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  • Bike Check: James Love’s Cotic Cascade
  • plumslikerocks
    Free Member

    Its a rim brake roadie wheel

    Free Member

    Drain it down, and see it as an exuse to:

    a) practice
    b) use your intermediate fill is kind of a flush out – see how black it goes in a week
    and c) won’t hurt to change the inhibitor anyway

    Free Member

    I’m currently trying to stick to a resolution not to waste Xmas calories on sh1t mince pies and cr@ppy Quality Street type chocs. If I’m going to get fat, better make it worth my while.

    Free Member

    Spicy food, hot bath, lots of sleep.

    I find that i often dont shift the last bit till i start exercising lightly….walk up a few hills, enough to get the heart pumping but not out of breath

    Free Member

    Restoring or balancing your ph value will help the process.

    I take a quarter to half a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a tumbler of warm water and neck it down. Once a day, no more than twice but your body won’t require too much to balance and do this for a few days.

    Think you might have this covered already….

    Free Member

    I too lost too many riding hours trying to resurrect a set of sticky-pistonned Avids. In the end got rid and put on some £35-an-end Deores. Excellent brakes, but told myself I would treat them as disposable. 5 years on they still work as good as new! Dont think id bother fiddling with them when the time comes….

    Free Member

    So this lad went round everyone with a plate of Pringles, “excuse me, would you like a Pringle?” Then waited until the guest had a mouthful of crisp before sagely adding, “They’ve got jizz on them.”

    Dave’s defence later was that he told him to say “cheese.”

    I absolutely LOVE this. I guess there is probably an age range where the excuse is blaggable, pronunciation-wise. Might try with my 4 year old, but don’t really care if i get busted!

    Free Member

    But you’re barking up the correct tree….an Accord of that or next shape on would be my choice of cheap car. I ran an ’05 tourer cdti with a frankly appalling history well past 100k and nothing remotely went wrong!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Really, really, ludicrously expensive for an 18 year old car. Sellers seem to think it much be worth a premium on account of the mileage, when the reverse is true at this extent. The thing has spent its life drying out its rubbers and gathering condensation. Its worth beans, that one.

    Go and find one half the age, with twice the mileage!

    Free Member

    Will have to get back into the habit of getting out early. 2 weekends running ive been out with the kids in the morning, then fobbed off riding in the afternoon as ive already spent 2-3 hours stationary or moving far too slowly in the cold!

    Free Member

    Know what….its possibly a sad sign that I would quite fancy a few days with my feet up at the moment…

    Free Member

    Ooh, Rusty’s Failsworth lot also do this:

    Free Member

    Yeah, i thought about flat caps….not sure they’d be great with a round face shape though. Will have to try some on. Also thinking about

    this kind of thing, which is slightly more grown up than a baseball cap. Or a waxed cotton baseball cap which I feel has a slightly wider demographic

    Free Member

    1. They’ll really have to be going some to break it

    2. If they do break it, you won’t get big shards, just little cubes.

    It’ll be ‘reet….

    You wouldn’t worry about your exterior glazing, would you? And that’s not even toughened…

    Free Member

    Thanks Kelron….that kind of thing but they go even cheaper than that…..have you had good experiences with the Xiaomi ones?

    Free Member

    Some good ideas here – will try moving cleats back some more. Ta!

    Free Member

    Small pedals, but its not a hot spot where the pedal touches, its down the outside of my foot.

    Free Member

    Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, maybe consider postponing your visit to the family for a day or so. Maybe until after the funeral. They won’t be taking much in at this stage.

    Free Member

    Good job OP.

    I have also attempted CPR and got a bad result. (On my own Dad, on an MTB ride as it happens). 14 years on and i can still remember every minute of the 90 minutes it took to get him to A&E. And it was as recently as last night that I last questionned the decisions I took on the day.

    I don’t really want to dwell on this long enough to read the conjecture in the other posts, so sorry if this is largely repetition. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You did your best, and certainly a lot more than other people there. You were up against shocking odds.

    You’re doing the right thing to talk it through on here, and to try to get something positive about it i.e. The first aid course. That’ll help. But don’t be surprised if you still struggle a bit. Quiet moments were the worst for me eg gym, bike etc. It’ll take a while to settle down in your head, maybe a few months or over a year. Without realising, my experience made me emotionally withdraw from life and almost cost me my relationship. Maybe others on here can advise better, but there must be some things you can do to help your loved ones understand what you are dealing with.

    Once again, well done, and take it easy on yourself. Drop me a line on the email if you want to talk one to one. Chrispeeuk at y@hoo.


    Free Member

    I can see Catterick Garrison across the valley….dont think i’ll be making any plans….

    Free Member

    Hmmm, untaxed transit van,

    Horrible attitude to women,

    got the feeling he might be quite well-known to them…

    Am i the only one thinking that this may be an induvidual of “transitory abode” ?

