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  • Megasack Giveaway Day 13: Tailfin Bike Luggage Bundle
  • poisonspider
    Free Member

    FFS BikeChain and Midnighthour!

    What kind of world do you live in?? You pompous pair of pricks.

    The OP refered to someone as 'short and tubby' (not 'fat'), hardly the crime of the century. It was a description, an observation, not an insult.

    If you can honestly say you have never referred to anyone in terms which are anything but positive and flattering, you're not only lying to yourself, you're insulting all of our intelligences.

    Jeez, have you even read the rest of the thread?

    Free Member

    RRR, let's face it you just wanted to object to the OP for the sake of objecting (unless you are in fact a short tubby Boots assistant, which I doubt)

    Now you've heard the voice of reason, you're feeling a little foolish for getting all name-cally and you're trying to hide your justifiable embarrassment by again resorting to the weapon of a 5 year old.

    I'm deeply hurt by your insinuation that my face resembles an erect penis.

    Shame, shame, shame on you!

    Free Member

    As with the original gut reaction that she was not a mountain biker, it is perfectly understandable that the gut would say she fits the general description of someone you would associate with working in Boots.

    Which I suspect, should the research ever be carried out, will show a disproportionate number of short tubby women working there, since Boots tends to employee women of a cerain age, who in turn statistically tend to be carrying a little extra round the middle.

    As for;

    being a "Boots sales assistant" was implied as a derogatory term

    Get over yourself. :roll:

    Free Member

    Not sure why everyone is getting so snippy about the OP's comments.

    It's human nature to make snap judgements, it's hard wired in our brain, the gut over head response.

    All the OP is saying is that the woman didn't 'look' like a mountain biker and therefore his 'gut' reaction is that she 'probably' isn't one and therefore she more than likely won't be able to offer him any advice he wasn't already aware of.

    Consider the following;

    You make an appointment for a financial adviser to call at your house to give you some advice. He turns up in a shell suit with a baseball cap on backwards and a Bulldog on a piece of string. Your gut reaction is going to be, 'What the **** is he going to know about ISA's and share options'

    The woman in the shop is exactly the same thing, only a bit more subtle. It's human nature to make these instant decisions.

    I defy anyone to say they have never made snap judgements about someone or something, which may or may not then prove to be wrong. Anyone who says they give everyone the benefit of the doubt without preconceptions is I'm afraid telling porkies.

    Free Member

    How did this thread get resurrected 5 months after it fizzled out??

    What was ReallyOlderGit searching for to find it???

    Free Member


    I've just searched Stendec on Decent World and it hasn't brought anything up?

    How do you know CC are looking for a new service agent?

    Not that I have any preference for Stendec other than that's where I bought my DB but I will want to get it serviced at some point.

    Free Member

    I've got a CCDB on my Orange 5 and can honestly say it is a world away from the RP23 it replaced.

    Better traction, small bump sensitivity, big hit capability, absence of pedal bob etc etc. Better in every respect apart from weight, which I don't notice anyway.

    Yes it's expensive, yes it's heavy, but it's worth it.

    Not sure about BIGMAN's comment about servicing. Stendec is listed as the UK service agent on CC's website and as far as I'm aware they are perfectly capable of servicing it. Why shouldn't I trust Stendec??

    Having said all that, in support of the view that forks are more important than rear shox;

    Which would you notice the biggest improvement (for general trail riding that most people do) fully rigid to hardtail or hardtail to full sus?

    I'd say fully rigid to hardtail – that's why most people see forks as being more important and therefore spend more money on them.

    Free Member

    Actually, the story in the OP is TRUE! I saw the German guy interviewed on TV a week or so back, they are actually selling off pot holes in the roads in their village.

    Free Member

    Turner five spot = fever printouts

    Free Member

    I have a few;

    'to be fair'
    'going forward'
    'do you understand you thick b****d?'

    and other useful management speak

    Free Member

    Tried this for the first time recently, it was very nice.

    Chicken tikka and cheese panini, in a B&Q caff of all places.

    Free Member

    Oh, I fell for it didn't I?

    Reel me in!

    I never thought I was that easy.

    Free Member

    This is a joke right?

    £25 is more than reasonable for setting a bike up, which in this case will more than likely be made from chocolate components and hence take twice as long.

    I think paying £50 for a bike is skewing your view as to what things really cost, I can assure you, 50 miles later on that bag of sh1t and you'll be questioning whether it was that good value for money.

    Free Member

    Check out here for a step by step

    Free Member

    I've never done it but I can't see there being a problem as long as you don't leave the heat on for too long. You'll obviously need to remove the hose to get the heat shrink on so you can heat it up w/o any fluid in the hose anyway.

    Free Member

    Stop agonising about it just **** him off and close the deal!!!!

    Free Member

    Screw No1 and sell to No2 he should have been quicker about it. That's the problem with the classifieds, too many freaking tyre kickers.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Free Member

    I tried searching for why they changed the search and all I could find was two mentions of trying to speed things up.

    Running faster is great, but rather than finding what I want a little slowly, I can now find f-all really fast!

    Dead useful.

    Free Member

    Can I add my name to the list of 'new search' haters. It's utter crap. Why dick about with something that was perfectly fine. (Although that wasn't as good as it was way back when you could search by user name).

