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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • pocketrocket
    Free Member

    I’ve had it for about 3 or 4 years.
    If I remember correctly brought it on a half price offer for about 20 quid from Lloyds chemist.
    As I said, I cant recommend it highly enough, though after having had a mild attack of shingles myself many years ago, my money would be on that as your current problem.

    Free Member

    Cold sores are horrible things and I used to suffer from them on a regular basis until I tried this,

    It’s a fantastic little machine with no mess from creams etc, and seems to stop 90% of my cold sore attacks, those that do carry on are less severe and clear up quicker. Also as an added bonus my attacks are far less frequent than they used to be.

    Free Member

    Tis my last day of work for 9 days as I’m now on holiday, so I’m definitely in! 8)

    Although, I will have to crack open a bottle of red instead, once I finish my last solitary bottle of ale from the fridge.

    Free Member

    This reminds me of the time I was teaching my dear old mum how to use a mobile phone, it took me days before she was confident enough to actually use it to make a call.
    Anyhow, I came back from work one day to find my Mum looking pleased as punch, and she proceeded to tell me how she had used the phone to have a really long conversation with my sister and how she had even managed to receive a text message from her.
    “Really” said I, “What did it say” astonished at her new found technical skills.
    “Well, she must’ve been taking the mickey out of me for being on the phone so long, because she sent a text saying, Your battery is low”.
    “Mum! That’s the phone telling you it needs charging!

    Free Member

    It would seem the most secure password I have is my computer login which would take 9 million years to crack, tbh it the easiest one I have to remember, nothing complicated about it at all.

    Free Member

    I had been with my Missus 15 years before we finally got round to tying the knot last September.

    We made no mention of cash or gifts on the invite and left it to people to make up their own mind as to what kind of gift we would receive ( if any).

    As it turns out some of them clubbed together to buy us a family (got 2 kids,already) weekend in a tree house on the outskirts of Snowdonia, I can honestly say had I been given the money I couldn’t have spent it better myself, we had a fantastic time and the memories will live on a lot longer than any of the other items we brought with cash received. Though to be fair, it was nice to go shopping without looking at prices with the cash gifts!.

    How well do your friends know you? They might surprise you if you leave them to it.

    Free Member

    5’5″”. Got a picture somewhere of me standing next to my 6’5″ mates 29er, his saddle is at my chest height!

    Free Member

    Guess which one is me? I took my eye off the trail for 1/2 a second and it all went Pete Tong.

    (How do you get the video to show on the post? Ive tried everything including the video tabs! )

    Free Member

    You can use foil backed plasterboards, that will stop any moisture transfer.

    Free Member

    They were making short work of my shed last year, a coating of stain seemed to put a stop to them.

    Free Member

    Is the new cooker on legs? i.e. can you see underneath it?

    If so the first thing I’d be checking is whether your floor tiling goes all the way back to the wall or stops at the cabinet legs.
    (unless of course you can get some matching tiles)

    Also are there any wall units above? If there are, take a step back and have a look how everything else would work, as it could end up looking a bit odd.

    Free Member

    Well that was my quickest Ebay purchase ever!
    typed in , o Tom , 1st result tick twister, Buy it now?
    Hell Yeah!!!!
    ( hoping I never have to use it though! )

    Free Member

    Linda McCartney veggie sausage

    Ok, ok so mine had rocket and ciabatta but….


    Free Member

    Jamie oliver can stick his rocket up his arris


    Free Member

    Jamie Oliver’s steak sarnie,

    2 x 300g (10½oz) best-quality rump steaks
    2 sprigs of fresh thyme
    1 ciabatta loaf
    A small handful of jarred peppers
    A couple of sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley
    Horseradish sauce, to serve
    A large handful of prewashed rocket, to serve

    From his 30 min meals book, goes really well with the other courses.–Steak-sarnie-crispy-new-potatoes-cheesy-mushrooms-beetroot-salad.html

    Free Member

    Onzadogs method is the way to go, always used it and never had a problem, and as already said if its a full suss compress the shock whilst doing the measuring.

    Free Member

    Old Speckled Hen, to be followed by a bottle of red.

    Free Member

    Probably any section on follow the dog, Cannock.

    Free Member

    ^^^ that’s the same one I linked to earlier, liking that one a lot.

    Free Member

    I fit quite a lot of doors made by these.

    Decent quality and a wide range, not the cheapest though.

    Free Member

    What? is it over? just like that?

    Edit, too late, obviously not. :lol:

    Free Member

    It is clear that we have to define what ‘hard’ means. They can both be hard in their own way.

    And that’s probably the answer, we’ll have to agree to disagree, mind you office or manual after seeing Mrs pocketrocket pushing out Jr the weekend that’s one job I definitely don’t want!

    Free Member

    I’m fully aware that the article was saying that office jobs can be boring and mentally stressful, what I don’t agree with is that this makes it a harder job than a ‘proper’ physically demanding manual job.

    I wonder how many people on here with manual jobs get to have a snoop and post on this forum during the day, I certainly don’t.

    And before you all start on me about todays online activities Mrs Pocketrocket had Pocketrocket Jr no3 this weekend so I’m having a couple of days off! :D :lol:

    Free Member

    Despite my comments earlier about Piedis’ watch I’m quite taken by this one.

    I think its the same watch but just doesn’t look quite so orange?


