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    I’ll be up late for the big night for sure.

    I’ve been there for the:


    Trump in ’16

    Biden in ’20

    Our GE

    Now USA ’24… Could be a long night. My main concern is Ukraine/ Gaza, though a Trump win will cause so much collateral damage I can’t even begin to get my head around it…

    Full Member

    I really like that, I’ll be entering. <Thumbs up!>

    Full Member

    Is it too early for…
    Christmas food?

    This. Is. A. Disgrace!

    Full Member

    Similar here last night, couldn’t log in, changed password 3 times but password was still invalid. Logged in first time today though. :-)

    Android, chrome.

    Full Member

    I don’t think I need a big reminder of how grim and bleak things could get.

    That’s not due to nukes mate, that’s just Sheffield.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Fricken Sony TV’s, you’d have thought a reputable brand would be problem free.

    They aren’t the brand they used to be that’s for sure. That said, their really, really top end TV’s are extremely good if you have the dosh.

    Full Member

    So you can still watch TV when the power is out…


    Full Member

    Full Member
    Some very funny answers, and on reflection I don’t watch ITV much so perhaps I should be grateful. Tried the full scan on both analogue and digital and the weird thing is that no channels are being found although I still have access to all the other channels. Think a factory reset might have to be done. Thanks for all the suggestions

    Very odd. My only concern about a factory reset is that, if you are really unlucky, you might lose all your channels if a scan isn’t finding any channels at the moment. It’s unlikely but it is possible in theory.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    The TRG sound like a political force to be reckoned with. I wonder who he is?

    Got me thinking, what happened to the Five Families? I’m guessing that after the cull they can now all fit in a Bond Bug.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Yeah – does seem weird it’s only available with new TVs only. Unless they want a slow roll-out to make sure it can cope.

    It’s really odd as I’d have definitely been interested in a dongle or preferably an app. It’s not even like all new TVs have it either. It’s a really odd roll out but hopefully they at least come up with an app for Android/ iOS so it can be cast to a TV.

    Mind you, it’s not like if Freely goes pop you can’t use your TV, you’d just get context in other ways.

    Most Hisense TVs support Freely this model year, decent TVs too.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Hurty words or inciting arson/ murder?

    It’s clearly not in contention that what she said was vile,dangerous and justifiably punishable. Lots of horrible things are said on the internet about all sorts of things. Bullying, slander, misogyny, racism. But that’s not the point. It seems that ‘hurty words’ is a shorthand reference to a particular sort of horrible thing said on the internet. That was news to me – and seemingly lots of others too…and google.

    Sorry @convert, the bit about arson/murder wasn’t aimed at you, just a general comment about the topic. The other post about using another browser was just an fyi as if you use the browser you use to log into the forum it will often prioritise STW “hits”. Something I didn’t know till fairly recently.

    Apologies if the hastily typed posts came across wrong, not my intention my friend but entirely my fault.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    We’ve got a Sony TV.

    Can you tell us how to to achieve that on ours too ?

    Do you mean the tuning?

    My reply was generic to be honest my friend, every TV brand has it’s own UI but the principles are the same. If you are using an aerial there is usually 2 options, one just looks for changes in channels and is faster but the other option is a “full scan” and will basically reload in all the channels it finds so is the better option for the op’s problem.

    Full Member

    Freely might not be around in the medium term. No apps for smartphones or existing TV’s and no dongles. It’s almost like they want it to fail.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    If one googles ‘hurty words’ the top link is…..this thread.

    That doesn’t happen when I Google the phrase in a browser I don’t use to log into this forum.

    Full Member

    It was on X not FB but it hardly matters.

    What that Tory councillors wife posted during the riots:

    “Mass deportation now, set fire to all the f****** hotels full of the bastards for all I care… If that makes me racist, so be it.”

    Hurty words or inciting arson/ murder?

    did the right thing imo particularly as this took place in a civil service context.

    Full Member

    There is usually the option of a quick scan or a full scan, do the full scan for Freeview channels as it’s more likely to restore the channels.

    Take it you are getting the channels from the TVs inbuilt Freeview receiver and a aeriel?

    I’m asking as losing a channel due to a firmware update is a little odd but not impossible.

    You can factory reset the TV but that’s a little extreme just to get channels back and it shouldn’t really be necessary anyway.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    What they are introducing is good, I am disappointed that there is no roll back on anti union laws.

    Agreed, hopefully that changes in the future.

    Full Member

    Thanks again mate, appreciated!

