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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • pjt201
    Free Member

    Get a taxi and put it through expenses instead then.

    Free Member


    I’d say in that example it’s probably you who’s annoying rather than your wife

    Free Member

    That easyjet flight looks like it was fun!

    This was my best effort (on the Downs in Bristol). Wasn’t as dark as I thought it would get, but all the dogs went off.

    Free Member

    Bristol is clearing. Lots of folk up on the downs watching.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the sun was out a minute ago in Bristol and now obscured again. Fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    Adjust the settings perhaps?

    Digital sensors just don’t have the dynamic range unfortunately

    I have one in my pocket all the time.

    Well, I’ve just bought the lens with me! Far easier to get hold of than those eclipse glasses that are recommended.

    I also read somewhere that a colander can be useful (for viewing the eclipse that is)

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator
    All this pinhole rubbish when you can use technology. Smartphone in selfie mode.

    Which won’t work because the camera won’t be able to deal with the level of contrast.

    Welding mask all the way for me.

    Free Member

    You want one of these:

    Free Member

    @wwaswas – not sure you would as you can’t prove it was the neighbour and the police will almost certainly do nothing. Similarly with the note to all the neighbours above – you’re not entering into a dispute with any neighbour in particular.

    Free Member

    Someone used to stick cones outside their house on a street I lived on. I had a shitty clio at the time and used to take great pleasure in just driving into them when parking. They stopped putting them out after a while.

    Similarly one of my neighbours once went round my parents front door at 7am frothing that one of my brother’s friends had left his car parked on the street outside his house (on a quiet suburban street where everyone has 2 car driveways). Fortunately this was later followed by said neighbour bringing a couple of bottles of wine round to apologise for his behaviour.

    As to the OP, it’s criminal damage, treat it as such and report it to the police. Also stick a note through all your neighbours doors including hers to encourage them to report it to the police if it happens again, if you’re in a neighbourhood watch area also tell the local coordinator.

    Free Member

    everyone can do what they want to do, it has no direct effect on me

    But isn’t the point of your original rant that they’re getting in your way when you’re driving? If it’s not, I’m really not sure you’re making any rational argument at all any more.

    Free Member

    Also, I did some research at university on pedestrian route choice and safety very rarely figures in route choice. For peds route choice centres around local route knowledge, comfort and convenience. I’d hazard a guess to say that the same is true of cyclists and motorists.

    Free Member

    I think the OP’s position on this could be translated to:

    “I’m not anti cyclist, but… “
    “Some of my best friends are cyclists and I even sometimes cycle too”

    Try swapping some of those “cyclists” for descriptions of other segments of the population and then it’s pretty clear what a good attempt at trolling this has been.

    Free Member


    Agree it was good, but not so sure on agreeing the need to budget for tips. IIRC they had a very well worded bit at the end of the bill (Printed on A4 presented in a leather bound folder…) about how they pay their staff a very good wage and do not expect a tip, however etc. Certainly made the people who were paying for me (like I could afford to eat there) think twice about a 10% tip!

    Free Member

    I’d hazard a guess at not very given they are currently developing electric nose wheel motors for taxiing

    Free Member

    Karndean in whichever pattern/colour you like

    Free Member

    The 24hr of Finale is normally mid May, in Finale Ligure, Italy. Well recommended as a race, makes UK 24hr races look a bit rubbish in comparison…

    Free Member

    Contador uses them, make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    On road or off road? I’ve done the off road a couple of times as a volunteer taking the signs down and watching out for stragglers. The route is a really good mix of off road routes, including a couple of surprisingly good singletrack.

    Free Member

    the biggest problem i have with this is (if you are trying to drain a number of partially empty cannisters into another empty one to make a full canister) that as soon as the receiving canister has a pressure (volume of gas in this case) higher than the filling canister won’t it just put gas back into the filling canister in order to equalise the pressure?

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks. More concerned about being locked in than out! They don’t lock the end of the drive by the road in then?

    Free Member

    Put it this way, if you walked into a shop, picked up an item priced at £200, took it to the till and paid by credit card would you then agree to pay the £4 (approx) card processing fee for the merchant?

    Free Member

    tomhoward – Member
    So far today Ive had

    1/2lb plain biltong
    2 pears
    1 tube of wine gums
    2 kit kat chunkys (1 regular, 1 double caramel)
    1 corned beef and coleslaw ciabatta
    1 cheese salad sub
    2 cans of diet coke
    1 bag of haribo minions.

    Good job you’re drinking diet coke 😉

    Free Member

    In cyclocross terms, if it’s good enough for Sven, it’s good enough for anyone else!

    Free Member

    it hit Bristol about 10 minutes ago.

    Free Member

    If any of you ever go to Tokyo, you need to go to the studio ghibli museum. It’s amazing, almost like a set from on of their films.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an Audi A2, does that count?

    (not mine, from the Audi website – which is weird as it doesn’t have the right alloys…)

    Free Member

    i think you’d both pass the psychopath test.

    Free Member

    could just be a member of staff – they all get custom bikes iirc.

    Free Member

    so you’re riding on private land without permission and you’re upset about the landowner taking action to make this difficult for you?

    Free Member

    the wheels aren’t all the same – some will have campag cassettes (11sp) and some shimano (even if the neutral service is shimano)

    Free Member

    The blood passport has been proven to not be all powerful as a) Armstrong was never popped by the UCI on his comeback despite USADA using his dodgy parameters as their pathway to getting him banned and

    I thought the issue with LA and the biological passport was that you needed 6 months of testing to build a baseline prior to competition on a world/protour team and he managed to get the UCI to waive this before his comeback (I think he only announced it a few months before the tour iirc).

    Free Member

    their stomach hits the top-tube


    I would say on a given CX race l would use hoods for about 75% of a lap and drops for the other 25%.

    I think the tops are pretty much useless when doing anything technical, even with crosstops (shudder), as your hands are too close together to really get any control.

    Free Member

    tops are for hops. watch this at 6:45ish

    Drops are for sprinting or descending – you get much more control over the brakes on the drops imo.

    Free Member

    This is ridiculous. What is even more ridiculous is that a local Road race in Bristol that has happened on the same weekend for about 50 years had to move their race because a sportive wanted to use the same roads on the same day. As the RR needed police permission and the sportive only had to inform the police the conflict was managed by not giving the RR permission…

    Free Member

    dangeourbrain – Member
    Silly point alert: I can’t help wondering if the agreement that’ll be reached that the yes campaign keeps mentioning will go something like “keep the pound, share the UK military, have a parliament in Edinburgh, keep the Queen as Hos, pay your taxes to Westminster but have limited control over them, oh and have a notionally separate country.”

    so the status quo then?

    Free Member

    I’m sure the CPS have a better idea of what’s in the public interest than we (the public) do. I do like the evening post’s volt face on who he is though.

    Free Member

    just buy two double mattress sized polythene bags from ebay for three quid each, wheel your bikes into them and then carry into the apartment. anything else would be a massive faff and get boring very quickly.

    Free Member

    somouk – Member

    It was probably shot down over the ocean by something from the American base down there.

    Do you mean the antenna in Exmouth – pretty sure it’s now run by contractors not the military (at least it was when I was down that way last year)

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