    Free Member

    In the olden days before antibiotics, they used to deliberately collapse al or part of a lung to “wall off” the infected areas. One way to achieve this was to break a few ribs and push them into the chest cavity.

    That’d have an impact on your riding….

    Free Member

    happy combination of unknown UV protection and irises opened wider due to the darker lenses.

    My Mum usd to say this about cheap sunnies, but more recently I have heard that any old grade of polycarbonate filters100% of UV anyway… anyone more in the know….?

    Free Member

    but watching you fall off your bike when there is nothing there really does make me question how you land an Airbus

    Had to laugh at Stansted motorway services a couple of weeks ago when I watched a member of EasyJet flight crew struggle to navigate his way around the milk and sugar station…..i helped him find the stirrers right under his nose 🙂

    Free Member

    I tend to use it to salvage a few quid from things I would otherwise have to tip. E.g. Duplicated gardening tools when we moved in went for 5er a pop with no hassle or no shows. Decent enough folk too.

    However, when i advertised my basic hi fi separates and against my better judgement sent them via the buyers courier to the other end if the country, they blocked the paypal payment for non-existent faults and I had to refund a fair slice of what was already a low selling price.

    So 50:50 from me. Definitely local only. Almost certainly low value. Definitely not stealable stuff like phones, bikes, tablets or laptops.

    Free Member

    You’ve essentially just done a Devon/Cornwall, Yorkshire/Lancashire there.

    Oops. Didn’t realise it was that regional. I do buy Black Pudding as a Yorkshireman, though!

    drinking in the short term or waiting a year or five.

    What is this buying booze “to drink later” you speak of!?

    Free Member

    Perhaps look for sites that have dedicated family and non-family or quiet fields. National Trust do this.

    Or seek out Outdoor enthusiast hotspots near popular climbing or biking spots, then everyone will be too tired to make noise.

    Free Member

    Which end of country?

    +1 for Cool Camping adults, with the caveat that you pay a premium. Plus grown ups can be noisy and inconsiderate too….especially with grown up drinks 🙂

    Don’t want to be too much of a campsite snob, but I am wary of glamping-intensive sites i.e. Those with more than just a couple of pods or wigwams. Non-outdoorsy people sometimes represent the worse of the above….

    Free Member

    RockShox spec the thicker stuff for a reason.

    And the reason is……?
    And is it a good enough reason not to ignore?

    I can imagine that it may be to keep some lube up near the seals in a vertically stored firk, for example. But thinner lube in a fork stored a bit more carefully might be fine….

    Free Member

    And Discoverys have “banked” seating, with the backs higher than the fronts. For shooting parties, innit?

    Free Member

    Picassos have always had big windows

    Free Member

    I went from full shim to full sram in 2006. After 1 rear trigger shifter with chocolate internals, ridiculously easily rounded off jockey wheel bolts and rear mech adjustment screws, i started to migrate back. Self-loosening non-driveside crank arm damaged axle splies…back to Shimano. Lost hours of my life to juicy 5 brakes. I’m now Shimano through to shoes and lube!

    Edit: Original RS Revs about ready to die….and my xGen front mech and x7 trigger just won’t!

    Free Member

    tend to stay away from any thread that has 4-5 pages of comments

    This. Only exception being the pics / what have you made threads.

    I’ve been predominantly a lurker on here for a looong time and have seen peaks and troughs in the level of argumentativeness (sp?). Overall it seems to have got more lefty and professionally offended over time – probably reflects the mainstream of society. I do tend to come here after reading the news to soak up some contrary viewpoints.

    There are some tedious, pedantic, abrasive so and so’s too. To be honest i don’t look at usernames that much but if i did i imagine i could identify some folk I wouldn’t miss…

    Free Member


    Google it

    Free Member

    GooseEye in Keighley will also sort you a keg and pump. Did it 2 years running for bonfire night!

    2nd year went for the paler session ale, and everyone was on it….even the ladies. Ended up left will all the lager brought by folks!

    Free Member

    @robinL……that Brighouse guy was kicking off when i used to ride there 20 years ago…..!

    In fairness it is a right shitbath of a towpath section that bike tyres don’t help…although it almost feels it has been kept that way deliberately.

    Free Member

    +1 know what you mean. Strangely, Im happier poaching trails in a group even though I know the likelihood of strife is probably higher.

    Last place I lived, what swung it for me in the end was the fact that a ride on legal bridle ways and tow paths was just as likely to result in strife from knob heads…it was open season for me after that….!

    Free Member

    Find the keys on the zombified corpse of a police man. Or acquire some cutting torches / c4!

    Free Member

    I am Leg End…that’s the one i meant. The list above was week 1. If I’m going to be slowly poisoned by humankind’s legacy then i might spend the second week going sideways in V8 things. Maybe borrow a Eurofighter or two. Might as well have a go on some diamorphine too!

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