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  • Fresh Goods Friday 661 – The Hard Lining Edition
  • pleaderwilliams
    Free Member

    Doesn’t look great for Wiggo at the moment.

    Free Member

    If you can afford to pay for deposit and mortgage on the new place, and if rental on the old will cover the old mortgage, then it seems stupid not to do it. Unless you have something better to spend the money on?

    Free Member

    The reason the drawings say “Not to Scale”, or more normally “Do not scale from drawing”, is just as a disclaimer to ensure that the written dimensions in the annotations/specification are the ones that are used.

    If it is just a small project like an extension, it is likely to fall within permitted development, and if you just want it to match the existing house and have a good idea of what you want in terms of design/layout, rather than wanting something innovative, then finding a good local builder is probably just as good as finding an architect. They will probably know someone who can knock out some quick drawings, and the builder will have a more detailled knowledge of traditional construction methods than most architects. It does mean though that you have to be very careful with specification to ensure you get good quality and a decent finish, also be very stringent with snagging because generally the UK construction industry mentality is to do the minimum.

    Generally an architect’s expertise comes in more useful for larger projects, or where you arent 100% sure what is wanted, or for projects with more stringent planning requirements: new builds, conservation areas, listed buildings etc.

    Free Member

    26 inch wheels!?! It’ll never catch on…

    Free Member

    Around here we seem to have a lot of stables, and all the horse riders seem determined to turn every bridleway in the area into a recreation of the Somme. Unfortunately because of the clay soil the churned up bits are unbelievably claggy, and even when everywhere else has dried up, you end up walking about half your ride because it is impossible to pedal through for more than a few yards. Then if they do eventually dry out you find yourself shaken to pieces over hundreds of rock solid, foot deep, hoof prints.

    The bits where the horses don’t go are fine, and the mud and puddles are quite enjoyable, occasionally. Would be nice to see some dry trails at some point this summer though.

    Free Member

    Croatia is very nice, but suggesting that it isn’t a ‘popular British tourist destination’ is a bit misleading. Maybe it’s a generational thing, but among friends my age (mid-20s), nearly all have been to Croatia, whereas I had barely even heard of Sharm el Sheik before this thread.

    Unfortunately there do seem to be more and more large hotels and all inclusive packages appearing in Croatia, so no doubt in a few years parts of it won’t be much better than Sharm el Sheik, except for slightly less desperate locals.

    Free Member

    Its only cheaper in the short term.

    Free Member

    Why does one have to be a “greater” achievement? They would both be huge achievements, and the pinnacle of their respective sports.

    Free Member

    Archery, Shooting, something Equestrian?

    Free Member

    Speedy boarding gets priority check-in. However, by the time you’ve found the easyjet desk, sorted and paid for speedy boarding, you would probably be better off if you had just waited in the check in queue.

    Free Member

    If he is found guilty then he should be a pariah, as should Merckx, Anquetil, Coppi, Simpson, Ullrich and probably Hinault and Indurain, although those last two were never proven, just rather suspicious. Maybe all previous results should be struck from the record, and the sport should start again with a clean slate. Unfair to those who did achieve victories clean (assuming anyone did), but the way the sport glorifies convicted drug cheats cannot possibly help with this issue.

    It’s a very unfortunate fact that professional cycling’s history is inextricably linked with drugs. We may even have riders who have admitted to doping riding on the tour right now. Armstrong isn’t really to blame, although he does demonstrate what success can bring. Unfortunately as long as there is money and prestige in cycling and people think they can get away with it, then there will be doping. The authorities have to make sure that people can’t get away with it.

    Free Member

    Short or Medium cage, ShadowPlus mech. XT or SLX depending on budget. If you go ShadowPlus you’ll get away with just a guide on top, and possibly get away with no chain device at all.

    Free Member

    If he does get found guilty, then of the five riders to win the tour five times (ie arguably the greatest ever), there would be what, one left who hasn’t been shown to dope at some point? Positive if people are eventually caught, but pretty sad for cycling in general, especially as most of them are still idolised despite the drugs.

    Free Member

    I was referring to the OP, who doesn’t want upgraded damping, but does want a lockout. He’s already got a lockout.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t the Sektor TK already have a lockout?

    Free Member

    Just avoid if you can!

    Always good advice where Derby is concerned.

    Free Member

    There is a lock on display at new designers at the moment which I thought was quite clever. It uses road type drop bars, but the two drops can be removed and then lock together into a loop. Only really works with drop bars and utilitarian bikes, but quite an interesting idea, and probably could be made quite secure.

    Free Member

    Yes, but the bike is fit for purpose. To argue it’s not you would have to take it up with the manufacturer or the designer of the BB30 standard.

    It’s not fit for purpose, he has used it for its intended purpose and it has broken, twice. Legally the shop should refund him if he asks for it. The shop should then take up their argument with the manufacturer, and the manufacturer can then take up the argument with the manufacturer of the BB, the manufacturer of the BB can then take up the argument with whoever they licensed the design from.

    Free Member

    If that is the reason to be lenient, then it’s strange to only do it in this case, when all crime is “the fault of the world and society”.

    Free Member

    If it’s for racing on and he wants a new bike, that Canyon looks the best option though

    I don’t get this? Spec on the Boardman is, at worst, equivalent to the Canyon (Same forks, XT vs X9, similar level brakes and wheels, albeit from different manufacturers) but you get a carbon frame compared to the aluminium Canyon.

    Free Member

    Boardman HT Pro Carbon, brilliant spec for the price, and 23lbs. Had a ride on the aluminium version and the FS, and they’re both great bikes

    Free Member

    I have some. Decent fork at a very good price but Motion Control compression damping isn’t that adjustable, and I find them a bit divey. Keep meaning to email LoCo and see if a damper upgrade is possible/affordable.

