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  • Issue 156 – No place for science
  • poltheball
    Free Member

    Also based in Sale @scaled, we’ll have to get together for a ride!

    Cheers all for the input, will have a look round. I know there’s most likely tonnes of stuff, but it’s nice to apply the STW filter to stop me wasting time on naff stuff 😉

    Free Member

    If you’re genuinely wanting a student discount, you can apply for approved distance learning courses from the US (there’s several for MS Excel afaik). It gets you a student card, unsure if it gets you a student email. Then you can complete the course as your conscience dictates, and also get the student discount on the ring.

    EDIT: I should add, the courses typically cost <£20

    Free Member

    Hahaha STW, never change

    Free Member

    Got annoyed at myself for doing this, so sold the full sus and went back to a hardtail. Still need to keep up with the mates on their bouncy bikes, so should be a steep re-learning curve!

    Free Member

    Haha but harsh but fair! Shouldn’t have taken out insurance during exam period all those years ago eh..

    Free Member

    No comms from Admiral since I changed car back in March. Hmm.

    Free Member

    Have been with them a few years and have always had manual renewal- didn’t sign up to change to auto

    Free Member

    So you’re annoyed that they auto-renewed but if they hadn’t you would have been uninsured?

    Pretty much- initial reaction was “phew” followed by “oi!”

    No renewals emails since this time last year, nothing came through spam either as I check and clear it regularly

    Free Member

    Read this this morning, great bit of writing.

    Free Member

    Ours is fine, used mostly for DVDs/Netflix and the occasional game now and then. Been thinking about upgrading to the Xbox One ahead of Red Dead Redemption 2 coming out at the end of the year, but need to make sure it’ll actually be available on that platform..

    Free Member


    Having difficulty finding an odd numbered NW ring.. think for a minute why that might be 😆

    Free Member

    Haha fair enough! I’ll give it a whirl without an extra brake lever. Cheers!

    Free Member

    Hadn’t thought too much about it; guess I’d rather have the option of grabbing a fistfull of front and diving over the bars than hitting whatever I was trying to avoid

    Free Member

    Previous reports about bikes dying was what led me to the “simple is good” conclusion.

    Will hammocks be viable?

    Free Member

    So get it through MOT first, then service it myself seems to be the consensus.

    Free Member

    A £500 banger you’ve owned for a few years is a lot better than a £500 banger you’ll buy.

    Agreed, very good point.

    Will do oil and filters etc ahead of MOT I think along with plugs and basic check over. Think I’ll avoid service from garage as far as possible. That being said I seem to remember him saying it’ll need the brakes doing this year.. will have a look on eurocarparts for deals

    Free Member

    (cheers sharkattack)

    Free Member

    I want them rather a lot.

    Free Member

    I’ll be the tall ginger guy in blue, also looking pained. Red wave too, and I also picked the 4hr target at random due to having no long distance experience- sounds like we may be quite similar hah!

    I agree with the mental state thing, I’ll be doing a long run either this weekend or the following midweek to prove I can do it. Won’t be fussed about pace, more about avoiding injury with 2 weeks to go.

    Best of luck!

    Free Member

    Birmingham International right? Me too! Ran 14miles at the weekend, longest I’ve ever run. Sub 4-hour would be lovely but tbh I’m not too fussed – running for charity so getting to the finish is more important for me given training started with 8weeks to go. Lungs aren’t working hard at all at marathon pace but achilles/knees started to complain towards the end of the half- probs as I’ve had 3 weeks off for illness 😆

    Don’t stress, it’ll be grand. You in the red or blue wave?

    Free Member

    Hahaha that bike lock is brilliant

    Free Member

    Cheers for suggestions so far. With the adaptive suspension ideas, would that not just ruin the predictability of the ride feel? If the suspension is constantly changing its characteristics to suit the terrain it believes it is on, it might actually make things more difficult I’d have thought..

    Could of course look in to integrating a dynamo hub and supercapacitor storage on an ebike to extend range/provide a boost function 😆

    Free Member

    Have you got home insurance? Might be covered in under that, when our car got broken into we claimed on home insurance as it seems that attracts less of a premium hike

    Free Member

    Having no experience of your situation, how can I?

    I think you may have completely missed the point of my post. See the OP’s 1st post for context..

    Apologies, I assumed you were weighing in on the side discussion I was having. My bad!

    Free Member

    No it’s paid for/subsidised by lots of people who don’t go/can’t go to Uni. Great that isn’t it?!?

    Yep, I’ll become one of those people once I graduate, and pay it forward for the next generation. I’m already giving what little I can through volunteering and running STEM outreach activities off my own bat, but no doubt you’ll find a way to see that in a negative way too.

    Honestly you lot, you’re not happy if I have the money to pay for it via parents, you’re not happy if I work my backside off to gain scholarships that mean I can afford it and you’re not happy if I’m benefitting from a national education system that offers education to those who couldn’t otherwise afford it – maybe my generation is not the problem here..!

    He just sounds like a bit of an awkward feker playing the system.

    See above. I’d love for you to explain precisely in what way I’m playing the system.. 😆

    Some of you folks need to get a grip, seriously.. 🙄

    Free Member

    Loads of kids get decent degrees, loads grt work experience and placements (like me). Lots can barely afford the former, let alone the latter.

    Fair enough, albeit I’m in the land of the haggis where a degree is free. See also the point about my placements being paired with scholarships – these cover my costs. It’s definitely achievable!

    I thought the post was a classic example of what I see often, criticising other colleagues whilst quoting their degree all without having any awareness of ones own faults. I do see that a lot amongst younger workers.

