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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • pipm1
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    Free Member

    I sent in a dropper post warranty to CRC on 24th Feb, have sent in chase emails a couple of times too, heard zilcho back. Their phone lines have since closed due to the situation.

    I ordered a few things from them on Sat 4th April, it turned up on 8th, so that isn’t so bad.

    Free Member

    They should award real championship points for the virtual races, that’s shake things up a bit.

    Assuming that doesn’t happen there could be an unofficial championship that that includes the virtual races with whatever real ones happen, if any.


    Free Member

    I went from 32mm Sektor Gold RL to 35mm Rev RCs late last year. The Revs seem more plush & stiffer. I feel like I can batter through bumps better than before. They run at lower pressure which maybe helps make them feel better, along with the debonair or whatever gubbins is inside it. I can’t say I’ve noticed the ‘bad at repeated hits’ thing but my local trails are muddy rather than rocky anyway.

    Free Member

    I had trouble getting a tubeless tyre to inflate at the weekend but used the advice in the below video to get it sorted, basically by manually seating half of the rim.

    From 3m15s.

    Edit: plus I used soapy bubbles.

    Free Member

    This isn’t new to the new forum as the previous version did it too; the overview thread list, when it gets to the advert image, it makes one of the thread titles vertical down its right hand side. e.g. in the below pic see the SUVs thread down there.

    Ad & thread title vertical

    This is on Android Firefox browser.


    above link didn’t work, try this (OneDrive link):!AgKeoi-YGDpIiRaGmyvkPj61s7bs

    Free Member

    If you have an old wheel it can screw into the mech hanger, then use it to adjust until the intersects of the two wheel crossover points are equidistant (or rotate one point between the two crossover points).

    Free Member

    New forum looks nice! I’ve not read any previous pages so sorry if it has already been suggested, but the ‘Posted N minutes ago’ text might look nicer & less like the main body of the post if it was grey or a slightly smaller size perhaps. :)

    Free Member


    The word “optics” seems to have started popping up lots since a few months ago, grrr.

    The word “Yee-opp” in MTB videos is quite irritating.


    Edit: and “Ye-ahh boi” in MTB vids too.

    Free Member

    Sigh… 7th ride in with my first dropper; having always run it with an inner tube behind it, and been fastidious in keeping it clean after each ride (though the mudguard has protected it well), and today it has presumably got some dirt in it & it has a slight score up part of the post & it now doesn’t go back up properly. :(

    It was faultless for 6 and a half rides though.

    Free Member

    I occasionally use a chain cleaning device with paraffin, seems to work well.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’ve got Hope Tech Enduros, they were my first & only tubeless attempt. I used Stans 27mm tape, pulled tight, I don’t think I double wrapped it. It went up without any trouble.

    Free Member

    I’ve had this or similar before. My rim had recessed wear track along it and the pads had worn so they had a line that ran in the track. This maybe made the pads drag when the wheel deflected or was not perfectly true. Fixed it by filing said track off of the brake blocks so they were flat.

    Free Member

    I encountered that maybe a year ago. I wondered if that was somehow TAX related to Amazon’s benefit, still unsure. I read that the amounts raised by it are tiny & barely worth the hassle to the receiving charities but make Amazon look good.

    Free Member

    Reach can be adjusted if its the model in this video:

    I think my 105 is old type with plastic shims above the levers.

    Free Member

    I’ve got both. Old hardtail is threaded, easy to put in & take out.

    I got a Giant Trance with press fit at the end of 2015. I bought the Park Tools round things & a big bolt to make a press for putting them in; it works a treat. I’ve got the Park Tools splayed pole tool for taking it out again; I’ve only had to replace the BB twice & on both occasions one side of the BB gets smashed to bits during extraction.

    So, in my experience I reckon durability of press-fit is fine but I prefer threaded but wouldn’t totally rule out getting a bike with it again – so long as I don’t have an internally routed dropper post that might require the BB to be popped out to service it.

    Edit: I’ve only serviced Shimano so far, thought I’ve now got a Praxis but haven’t worked on it yet.

    Free Member

    I put my bike on its side in the car with the front of the forks + RRP mudguard lying front down over an open cardboard box.

    Free Member

    Yari have a longer axle to crown than Revs for a given travel. Exact numbers are on Rochshox website.

    Free Member

    I’ve probably not used my Nikon F80D in about 10years. I used to use Velvia & Provia I think if I was feeling flash, or Kodachrome. I probably gave up on it due to the faff/expense of posting it off to get developed & then to either use a projector or get prints or a CD. I never went digital, as I thought it remove the simplicity & limitations of a proper camera, and I’d probably end up taking hundreds of duff photos rather than taking my time to get a handful of good photos per roll, which would be an achievement.