    Free Member

    Does it assume that once a photo is edited, why would you want to view it in it’s unedited state again?

    This, essentially.

    In the most basic of terms: when you edit the photo it doesn’t actually edit it, it simply links the original image to a set of ‘editing instructions’ which it applies within Lightroom. This means you always retain the original file. You can then export edited versions, which you have now done. I haven’t used Lightroom for a few years, but I think that it you have the edited versions safely exported as separate files, you can then open the original files in Lightroom and “Remove Effects” or something similar, which should display your original files ‘as is’ once again.

    Free Member

    Some of the Ragleys that never came out had some decent colours.

    As do Commencal

    Not necessarily fluoro, but pretty bright.

    Free Member

    Powdercoating is your best bet. Rattle canning it might work if you find the right primer/paint, look for something flexible.

    Free Member

    I don’t think you can say that what he did was not a crime here, it has just not yet been proven in a court of law. During the extradition hearing the judge held that what he was accused of was illegal in the UK.

    Despite that I don’t support the extradition. He should be tried here if the CPS feel that there is a case to answer. There is no more reason for him to be extradited to the US than to any other country.

    Free Member

    So if doing their normal job but just with a few additional people isn’t deserving of a bonus then why are 7 TFL directors getting £80,000 olympic bonuses for just doing their normal job but with a few additional people?

    Free Member

    And to try and this back on topic, I think its great that the Hurtwood has open access for all, I ride there and enjoy it. Logging is just one of those things, it is done for the maintenance of the woodland, and is part of what keeps the place as woodland for us all to enjoy.

    Free Member

    Can you read?

    I’m not suggesting we actually take land off people, as we’ve come far too far with this system to work out what would be fair to who.

    If we were to redistribute land it would make far more sense to give everyone enough to live on, and make the rest common land, owned by the state and managed for the general good. I.E give it to the Forestry Commission. However, I agree that the praticality of that is almost zero.

    I think applying Scottish access rights to the whole of the UK is practical, reasonable, and fair, considering how most of this countries large landowners, who would be the ones most affected, came by their land.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member

    @pleaderwillaims – let’s return the land to “the peasants”, starting with where you live

    I’m not suggesting we actually take land off people, as we’ve come far too far with this system to work out what would be fair to who. And we should be grateful that they grant access, as legally they don’t have to, however it is worth remembering that really they are only giving back part of what they took under what would now be considered a dictatorship and widespread slavery.

    As a pointless aside, I rent and don’t own, so technically have nothing to return, but even if I did own a house I’m pretty sure I’d be one of the 95%+ who would benefit if we ever worked out a way to redistribute land, so as long as you took mine, and followed it up with everybody elses, then fine.

    Free Member

    I agree that it works, and its not really a debate to have here.

    From my one experience of meeting one of the family I think you are wrong on their count.

    You mean that they aren’t enlightened and helpful landowners, or that they weren’t granted the land as part of the Manor of Shere?

    Free Member

    Me, although technically its a CX bike, it does have skinny road slicks on at the moment. It has persuaded me I want a proper carbon roadbike though.

    Free Member

    Why does it wind you up? The land is owned by the Bray family and we are there only with their permission…

    While they are in modern times fairly enlightened and helpful landowners, I can kind of understand why it could wind some people up. Without wishing to start too much of a debate, they do, like many other landowners in this country, only own the land because of the feudal system/divine right of the king/taking it off the peasants.

    Free Member

    I think it can help as an exercise to get the feeling of weighting the outside pedal and shifting weight over the front wheel.

    Admittedly no better than keeping feet on the pedals and shifting your weight properly, but it can be a step towards doing that.

    Free Member

    On long corners it can help to have your inside foot off the pedal, and up by the front wheel. I imagine that I am trying to touch my fork dropout with my inside foot, and it helps to get weight over the front wheel. You should probably be able to get your weight forward enough without doing this, but I do find that it helps sometimes.

    Free Member

    I do love a good lightsaber.

    Free Member

    Bree Louise by Euston Station has good beer and ok pub food. Its also close to Drummond Street, which has a lot of decent curry houses.

    The Harp, Chandos Place, near Covent Garden/Trafalgar Square also has a good range of beers, but I dont think it serves food. Loads of stuff around Covent Garden though, but sometimes a bit pricey for what you get.

    Somers Town Coffee House on Chalton Street between Euston and the British Library isn’t in the poshest of locations but does good food and normally has a couple of good beers on.

    A lot of the pubs in the area do cater to the after work drinkers and the tourists, but I’m sure there must be some other good ones about that I haven’t been to.

    Free Member

    I think there are a lot of far more important things to worry about at the moment. The problem with an elected HoL, is that, unless we sort out all the other problems with the system we have, it’ll just become another HofC. At least at the moment some of it is slightly removed from all the political party bickering and point scoring.

    I do quite like this idea though:

    I would sack them all and allow only long serving civil servants, teachers, nurses etc to stand for election.

    Free Member

    Also seems to be locked on the (no longer attached to the rest of the bike) toptube. Thieves trying to pry the lock?

    Pretty sure thats the Shell Garage on Chelsea Embankment.

    Free Member

    It should also be noted that the state is not very good at estimating costs and running buildings. Generally they under budget and then get surprised when the real cost comes in. At least with PFI the companies needed to get the costings right.

    This does sometimes seem to be the case, at least with high profile projects, but as far as I can see there is no reason why the public sector should be any worse than the private sector at this.

    Genuine question, as I was twenty years off being born then, but what happened during the last major period of hospital, school and council house building in the 1960s & 70s? I know many councils had their own architecture departments, which presumably provided some expertise. Did they manage to keep costs under control? How did we pay for all of it?

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