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  • Campus: New Video From Danny MacAskill
  • pjt201
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    Gary_M – Member

    It will among other things totally shaft those who have based their retirement plans on income from rented property.

    Meanwhile serious property investors who don’t have mortgages on their properties, for example large corporations, will be sitting pretty. So the little guy gets shafted, big business wins. It’s almost as if the tories planned it that way.[/quote]

    That’s exactly what the bank of england (if not the government) want to do – BTL (not being a landlord, but taking an interest only mortgage and gambling on the house price increasing without taking out any other endowment) as a retirement plan is massively risky in the current financial climate and they have realised that the vast majority of people would be better off without this (well actually BoE see the risk to the financial institutions who have lent the money – when these properties turn into negative equity the banks can’t recover their initial outlay as it’s an interest only purchase).

    Free Member

    Blimey, if I were a business I would choose not to let you buy things from me, that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    Rich_s – Member
    Really? Those crazy Danes (among others) must have it so wrong then.

    Read the article I linked to, it’s pretty clear that the Danes, like the Front National in France, have been using this misinformation as a means of threatening/sidelining minorities. In some parts of France they don’t even use pain and suffering as an excuse to ban it, they use the notion of secularism (similar to the manner they want to ban [or have, I can’t remember] the burka on the grounds of secularism).

    Free Member

    loddrik – Member
    I think people should boycott halal meat anyways, additional unnecessary suffering of animals in the name of ridiculous superstitions (religion).

    Halal preparation of meat doesn’t cause additional suffering, if it did it would probably be illegal in the UK anyway. If you want to reduce suffering to animals don’t eat meat would be my advice.

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    Free Member

    Ooh, spam filter avoidance ahoy!

    Anyway, this thread is useless without pictures.

    Also, if she’s an Aussie it should be Cherry Ripes or Caramello Koalas over Quality Street.

    Free Member

    To reiterate what Crankboy said above my FiL is a magistrate and operates mainly in family court and he would agree that they are generally toothless to enforce any decision they impose. The real issue is that no court wants to see either parent imprisoned over family matters so will almost always suggest mediation of some sort or another (unless there is clear violence or paedophilia involved, but then those cases are escalated to the crown court normally anyway).

    Free Member

    zippykona – Member
    My friend’s sister used to go out with real life Darth Vader’s son.

    My friend is the real life Darth Vader’s niece.

    Free Member

    FFS BD.

    Free Member

    Stoatsbrother – Member
    If you do want the Knipex thingy – can be cheaper via like quite a lot of stuff.

    So I went on to see if Wera stuff is cheaper (it is), and found this: Wera advent calendar

    Good god, why didn’t I know about this sooner – amazing!

    Free Member

    mrblobby – Member

    Not as good as a big heavy flywheel (if they were I suspect they’d be rubbish on the road!) Most rollers, you stop pedalling and you come to a stop pretty quickly.

    Ah, you didn’t say the flywheel had to be heavy before 😉

    Free Member

    mrblobby – Member
    Are they actually harder to pedal on though? Turbo has a lot of stored energy in a big flywheel which typically rollers won’t have hence they roll down a lot quicker.

    Rollers have two 622mm diameter flywheels connected to them, twice the size of the biggest flywheel on any turbo 😉

    Free Member

    I don’t really know why I’m joining in with this, but in the roundabout video the lorry has done nothing wrong, it’s up to the person in the outside lane to merge (which is clearly reflected by the road markings).

    He’s up there with those helmet cam wielding cyclists who ride along screaming out the number plates of all cars who have deigned to look at them the wrong way.

    Free Member

    johnners – Member
    The police have historically had a bit of a tendency to convict the convictable, egged on and abetted by our fine free press in high profile cases.

    MoreCashThanDash – Member
    Terrible cases. But mainly from 20+ years ago. Either it takes a long time for the truth to come out, or there are thankfully fewer cases in this country nowadays.

    One of the few things that put me off the death sentence.

    See also Barry George vs Jill Dando. Fitted up by the press as being a general weirdo so must be guilty, apart from the fact he wasn’t. And the treatment of Christopher Jefferies after the Jo Yeates murder – he had purple hair so the tabloid press believed he must be guilty, apart from the fact he wasn’t. Robert Murat in the Madeleine McCann case? I could go on…

    So it still happens.

    Free Member

    Come in singletrack – you’re doing this wrong. The correct answer isn’t new bars – Stoner should spend £1k on a Brompton.

    Free Member

    Statutory noise nuisance under section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Alert him to his legal transgression and explain the steps you will take to rectify this. You can, in fact, bring a private prosecution without the aid of your council. The first thing you will need to do is keep a diary of when the nuisance occurs. Start doing this now.

    Free Member

    Black Cow Vodka – made in Dorset from milk (I kid you not)

    Free Member

    Worse than foreign weddings are Friday weddings imo. At least with a wedding abroad it’s easy to decline to go on cost grounds without upsetting the bride and groom, whereas for Friday weddings in the UK it’s much more difficult. And why do people get married on a Friday? Because it saves them £1k. Pretty selfish not to realise that the 80 people you invite have to take a day off work at much higher total cost than that.