    Full Member

    Ah, cheers mate!

    Full Member

    Pondering, so it will go out of stock, or discount code will be removed before I decide.

    Purchase and then just return it unopened if you change your mind?

    Full Member

    Yep, I don’t want to see a Reform/ Tory merger. Too dangerous. Id sooner they both exist* and split the far right vote.

    * Even better, they if they didn’t exist at all obvs.

    Full Member

    ^^ *I used to repair those “piano key” bad boys. The shop made a fortune changing the bulb (yes, a filament BULB!) that used to blow and stop it playing tapes.


    Full Member

    then taped the rest to finish tonight.

    Who are you, who are all these people in the thread (no pun intended) that tape TV shows?!!


    Full Member

    I’m liking new laws being introduced, reforming labour laws that are objectively crap.

    No, they aren’t perfect and wont be introduced for two years but it’s another step in the right direction.

    The Mail will obviously spin it as the unions controlling Labour but frankly… who cares?

    Full Member

    why is this stuff on TV right at this particular moment….

    Just to reassure you a little, I think it’s on TV due to it being it’s 40th anniversary year.

    Full Member

    This type of batshit stuff is embraced by MAGA nutters.

    He was responding to Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who in recent days suggested on her social media accounts that the US government “can control the weather”.

    Full Member

    ^^ America is totally buggered and unfortunately social media makes it inevitable we will follow them.

    Full Member

    If your own dog doesn’t like you, you should take a good long look in the mirror..

    In that first X vid, did anyone else think he was just about to kick the dog into the air like a rugby ball?

    Full Member

    I wonder if the Indy’s voted against Labour was simply not to be seen voting with Labour?

    Total conjecture on my part I must add.

    Full Member

    When the Wind Blows next to see everyone into a blissful sleep?

    Or perhaps, The Road?

    Full Member

    ^^ Lol :-D

    Full Member




    Full Member

    ^^ Only just caught up on this and I agree, surprised at the Indy’s and Libdems vote on this. More so the Libdems.

    Full Member

    Woman on STW shocker!

    For some reason, a woman on STW is considered incredibly exotic by most. Like dragons.

    Must admit, I had also assumed you were a guy calling yourself “arsehat” though! I mean, look at my name, we are mostly children on here. Lol

    Full Member

    Full Member

    There’s a real possibility a lot of his supporters won’t be able to vote, as all the election infrastructure is trashed.

    I didn’t think of that!

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Is it a one off iPlayer screening or will it be on demand for a bit? I’d like to watch it but my evening shift yesterday snowballed into a 13 hour all nighter and I’m already nodding off ?

    I’m not sure to be honest, it was on YT in the past but might have been taken down. Hopefully the bung it on iPlayer as I wont be able to watch it tonight either.

    Full Member

    Badenoch is going too be epic to watch. I remember some people saying that after a projected election defeat the Tories would move back towards the centre which seemed unlikely to me. It’s fair to say I was right, they are still going to try to out Reform, Reform.

    She is going to remind everyone, whenever needed, why it was so important to remove the Tories.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Spoke with my mate earlier. Apparently it’s predicted to be “only” Cat 1 when it goes over his house. He’s staying because his car has a blown engine and he can’t evac his mother. His internet still works. He’s sending me memes.

    Best wishes to your mate, that’s a rough situation to be in. Hope he and his mother come through it safe and sound.

    Full Member

    Channel 4 news mentioned that Trump is saying his usual BS about the situation in Florida but missed the actual segment. What has the dick head been saying in order to kill a few of his supporters off, anyone know?

    Full Member

    She watched Z for Zacharia too the old one because apparently they re made it

    I remember watching the original and in its own way, it was just as powerful as Threads, it’s definitely recommended. The ending is extremely memorable imo.

    The new one is Hollywoodized and is “ok” but it’s a far more generic “end of the world” movie.

    I love apocalyptic movies/ series, I find them oddly calming. They are a reminder that even on your worst day, boy, things could be so much worse.

    That being said, I’m pretty convinced that during my lifetime there will be an atomic weapon used in anger (not necessarily by a state actor**), I’m just not sure if it will trigger a full out nuclear war. We shall see.

    ** Iran probed our border resilience a year or so back (during a border force strike) by getting a patsy to put some radioactive materials into a planes hold luggage. It wasn’t a bomb, it was simply to see if the UK had the systems in place, particularly during a strike, to detect a potential bomb.  It struck me at the time how little news coverage it got, you can make your own minds up as to why that was.

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