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  • TFFT, Gee Atherton Isn’t In The 2024 Red Bull Rampage Men’s Lineup 
  • Pook
    Full Member

    Fingers crossed for max binning it

    Full Member

    Red Bull hotline to FIA going mad now no doubt

    Full Member

    GR and MV getting whinge points.

    His race has gone with the red flag now though. This is Verstappen’s to lose

    Full Member

    Just watching MotD without commentary.  God it’s crap.

    Full Member

    The Police were very thorough

    Was it a Sting operation?

    Full Member

    Peter White. Yep – retired.

    Full Member

    I think PDMTB were established by being pissed off with DCC

    Full Member

    I think you need BB for the full effect of BCS.

    Full Member

    So, can friendships ever recover from this?

    Yes. 100%.

    I’ve been there with my best mate. He’s my best mate again and like a brother.

    Just be there and keep talking

    Full Member


    Full Member


    I’ve got it as one of the routes for funds for Trail Pot.

    Full Member

    Carcassonne: the Mayor in our house is “Big Pants the Mayor” or MC Hammer.

    Double size meeple are MEGA MEEPLE

    Full Member

    Saving Private Ryan for the affinity I have when he tells Tom Sizemore to “shut the hell up” as he questions his plans.

    I empathise with some of the nobs at work.

    Full Member

    Absolutely. And that would happen with diligence from your local groups

    Full Member

    I reckon “fair redistribution” is probably the biggest challenge,

    Yep but I think I’ve got this bit worked out too. As contributors register, e.g. a shop, they nominate the region they wish to feed into. Then, when the overall pot gets reinvested, you simply split it by the relevant percentages.

    Full Member

    And I can’t help thinking people need more than just advice on setting up websites and obtaining insurance, positive engagement with other local user groups, land owners and local authorities will be the most difficult part for many to navigate

    Oh yeah 100%! But you’d be amazed at how a ‘professional image’ makes a difference in the kind of spaces we need to push. And a well done website can be working for you when you’re busy doing other things. But this is just small thing. That initial investment would help those local groups step up and establish themselves to then push for more.


    None of this is helpful speculation, but my brain just goes to all the questions

    It’s really helpful and very welcome. Challenge and debate from the community will help shape the idea for the community. So it’s vital.


    Full Member

    I will admit to knowing Chris and I know how much of his life he devotes to this cause. For what its worth, if he can’t pull this off, I’m not sure anybody can.

    That’s really kind, thanks Jase.



    Full Member

    There’s precious little riding round here that isn’t XC heavy or edge of field stuff.

    But you have a bunch of people willing to push for and try to achieve stuff. If their efforts could be financially supported – even with something so basic as posters, that group could properly represent itself and start campaigning strongly. The seed funding from the Trail Pot could help you become very noisy.

    And re: the offer of help – yes, email me :)

    Full Member

    Evening folks. Finally had chance to sit down and have a look at some of the comments. First of all, thanks for the support for the idea – it’s really good to know you’re in favour of something like this. I’m a bit daunted about I may be about to take on, but excited to try and do something big for the community.

    A few comments on the questions here…

    “So it’s basically a national level of what Ride Sheffield are already trying to do with Radtax at a local level?”

    One small option of the funding stream is like RadTax, the rest is different. The level of donation has to be so small as to be negligible. But then at scale – nationally, it would build a significant pot.

    “I’d suggest the name could use some work.”

    Yep. I pick this up in the full article on our website “Call it the trail pot, the investment fund or whatever, with enough engagement, the name is immaterial – it’s the results that will count.”
    I quite like Trail Investment Pot. Cos then you can be prompted to leave a TIP.

    “The detail and practicalities need some thought”

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Yes. That’s why we’re putting it out there – so people can input and shape it. I have reams of scribbles about how it would/could work.</span>

    “There’s an expectation that the panel will do a lot of work for free.”

    Have you met me? :) I’m passionate about this. Lots of others in the world of advocacy are too. If we want something to really work, we’ll put the time in. I know loads of people who put in loads of hours voluntarily – the hardest part of that, I’ve always found, is identifying a specific task. Volunteer hours don’t always have to be with a mattock.

