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  • Bounce, Bags and Bling – Spotted at Sea Otter
  • pjt201
    Free Member

    read the rest of my statement – If you think of it as a company rather than an individual. Also he’s not taking dividends he’s only taking a salary for which he will pay tax on, either now or in the future.

    Gilligan is trying to equate this to people who have only one revenue stream who work in a solid job which would normally be full time employment which is what Ken has criticised in the past. they aren’t equivalents. In his blog he has also admitted that Ken hasn’t taken any dividends out of his company so where is it apparent that Ken has paid less tax?

    mefty – Member
    Find me someone who earns over £150k a year who doesn’t employ (or have employed for him) a PA.

    I know of plenty of people who earn considerably more than this and don’t.

    So they never have any secretarial/administration services done by others? wow.

    Free Member

    allthepies – Member
    Sexed up, well read for yourself and decide.

    Ignoring all the petty squabbling above( 😉 ), reading the transcript above I’d say Gilligan did “sex up” the article. He accuses Ken of reducing his tax liabilities by taking dividends and then goes on to say in a later question that Ken hasn’t taken any dividends! Also it seems that Ken is taking a salary from his company and that salary has been spread over a few years where not a lot has been earned following a brief burst of activity after he lost the election. Someone find me a well run company that doesn’t keep reserves so it can keep staff employed during quiet periods.

    He also seems to argue that only Ken has been paid for his speaking engagements and makes no allowance for Ken to need a secretary/personal assistant to arrange all of these (his wife). Find me someone who earns over £150k a year who doesn’t employ (or have employed for him) a PA. All the article is is another Gilligan piece trying to drag Livingstone through the mud which is pretty much all Gilligan has tried to do since he was sacked by the beeb.

    What Ken’s situation isn’t comparable to is that of senior civil servants who are clearly employed by a single employer for long periods with support etc provided by the employer.

    Free Member

    hmm, an article attacking ken livingstone written by andrew gilligan, why am I not surprised? I imagine he’s “sexed up” some of the details of this.

    Free Member

    LsD – Member
    Mehh…….not what I was expecting, it’s just about bikes

    I think that’s the point. In fact I’m struggling to think what wide open in relation to cycling might actually mean.

    Free Member

    As Kingtut and Clubber have said LVIS is a club in the loosest sense and there’s little requirement to join or compete for the club. In fact one of the best things about it is I don’t actually have to see those two more than a couple of times a year 😉

    edit: that and the fashionable purple and gold kit.

    Free Member

    i like it – i think it’s because it has a sloping seat tube rather than the vertical seat tubes now seen on a lot of top end tt bikes.

    Free Member

    i thought this was going to be about vicious cycles

    Free Member

    nah, you can’t normally do that. you’ll need a LISP routine in CAD to do it for you. With a bit of searching about you should be able to find one.

    AutoCAD isn’t really designed to do that sort of thing you – you’d normally use MOSS/MX or AutoCAD Civil 3d or something like that to do it.

    I would have thought most setting out engineers worth their salt would have the ability to do it themselves anyway.

    Free Member

    andyl – Member
    Look how much optimus prime is:

    I used to have that Optimus and the decepticon plane (wings kept falling off)

    What is the current one? £60-70?

    ha ha, my brother had the pneumatic excavator! I think it’s still in my parents loft somewhere.

    Free Member

    carbon forks – with an alu crown or full carbon niner style forks?

    Free Member

    i think the idea was that it is supposed to help you squeeze through tight gaps. although now it’s just a fashion statement (most of those types of bar are narrower than your shoulders or feet width or hips so actually encourage riders to go through gaps they won’t fit through)

    Free Member

    @fenboy – e.thirteen only unfortunately. also thinking about it might not work with the niner ebb as they have a 30mm axle rather than 24mm.

    replacement bb’s can be had for £30 if you shop around and they’re no worse/better than hope etc.

    Free Member

    e thirteen cranks? they do a ss specific one which is about the same weight as xtr. mine have been fine for the past couple of years.

    Free Member

    What a top event, really enjoyed that. Made all the better by one of our party taking second place in the women’s competition.

    Having done that I quite fancy doing some other similar events, but most enduros have more down than up and up is definitely my strong point.

    Free Member

    should we not just declare now and save the embarrassment?

    Free Member

    andyl – Member
    yeah more I think of it more of the blame goes on the cyclist. But the poor delay on the roadworks made the situation occur.

    Later that day I was coming down from the same direction as the cyclist and 4 cars and bus were still heading down across our path when the lights changed for us to go.

    No, no blame on the roadworks at all. It’s up to the road user to look to see if where they want to go is clear! The same thing used to happen before the road works were there with people turning into toolstation etc. The junction isn’t a yellow box junction so there’s nothing wrong with people queueing through it.

