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  • Women To Compete At Red Bull Rampage
  • poltheball
    Free Member

    Hard to hate Ragley I’d have thought?

    Free Member

    If you find yourself on Mull, Scoor beach (ESE of Bunessan, on the south side of the island) is a pretty awesome place for swimming/kayaking/sunbathing/fishing/fires to cook fish, as a couple of bays further round to the east (a stoney beach) tends to be pretty full of driftwood that’s easily accessible by water.

    Gruinard Bay near Laide on the mainland in NW is also nice, there’s a few crackers round that area.

    Free Member

    Unless I’m misunderstanding you, I think you’re overthinking it.

    The only thing that matters as far as the hubs go is that they are the same spec axle (Front axle will be 100mm wide and either 9,15 or 20mm diameter, Rear will be 135×9, 135×10, 142xwhatever or 150xwhatever; both could also potentially be bolt-through, depending on how old your current hubs are).

    So long as your spare set of wheels have same axle specs as your current ones you’ll be fine.

    As far as cassette goes, if you’ll not be switching the cassette over every time just buy two identical ones so that the smallest and largest cogs have the same number of teeth on each; this means you don’t need to faff around with your mech to improve shifting each time you switch wheels.

    Does that answer your question, or have I missed the point completely? 😆

    Free Member

    Thanks, I’ll have a look at both those routes when I whip the maps out.

    Fair shout about exposure, we’ve been out a fair few times now and are aware of the risks; we always have a plan B overnight spot just in case we get typical Scottish weather 😆

    As I said, the first option is hammocking, so we’ll probably end up fairly low level anyway to find enough trees for the three of us.

    Free Member

    A few weeks back we did a one-night circular trip (with Ben Macdui as the centre of the circle) from the Linn of Dee; it was absolutely brilliant, cracking weather all the time and we bivvied on the shores of Loch an Eilein. That worked out as just less than 60miles I think (will need to dig out the Strava records), so something of that magnitude would be ideal. There’s plenty of other hills in the area that we avoided so I’m open to any other suggestions round there, certainly not seen/done everything there 🙂

    At work so can’t check OS maps, but was wondering if there could be potential in parking at Glen Doll Ranger centre, doing Jock’s Road towards Braemar, then coming back towards Lochnagar for the night, then towards Loch Muick in the morning, then back to Glen Doll?

    Free Member

    Keen to do a circular route to avoid needing a train or anything, but will bear it in mind, cheers!

    Free Member

    Mango bike? Singlespeed, cheap as chips, only thing is you don’t want to get too carried away with the colour scheme, if it looks expensive it’ll probably get half inched!

    Free Member

    +1 for Ainsley Harriet couscous and a mattesons sausage. Quick and easy, sausage is precooked, and the entire meal weighs 300g. Just boil some water and you’re away!

    The first time I ever went wild camping it was with two mates, and we foolishly decided to take a tin each for breakfast and dinner, for a two night trip. Worked out at about 15 tins altogether iirc, definitely not a good plan! We’d previously agreed that they’d split the (relatively cheap & heavy) tent, and I’d carry the food. That was a few years ago now, my back’s still not recovered! 😆

    Whisky miniatures help keep you warm in the evening, and hot chocolate gets you going again in the morning, jelly and soreen for snacks throughout the day. Fruit and nut mix can be handy as well.

    Free Member

    Planning on using it to write a wee message for my bro and his wife, they had twins yesterday 😀

    Free Member

    Having used both, I prefer this for presta valves. As mentioned before, it’s too easy to unscrew the valve core with the Lezyne when getting the pump off at the end, and it’s a complete pain when it happens.

    Quicker inflation with the Topeak, comfier T-handle, plus the bits you hold are plastic not metal so they don’t heat up to a million degrees in your hand!

    Free Member

    Hans Dampfs on DT Swiss ex5.1d. Nigh on impossible with rim tape of any thickness, still really bad without tape. They’re fine on 729s though!

    Free Member

    Little bit of John…

    Adam Holmes

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I picked up a pair of FiveTen Freeriders last week in Keswick for £50 – here’s the website for the shop

    So far they’re dead comfy, the extra grip is great and they offer waay more support than the Supras I was using before. They don’t scream “biker”, so are wearable as normal shoes too which is a bonus.

    Free Member

    The only problem main selling point is that they’re not nearly as loud as the old Pro 2’s

    Haha! Each to their own, I liked having silly loud show-off hubs to warn pedestrians I was coming behind them 😆

    Free Member

    I’ve been running once since the week it came out (luckily timed warranty replacement), had no problems with it so far. Bearings were a bit squeaky when they arrived, but a squirt of lube and plenty of use seems to have quietened them down.

