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  • pondo
    Full Member

    Why would you want someone trying to describe that which you can clearly see?

    You listen to it for what you don’t know or can’t see, and in that respect Eurosport own.

    Full Member

    You appear to have got that the wrong way round. Unless of course you are the old codger or your NCD is in some way linked to his.

    The only thing I can say with any certainty is that my NCD is full and my insurance goes up every year way beyond the rate of inflation. Something’s making it go up.

    Full Member

    Well, there’s the difference – your claim for compensation against an old codger at fault for a sore arm is an unnecessary and pointless legal action that will have a negligable affect on ther insurance but I’ll see the increase on mine. Thanks.

    I said it before, but if you want to teach them a lesson (as opposed to lining your greedy little pockets), why don’t you suggest a custodial sentence, rather than financial compo?

    Full Member

    Not 100% but I was expecting not to see it on Eurosport next year, think it’s BT exclusive. :(

    Full Member

    Not even bruised yet, is it? All we know for now is “sore”.

    Seriously – this idea of “hitting people in the pocket to stop it happening again” gets my goat. You never hear of people launching suits in the hope of getting a custodial sentence for the accused, do you – therein lies the real intent.

    Full Member

    Hoping for a mealy-mouthed insincere apology is all very well, but hitting dangerous drivers in the wallet is more likely to have an impact on their behaviour

    The pocket you hit them in is every car driver’s, including mine. Claim for pain and suffering? Can I sue you for the anguish that litigious BS like this causes me?

    Full Member

    Dang – turned 40 last week, so reckon I tick the middle aged box, but I fail the Audi test, don’t even drive a German car to get in on a technicality. :(

    Full Member

    I thought we’d established the stereotype was wrong, and we all actually work for the NHS?

    I work in IT on clinical systems used by the NHS – check me out, ticking two boxes at the same time! :D

    Full Member

    It’s an open invitation for someone to try to squeeze past you…

    Judging by the OP, the driver didn’t try to squeeze, he didn’t see the cyclist. There’s an argument to say he would have been more visible further out in the road, but that’s speculative, no more provable than saying he would have definitely been knocked off if he’d been further out.

    Easy to say from here, BennyBoy, but it’s one of those things, could have been worse, but equally he could have seen you and moved over. Doesn’t pay to dwell – but again, that’s easier said than done… :)

    Full Member

    Wow, awesome find – that’s a shed load better than I thought it would be! :)

    Full Member

    Sea, beaches, docks, ferry?

    Sorry – my quote was specifically with reference to people saying things like clubs, museums, galleries, eateries, theatres and the like. Sea and beach access IS limited, of course – there is Gas Street Basin, where the canal networks meet, which has an abundance of nice places to eat and drink, but there aren’t any ferries that I’m aware of. Which is, I think, a point in Birmingham’s favour. :)

    Full Member

    I think it WOULD be categorised as bad form.

    However, what they don’t know…

    Full Member

    You may have to elaborate on this.

    Would “yes, Strava does work on turbos” suffice? :)

    It’s your century – it’s what it means to you that counts. Done my first a month or so back on a sportive, two food stops and two puncture stops, that’ll do for me. Did a 95 mile round trip on cycle to work day as well, and although that was shorter and had an eight hour gap in the middle, that was loads harder! :) The century is still the century, though. :)

    Full Member

    because they are still ashamed they gave us SLADE

    They were the first act to achieve three singles enter at number one with 17 consecutive top 20 hits and six number ones. The British Hit Singles & Albums names them as the most successful British group of the 1970s based on sales of singles. A number of diverse artists have cited Slade as an influence, including Nirvana and the Smashing Pumpkins, the Ramones, Sex Pistols, the Undertones, the Runaways and the Clash, Kiss, Mötley Crüe, Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Poison and Def Leppard, the Replacements, Cheap Trick and Oasis.


    Full Member

    From the Bewdley bypass to Five Ways island shows as 20 miles and 53 minutes as of right now, according to Google maps – that’s not ferociously slow, for rush hour, is it?

    Full Member

    In all fairness, maybe I’ve missed someone saying otherwise, but as I understood it, the school weren’t even sure if it was broken – obviously, if there was bone poking out, blood spraying around and a child screaming in pain, that would be different, but it’s definitely a possibility for the child just to be white-faced and sniffling. Mrs Pondo broke her wrist as a child and when she went to her mum (who is a lovely lady and dutiful parent), she just vigourously rubbed it better, to her endless horror and embarrassment. So it might not have been that blatantly clear whether it was an injury worth an emergency call or not.