    The point of the post was not to highlight my faults (of which you’ll be glad to know there are many); it was to highlight the fact that the generalisations being made about us “millennials” in this thread describe traits and characteristics found across a huge range of age groups and are not unique to any one specific group of people. They do describe some millennials, and they do not describe others. See shoe size comment in my earlier post.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Stating that you’ve got an masters in engineering, that you’ve done loads of summer placements…and somehow….managed to get a girlfriend as well….demonstrates exactly the same kind of arrogance that I have come to loathe. In fact, actually if I was an employer – I’d be looking for young graduates who’d gotten 2:2s, knocked a bird up and been kicked out their parents house – because you can mold those people.

    Statements of fact don’t amount to arrogance.

    So what you’re saying is that you’d rather hire folks that have got through on the bare minimum whilst making naive decisions with huge consequences (you could argue due to their sense of entitlement)? Good luck to you. Hope your moulding skills are top notch, as I wouldn’t want a workforce that operates like that. Would be an amusing job advert though I’ll grant you 😆

    Free Member

    For balance (for those of you making generalisations):

    -I’m 21
    -Starting 4th year of an MEng
    -Work hard at uni to get grades that give me access to placements and scholarships
    -Work every summer on a relevant placement (this year was a research job for a major wind power manufacturer)
    -Money from scholarships and placements goes in to bank account (once necessary bike bits have been bought) and careful accounting sees me through the rest of the year (just) on that money with no debt
    -Still manage to get out plenty/have friends/have somehow managed to attract a mate

    We’re not all entitled wee snowflakes 😆

    However were I an employer, there are plenty folks on my course/similar that I would never, ever hire as they fit the “millennial” mould portrayed by this thread. There are also plenty older folks who I’ve worked for/with that as an employer I would also not hire as they’re equally useless.

    I think your “generation” is about as relevant as your shoe size in this case – some folks are good to work with and others are not.

    Free Member

    Don’t much see the point, not being a servile knee-dragger who wants to live as a slave to an imaginary celestial control freak.

    I mean, fair enough, but neither do I and I’m religious.. Not sure which religions you’ve scoped out, you’re really selling it to me though 😆

    Free Member

    What Cougar said above, creationism isnt a theory it’s make believe. When you have to factor in planting false evidence to make it work its got no scientific basis to it.

    Come again? 😆

    Creationism is most definitely a theory.. Lazy link

    Free Member

    Well perhaps it’s time to accept it has. Is there another competing theory that explains something happening in the time scales?

    At least you’re aware it’s a theory. And yes, there are other theories available that require a similar level of faith to evolution, the obvious one being creation, but you know that already..

    Free Member

    Evolution is happening right in front of the OP’s nose, if he could be arsed to investigate what’s around him.
    A classic example is a species of moth camouflaged to blend in with the bark of certain trees. It became obvious after a while that due to the dirty air in London causing the bark of trees to become much darker, the moths were becoming darker to avoid showing up and becoming bird food.
    The Galápagos Islands finches are the classic example which let Darwin form his theory

    Huge, huge difference between evolution within species and evolution between species.

    Evolution within species has been proven, without a doubt, by the above. Plenty of further examples if you google it.

    Evolution between species is completely unproven and still a theory. As in, there’s no proof that humans came from fish etc.

    Free Member

    I read somewhere that a 2p was very useful as a bearing drift in a hope pro 2 freehub. You simply pop the 2p in the end of the freehub and use a cassette lockring to push it (and therefore the new bearing sat behind it) neatly and evenly into place.


    The site didn’t mention, however, than once you’ve tightened the lockring on like billy-o, unless you were awake clever enough to pop the cassette itself on at the same time you’re going to have a whole world of pain trying to get the stupid lockring back off. After much muttering at 2 or 3am on the morning of a day earmarked for riding myself and my brother finally managed to get it free; he held a rag round the freehub and tugged on a breaker bar connected to the lockring spanner whilst I gripped the freehub with a set of molegrips. Being typically cyclist shaped, my arms/chest weren’t up to the task, but it worked just fine when I gripped the molegrips between my thighs 😆

    Free Member

    My wife is going for her first CBT session up north (Glasgow) tomorrow; she tried it a couple of years back when she was at uni in Coventry, but didn’t really connect with the counsellor. She’s on sertraline (150mg so big dose I believe) and it helps her cope, but obviously there’s no such thing as a perfect cure, just methods of coping.

    She started running regularly this past couple of weeks (after literally two years of me trying to convince her to) and we’ve both noticed an immediate positive effect on her mental state, so don’t underestimate the power of getting out on the bike or similar! She dips in and out of depressive episodes, unfortunately the worst ones have involved her trying to cut herself which is the main reason she’s going to CBT.

    Let us know how you get on, all the best!

    Free Member

    Also have a couple of Avid Elixir levers kicking around which are also DOT, might try patching them together. Just unsure whether there’ll be different pull ratios between brands that might screw up the system when mixed..

    Free Member

    Doh, didn’t even think to check that. Ta!

    Free Member

    Paesano +1 vote. Nae coffee though.

    Free Member

    Great PSA, ordered, thanks!

    Free Member

    Shock will just be an aircan service presumably (seals & oil in an RP23), forks feeling a little notchy though so not sure what’s up with them (Revs with u-turn circa 2012ish). Usually do everything myself but seem to have a bit of a mental block with suspension – seems an expensive thing to screw up!

    Will do a bit of googling and see what prices I’d be looking at to do it myself.

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