    The only problem is that they’re not nearly as loud as the old Pro 2’s 🙁

    Free Member

    I always take a couple of loaves of Soreen and some raw jelly to munch on to keep the energy levels up throughout the day, I’m yet to work out the perfect dinner though – I’m usually lazy and just take tins of stuff to heat up, it’s hardly much extra weight or space unless you’re taking enough for three teenagers for three days worth (definitely not made that mistake before..) 😯

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice, I’m based in Dundee so can’t take you up on that offer; thanks anyway!

    Might just have to pop to lbs then.

    Free Member

    Is 120psi quite low for a shock? I’m 12stone in riding gear.

    Free Member

    everything orbits us as it says on the bible

    What? Making a point like that requires evidence; let me know which passage you got that one from..

    Looking at how long light takes to reach us to date it is a very logical way to date the universe, but if God created it all as I believe he did, then he also created physics, so could bend the rules with his power to put light where and when he wanted it (Gen 1 v 3 “Let there be light, and there was light”). This seems like a really pathetic argument, but as it says in Matthew 19 v 26, “With God all things are possible”.

    Free Member

    Seriously? It’s not feasible because of the immense quantity of evidence – fossils, radioactive decay, astronomical observations, etc etc etc

    I believe the Bible is true, and that includes creation. It also includes the famous flood when Noah was around, and the huge forces that would come into play with the whole world being covered in water over just 40 days would really churn up the soil layers and muck up the dating systems used currently. I’m not sure what astronomical observations you’re on about, any examples would be useful.

    Free Member

    I already knew that the Bible says the world was created in 4004 BC. Which is simply wrong.

    Where’s the passage that says the world was created in 4004 BC?

    Also, why would that not be feasible?

    Free Member

    Moses’ death is recorded at the end of Deuteronomy, so he obviously didn’t write the whole of the old testament as he couldn’t record his own death. Also this is just before the children of Israel enter into Canaan, and a whole lineage of kings and judges including David and Solomon ruled over them before they were put into captivity by quite a few different nations. This spans a huge period of time, so Moses couldn’t possibly have lived to document it all. I believe that the Bible was written by loads of different writers, but as all of the books seem to agree even though some writers didn’t have the other books to hand, there must be one constant; I believe that all of the writers wrote by inspiration from God. 2 Timothy 3 v 16: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God…”

    Free Member

    It was, yerp. OT in Heb, NT in Greek.

    Free Member

    Not quite sure what you’re saying with this – are you saying I can’t say the bible is wrong without reading it first?

    Exactly. You can’t say Shakespeare’s plays are rubbish without reading them, much in the same way you can’t say the Bible’s rubbish without reading it.

    Free Member

    It’s actually quite interesting looking at how the Bible has changed through translation – yes, there are some inaccuracies in most translations, but the book as a whole has survived with an incredible degree of overall accuracy.

    The Dead Sea Scrolls (972 texts discovered between 1946-56 (thanks Google)) had been sat in a cave untouched for absolutely agees, and then when they were found and compared to current texts they were astonishingly true to each other.

    It shows that although there have been some changes, little bits added in here and there by people who thought they should be able to allowed to add in their own wee passages (eg 1 John 5 v 7,8 “in heaven…on earth:” was added in as it helped to give ‘proof’ that the Trinity idea was correct), which in very essence is against what the Bible itself says in Revelation 22 v 18,19 that whoever adds to or takes away from the Bible will be subject to punishment of some form.

    A really interesting book to read; I personally believe it’s true and that God does exist, and I can accept that some people don’t as well. But please, please don’t argue someone who believes in the Bible without reading it first, as that’s just a pointless argument. And try and read the whole thing, don’t pick and choose, as the New Testament makes no sense without the Old and vice-versa.

    Free Member

    Ah, they’re the ones – it’s steel alloyed with Chromium, Molybdenum and Vanadium. How do I work out whether ammonia would damage them, or if the reaction itself could have adverse effects on the frame?

    Free Member

    Snapped frame isn’t an option, can afford a replacement post but not a frame!

    I’ve heard about the ammonia trick but am worried about a couple of things:
    – ammonia stinks
    – it might damage the frame, as it’s a special steel alloy (OX Platinum tubing which has added elements, their names escape me at the moment)
    – where do I get it? Rob the Chem dept at school?

    Free Member

    Thanks Macavity!

    Either travel (working visa to somewhere like Australia or Newzealand)

    That’s the part of the world I’d be aiming for if I did take a gap year, as I know quite a few people over there (and I’ve heard the biking in NZ is pretty awesome..)

    Do you have a careers department who you could get advice from?

    Failing that then start googling and read some prospectuses (or prospecti?)

    Yes, I’ve got an interview set up which should be helpful. I’ve read a few prospect(i?) but I don’t really know what I’m looking for. I’ll be going to a few uni open days as well to see which atmospheres are good and suchlike stuff.