    “Money ‘donated’ would be so thinly spread over such a large geographic area that I would not expect to see any noticable benefits in my area”
    “Would people contribute to that, rounding up your LBS purchase in Swinley, knowing the money might go to a project somewhere near Newcastle?”“staff costs will swallow a lot of the cash for the first few years”

    I have a model for ‘fair’ redistribution of money raised so that this wouldn’t be a problem. In fact, the model would almost incentivise participation. It’s on a bit of scrap paper at the moment though, not in a shiny pdf. In year one I’d anticipate a lower level of funds being used to give local advocacy groups the boost they need to lift their game; web domains, tools, posters, flags, maybe insurances – that kind of thing. Small win results which then play back into the fund by helping volunteer groups to almost professionalise how they operate.

    “What would be interesting would be to have a nationally standardised system for micro-donations that any local trail association could sign up to.”

    The unfortunate side effect being a parochial flow of money purely localised and no unifying cause to unite the MTB community. Trail Pot lifts the altruistic element up to a mandated cause.

    “I’m sceptical that your average audi driving MTB rider will actually chuck enough in the pot to make it sustainable”

    Yep, a fair concern. The aim is to make it negligible in the spend mechanism. But at scale.

    “In other contexts with “National” funds I’ve seen two (conflicting) gripes”

    A fair point. I’d want to see the application process for funds made simple for both groups and the panel. I work in comms so have some skill in this area.

    “Perhaps the funds a local group could help generate include a % to the national body.”

    Yep. PDMTB would look to contribute. Agree with everything you say.


    Full Member

    Good points towzer. Its Chris from PDMTB here.

    – what is cycling is a good question but for a panel to decide reinvestment. Projects would be appraised on an individual basis

    – money would be held in charitable trust and reinvested to agreed criteria. Maybe regionally. I have a model for this worked out.


    Full Member

    All over twitter that he’s now on a 6 week holiday now.


    Full Member

    I know I don’t watch a load of football, but for the so called goat, Messi’s a cheating little shit isn’t he?

    Full Member

    Ah we dumped plusnet to move to sky!

    Full Member

    Lufthansa is rolling out A380s again for a bit

    Full Member

    Danny Ric will end the season as a full RB driver.

    I think this too.

    Full Member

    Reframing mountain biking is something advocacy groups have been doing for ages. Open MTB Nd Peak District MTB are two examples of committed groups working bloody hard to make a distance who struggle for time and resource.

    Making a difference here is hard yards. It’s not just digging, it’s sitting in committees and advisory groups, access forums and rare landowner meetings.  Not very “rad”. But very necessary.

    Hannah, you know me, I’m 100% with you on this. Come along to the Peak District MTB AGM to talk more.


    Full Member

    sorted. Subtle change from “enter email address” to “enter username”.

    I’m tired

    Full Member

    Moyles was right when he said, “shouldn’t he be at work?”

    Full Member

    ah good thinking. I’ve used music magpie for phones in the past. Who’s best for refurblaptops?

    Full Member

    Yeah PS and Premiere elements

    Full Member

    Or will he just have to sell at a loss?

    Full Member

    What’s stopping the ex employees just setting up a better version? Non compete clauses must be null and void with his behaviour

    Full Member

    COTA always gives us a race!

    Full Member

    Is that a euphemism?

    Full Member

    Eve aerospace up 27% for me
    Itv and centrica down

    Full Member

    If you test positive when you are out there, are you stuck awaiting a negative test


    Full Member

    6Music are currently playing “I’ll Feel a Whole Lot Better When You’re Gone” by the Byrds. Feels apt.

    Full Member

    Would’ve been a great Bond theme though

    Full Member

    Well yes, but only if you’re suggesting that

    “We’ve followed the rules and it’s had an effect, and they’ve cheated”

    …is what’s being said.

    Full Member

    gdm4. 100% that. not the rip, gnar, fnarr, stoke or multitude of other phrases we’re characterised as spouting.

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