    Maybe I’ll get back into it some day…

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies! I’ll probably go with the inner tube on the rear of the post options.

    Free Member

    Its the length between the jockey wheels.
    Best bet though is to look for the exact model number, it’ll probably be stamped into the rear of the jockey cage. Then look it up on Shimano’s website.

    Free Member

    Cool, thanks both. The inner tube sounds good, I imagined a rear mudguard would be better, good to know. I’m not sure I share your trust in velco, lol! But i think I saw a video somewhere saying it was a particularly strong type, so mibbies! :D

    Edit: oh, I’ve just realised I misunderstood your innertube method, your idea is as per pic in this thread:

    Free Member

    is there a domain block list that can be added on the router to blanket block whatever domains on all devices, or if just a PC look into blocking via the ‘hosts’ file (in \windows\system32\etc\drivers\, from memory).

    Free Member

    Tomorrow’s World.

    A program to inform & enthuse youngsters about science & engineering, to create & be optimistic about the future, yeah get rid of that…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I ‘m quite sure what I’m looking at… is it a print at the bottom of the tray, or something you’ve baked? :s

    Free Member

    Not telly, but there’s someone that reads the news on Radio4 with a deep voice & I’m not sure if he’s a real person or a robot. A tad annoying, I usually change the channel.

    I’m a thread rule breaker. :)

    Free Member

    Perhaps the sketch above could be different; rather than having the bottom face as being flat where it contacts the ground, imagine it arcs upwards towards the hub so that the overall circumference remains the same. The real life tyre deformations make it look less like this up to a point, but if you think of how an underinflated car tyre wears on the outsides but not the centre it will be because the edges of the tyre are more in contact with the ground than the centre (as per the middle portion arcing upwards). Hence, the idea already mentioned about measuring as per the radius at the points it first & last contacts the ground would make sense.

    Free Member

    If you’ve got the winXP CD handy, try booting from it and select the repair option, worth a bash.

    i’d also try cleaning the inside of the PC, carefully hoover out however many inches of dust it has. then take out the gfx card and put it back in, assuming it has one.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yep possibly. :)

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Why aren’t SNP wanting us to go to the €uro? For all the administrative hassle that leaving the UK would entail, surely changing to it would just be another one we’d be as well to go through at the same time?

    Free Member

    Petition up here for getting rid of proportional representation here:

    Westminster’s voting system is bankrupt. It’s time for proportional representation

    But the chances of the Conservatives doing anything about it are probably zero, seeing as it serves them well + the electorate chose not to reform it the last time.

    Also, the polls, predictions & the trends we’ve all been seeing in the run up to the election before the exit polls came in… they were slightly inaccurate weren’t they!

    Free Member

    I’m 6’4″ and recently got a Specialized Diverge Elite 61cm. It has the biggest stack out of all the ones I looked at as per my spreadsheet. I also run it with the stem flipped upwards for maximum uncoolness. If you wanted more rise you could get a more rise-y stem or some curly bars that have rise.

    Free Member

    I got a bike through C2W from them last month, and a bunch of other stuff, great service. It sucks ass that some bawbags did that to them. I didn’t know that Bryan owned the place now either, he’s a young guy too, so it must’ve been a big commitment for him to take the place on in August, and for this to then happen, sheesh.

    Free Member

    I’m in Fife where the SNP beat the LibDems by just 2 votes in 2017. I’ll likelyu vote SNP this time rather than LibDems as I think there’s less risk of them getting into bed with the Cons. Plus the LibDems revoke Brexit policy seems immature & their dodgy campaign leaflet figures made them look like they were joining the current fashion for lies. Plus Sturgeon seems like an adult politician compared with the rest. I’d consider Labour if they weren’t a distant 3rd here, but FPTP makes voting for them pointless.

    I just wish the SNP would tone down the IndyRef2 talk a bit & not be so pushy about getting it in 2020; I voted no in IndyRef1 but would probabl vote Yes in IndyRef2 – but only if the UK had already Brexit’ed. I guess it’d be a bit politically muddy for SNP to campaign this election like that though. Ho-hum, interesting but worrying times.

    Free Member

    I recently encountered this problem when I got a RRP front mudguard, solution for when putting bike flat into car is to lay the forks on a cardboard box. Simples! :)

    Free Member

    Leaving the current group of people this incompetent the current role in our lives is bananas.

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