    Only thing is my skinny wrists, just wondering if they’d look a bit big on me. I’ll need to find somewhere at Merry Hell tomorrow that stocks them, to see it in the flesh as it were.

    Free Member

    It would seem most of the ones I like the look of have a red hour hand, is the problem of seeing it just limited to the model owned by oddjob and flange?

    Free Member

    So why did you give it up? Why don’t you go back?

    Found it boring, and have been doing what I do for too long now.

    Plus if I started in an office it wouldn’t pay me what I earn now as I’d be starting from the bottom again.

    Free Member

    Righto that counts out anything with a red hour hand then, I knew it would be a good idea to ask on here!

    Free Member

    Tbh, I was being a bit lazy and thought I’ll just ask on here before I start googling, Didn’t realize the choice was so huge!

    So to narrow it down a bit anything up to £200 and I as I am not exactly a big man (hence the username :lol: ) nothing that would look too big on my arm.

    piedi di formaggio, nice, but a bit orange for me! not that I’m averse to a splash of colour on it.

    Free Member

    kayak23 – Member

    very obvious

    No it’s not, it’s really hard

    Free Member

    Anybody saying working in an office is harder than manual work hasn’t had a ‘proper’ manual job, simple.

    Try underpinning a house where machine access isn’t possible and you have to dig by hand 2m down then a metre back underneath the original footings, each hole fills an 8 yrd skip and you need to dig a hole a day Mon to Wed, Thurs is then spent shuttering those holes and barrowing approx 4 tons of materials round the back ready for Fri, which is spent mixing concrete to fill said holes. Repeat for 3 weeks before an “easy” week reinstating slabs, block paving lawns etc. Then you get to go next door and start all over again.

    Or, how about having to carry 15 x 30min fire doors (approx 35kg each) up 3 flights of stairs followed by your tools, all before you start to hang them.

    I could go on, but as it happens I (mostly) enjoy my job, but easy it aint!

    BTW I had a short stint in an office, easiest job I’ve ever had.

    Free Member

    Walking through Cannock Chase with a couple of mates and our girlfriends, decide we going to do a runner from the girls and climb the trees whilst the girls walk around underneath looking for us.

    I’m about 30 foot up and as high as I can go, so I get my mate to swing his tree in my direction whilst I do the same, intending to move from one tree to the other Tarzan stylee. Cue one spreadeagled Pocketrocket stuck between two pine trees, no problem thought I, I’ll just get both trees swinging and move to the taller one on the forward swing, it worked a treat, right up till the moment the top of the tree snapped off and I start my very fast decent to the ground passing my mate on the way.

    The fall seemed to take forever and I had time to think “Sheeet! ” then ” I’m going to die, I’m falling head first toward the ground and I’m going to snap my neck” then ” Where is the ground?”.

    I came to a few moments later, everybody standing around me whilst I was still gripping the top of the tree in my hands, A foot to the side off me was a cut off tree stump sticking out of the ground.

    I walked away with nothing but a few scratches on the back of my neck and arms from falling through the branches and a vow never to do Tarzan impressions again!

    Free Member

    Fred Williams in Wolves stripped my trek ex8 back to the frame, greased and oiled everything that needed it including pivot bolts before reassembling it all for £85.
    Needed new gear cables fitting iirc total bill of £112.

    Free Member

    I got taken to court for 56mph in a 30 many moons ago, pleaded guilty by post and ended up with 6 points and a £280 fine plus court costs of £30 iirc. 8O

    Cant help but wonder if I had gone to court and looked very sorry in front of the magistrate they may have been a bit more lenient with me.

    Free Member

    So you took the guys money and then still reported him.

    Next week there’ll be a thread on here asking why motorists hate cyclists, I wonder why?

    If you had any doubts in your mind you shouldn’t have taken his money and made it clear to him that you intended to report the incident.

    Bad form IMO

    Free Member

    Wookster – Member


    Always liked it


    Do you know what “nemesis” means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an ‘orrible ****… me.


    Free Member

    Just started going out with my girlfriend (now my wife :D ) who had just gone 17, me being 26.

    The age difference had already been raised by her Mum with the line, “26! 26! He’s not just going to want to hold your hand you know!”

    Anyhow a couple of weeks in we find we’ve got the house to ourselves so are having a fumble on the sofa, I’ve got her top open and she has my jeans unzipped and boxers pulled down when the front door opens.

    It’s her very large Dad (whom I’m yet to meet) returning early, with no time to zip up I grabbed a cushion and put it across my lap while my girlfriend grabbed another cushion and pulled up her knees to her chest just as Dad walked into the front room.

    ” Hello, so you must be Sean then” he said holding his hand out which I shook while hiding a now very fast deflating erection, I just thank God he didn’t ask me to stand up :lol:

    As it turns out he is a proper Jack the lad and we have shared many stories over the years, still never told him this one though.

    Free Member

    Just a thought and I’m in no way an expert, but if the BMW was pointing straight ahead as he claims then won’t there be some sort of damage further back along the car where you would have clipped him with your handlebars or footpegs before your front tyre made contact?

    Free Member

    In the back garden with 3 year old son last week, looking up at a very rare blue sky, just a couple of clouds drifting out of view behind the roofline.

    Cue Niall,

    “Daddy, Daddy! The house is moving!”

    Free Member

    Wolverhampton gave you the first car to go over 200mph, the Sunbeam Mystery.

    Free Member

    I’ve just checked out my username,

    2nd definition, They’ve been spying on me! :lol:

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