    Free Member

    As an employer this worries me. I can’t think of many jobs where some degree of teamwork / collaboration is not required at least some of the time. What I am hoping (?) is that this is because you are a level above your peers and so either they can slack knowing you will do it or you have higher standards/expectations than your peers. If so you need to learn some new skills to coach and get your peers up to your level – although I appreciate in many schools that attitude is likely to get you a beating rather than respect! If you pick the right uni you will find the technical abilities of your new peers is much closer matched. When you find a good team who deliver it is very rewarding.

    As it’s school, a lot of people tend to have a “that’ll do” attitude to teamwork, which really annoys me. I am usually the really sad one that wants it to be perfect.. I do some sports coaching and have a leadership role in the school so often I do find it’s possible to get some enthusiasm going, but it’s awful hard work when people are constantly not bothering cause it’s not cool, etc.

    Software development?

    I have a cousin who’s very successful at this – hadn’t even considered asking him about it! I’ll look into it, thanks.

    Take a gap year, gain some additional life experience

    A gap year is something I’ve always wanted to take, but as I’m the sort of person who practically forgets how to write his own name after 6 weeks off for summer, I’m not sure if it’s worth it for the time I might take to get back into it. Having said that, I could come back completely fresh and raring to go, filled with enthusiasm from my amazing experiences, I just don’t know.

    I would recommend staying in the excellent Scottish system

    That’s another thing, I think Scottish Unis are free for me but others aren’t? I’m more likely to sway towards something that’s free..

    You’re pretty much describing my job Design Engineer for an oil service company working on downhole tools for the oil industry.

    Get to work outside / in a big workshop building stuff occassionally when it goes on test. Design new innovative (hopefully) tools. Mobile – can be done anywhere in the world. Lots of jobs right now etc etc. You basically need to do a Mechanical Engineering degree for it or start as a drafter and work up (that’s what I did with my employer sponsoring to do my degree). Graduate’s start at about £30k pa sometimes with a signing-on bonus if you negotiate.

    Where are you based? If you’re anywhere near Aberdeen I could sort out a week or more of some work experience to see what you think.

    Sounds great! I’m down in Dundee, so not too far off. Can you email me with any more details please? Possibility a short placement in Summer might be helpful. Email: poltheball AT hotmail DOT com

    I think I’m also going to look into Civil Engineering, it seems to combine most of the things I enjoy. I know I’m not going to find a job that fits all of the points in my initial description, and the teamwork one was a bit of an exaggeration (made me sound like a right grumpy hermit), but they were just to help describe a bit of what I’m like to an audience of unknown people.

    Again, thanks for all suggestions, some of these have been really helpful!

    Any further advice greatly appreciated.

    Free Member

    Phwoaarr, didn’t expect this much advice!

    My brother did the same stuff as me and ended up doing MEng at Strathclyde, and loves it. I think I’d prefer to stay in Scotland for uni, and probably aim in a Glasgow direction, but that preference could change with time.

    Got a career interview set up through school which should give me some more ideas.

    Ending up working with bikes is a backup plan, I love building/fixing bikes so it’s something I’d almost certainly enjoy.

    Keep ’em coming 😀

    Free Member

    Yeah the k means 2×10^3ohms.

    As with metres, 1km = 1×10^3m

    Free Member

    I’m a Nike 6.0 man myself, but mostly cause nobody else makes shoes big enough other than DC’s, which are too wide. Size UK14.

    Don’t know anything about the Adio’s, sorry.

    Free Member

    I’ve found the Superstars are good for diameter, but not overly comfy and too long.

    I now run ODI Rogues and love them to bits – I have huge hands as well (XL/XXL gloves)

    Free Member

    Big shout for 1×9 hardtails – super fun!

    I’ve just built a Blue Pig X up 1×9 with 140mm Fox’s up front, short stem and wide bar – feels brilliant. First big ride out on Sat to Glentress, I’ll let you know how it goes!

    I ride SPD or flats depending on what mood I’m in, but I prefer the flats for mucking about and doing harder trails, and the spuds for doing longer distance stuff.

    Reverb is a temptation for me, but I can’t justify it at this moment in time – for me its just another thing that could go wrong. I like simplicity and durability on my builds, so that’s just my preference 🙂

    Whatever you do, it’s a brilliant frame so you’ll have plenty fun with it.

    Free Member

    Looking at a short cage XT M771 rear mech – I’m not sure if this is really a short cage or just a “GS” one, which Shimano sell as a medium cage?

    Free Member

    It’s all about the “Top Shop” in Auchterarder for me – they do chippies and chinese, as well as pizzas… Their chicken omelettes are second to none!

    Unfortunately they’re 40mins from my house so not exactly local 🙁

    Free Member

    Ah cheers 🙂

    Free Member

    Out of interest, where is short cage on offer? 🙂

    Free Member

    ..haven’t recieved anything yet. try again?

    cheers 🙂

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