    Full Member

    Its not threatening, but a legal possibility and a right to be able to claim compensation for others faults or failures in the duty of care expected.

    Are we allowed to take this a step further and allow the school to counter-sue, vecause they entrusted the care of a child to a body without taking sufficient care to ensure that the school was adequately risk-assessed before sending their child there?

    Full Member

    seems as if schools now do have a non delegable duty of care, so cant delaegate the duty of care to others for children who are in their care.

    Awesome – well done, Law. “When the case was dealt with in the Court of Appeal, Lord Justice Tomlinson said the imposition of a non-delegable duty of care on the council could have a chilling effect on the willingness of education authorities to provide valuable experiences for their pupils. ” Let’s not forget, the Supreme Court had to change the law for the appeal to be succesful.

    So, you take all those swimming lessons, school trips, any kind of playground equipment and I daresay even PE kit, and you can just throw it all away, because no-one’s going to dare use it any more. Fantastic.

    Full Member

    The kid was left at the school and under their supervision, so they have a duty of care to ensuree he is looked after,in a safe and secure environmnet.

    And if the training and risk assessments are all in order, what do you do then? Maybe accept that accidents do happen, or look for someone else to sue?

    Full Member

    A lot of parents only want the school to be in loco parentis as long as the school don’t do anything the parents disagree with, like give their snowflake a detention, confiscate their mobile phone, or give them a paracetamol when they break their arm. The schools and professionals unfortunately can’t do right for doing wrong with some people.

    Flippin bob on!

    Full Member

    But its not exactly somewhere touristy, freindly, clean, maintained,and easy to get into.

    Well – with the exception of “touristy”, I’d say that’s exactly what Birmingham is. Ok, it doesn’t have a big knockout focal point like the Albert Docks, but there’s massive, prettily-regenerated ciyt centre that’s great if you fancy pottering around shops, checking out galleries or museums, having a stroll along a canal or having a pint in anything from a real ale pub up to a banging cattle market and all points in between, and it’s all in the city centre. Maybe I’ve just been lucky but the people seem pretty friendly (although you’re going to be called “mate” or “bab”, rather than “hen” or “pet”), it’s as clean and well-maintained (especially around the centre) as any other UK city you’d want to name, and it sits plumb in the middle of the country at the end of the M5, M40, M6 and not too far from the M1, with excellent rail links. There’s even an airport and everything, if you’re bringing the Learjet. :)

    Full Member

    Brum has new street station currently being rebult and thats about it.

    Birmingham has free museums, lots of great big buildings old and new stuff, lovely waterside around Brindley Place, miles of canals and tow paths, Bullring shopping centre, Specialized bike shop, Evans bike shop (as well as loads of other bikes shops) and lots more.

    Like – I don’t want to come over all Birmingham Tourist Board or anything, but people are bigging up Liverpool about stuff that Birmingham also has.

    Full Member

    [/quote]Actually while I think about it, can anyone recommend a good curry house, within walking distance of Birmingham New St Station? Good=nice food but not expensive flashy.

    Indian friends from Leamington tell me to go to Asha’s, might be ten minute’s walk from New Street –

    Nice round there – the Wellington is a proper real-ale pub in the city centre, if that’s your bag. :)

    Full Member

    China town is ok, there’s a good supermarket there.

    Birmingham has a lovely Chinese quarter, handy for the Arcadian and the Bull Ring. :)

    Full Member

    Actually I went for a weekend there with one of my mates who was doing a placement at the uni, a couple of years back. He despised the place as he said it was a complete and utter ****-hole

    He wasn’t wrong!
    Round by the Uni is cheap and cheerful-tastic, Selly Oak high street is quite a cheerful place when the kids are about, if you want cheap, decent food where you can BYB, that’s our go-to spot. Plus you can go and watch the uni’s american football team spannering whichever hapless opponents are up the other end of the pitch, AND drink cider at the same time*.

    * There are other, arguably classier facets to Britain’s Second City.

    Full Member

    As a parent, my response would be: you broke them, you fix them.

    IMHO, it’s the whole finger-pointing blame culture that means schools are becoming too scared of litagation to do anything other than wrap their charges in blacnkets and give them all the same grade by default.

    WTF? You need two adults to take a kid with a suspected broken arm to hospital??? What’s the point of the CRB / DBS check, then?

    Having a CRB check doesn’t make you immune to accusations of inappropriate behaviour.

    Full Member

    Unless you’re coming down when the German market is on then I would say Brum.

    Are you sh!tting me? Birmingham’s a nightmare when the market’s on.