    Free Member

    it normally released about 15 psi so I would account for this when setting the pressure

    It doesn’t lose 15psi when taking the put off – the 15 psi is lost when reattaching the pump to check the pressure as it’s equalising the pressure in the pump and the -ve chamber. The issue is that the -ve chamber is so similar in volume to the pump this is noticeable, when you’re checking the pressure in a tyre this also happens, but the volume of the tyre is so much greater than that of the pump in this case the pressure drop is negligible.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member
    You could just blame Thatcher, it would take a lot less words.

    I could, but it’s not as clear as that so I didn’t. Sorry you have a problem with that. The development of our current society’s acceptance of personal debt is a lot more nuanced than even I care to understand.

    Free Member

    I don’t have a problem with them making money, I have a problem with their expectation/naivety that they’re entitled to send their kids to an expensive school without making any sacrifices to their lifestyle. The fact that they have choice available to them, but don’t seem to be willing to make any changes is a damning consequence of the current social expectation that one can have their cake and eat it. This isn’t limited to people like this family, but also a lot of people who stretch themselves considerably beyond their means in order to meet some social expectation of how they should live. Just take a look at the cars parked down your street – how many are on PCP etc just because their mates expect them to have a BMW 335d. how many people will be feeling forced to run up huge credit card debt this Christmas so their kids can have the latest and greatest games console because that’s what all their classmates are getting?

    To me it’s an attitude that was born in the 80s and is a direct result of the right to buy and other initiatives that developed such a materialistic society. I’m not saying I’m not guilty of it either – I recently spent nearly £600 on a steel hardtail frame built in Taiwan on the basis that it was designed by some rad Canadians, entirely materialistic. The only thing is I could afford to do this without detriment to the other things I consider necessities in life or putting myself in debt (other than emotional debt to my wife, but that’s a whole different kettle of fish).

    Free Member

    You know that trident isn’t a first strike weapon right?

    Free Member

    This is a better system imo:

    (skip to 2min to see it in action)

    Free Member

    I definitely wouldn’t cash the cheque – that will demonstrate acceptance of their offer in any later dispute. Send the cheque back with a letter outlining why you don’t accept it. Also don’t give the hire car back…

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    It’s OK. I’ve raided the children’s piggy banks to cover the shortfall. They wont mind, they’re used to it.

    It’s a shame we can’t raid the old people’s pension pots. They’re the ones who got us into this mess, not the kids.

    Free Member

    I assume you’ve seen this about drilling the frame to fit a stealth dropper?

    Free Member

    Saw someone using an iPad as a satnav the other day.

    Free Member

    You certainly can sue. My trombone teacher when I was a youth used to also play in the orchestra for Phantom of the Opera in the west end and cycled to/from the theatre. He was knocked off his bike by a (drunk) per stepping in front of him, broke his elbow in many places and was thus unable to work for about 6months. Being self employed he sued for loss of earnings (he would have seriously struggled otherwise) successfully.

    Free Member

    The best present I received at uni was when my sister sent me a tube of berocca in freshers week.

    Free Member

    JoB – Member
    pine nuts

    This made me laugh far more than it should.

    Free Member

    Really they should be giving away the machines for free given what they charge for coffee. It strikes me as being very similar to printer cartridges…

    Free Member

    willyboy – Member
    My Mrs went on one and from the course taught me ‘3rd gear in a 30’ – it works surprisingly well

    So I shouldn’t be in 5th gear in a 30mph zone? (going at 30mph I should add).

    Free Member

    nemesis – Member
    Chances are the previous owner would ignore it so without resorting to legal action (expensive, timeconsuming and uncertain outcome) you’ll be better just doing it yourself. Council or local garage depending what’s actually in the barrels.

    I agree with this, unless you have a forwarding address for the previous owner. In which case organise for their property to be returned to them.

    I very nearly did this with a manky washing machine left in a house I bought (not on the fixtures and fittings list), but realised I could get someone to remove it for me by advertising it on gumtree as untested for free

    Free Member

    There was a guy in a Western League Race (Conham I think) who did the last 30 odd minutes running round the course without a bike. He a) beat me (it was very muddy in my defence) and b) wasn’t dq’d. I don’t really take it seriously enough to care, and fair play to him for running for 30mins in a pair of carbon soled race slippers.

    Free Member

    ah, that’s a different proposition as someone could win with only 3 votes.

    Free Member

    As I see it there are two options, sell you car and give up hope, or buy one of these:

    Free Member

    Cycle to work? Get a brompton? Anything but a scooter.

    Free Member

    annoyingly there are two different kinds on non-evo Pro2 SS hubs. If it has the NRB, it will have NRB printed next to where it says Pro2 on the hub shell…

    Free Member

    I once got a $42 fine for jay walking in Montreal.

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