    Free Member

    Nigel above is probably right in that you may encounter accusations of poor performance etc. However, this would only strenghten your case for constructive dismissal if there is no evidence of these issues being raised previously through formally documented performance reviews. They would also have to prove that his behaviour is reasonable and appropriate to trying to manage a poorly performing employee (this would be VERY difficult for them to prove as bullying and intimidation are not acceptable means of managing performance)

    Free Member


    the objective shouldn't be for him to be sacked. It should be for him to modify his behaviour. If the OP initiates a greivance with the intention of getting this guy the sack then it will most certainly fail. He must make it clear that his objective is simply for him to be treated better.

    Free Member

    A tribunal is a last resort. If the OP has good solid evidence then he should start with a grievance first. The fact that there is no official HR department doesn't mean you can't follow this procedure. The greivance can be submitted to anyone in a senior position. They have a legal obligation to consider it, HR department or not.

    Free Member

    Disagree with Hora, anonymous letters etc could be seen negatively if it went to tribunal and would more than likely piss off both the manager and his boss.

    Be open and honest and follow the correct procedure as that is what you are expecting of them.

    Free Member

    @ joe

    A little bit of a seeping statement there.

    Having handled countless disciplinary and greivance meetings I'd like to think I manage these situations to the benefit of both the business and the individuals involved. Please don't tar all managers with the same brush. (although I do agree with the sentiment that MOST managers are pretty crap at this kind of thing.)

    Free Member

    My advice is be structured in your approach as the law is most definiely on your side.

    1. build a portolio of evidence, keep a diary and be specific about what it is you're objecting too. Simply saying he is a tool is not enough. Get witness statements to support your case. Relate your evidence where possible to failures to follow procedure or contraventions of your T&Cs or role description. Review you're notes regularly, after the heat of the moment and ask yourself are they really that serious, if the answer is yes, proceed.

    2. Lodge a formal grievance. Check out the ACAS web site for the guidelines. They are not forced to follow these guidelines but if they don't and lose in a tribunal, the penalty is increased by 25%.

    3. If you lose the greivance, appeal. If they deviate from the guideline procedure, appeal. Again the appeals process is on the ACAS site.

    4. If you are treated differently after the greivance (negatively) then repeat the greivance process.

    5. If it is still doesn't get any better and you resign, you can sue them for constructive dismissal, citing the failure to follow proper procedure and failure in theire duty of care as an employer. Even if you have another job to go to you can still sue for contructive dismissal.

    6. If you are dismmissed you can sue for wrongful dismissal. Again citing failure to follow procedure and, using all your documented evidence, bullying and a failure in their duty of care.

    My advise is make sure your greivances are well founded and not just you don't like the guy. If there is real evidence that you are being poorly treated you have a could case.

    Free Member

    According to the route info on their website there's 1000m of climbing.

    Not sure if that's on singletrack, fire road, road or what but it's still a fair amount of up on super tackys.

    I did a 50k off road ride from the top of Val d'isere all the way to Bourg Saint Maurice last year with about 1000m of climbing and it was a killer.

    Free Member

    I'm hoping to get on it too. Drive down Fri 25th, ride on the Sunday, drive back on the Tuesday. Give's us a couple of play days too.

    Registration opens on the 10th Feb IIRC.

    Free Member

    I had my 2010 RP23 custom tuned into a Cane Creek Double Barrel :wink:

    Free Member

    This is nothing new though. Very many of the super market and high street brands are made in the same factory only with slightly different packaging.

    The products made in my factory for example. The exact same item is almost 50% dearer in branded packaging versus own label version.

    Free Member

    Airwolf was AWESOME!!!!!

    Free Member

    @ wl

    I'm not suggesting that everything outside the US is lift assist only. I've ridden in the Pyrenees (which was lift assit free and fantastic), Morzine, Les Arcs and Verbier and I can fully appreciate that there is loads of non-DH specific riding.

    However, I would wager that the vast majority of people who go to Whistler, the Alps etc. primarily use the lifts as their only means of gaining significant altitude.

    I hasten to add that I'm no fan of riding up hill and I've used my fair share of lifts, funiculars, vans and Landrovers in my time.

    I guess my post wasn't necessarily about people being lazy, more about why somewhere that was THE best place in the world is no longer mentioned anymore.

    Free Member

    Second PP's tip.

    I took a spare bladder for my Camelbac, had 3l of water and 3l of Gatoraid(sp?) and drank the lot on one ride of Slickrock.

    Free Member

    Average temp in Feb is about 4 degs C according to a quick Google search. A little chilly then ;o)

    Free Member

    I'm not associated with the shop, but it's were the name came from.

    I was out there in 2001 as part of a 2 week holiday in Colorado with a 4 day trip to Moab, stopping off at Fruita on the way.

    I road it all on a Whyte PRST-1 which was intersting, especially on some of the drop off's on Porcupine Rim (which was my favourite trail).

    Agree with uplink, the views are awesome, the area is so vast it was sometimes hard to get your head round it.

    Free Member

    Fruita is very similar to Porcupine Rim (not so much of the slick rock as, er.. Slick Rock!)

    Free Member

    The trails are around Burnt Stump near Nottingham

    Free Member

    A mistaken belief it would make me a better rider!

    Free Member


    I think you're in danger of over egging the pudding here. You say that 'many thought there was a note of seriousness in the post'. Go back and read all the responses, so far nearly all seem to me to be in support of the point he was making and nobody has said they thought he was serious.

    There's only me saying he was trolling, which I still agree with, but taking Kingtut's point, does anybody really give a shit? we should all have better things to do.

    Free Member

    Not really.

    If he wanted a debate, he should have said software piracy was shit and it's killing the games industry – discuss.

    To start by saying it's a good idea to steal bikes just cos people steal software – that's trolling.

    IMHO of course.

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