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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
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    Thread has died


    Maybe those previous supporters/apologists for Starmers poor decisions have realised that they backed the wrong horse unless they are just waiting to come back to thread in 3 years time to say I told you so after Starmer has emerged as a progressive hero.

    I can’t speak for other posters if course, only myself. I dont post in the thread as much as I did pre election because I’ve largely got what I voted for. So for me the thread isn’t the cathartic pressure release valve I once needed.

    The key word there is, “largely”. I’m ambivalent towards means tested WFP and was frustrated by the gifts mess. Overall though, I like the direction of travel and “nirvana” was never on the ballet paper. I am also in a bit of a holding pattern till the budget as I suspect many on here are. There’ll be more issues of substance to discuss/argue about then. Lol

    Anyway, that’s where I am at.

    Can’t lie, the recent interviews with Boris over his book renewed my contempt for the last government and further validated my choice of voting Labour. I mean, thank God they are gone, thank God.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    That has to be pretty good news for labour?

    Full Member

    So Fed Ex are delivering the table I ordered off Amazon.


    Going by past performance, in my area at least, there was bloody good reason they were chosen as the courier compsny that dumped Hanks on a deserted island with a load of parcels! ;-)

    Full Member

    He’s been found, apparently. Radio 4 did a doc on the movie last week: a local radio station in Sheffield surprised a couple of superfans, who’d been trying to track him down for ages, by wheeling him out, live on air.

    That’s great, cheers for sharing, didn’t know he’d been found!

    Full Member

    I live nowhere near the area but this still makes me fuming! The mere fact these cases are even contemplated by rich landowners shows it’s *their* entitlements and rights that need to be curtailed, not the general populous!

    Free Member
    Obviously the outcome is for the courts but if nothing else, this case has highlighted to all and sundry what utterly ridiculous and backward thinking access laws exist in England.


    Full Member

    Yeah, same here. JoB has an uncanny ability to encapsulate a state of mind and an entire period of people’s lives along with the emotions that go with them, which is remarkable.
    I have a feeling it’s going to get dusty when the package arrives…

    Well put and I’m glad to hear im not the only one that will be a little too consumed with the poignancy.

    Full Member

    The young couple doing up the flat for a new life together  whilst listening to the worsening global situation on the radio…

    Very powerful stuff.


    They are trying to find the guy that played the iconic traffic warden with all the bandages on, it was on the BBC Webby. Cant remember the reason, guessing it’s due to the anniversary.

    Full Member

    No, black is fine, black is fine, black is fine.

    Damn you Amazon, damn you to hell!

    Full Member

    Gah! The Flexisport standing table has just dropped price the second Prime day hit £50… It already had a £50 voucher deal on it too… But it’s in all black. I didn’t want that colour!

    £100 off though, making it the same price as a cheap and nasty one I was also eyeing up! Sods law, normally anything im interesting in never drops in price.

    Full Member

    I don’t think it would do her skin any good if she did, it’s not known for it’s moisturising properties !!

    Damned good at accidently setting your hands alight more than once during Covid though, when I used it before lighting a gas hob.

    For a split second I couldn’t work out what my hand had a faint blue aura around it, I just assumed I was holy… Till the heat registered.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    It’s a selection plus a few new pages.

    Missus got the HEAVY HINT notification.

    Funnily enough I still have some of the original stickers kicking about on some, er, old paraphernalia at the back of the loft. “do less better” indeed.

    Thanks for the clarification mate.

    I remember sticking a load of Minty stickers on to a red plastic, carry tool box I had in the early 90’s. I had about 10ish tools in

    Now I’ve got a massive car mechanic sized one on wheels and STILL have to improvise some tools to remove certain bearings and carry out the odd bodge.

    Ah, simpler times…

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Alright, enough now. I asked whether people thought I should complain or not. I didn’t ask for a critique on my shopping habits.

    On the political threads there have been arguments about what constitutes an argument! I agree, it gets a bit much.

    We are all hypocritical unless we are living in a cave and foraging for food… and even that could be dissected and hypocrisy found if enough time was spent.

    Full Member

    Cheers for the info mate, really appreciated. <Thumbs up>

    Full Member

    Full Member

    I have this
    Currently at £189 (259 – 70 voucher) I’ve had it a year and it’s been excellent.

    Yep, that bad boy is one of the ones on my list. Glad to hear it’s given you no issues. Is the wooden top a one piece affair? The cheapest ones use dowels to hold sections together.


    Full Member

    Free Member
    Lots of sellers have the motorised bit separately, with adjustable width. Then just buy a wooden / MDF top of your choice from say IKEA or local timber / kitchen unit supplier.

    Yep, that was a solution I looked at but it’s a bit of a pain at the moment as I’m car less.

