetence is good.

    Not sure I agree to be honest.

    How many perpetual strikes have been resolved within weeks? I’ll put money on the nursing one being resolved within weeks too.

    Rwanda scrapped.

    Far right riots delt with.

    Staff being hired to actually process the huge backlog of asylum seekers, a Tory manufactured problem.

    Actually trying to rebuild bridges with the EU rather than treat them as enemies.

    Continued support for Ukraine.

    50£ billion being found down the back of the sofa just as many of us predicted even before the election.

    Going after the huge monies fraudulently claimed during Covid.

    Real commitment to build more housing.

    Rebalancing renters rights against landlords rights.

    Breaking with allies to ban arms sales to Israel, as far a UK government can do so as there are ties with overseas manufacturers out of its control.

    I bet others on here can fill in the ones I’ve forgotten??

    Frocks, glasses, 14k parties? Wrong, wrong, wrong and it needs to end but to assert that’s all the government have done in a few months is objectively wrong.

    They aren’t incompetent but their PR and political naivety have been shown. Luckily they have plenty of time to learn from this and they will.

    Full Member

    Continuing deregulation, privatisation, continuation of marginalisation of trade unions and increase in “labour flexibility” and a strong liking for centralised power for starters.

    Cheers for clarifying and sorry as I had also assumed it was a comment in regard to the current Labour government hence my self inflicted confuzzlement!

    Full Member


    For example new labours fondness for thatcherite ideals which are hard right.

    Not nit picking, just honestly clarifying, which policies do you mean?

    Full Member

    I keep saying this, but i don’t think any of us are ‘Starmer supporters’, we support the government at this moment in time, of which, Starmer is the PM.

    Quoting this as it’s pretty much where I am at.

    I voted for Corbyn twice but in reality my vote was for Labour as they were and are, overall, the best fit for my political views and pragmatism, with the Libdems/ Greens a close second.

    Starmer is the figurehead, I believe him to fundamentally be a decent individual, ditto Corbyn, though I’ll freely say I wish he (Starmer) were further to the left than he is but if that were so…. We might still be enduring a Tory government. :/

    Right or wrong (spoiler: It’s wrong imo) the UK doesn’t seem to want to elect a government further to the left. Yet.

    I hope that changes and I hope Labour are there for that change.

    Personally ill vote for the furthest left party that have an actual chance of gaining power, at the moment that is Labour. I know some of us on here don’t like that reality (I understand and sympathise) but it is the reality we have to work with none the less.

    Full Member

    I’m ruddy confused as much as anything else.

    Depending upon the political or social subject I can be progressive, regressive,a leftie, centre left or centrist.

    On top of that lot I’m a pragmatist on occasion but one that knows the world is changed for the better much of the time by those that are not; the dreamers**/ idealists** that can actually make the world a better place to live in and the people that many pragmatists actually admire whether they admit it or not.

    Like so many things in life and in this thread, pragmatism isn’t the enemy of idealism or visa versa, the real magic happens when they compliment each other.

    I find myself agreeing with every regular poster on this thread much of the time, based upon the subject and that individual post. I don’t see opposing and incompatible views here, just people disagreeing on how to make the country’s lot a better one. None if you lot are bad actors, argumentative buggers that can’t see the wood for trees sometimes yes (me included), but not bad actors. ;-)

    **Most definitely not a put down, to be crystal clear. The absolute opposite.

    Full Member

    I’ve not been very active on the thread lately but for me at least that’s a good sign, I’m generally happy with things.

    Overall happy at the direction of travel but I’m keen to hear what the budget brings. I’m unlikely to agree with everything announced of course but I want to see a clear divergence from where the Tories were talking us.

    Largely positive results in ending perpetual strikes and yes, the ongoing nursing dispute will be resolved, totally confident of that.

    Books being cooked as widely predicted on here to find £50 billion down the back of the sofa to fund public services etc.

    Attempting to claw back fraudulent covid contact monies.

    Ambivalent towards winter fuel payments (I expect some sort of rowing back from that but we’ll see) and very sceptical about clamping down on benefit “fraud”.

    Politically naive to take money for clothing, birthday party etc. They should know better and we deserve better. They need to learn swift lessons from that as it’s not acceptable, within the rules or not.

    That said, if Starmer decided to ride to work every day on a bike he would still be on the front page of the Express as his £1k bike “costs not than most people’s cars!!” or whatever, whether he paid for it or not. All the more reason not to give them ammunition.

    If the GE were held tomorrow I would still vote the same way and I still have to pinch myself occasionally as I still can’t quite believe the Tories are finally out of power.

    (Other people’s mileage may vary on all off the above!)

    Full Member

    I’m my experience, good parents are the very ones that worry about if they are good parents op.

    It’s many of the ones that just assume they are model parents and don’t question that assumption for a second that might have the issues…

    Full Member

    These are the best t shirts ever.



    Full Member

    give them a deep clean and squirt each nipple.

    I swear to God, everyone has better evenings in than me.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Definitely more than the battery exploding from what I seen on Telegram

    Vans here to post that. I know next to nothing about explosives but I have seen a few batteries go pop (some made to deliberately) and the videos of these pagers going bang looks way more abrupt than a battery somehow being triggered.

    Netanyahu seems hell bent on creating a wider regional war in order to stay in power. Pretty bloody extraordinary and probably helps seal the fate of many of the remaining Israeli hostages. :-(

    Full Member

    “You are my lucky star…”

    Still remember how nail biting it was the first time I watched the film and Ripley is attempting to purge the air in the shuttle.

    Superb tension building!

    Full Member

    ^^ Agreed. Trumps a shit head and a very dangerous one at that. First term was the experiment, a second term he’ll go full dictator and have some very merky backers to facilitate him given half a chance… and as for poor bloody Ukraine and Gaza…

    Full Member

    The Undeclared War is the series I was thinking of but I don’t think it’s the one you’re searching for. Lol

    Full Member

    Don’t think it’s the one but, The Undeclared War?

    Full Member

    Got it, with the help of AI.

    The Last Bastion

    Edit: AI is wrong! :)

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