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  • pixelmix
    Free Member

    So you just used the headphone out to mic in?

    Worth trying the headphone/line out to aux input (you can pick up the cable for a few quid, with a headphone jack style on one end, and split aux input connections on the other end).

    Free Member

    Dock for your existing hi-fi?

    Why not just get the standard Apple dock which has a line out, and plug that in to your hi-fi input? You could even just run a cable from the headphone jack to the line in for ultimate cheapness.

    Free Member

    you only waited an hour.

    Slow morning in the office here, and threads do vanish from the front page pretty quickly. Some nice tidy builds there. I do like the old white and blue frames.

    Al – would be interested to see how you build it.

    Free Member

    Tried the wanted section? My Shimanos are starting to get a bit worn (cracked sole and splitting material suggests that a replacement will be required soon), so will go in the bin this year, but as far as I know, the plates are still okay.

    If I was ready to replace, you could have the plates from mine, so maybe someone else has a set?

    Free Member

    Well this went down like a lead balloon. I’ve had to do some actual work. :?

    *Wanders off to the On-One flickr page*

    Free Member

    Simon1975…I wanna goto that bike shop, where is it?!

    From the sign in the window, I’m going to guess Italy.

    Free Member

    On the plus side, if you don’t ride with a bell, Avid brakes are pretty handy for alerting dog walkers to your presence on the Water of Leith.

    Free Member

    Go on then, I’ll trot this out again…


    Free Member

    Mrs PixelMix has refused to let me go for my weekly run tonight, presumably on the basis that I might get blown away. Apparently if I went out, she couldn’t guarantee that there would be dinner for me when I got back. As a result, I am now sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine. Glad I went out on the bike last night.

    It still isn’t quite as biblical as last night. The simultaneous high winds and huge claps of thunder over Edinburgh were interesting at 11pm.

    Free Member

    Have you seen how busy Cairngorm gets on the 3 days of decent snow every year?

    No thanks.

    Free Member

    I’d like to add that some of the comments should try and walk a mile in some other peoples shoes before they pass judgement. The world isn’t an even playing field.

    True, and no doubt many people who get into difficulty as a result of an unforeseen change in circumstances (job loss, health etc). That doesn’t seem to have been the case on the other thread though.

    Free Member

    Hmm, I am (comparatively speaking) one of the younger folk alluded to in some of the posts above. I am quite debt averse, although do currently a mortage (with Mrs PixelMix) which we are repaying, and currently stands at 75% LTV, a car on finance (which will be paid off in full at the end of the 3 years, as we are saving a monthly amount which will equate to the balloon payment), and unusually, I currently have a chunk of my latest bike on my credit card (which will be paid off in full in a couple of months).

    Whilst I am not a big fan of debt, I am justifying the above in my head on the basis that:
    (i) we need a car, and whilst we could make do with a banger, we spend a lot of time in it, and it is our little luxury. Mrs PixelMix also drives it to work every day, so it is nice to know she is in something modern with a full warranty. Hell, who am I kidding, I chose it and I love it. In 3 years time we will own it outright, and if we decide to trade in, will have a massive deposit for something else, so would only have a small loan next time.

    (ii) the bike was a one off purchase on my interest free credit card. Once it is cleared, I won’t really use my credit card, as we generally pay cash for everything.

    Thankfully I don’t have any student debt, as I had a job whilst at university. Mrs PixelMix has a reasonable sized chunk of student debt, so we chip away at that every month (her mandatory salary contribution plus an extra chunk of cash), whilst simultaneously putting an amount in an ISA for our next big purchases.

    Having items on credit is fine as long as you are 100% sure that you can pay them off if required, and have an exit strategy. The difficulty is when it becomes a never ending cycle. I have no idea how someone can accrue £98,000 of credit card debt and have virtually nothing to show for it.

    Free Member

    The croix is still a looker tho!

    I agree the Croix looks good. Maybe all of the mysterious weight referred to above is in the reflectors?

    Free Member

    I’ve been looking at these options recently too. I think the Decade Tripster is the best option around at the moment, although I think by the time I get one, the prototype On-One Ti Pomp thing will hopefully be in production as another alternative.

    I too dismissed the Gensis because of the weight. I believe that the Tricross is a bit weighty too (and has no discs). I previously dismissed the Uncle John, but I can’t remember why. I seem to recall there being an issue with disc brake fitting which was a bit of a faff or something along those lines.

    Marin do a CX bike with discs too I believe. I’d be interested to see what you go with once you have finished building it.

    Free Member

    Congratulations! Quite an achievement and a good read. The first picture is great too. :-)

    Free Member

    There are some huts right next to Mabie which might be suitable.

    We normally stay here[/url] one weekend a year, which isn’t too far away.

    Free Member

    <off topic>Incidentally, has anyone any idea why I can’t find the Tom Simpson documentary on iPlayer? I though it would be available since it has been on TV within the past 7 days.</ off topic>

    Free Member

    I realised a while back that I never ever watch ITV. I don’t watch much on TV anyway, but the only things I do watch or always on BBC (often a documentary on iPlayer after seeing a thread on here, like that Knopfler thing the other night), Channel 4 or occasionally Five (and its offshoots).

