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  • World Book Day 2022 – Books For Cyclists
  • plumber
    Free Member

    Bananaworld – I have the feeling I just have too much 'stuff' so aiming to offload as much as poss

    Angryratio – A woman has never had any effect on any decision I have made. Most people I know would attest to that :-)

    Nasher – Back in the UK for a while.

    Nezbo – I think I can get exactly the same feel out of my geared inbred as my SS – with the necessary conversion kit and a little work. Up for a ride after the snow is gone :-)

    Barry Bethel – I should be committed :wink:

    Thank you for all your comments I appreciate your time


    Free Member

    I remember lots of mornings when the inside of our windows were frozen over as a kid


    Free Member

    snow – act of god – no claim

    If cleared then potential claim senario depending on circumstances

    Free Member

    Kansas – Chasing Shadows
    Tommy Shaw – Outsider


    Free Member

    Cheese n crisp butty
    Tea none
    Dancing thing on telly

    Free Member

    Thats really quite nice Neal :-)

    Free Member

    Managed to get out of heathrow 2 nights ago – what a dump that place is

    Free Member

    I liked it very much and I like passion of the Christ too

    Shoot me

    Free Member

    I'm sayin' nowt


    Free Member

    TV usually much less run time than DVD, the use the TV as an advertisement for the 'real thing'

    Free Member

    Quality supports

    Mew – Martin Gretch
    Silent Running – Little Steven
    FM – Bon Jovi
    Faster Pussycat – Buns n toasties
    Bon Jovi – Kiss
    Honeymoon Suite – Saga
    Blackfoot – Scorpions
    Wendy and the rockets – Bryan Adams
    My ex wife – Steps (never saw it but would have loved to watch that embaressing spectacle :D )

    Free Member

    That might be quite interesting as I've heard he is a very good guitarist outside :the quo' fold

    Free Member

    I remember a few years back descending some steps between a car park and the local canal – bunch of lads, one on his knees face buried in another lads crotch. I was riding an oh so silent single speed but with a big light on.

    I said good evening as did they back. Carried on thinking what the hell was that about.

    My first and last to date dogging experience


    Free Member

    I think eviljoes quote adequately explains the principle I personally believe in.

    In response to the OP, I used to be young once and highly impressionable, to the extent that I still see my Strat, Tele and Les Paul as the architypal guitar designs aesthetically.

    However I do reflect at having missed purchasing an original LH Steinberger in the mid eighties that to this day I believe is the most perfect realisation of form follows function. £2000 was a lot of money back then but I really wish I had one now.

    I'm sure your son 'needs' a 100 watt stack so if you can afford to support him then by all means do so. His future memories may well be made of singing feedback in front of a 4×12 and who would deny anybody such a beautiful memory


    Free Member

    top gear much?

    Free Member

    I've been told to cease and desist.


    Free Member


    Which part of the above do you think I don't know :roll:


    If you can't play without looking something is amiss. judging from the 1-4-5 nature of your music I can't imagine too much trouble :D


    Free Member

    Guitarist looking at fretboard and not jumping………..oh dear :-)

    Hot singer? Where?

    Looks like plenty of tubes behind you. About 8 too many by my reckoning :twisted:


    Free Member

    I've seen everyone bar John Waite – who I will be seeing early next year.

    After that I'm giving up going to gigs as everyone I like is getting older and shitter


    Free Member

    What is that alpkit bag????

    Free Member

    Plum fingers – '93 Les Paul standard neck and bridge pick up – both tone controls wide open – generic guitar lead – Adrenalinn III setting no 40 no FXs – generic guitar lead – Mackie SRM150 on 1 1/2 – Fuji E900 camera mic – compressed via windows movie maker – then compressed in you tube – then your sound card/speaker combo

    Happy to help :-)


    Free Member

    I'm currently in Calgary until January, I'm happy for you to come round my place any evening or failing that I'll post my blues jam from last year on't you tube again.

    I expect our next bout of live playingness will be Feb 2010 Manchester area.

    Free Member

    I've never mic'd my TM30 – always better coming from the XLR

    People seem genuinely amazed when I turn up with my 'handbag' amp and it sounds like 'bonkers central' through the PA.

    I always like to sit it on top of the marshall heads that everyone else struggles to get into a venue. And mine sounds infinately more betterer too.