    Don’t know Liverpool well so not really in a position to comment, but I like Birmingham, the city centre’s being rejuvenated and it has to be said a corking job is being done – it’s still a work in progress but it’s a long way from being the grim concrete hulk it was in the sixties and seventies. Plus, it’s a lot nearer to Ludlow. :) Birmingham too has theatres, museums, galleries, pubs, clubs, comedy and fine dining, and even if there’s no yellow duckmarine there’s (all together now) more canals than Venice.

    Full Member

    A sit-down talk won’t get us very far, but it’s worth a shot.

    Yeah, I totally get you – but as much as anything, it’s about laying out the guidelines so that he can’t say “what you kicking me out for?” You can tell him, we’re kicking you out because that’s what we told you would happen if you stepped over these lines we laid out for you. I guess it’s almost as much about fomralising it for yourself and your GF, as much as having any expectation that it’ll turn him around. Still, we live in hope…

    Full Member

    Cor blimey, I don’t envy either of you. :( I’m not a parent so I’ve no experience, but from where I’m sitting, I’d be thinking; with your GF, get him sober, get him alone, sit him down and let him know the score. He cannot continue living like he does – he either follows a line of reasonable behaviour, or he finds his own home. It’s not a matter of kicking him out, not at this stage, but he’s gotta know he WILL be out (and bloody soon) if he don’t get his sh!t together.

    Full Member

    ‘Major corporation in “considering their policies” shocker after public outrage’ – well, that makes a refreshing change. :)

    Now, if we can just get the banks, the government and the fuel companies to do the same…

    Full Member

    I’ve heard that if you’re determined enough, you can find pictures of norks on the interweb

    This post is worthless without proof.

    Full Member

    Take your nervousness as a positive thing. its making you prepare as well as you possibly can to ensure that you do the best job you can.

    The fact you have always had positive reviews proves this.
    Boom. I’m in a play this week, if I dwell on all the things that can go wrong, or mistakes I’ve made in rehearsals, or (heaven forbid) opening my mouth for my first line and saying a line from a different play, then I’ve just be a quivery lump of jelly too scared to even leave the house to get to the theatre. See? I’m actually a little bit shakey right now thinking about it.

    But if I go in there positive, I know I can get it done – I’ve done it before, I know this play, I know my lines and where I need to go and what to do. I can do – I KNOW I can do it. Just gotta trust in myself, be positive and go out ther eand knock it out the park. It’s the same for you – this is so much easier to say than to do, I know, but you know you can do it, you just gotta think positive. It’s all scarey and nervous in the build up, but the moment you open your mouth and that first word comes out, you’re away. :)

    Full Member

    This topic is not what I was hoping it would be. :(

    Full Member

    I can’t believe Honda thought the rules wouldn’t apply to them – could you imagine the furore if, with the teams clearly notified they had to change on lap 9 or 10, Honda stayed a lap longer and won? Nah, not a chance.

    Full Member

    Makes me pretty uncomfortable – if they want to censor nudity or bad language, well, that’s kind of fair enough by me, if that’s what they want to do. But it seems a screaming great paradox to then allow graphiic videos of people being murdered. I mean, who are they trying to protect from boobies? Presumably young people, right? But FB then endorses the right of under eighteens to watch beheadings? And not just made-up, TV or film beheadings – it’s all a bit grim, for my money, and you can’t help but think there is at least the merest hint of an agenda behind it all.

    Full Member

    Used to use an agent called Transglobal Express, always used to be cheaper than Royal Mail for small parcel international freight, mebbe still worth checking in case they still are.

    Full Member

    If you are looking for someone to read it for you don’t have to bother, it won’t be me.

    If you have already read it, you can tell me what it’s all about to save me the bother
    I think that’s fair enough.

    Full Member

    It was the 4x4s with the guys hanging on the side who tended to kill me!

    Gar, those were the bad boys that done for me, too. And their mates with the stingers definitely weren’t helping. Tried ducking and dodging through small alleys, tried going full loud, tried the countryside – even crashed into the pond in the golf course and we all hunkered down in the water all incongruous-like, but they still found us in the end.

    Full Member

    Finished the single player story line last night, losing the cops on the final heist took about 20 attempts, they look everywhere when you’ve got 5 stars!

    I fluked my way into a narrow alleyway out of site of the roads with a cover over it, on about my tenth go. Was just getting to the point where I was thinking I must be missing something, and I was never gonna do it by just Fangio’ing my way about.

    Full Member

    If that had been the remount, that would have been COOL! :)

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