    The only time ITV is on in our house is when Mrs PixelMix is watching some rubbish like X Factor.

    I’m not at all surprised that their figures are dropping. It is even worse here in Scotland I believe, as STV don’t have enough funds to buy any decent programmes. I honestly wouldn’t have noticed if they had pulled the plug on STV/ITV 3 months ago.

    Free Member

    1) No (except for driving occasionally – I only have one pair of sunglasses)
    2) Hell no

    Free Member

    Only do it to clear my breathing every now and again. when no-one is around. Got my arm and a BMW 5 series (not at the same time). Thankfully the BMW was parked and there was no-one around to see me do it. :oops:

    Free Member

    YGM from me too. Good luck!

    Free Member

    Tyres/valves need lining up, fence needs painted, stick needs removed from ground by back wheel, that crack in the concrete is off-putting to my OCD riddled brain.

    That better?

    Tidy build though. Bargain frame for £28!

    Free Member

    Sounds like there is something fishy going on here? Unless you are pouring bags of salty gravel onto your drivetrain before and after every ride, surely the cassette should last longer than that?!

    Free Member

    [ Our wonderful access laws, of course, allow you to ride pretty wherever you want responsibly, doesn’t mean that all great riding spots should be blabbed about on internet forums.

    The trails near Badaguish were built by the local club as a race course (with relevant permissions). Am sure the local bike shops will be able to give more advice on current condition of the trails. ]

    I missed that thread too clearly. So it is just a voluntary hush hush to keep the trails in good nick, rather than grumpy landowner access issues? I enjoyed riding in there in the 2009 SXC round, and see the series is going there again this year.

    Free Member

    I’d agree with ourmaninthenorth. The first issue was quite interesting, but I wasn’t blown away by it. Hopefully it will improve a little as it finds its feet. I’ll probably get the next issue at some point.

    Free Member

    There are some trails around the Badaguish area, but we’re not allowed to talk about them

    Really? Why not? Is the centre precious about who uses the trails in there? Surely right to roam would allow use of the allegedly excellent singletrack which may or may not be in that rough vicinity.

    Free Member

    fontmoss – see here. Placid Casual (on here) is riding the prototype at the moment, and has some photos on flickr etc.

    Eric – I do really like the look of the Genesis, but think it might be a bit lardy for CX racing.

    Free Member

    What if Jaffa cakes were classed as biscuits?

    Lots of headache for accountants having to re-consider the VAT implications?

    Free Member

    +1 Big n Daft.

    I would imagine that part of the reason that many people are scared to “come out”, is because it is considered front page news. When I saw Obree mentioned on twitter etc this morning, I was interested to see what he was up to these days. When I found out why he was in the limelight, I closed the page. I have no interest in whether or not he is gay – it is a matter for him and his family.

    Free Member

    Sounds like it will be well used.

    I’m contemplating a CX workhorse for my next bike for all the stuff you mention, plus the odd winter CX race and short tour. Fancy some discs though, so currently looking at the On One Ti Pomp with a 1×10 setup for racing, and singlespeed the rest of the year. What brake levers are you using on the hoods (presumably you have some without shifters)?

    Free Member

    Good work that man – lovely looking bike.

    Are you planning to race CX on it as a singlespeed, or is it a weekend blast in the local woods bike?

    Free Member

    Is the half link chain thing neccessary?

    Given that the dropouts look quite short in that photo, I would say you want at least one half link in your chain. You might find you don’t need it with certain gear combinations, but you might find that you run out of dropout space once the chain gets stretched a bit.

    Free Member

    He said he didn’t want Enger-land to win a world cup game,some of the poor little lambs can’t forgive somebody from another country for not supporting them.

    Yup, that interview is dragged out all of the time as a reason not to like him. It was quite clearly said tongue in cheek. A lot of people seem to dislike Murray for his supposed lack of charm and wit, but if you can get past his monotonous voice, he actually seems quite witty and likeable.

    Free Member

    Because I just replaced my entire SS drivetrain for £26, less than the cost of a decent rear cassette on the other bike. :-)

    Free Member

    If you are using Safari, you can customise the setup in your prefs, so links will open in a new tab, new window etc, depending on what key you press. Have a play around with the settings and see what works for you.

    Free Member

    The pizza eating cyclist who has everything?

    Free Member

    I’m a big girls blouse, so I’ve managed to avoid any adult scrapping.

    Free Member

    prices seem to be being pushed up by all the New Year resolutionists.

    Give it a month, they’ll all be selling them on again once they have given up on the New Year resolutions, and then bidding again when the TdF is on in July.

    Free Member

    Hmm, given the injuries on here, I’ll not complain about a few days of sniffling.

    Free Member

    I also haven’t ridden yet this week. Was out on Saturday, and a quick half hour on Sunday (for the photo thread), but I decided not to go out Tuesday or last night as I was trying to avoid the man flu which is waiting to pounce.

    I’m itching for a ride though, so even though I’m sniffling away here, I’m nipping out tonight for 2 hours. No doubt I’ll feel rough as a badger’s backside tomorrow, but I’m sure I’ll feel great while I’m out there.

    +1 for getting a spare bike. I’m riding my rigid singlespeed lots more than the full sus this winter, as it only takes 5 minutes to wash it.

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