    As the OP wants something specific then find a few varients of what you want, add them to your wishlist/save for later, or whatever it’s called.., and check them again on deal day/week.

    Yep, that’s my cunning plan! Lol I’m not expecting a deal on the ones I’m looking at to be honest but we’ll see.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Surely best answer is don’t invest too much personality into the discussion that you’d be bothered if someone says something you don’t like.

    It’s so simple to just put your phone down and deal with all the real stuff going on around you.

    Forum discussion is optional and way too ad-hoc to be bothered about too much.

    Just quoting you as it’s a handy segue.

    The thing is, we all handle life in different ways and the same applies to the little extensions of our lives that play out on STW. Most members on here can probably shrug off the more heated exchanges but not everyone can.

    Add in the red mist of, “but I’m right, you aren’t!” and it’s easy to get sucked into a discussion even when your logical brain says walk away.

    We also dont know what’s going on in most members personal lives. We cant just assume that because someone decides that posting personal stuff on here is not for them that they aren’t facing challenging circumstances in the real world. I tend to back away from the forum on my bad days as I know it can creep into my posting on here.

    The inherent issue with the political threads is that they often cross an ever moving line where it becomes all about winning the argument and the actual point of contention becomes a side issue. The problem is, everyone reaches that point at a different time or dont even realise they’ve crossed that line.

    I’m not pointing fingers at anyone, I’m guilty off all this too.

    Full Member

    Employment – cyber security

    Drives – Nissan Navara (baby Robin killer) but I do live in the sticks..

    My God man.

    You. Are. A. Monster!!

    Audi know where you live. They*will* find you and they*will* kill you.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone. I’m trying to sort out working from Belfast for a few days as I’d like to get home to see him as soon as I can.

    Fingers crossed you can do that mate, it would help you both. Keep us updated when you get the chance.

    Full Member

    I wondered that, maybe it’s the first tranch to determine the amount of interest it’s going to generate…

    …first of an ongoing series…?

    I’ll be chuffed either way. It got to the point where I only used to buy MBUK for Mint Sauce which was a little ridiculous.

    Mint Sauce takes me right back to when I first fell in love with mountain biking in the early 90’s. Minty is hard wired into a very happy time in my life, I’ll probably get a bit emotional reading through the book when it arrives.

    Yes, I’m going there. I said that! :-D

    Full Member

    I’m really trying so I’ve reported my post and asked the Mods to ban me, until my subscription lapses anyway. Getting into arguments like this is affecting my mental health – or maybe my mental health is getting me into these arguments

    No you don’t you daft beggar!

    Take a step back from the thread, you aren’t allowed to “self terminate” your membership as Cougar once put it when he was going to step away from the forum.

    Do what I do on occasion, enact the H.F. Protocol.

    The Honourable Flounce. I do it all the time in the political threads. Make a post, if it’s challenged (highly bloody likely! Lol) perhaps make a counter argument in one post (two if you are feeling brave) then move on saying that’s its ok to disagree. Job done and have a read of the other less contentious threads on here and pop back in another time to see what hill is being fought over that day. It’ll likely be a different one.

    Yeah, the Honourable Flounce, I highly recommend it! :-D

    Full Member

    Talking about the current discussion, not individuals posting in it.

    I think it’s easy to lose perspective on STW, particularly on the political threads as all the posters on here want a better country (and world) and understandably are pretty passionate about it. Passionate about the best way of achieving it too and so hills are chosen to die on and a perma-war kicks off.

    I’ve chosen a few humdingers (hills) myself over the years. Hell, I’m a veteran of the Ling Wars™ thread. I was there man, I was there. ;-)

    Something I’ve never admitted to but I lost sleep over that thread. I’d never been subject of a real STW pile on and it was not a great place to be. Still, it was the hill I chose and that’s *entirely* on me.


    It’s worth remembering that behind the usernames there are real people with real lives and all the complexities that go with that. 

    Very few people on here are empirically correct, it’s all mired in opinion and bias whether we like it or not, whether we see it or not. Anyone that thinks otherwise? Well, herein lies the problem and I am part of that problem on occasion for sure.

    Yours, Poopscoop. Veteran of the Ling Wars™ thread. I was there man, I was there.

    (Also available for group therapy, hypnotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy on Tuesday evenings, by appointment only.)

    Full Member

    Ive ordered too.

    I’m not worried either way but this isn’t every Minty cartoon ever featured in MBUK I assume?

    If it is, that’s even betterer of course!

    Full Member

    I think I’ll pop into the thread another day.

    Full Member

    So what’s everyones thoughts on the shakeup at No. 10 today?

    Overall it seems like a good move, probably inevitable too.

    Full Member

    Not aimed at anyone, just my thoughts on this.

