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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • pomona
    Free Member

    “Avoiding action, turn left IMMEDIATELY, traffic in your 12 o’clock, 2miles, is an opposite direction Boeing, same level”

    Free Member


    Cooked slow for 16 hours in an offset smoker using well seasoned wood for fuel.

    Free Member

    Grandad? Is that you?

    Free Member

    I got my son a couple of hundred condoms from a free family planning clinic and told him I’m not being a grandad in my 40’s

    Free Member

    To my eternal shame I stole a reverse-thread nut of the stub axle of a Mini Metro that had been abandoned in the street outside our house in London. To be fair, it had been there a couple of weeks and was covered in Police stickers. And I did need the nut to fix my mates car. Anyway, the council sent a lorry and dragged it off to the scrappy the next day.

    I’d also be ashamed of knowing someone that owned a Metro

    Free Member

    can’t wait until the baby is out. Hoping slightly more normal service will resume then.

    Erm, good luck with that.

    Free Member

    Wellington did get shook up quite a bit, damage to a few buildings including some fairly new ones. Must have been so much worse down south.

    The first quake was a monster (I think technically was 2 at the same time). Never felt one that went on for so long, well over a minute and seems to keep stepping up a gear every few seconds.
    The rate and intensity of the aftershocks has been staggering as well. So much worse than the Seddon quakes a couple of years ago. Was woken by them several times the first night then had 3 while watching Arrival at the Roxy last night.
    I’m just glad I live up a hill and well out the Tsunami zone. Had many friends on the flat bits of town (Island Bay, Miramar etc) that were told to evacuate and spend the night on top of a hill.

    Free Member

    Have done the route with Singapore, Lufthansa and Swiss in the last year.

    Singapore were great. Best economy cabin I’ve seen.

    Lufthansa had OK service onboard but made a mess of my booking in other ways.

    Swiss was not so pleasant. Very little padding on the seats, it was a 13+ hour overnight flight but I had to get up every 1 or 2 just to get some feeling back into my legs. Food was fine and IFE was OK, just the seats that spoiled it.
    If they were super cheap I would use them again, I’d just make sure I took a cushion with me.

    Free Member

    I lost 0ver 10kg recently and still have another 5 to go before I reach my target of 80kg.

    All I did was avoid simple carbs (bread, cereals, pasta, rice, potatoes, sugary stuff) and switch from drinking beer to red wine.

    That was it. Simple as that.

    I still go out for post ride beers on occasion and will still eat pizza etc but much less often. I find I appreciate it much more now I have them less often.

    Biggest thing to losing weight is perseverance. You have to stick at it. It’s not just a diet to shed a few kg then go back to old habits. You’re changing the way you eat permanently. It’s no good starving yourself for a few weeks, you will lose weight doing that but you can only keep that up for so long.
    Better to find out the foods that are your weaknesses and swap them for something healthier.
    For me it was pizza so I now make cauliflower crust pizzas at home.

    Free Member

    Ballet dancer.

    Free Member

    11,675 Miles.

    I’ve never won anything before so can this thread stop now please.

    Free Member

    Don’t get me started on American carriers and biz jets…..

    Difficulties getting readbacks?

    Free Member

    Malaysian are fine. They were just staggeringly unlucky twice in a short space of time.

    Free Member

    Worth a look, the A380 is probably not that bad for that length of time

    A388 for only the first few flights then swapping to a B772-LR

    Singapore Airlines are your best bet for comfort if you’re going economy. They fly direct to ChCh so that cuts out a leg.

    Free Member

    Have you seen the size of the compartments and corridors on the Sleeper? Not sure you’d even fit a bike box along the corridor let alone into the cabin.

    No chance you’d fit 2 bikes in a cabin for 2. Only possibility is book 2 first class cabins with an interconnecting door.

    If you’re going for the sleeper seats rather than a compartment it should be fine for baggage but your night will be uncomfortable and mostly sleepless.

    Free Member

    Never heard of this but sounds interesting. Will have to add this into my brewing schedule.

    Do you have a recipe? Is it just add bread/toast to a normal all grain recipe?

    Free Member

    A note suggesting he stop being knobber stuck to his windscreeen with wallpaper paste. Preferably right in the drivers field of view.
    Won’t damage the car at all but is a proper bitch to scrape off.

    After scraping a couple off he may think twice about being a knobber

    Free Member

    I had a scrotal hematoma after mine.

    You probably don’t want to do a google image search for that but I’m sure many will.
    Trust me, a google image is nothing compared to seeing your own look like that.

    Free Member

    Print this out and keep it buy your phone. Colgate seems to be the most popular toothpaste for cold callers

    Free Member

    Old buildings and other such sh*t, art, chocolate, chips, beer, dwarves, cocaine.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Triangles are my favourite shape

    Free Member

    Thanks. Thought that was the case and just wanted to make sure.

    Now just need to decide what angle to go for

    Free Member

    I have a UK one and an NZ one.
    Use the UK in NZ and the NZ in UK never had any issues with hiring cars etc. Also means I can speed and park wherever I want and not ignore the points/fines

    Free Member

    I hope you’ve all read these and complying with the rules?

    Even a little drone has the potential to cause a serious incident and some people are doing some really dumb things with them.

    Free Member


    What Nobeer and a couple of others said.
    Almost all of your recipes are sauces and not gravy. Gravy is a sauce made with meat juice

    Free Member

    Nostalgias not what it used to be……

    Free Member

    As a rule we don’t allow people into the ops room to ‘look over our shoulders’ during peak traffic periods. Thats when we make our cash. I’ve seen/instructed people who are great in the sim and absolutely shite when faced with a real radar environment.

    We let anyone in the tower if they bring cake.
    Seen the same thing many times with trainees who perform well in the sim but fail to rate in the real word.

    Free Member

    Is it in yet?

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice. Hadn’t thought of trying an MX shop for goggles, I’ll pop in and see what I can find.

    Free Member

    crash chilling prior to kegging

    If you’re kegging it then you have co2 available?

    This is my usual process and I get crystal clear ales from it.

    Cold crash down as cool as you can go. Blossom some gelatine a little cooled boiled water. Purge seconadary with c02 to prevent infection then add you gelatine water and rack the beer onto it. Hold it at the low temp for 48 hours then keg.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Spare a thought for the NZ womens national champ Sarah Atkin.

    Young girl at her first ever worlds and her bike big goes missing en route. She managed to borrow a bike for a couple of practice sessions but not for qualification or the finals so she’s relegated to being a spectator and is feeling a bit shit about it all. She had her sights set on a top 10 place and had a pretty good chance of getting one.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    If they need a hand keeping the bike in running order while awaiting the arrival of baby No2 I’m just up the road in Wellington….

    Free Member

    As Rockhopper said foreshortening makes it look much worse than it is.

    Many possible reasons for the incident, don’t be so quick to blame ATC until you know the full facts.

    Free Member

    Helped a pilot of a light aircraft that was lost and above clouds to find a place he could descend safely and get visual reference to the surface again and then back to an aerodrome.

    Free Member

    Edited because I didn’t read it all properly.

    Free Member

    Play the Oscar Pistorios drinking game. Every time someone goes to the bathroom you have 5 shots

    Free Member


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