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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • poisonspider
    Free Member

    Not sure I’d donate to fund more man made trails as I disagree with that being the future of MTBing.

    If it was to fund campaigning for open access across the existing rights of way network then that’s a different story.

    Free Member

    The linky doesnt work.

    Free Member

    Nobeerinthefridge – Member
    4 pieces of 2″x3″, Easy.


    Assuming all your bikes have the same tyre widths.

    Free Member

    Recently bought an outgoing 2015 model of the CAADX 105 for £840 from PedalOn.

    It’s only been ridden once but I can heartily recommend one. Great fun, the 11sp 105 is excellent too.

    Free Member

    Don’t know if anyone has done this analogy but,

    Imagine your on the London underground, the ‘merge point’ is a ticket gate thingy at the top of an escalator. The way it works (as far as I know) is you can ‘queue’ patiently on one side while others rush down the other side to get there before you. Now imagine stepping to the left and standing still to block the people ‘pushing in’? you’d last a matter of seconds before someone has challenged it. This process is accepted by millions on the underground, what is it with these morons that can’t manage it on the road?

    I’ve you don’t want anyone passing you, get in the other ‘lane’ and start moving until you get to the merge point!! It’s not a difficult concept.

    Unless of course you want to make it difficult purely for the purposes of arguing about it.

    Free Member

    I’d say any car in an empty lane trying to “beat” the cars in two blocked lanes to the merge point is sprinting. But I guess it’s a matter of personal opinion.

    Oh please, you can’t really believe this surely? Are you serious suggesting the outside lane should be empty? For how far back? Where is acceptable to start pulling in? Utter nonsense.

    Free Member

    pondo – Member
    The throughput is but you’ve just added a kilometre to the size of the blockage for absolutely no reason.

    The speed of the traffic through the blockage hasn’t changed whatsoever. The queue of traffic behind may be longer but there is no difference to the speed at which it traverses the obstruction.

    This kind of response sums it up really. It’s point scoring pedantry. It really isn’t anything to do with efficiency of traffic flow, it’s about whether someone is one car ahead of you or not. And instead of admitting they’re irritated by someone ‘beating’ them (cos that would make them look like a winging dick) they try and argue a point of semantics. Pathetic.

    This happens regularly on the way to work, with some arsewipe blocking the outside lane a mile before the merge point causing a tail back across two other roundabouts, therefore affecting people who don’t even want to go down the sodding road they’re blocking anyway. Bellends.

    Free Member

    I’ve deliberately not read this thread, I’m not sure my blood pressure can take it.

    Basically people do that because they are MORONS!!!!!!

    Free Member


    My tenner is safe after all.

    I knew it!!

    (And I’ll take the other bet that I’ll never pay up, I would have honest, ahem, so that’s a tenner you owe me)

    Free Member

    If UK Bike Store are genuinely refusing to accept a return, I’ll put money on the story not being quite that straight forward. A tenner says the friend has had them more than 10 days.

    Free Member

    This happens to me all the time, especially on the road bike and it’s almost guaranteed if I stop for a road-side slash, I think the ‘relief’ of having a wee and it being freed from the confines of some sweaty Lycra is enough to got he old fella excited. Very embarrassing.
    I could really do with waiting a minute or two to calm down before setting off, but I’m not sure a bloke in Lycra hiding in the bushes with a lob on is such a great idea.

    Free Member

    I’ve ‘given up’ MTBing many times after some pretty serious injuries (broken knee, ankle, radius and ulna, elbow, ribs, collar bone, shoulder blade, both wrists etc) but by the time I’ve healed I keep coming back for more.

    I’ve got a road bike which I like riding but it doesn’t give the same buzz as riding the MTB.

    I’ll probably ride MTB in some shape or form until I can’t ride at all.

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone will have them in stock until the end of the month now.
    They are no longer doing a 2.4 protection now, it will only be the protection apex, if your lucky that might be old stock at triton, but it is twice the price of the German shops.

    The OP asked for stock availability not necessarily for them to be cheap. Triton is showing stock is available and they aren’t that far off normal pricing. You can’t have everything!!

    Free Member

    Stayed at Upper Booth Farm before, which seemed pretty laid back. We had a BBQ propped up on some bricks with no hassle.

    I have to say I was mildly amused by the ‘needs to act adult’ comment coming from someone called ‘DrRSwank! hehe.

    Free Member

    This should be pretty straightforward.