    I’m a hypocrite. I know Amazon is not a good employer but the convenience is a huge plus in my life at the moment due to, “reasons”.

    So… when a driver does something a bit daft I’ll have a moan to myself and then just get on with other stuff.

    Full Member

    I’ve no doubt that he is intelligent. That makes it all the worse really, that intelligence could have been used to good effect in whatever his chosen field was.

    Instead, he’s used that intelligence to damage, lie and further purely selfish goals to the detriment of people around him and many more he will never meet.

    A lot of sociopaths are pretty intelligent.

    Full Member

    It must have been tough to write that, yet alone be living it op. You have nothing to say sorry for.

    Have you got friends/ family to chat to? As great as this place is, sometimes having a literal shoulder to cry on can help you bear the huge weight on your shoulders.

    Life can be crushingly brutal at times. I sometimes “handle” things by becoming a bit of an automatron, just surviving one day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time.

    I keep a quote in me head a lot these days even if it seems like a bad joke sometimes, “this too shall pass.”

    Full Member

    Thanks very much for the continued info.

    Going to have a chat with my lad tomorrow (he’s been working during all this) and see where things stand. I want to know more about the insurance policy too.

    I’m inclined to say to him he should get a second opinion. It might be a waste of money but my spider sense is tingling a little about this.

    We shall see.

    Full Member

    He’s a nasty piece of work.

    Anyone that tells me politicians are all the same needs to remember Boris Johnson and what he normalised.

    Full Member

    Ok. Update time. Third hand info again.

    Finances first. Yesterday cost £91, today £95. Both below excess amount.

    Today vet said it’s cataract in that eye, other eye will follow in time.

    Now… It’s an “optional”  operation to remove the lens etc so I’m going to guess insurance won’t fund that.

    Googling reveals ballpark costs of “a lot”.

    Anyone had any experience of this is dogs?

    Thanks as always.

    Full Member

    Anyway, we have requested a meeting to discuss it

    Nothing to add to all the wise words in the rest of the thread, other than to say I hope all goes well at the meeting my friend. <Thumbs up.>

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Will they ever learn?

    Is it that hard to not call a Suron an e-bike?

    Does me head in too but the media in general are pretty tardy with pointing out the real distinctions here. It’s one of the many areas where the public would be better served by being educated as to the differences but it’s not really happening yet.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Can’t help but think that the UK, US, and the west will regret this one day.

    Very different in so many ways but it does make me think of the deal we had over HK, 99 years sounds like a long time. Till it isn’t.

    Full Member

    and the UK will capitalise a new trust fund, as well as separately provide other support, for the benefit of Chagossians,

    Save’s me looking at the Daily Mail’s headlines in a day or twos time. ;)

    Id like to think the only reason that the UK just didn’t walk away from the issue and say, “Come on everyone, this isn’t really UK territory, the US are calling the shots here, not us” is to try and take a bit of responsibility for an historic wrong but I’m likely being naive.

    I’m going to guess that a lot of the Chagos islands and those of Mauritius itself, are going to be mainly under water in a few decades which is bloody sad to think about. Also inconvenient for the US… though they can always “do a China” and build the island up to outpace a rise in sea levels. They have the luxury of having the money to do so, unlike these tiny islands states.

    I’m wondering what India thinks of this? I know they are getting worried about China’s increasing influence in the Indian Ocean. I suspect they are glad to see the US maintain a base there.

    Just thinking aloud really.

    Full Member

    He’s on ITV1 tomorrow being interviewed, so yeah, basically a book promo going on.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys.

    (do you know what was in the drops?)

    At the vets, a dye was put in, I’m guessing to look for a scratch to the eye, didn’t shiw anything up though.

    Drops being given at home are anti-inflammatory and an analgesic.

    Full Member

    It is clearing up! And apparently very quickly!

    Very true but I get the impression from the third hand info that is very much Judy to treat the symptom at the moment and might not treat the cause.

    Follow up appointment tomorrow, just keep our fingers crossed I suppose. She’s a lovely thing, really hope it’s nothing serious.

    Full Member

    Even more so when I explain to curious work colleagues that the ECHR has little to no bearing on military operations.

    He pretty much made it up didn’t he? Mad stuff.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Ahh it’s mad how the whole rabbit hole of leaving the ECHR is still attempted to be going down.

    frightening how this is 8 years old but still golden.

    That Patrick Stewart ECHR

    That’s very good, it’s one of those occasions when humour gets the point across so well because the idea of leaving the ECHR is so bloody ludicrous.

    Full Member

    That went down well at work

    I wonder if she realises who would have to enact all the mad policies she would like to bring in, if God forbid, she became PM?

    Basically it’s the same old divisive Tory bollocks, over and over again

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