    I'm happy to contribute to a guitar rig tone challenge however my tone is in my fingers :D



    Free Member

    double post – bugger

    Free Member

    I understand what you mean about tone but that does not make it more or less melodic than say a xylophone

    Free Member

    Peoples misunderstanding of musical terms is quite staggering really

    mel·o·dy (ml-d)

    3. Music
    a. A rhythmically organized sequence of single tones so related to one another as to make up a particular phrase or idea.
    b. Structure with respect to the arrangement of single notes in succession.
    c. The leading part or the air in a composition with accompaniment

    melodic [m??l?d?k]
    1. (Music, other) of or relating to melody
    2. (Music, other) of or relating to a part in a piece of music
    3. (Music, other) tuneful or melodious


    Free Member

    Mr Womble,

    How does any guitar based technology affect melody which is entirely music theory based?

    Really I'd love to learn, I can then install a melodicometer on my guitars


    Free Member

    I'd say if it sounds good then it is good – regardless of 'valves'/'tubes'.

    If I had a choice, which I do, is a Tech21 TM30, HT5, adrenalinn III on A/B/C splitter pedal into Mackie based PA.


    Free Member

    I once played with a guy who insisted on putting a fender champ through a Park 50 watt, a bunch of old pedals and the most crackly cables I've ever heard – it was insanely loud in the room. I resorted to wearing industrial ear defenders and firing my the GT5 through a SRM450 (thats 450 watts total) at his head.



    Free Member

    A tube 15 watt would overpower any drummer. :?

    Add to that – one watt at one meter will cause permanent ear damage.

    Going about this another way would be an Adrenalinn III into what ever 'make louder' device you care to put it into. A full range speaker will certainly sound better though.

    In my mind if you don't consider the PA/Mixer as an integral part of the band sound you are doing things very, very wrong.

    The best sound I ever heard was Amanda Marshall in London. Everyone was using modellers/plastic kit for drums/keyboards. In ear monitoring for everyone. No sound on stage at all therefore no spill into the vocal mics. Whatever came out of the PA was pure ear candy, mixed so you could hear everything in its place. And for the first time ever I could define a stereo mix live.

    Loud guitar amps are used as crutch for the less than talented who insist on winding up their current 'this is the bollox' amp to stupid levels in order to get the power amp working at its optimum. **** the lot of em!


    Free Member

    It also escapes me why a Les Paul copy would be more melodic. Sounds like most people who spout complete bollox about guitars enhanced by pictures/rumours/'facts' from the sixties

    Example of which would be Claptons 'Beano' blues breaker tone – which after leaving the amp goes through a mic, cables, desk, eq, outboard compressors, the vaguries of mastering and then through what ever system you're playing it through at home – what exactly are you hearing at the end of all that. Certainly not what Clapton was hearing coming out of his amp

    And rest

    Makes my blood boil it does


    Free Member

    Why anyone would want a 100 watt amp is completely beyond me.

    I'd say the max is 15 – then amplify through the PA

    For me its the smallest amp you can get which give you the sound you're looking for then let the PA do the work.

    For me this mean a Tech 21 TM 30 – into

    either srm 150

    or srm 450

    or my current favourite for tubeness and versatility

    Black Star HT5

    Don't even get me started on tube wattage versus solid state wattage

    As a guitarist your duty is to provide the tone – loudness/volume and relative level to other instruments is someone elses job


    Free Member

    Try canada – it'll make your eyes water

    Free Member

    one knife is all you really need – get a good for that money

    My only knife cost $225
    My brothers only knife cost $450

    Both are superb though we both prefer mine – porche design BTW

    Free Member

    Fernie/Whitefish for 3 weeks – fly out next friday

    Excited – yeah you could say that


    Free Member

    I would say a burton custom and burton fish are going to cover what most people will want to/are capable of riding

    or a malolo if you want to combine both the above boards, though I don't truely love my malolo in the way I love my fish


    Free Member

    I take some fine sand paper to my guitar necks from time to time, just cup in hand and rub up and down neck a time or two.

    Gets rid of any chips, bumps and leaves a matt gloss finish which is nice to play.

    Probably do this once/twice a year.


    Free Member

    How late?

    Free Member

    Anything from Ritchie Sambora solo cds

    Free Member

    Olympus E520 here – beginner but I have caught some good stuff with the supplied lenses plus the $100 extra lens

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