    If the notice terms in the contract state it has to be in writing there is nothing the employer can do if the employee has just stated an intent to leave at some point in the future. They cannot sack them for it and I’m pretty sure they can’t force them to stay at home unless there’s is something specific in the terms of the contract that covers leaving to work for a competitor or some other clause regarding notice periods and commercial activities.

    With regard to the employee being on wind-down for that period, it is up to the manager to deal with that as a performance issue and if there is enough evidence to suggest the employee is being obstructive or deliberately idle an early exit could be discussed with some form of mutually agreed pay off if necessary. Or of course they could just be sacked under a gross misconduct charge but specific evidence would be needed and it should be in line with the company’s disciplinary procedures.

    Free Member

    The short answer is no.

    The contract will likely state that notice of intention to quit is given in writing and in a specific time frame.

    Why would they say they want to do it in a few months time, rather than just wait and give the proper amount of notice in writing?

    If the employer has ‘accepted’ it and terminated their employment without anything in writing the employee could claim for unfair dismissal and simply deny they had ever mentioned it.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the input.

    It is a clutch mech and I’m a bit reluctant to back that off, it’s serving a purpose after all.

    Also, the inner and outer cable are brand new, so I don’t think it’s the cable.

    I’ll have another look at the b screw tension to see if I can back it off further.

    Free Member

    Cheers smatkins1,

    The b-screw is wound in a fair way as the cassette has an extender fitted, which interestingly shifts up nicely. I replaced the outer cable because I crushed the first one in a cable clamp, I was very careful with the second one and it slides in the clamp if you pull it.

    Should have mentioned I guess that it has a OneUp 16T in there too, plus the mech has the RAD cage modification. However the issue is from the 11T onwards so I can’t think it’s the 16T causing it.

    Anyone had any experiences of the RAD cage resulting it heavy shifts from the bottom of the block?

    Free Member

    Erm…am I missing something?

    What’s wrong with Apollos exactly?

    I have two in my fleet!!

    What are you guys riding that’s any better??

    Free Member

    My last MTB trip abroad, Whistler 2013.

    Scrimped, saved, borrowed and sold some stuff to pay for a week out there and it tipped it down for 4 of the 7 days. This was made worse by the fact that the week before was scorchio and the day I left was the start of another lengthy dry spell!

    In the end it cost in the region of about £150 per riding hour.


    Booked for Italy in four weeks so fingers crossed that won’t be the same.

    Free Member

    Just been through this exercise.

    Initially fitted a OneUp 42T on a SRAM cassette with an X9 mech, couldn’t get on with it. Reaching the 42T was temperamental to say the least. The b-screw was set correctly as were the limits screws but it just wouldn’t reach the 42T reliably. Finally traced it to worn mech pivots (it was 5 months old!!) which meant it wasn’t lining up properly.

    Binned the all the SRAM in favour of XT and still had issues. Fitted new cables, cassette, shifter, mech etc but still no joy. Then I fitted a OneUp RAD cage and early indications are this may have improved matters significantly.

    As for ratios, I’ve got a 32T up front and the 32-42 seems ok for 99% of my riding. I initially fitted a 26T plus the 32T but no front mech just in case I was desperate for a couple of lower gears but I didn’t need it and removed it in the end.

    The bottom line is, it’s temperamental and not as slick as the standard setup, however despite being extremely skeptical to start with, I’m going to stick with it as the benefits do kinda outweigh the negatives, when it works.

    Free Member

    hora – Member
    Why would you film that?

    This isn’t a serious question, is it?

    Probably a once in a lifetime chance to race in close proximity (albiet briefly) to a legend like Wiggo, wouldn’t anybody want it on film for posterity?

    As it happens I know Andy Birdsall, I’ve ridden with him a couple of times with a local road club, Tickhill Velo, nice chap and good for him on his 5 mins of fame.

    Free Member

    tenfoot – Member
    Bumped into Andy Ruffell when I was a kid. My brother, a bit of a fanboy, got his Mongoose jersey signed.

    Jolly nice chap

    Little known fact, Andy Ruffell went on to start the MOBO music awards!

    Fact! (according to Wikipedia)

    Free Member

    I once stood behind ‘The Ginger One’ from Harry Potter in a queue at Spar in Dolgellau!

    He was very scruffy.

    He got out of a pimped matt black Range Rover. Not sure if it was a diesel or not though.

    Free Member

    Just to add my name to the “done this loads of times without venting the pressure and never had an issue” brigade.