    Free Member

    andyl – Member

    As for the bike crash:

    Car coming down whiteladies, temporary stop light up near exit to toolstation car park (50m or so away from crossroads). Bike coming down from Cotham and heading to Clifton crossing whiteladies. The car went through on the green but was slowed slightly by someone turning into toolstation hence there being a small gap to the car in front. Lights must have just changed and the bike went flying through and just clipped the back of the jag that was passing through the crossroads. Guy on the bike was hurtling through the junction and the cars waiting got no where near the jag – I don’t think they even got off the mark by the time the bike was meeting the jag so blame to me is poor roadwork traffic management and the cyclist not slowing down for what is obviously an increased danger due to the roadworks.

    So entirely the cyclists fault for going too fast through the lights and not looking then? can’t see how that’s the fault of the roadworks. Sounds like the cyclist assumed that the jag was going to be out of the way by the time he got there, not an assumption he’ll make again I suppose.

    If anything I feel sorry for the car driver there as it sounds like there will be damage to his car and he has little hope of claiming that from the cyclist.

    With respect to the improvements, again roads aren’t just for cars. congestion already is a problem on whiteladies road and that causes issues for the buses, if this improves bus journey times and makes the streetscene (apart from the abhorrent keep left arrows) more pleasant for pedestrians then that’s surely a good thing.

    Free Member

    @waswas – i’m interested in your mw-80s (depending on price and state) drop me an email.

    Free Member

    My uncle used to own this place and i liked it then – 20 years ago so no idea what it’s like now!

    Free Member

    b r – Member
    And why, if you were short of time you wouldn’t be on a bus?

    Why should drivers have all the rights? If we can get the buses moving faster then maybe, just maybe, more people will use them and we would have less cars on the road. People driving into the centre of bristol for work every day is just ludicrous. there are so many public transport connections that there’s absolutely no need. if you do want to drive, then there are 3 park and ride sites that you could use.

    the only bad thing about the whiteladies road improvements is that the engineer decided that they need to put keep left signs on all of the islands they’ve built. massive waste of time/signage and it ruins the streetscene imo.

    oh, and re the op’s bike crash. If the bike clipped the jag, then surely it’s the cyclists fault. he hit the car, not the other way round.

    Free Member

    Sorry, I have to disagree with everything they have said/done, their number 1 road bike has a triple on it.

    Free Member

    shaggy – Member
    The Hieatts did not buy it back. David seemed negative about it on Twitter.

    Not sure what David has to be upset about – he was the one who sold it to Timberland in the first place!

    Free Member

    the thing that isn’t clear is if David Hieatt (the Howies founder) or the current management bought it back (he no longer works for Howies – does the Do Lectures and Hiut Jeans iirc).

    Free Member

    it’s a modern social construct. as is gender, nationality, sexuality etc.

    Free Member

    yup, as pjm states get a copy of the local town plan (or equivalent) and look at it thoroughly to see if the planning application falls foul of any local policy. if it doesn’t there’s little you can do to stop it – apart from getting your local councillor to call it in to committee who can turn it down (normally only for it to be contested and the planning inspectorate finding in the applicants favour as councillors can only turn down for legal reasons not emotional ones)

    Free Member

    Oli Beckinsale likes them. Maybe you should enter some elite XC races OP?

    Free Member

    jhw – Member
    mountain biking in the UK becoming a bit vanilla in places shocker

    People don’t like change shocker

    Free Member

    adh, if there aren’t chipolatas on sticks do i get my money back? (in fact I might make that as my cake contribution)

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Member
    Henleaze area.

    So Southmead then? The known hub (pun intended) of Bristol bike theft.

    Free Member

    I expect it’s to do with grease on the tube rather than water adh – a wipe might not remove it.

    Free Member

    933. crikey going even faster than in previous years.

    Free Member

    Patrick, Paddy to most people and Pat to my family (I don’t really like other people calling me that though as it makes me feel like an 8 year old or something).

    Free Member

    what about buying it and then taking them to the small claims court for the £60?

    Free Member

    i’d strongly recommend st john (although not been there since it gained it’s star)

    Free Member

    hmm, signing up for the full 240km is now not sounding like such a good idea… Still I haven’t done it before so I think it’s good to try the full distance at least once.

    Free Member

    I’m going to my work Christmas party in an hour so it’ll either be dry by the time I leave or I’ll be so drunk I won’t care.

    Free Member

    bah, I thought this was going to be about Masterchef’s superior antipodean cousin.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    Title should refer to the University. Don’t want to confuse those from the Dimstitute.

    I always preferred Gimpstitute personally. Although that’s all rubbish now as they’ve changed the name to Southampton Solent University.

    Disappointed they’ve not got chandler wine in there tbh. Hope it hasn’t closed down.

    I did go and see the medics revue one year and it was thoroughly rubbish.

    Free Member

    I won the dance off at SSEC 2010, does that count for anything?

    Free Member

    This junction in Edinburgh amuses me – I am really not sure what youare supposed to do legally at the end of the cycle path – there is no cycle light.

    I think the engineer in the council didn’t entirely know what to do either so he just stuck an end sign on the cycle path. I think thebikechain has it though, as the cycle path has ended where there is no on -going right of way by bike you should dismount.

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