    Free Member

    Stevet1 – Member
    All you people using loads of soapy water – doesn’t it get into the wheel and slosh around making the sealant not work?

    When I say ‘plenty’ I mean a liberal application with a brush on the bead and rim not filling the tyre with it. The sealant sloshes around, at least for a little while, anyway.

    Free Member

    I’m using Conti’s and the first one wasn’t too bad, the second one was a bit of a mare. The coke bottle worked in the end.

    Free Member

    This is a perennial question with tubeless tyres and I fully sympathise with your plight.

    For what it’s worth here’s my two penneth, in no particular order:

    – use plenty of soapy water to help get the bead to pop on
    – add plenty of sealant and make sure some is all over the bead (this helps it to properly seal quicker once it’s seated)
    – forget using a garage forecourt air compressor, didn’t work for me
    – make sure the bead is either side of the air valve and tucked in a far as possible. This is usually the hardest bit to close up
    – make a coke bottle air reservoir, Google it, it’s the only thing I’ve had success with
    – a small air compressor to help fill the coke bottle is a nice to have but not necessarily a must
    – be patient
    – ignore anyone that says “oh it’s easy, I’ve never had a probelm”, they’re lying

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    pembo6 – Member
    To be honest, I have no idea what the battery is (other than cheap).
    Its a “Solar Storm CREE XM-L U2 LED” from Ebay. It doesn’t specify the battery type other than “18650” (I think).

    I will probably charge it up and leave it charged. And top it up before next use. It will only be used once a month.

    Doesn’t the charger indicate what battery type it is for?

    Free Member

    I thought it depended on the type of battery?

    iirc, Li ion should be left 50% charged but some like Ni-Cd (and NiMH to a degree) should be run to flat and left fully charged as they develop a ‘memory’.

    Free Member

    You can fit any size you like I guess as long as the mount and the disc match each other.

    Free Member

    I think they were competing standards at some point, possible to do with the IS and post mount changes.

    I guess Hope offer both sizes so you can retro fit/replace either standard?

    Obviously you’re not going to notice 3mm difference at the lever though.

    Free Member

    Two Posts in a row about you imagining me muttering and whispering

    I think I’d better bow out now before I find myself down a dry well in your basement being forced to rub lotion on myself.

    Marginally better, that did prompt a titter.

    See, you can be (slightly) amusing after all.

    Free Member

    cynic-al – Member
    I think the gang did but didn’t really care. And to be fair the op know fine well how it would go.
    perhaps niaively, I didn’t.

    You fool!!

    You should know by now that if your average STW poster has the option to say something opinionated and contradictory OR something lighthearted and amusing, they will pick the former!!

    Free Member

    Actually, a more accurate description would be….

    “It’s like going into a place that advertised “A Lap Dance and a Latte for £5″ and then being told when you went to pay, that the Latte was an extra £2 because the sign outside made a mistake.”

    Please tell me that wasn’t your best shot at being funny?

    with you whispering “I’m winning, I’m winning”


    Free Member

    nealglover – Member
    Its not only me who disagrees with Al though is it ? So the common element isnt me in that regard

    If fact, recently, it seems to be almost everybody, (or at least a large percentage)

    Plus, I’m not the one regularly moaning about having “haters” as if I’m some sort of misunderstood pop star

    Oh for God’s sake, just think of some funny examples and lets get this over with?!

    I can almost hear you muttering under your breath “I’ll win and have the last word on the matter!”

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    Utter knee-jerk nonsense!
    actually based on waiting times and customer service from friends experiences and what i have read on here.
    not a huge sample but it helps in weeding out brands when making a choice or advising on one.

    How big is your sample size exactly?

    And ‘what you read on here’…do me a favour??!!

    I’m not convinced that what you read on here is always entirely accurate. In fact you are perpetuating the nonsense as someone else could be citing your post as somehow representative.

    I’ve got a YT and so far I’ve been blown away by the quality of the bike and the customer service has been fine. I know they originally had issues with rear drop outs cracking on the 1×11 versions but once a fix was identified something was sent out to all owners immediately. Don’t get great value confused with ‘cheap’, these bikes certainly aren’t ‘cheap’.

    I’ve had ‘regular’ brands before and had warranty issues, with some good and bad experiences. Stuff happens.

    Free Member

    i’m not likely to ever buy an internet retailers bike but i certainly wouldn’t recommend a Canyon to anyone.
    cheap but as ever you get what you pay for.

    Utter knee-jerk nonsense!

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