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  • Fresh Goods Friday 713 – The Lasting Gasping Winning Edition
  • pinetree
    Free Member

    It’s almost as if New Zealand is on the other side of the world from Sheffield, eh?
    To be fair, £150 to get a bike frame shipped halfway round the globe is about right. Shipping is expensive, especially in small quantities.

    That said, I’m sure if you look around you’ll be able to find a decent frame out there for £300 that’s a hell of a lot better than an On-One made out of gas pipes 😉

    Free Member

    Fwiw, I thrashed the shit out of my sb5c (and crashed it hard a few times too) and never had any issues with it.
    Awesome bike.

    Free Member

    Is anyone in the UK importing those 9point8 posts? I’ve not seen anyone selling em in this country.

    That would be the thing to put me off ie. If anything were to go wrong with it, you’d be pretty scuppered without anyone to send it back to.
    Well, you could send it back to Canada, I suppose. Pain in the ass though…

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, in exactly the same measurements you’re after.
    Only used it a handful of times, but it seems to work very well. It’s a piece of piss to set up too.

    Having used a thomson covert, then this, I’m not sure I would ever go back to a hydraulic post now.

    Free Member

    I just built a surly ogre for the exact requirements you just stated.
    It’s a weighty beast, but is a right giggle to ride. Would thoroughly recommend it!

    I almost bought a longitude a while back, but the price of the frameset is now almost the same as the ogre, so I figured I might as well get the real McCoy for the sake of small difference between the two.

    Will get round to taking some photos eventually, when it’s not so utterly shitty outside…

    Free Member

    Have you seen the other things he’s selling?!

    The man is clearly a lunatic.

    Free Member

    Does it sound too good to be true? It probably is…

    There is almost nothing worse than shonky, baggy bib-tights which fall apart, which they almost certainly will be (ask yourself, why are they so cheap?)

    In my experience buying cheap tat on ebay normally only results in disappointment, so I personally wouldn’t bother, as it will most likely be £20 wasted.

    Free Member

    As long as it only shoots in the woods.

    Free Member

    That new Raceface/Easton post comes in a 350 length (100mm drop)

    Free Member

    it must of come as quite a shock

    Free Member

    I know whose Transporter that is in the first post. You should see the inside of it- it’s upholstered with faux leopard print material throughout. Very classy 😉

    Free Member

    Do you want it? Do you have the means to buy it without getting into debt? If the answer to both of these is yes, just do it. You’ll only be annoyed at yourself if you don’t.

    If everyone only ever bought what they “need” we’d all be riding around on shitty bikes, and wearing clothes from Asda* Ie. The world would be a f**king boring place.

    Case in point, I’m about to hit 30 and just bought a skateboard the other week. Haven’t ridden one well in over 10 years, and probably won’t use it that much, but I wanted it (through some misguided sense of nostalgia) and had the means to buy it, so thought **** it, why not?

    If you’re not convinced, wait a while; the frame’s not going anywhere.

    *not that there is anything wrong with cheap bikes and clothes from Asda- they work, and will do for 99% of people, but they’re both definitely a bit dull…

    Free Member

    Anything from these guys. The louder, the better!!!


    Free Member

    Keep it and ride it. Hummers are brilliant bikes, irrespective of age (and yours isn’t even that old!)

    Free Member

    Edit: Wrote my reply and realised it came across a bit harsh.

    Hope you get your bike sorted asap.

    Free Member

    I don’t own one, but have ridden one and, like you, found it great. If I were buying one, I’d probably go for one of the regular ones (rather than the XR with 150mm fork) as I don’t reckon you need more than 130/140 up front. Thats just me though, but for the riding you say you do, the normal one would probably be bang on.

    Free Member

    I was Speedfreek on dw. Really liked that forum, but it never really recovered from that quiet spell it went through.
    The whole humour of the place seemed better than here. Much less angry…

    Free Member

    quiet day at the office is it, Sandwicheater?

    Free Member


    heard silverfish are a nightmare

    To this:

    i’ve only heard good things

    …In 3 posts. Outstanding.

    Free Member

    Would be interested to see some pics before any pitchforks are sharpened.

    It’s always tricky to say with bars, as it could be a crash you’ve had previously has damaged em, and the little crash was just the straw to break the camel’s back.

    Try not to get too angry at this point 🙂

    Free Member

    +1 for loose bushings. I stupidly spent a fortune on a set once, having them overhauled by TFT. They came back still rocking like status quo (ie. badly)

    Thing is, parts for em are like hen’s teeth these days, so to try and fix em up is going to cost a bomb (and they’ll never be great)
    You’d be better off putting that money towards a more modern set of forks.

    *Edit* Nice bike, by the way. I always loved Balfa Bikes.

    Free Member

    I’m happy to call “bullsh*t” on the negative e-13 comments. I’ve been running a set for knocking on 3 years now, and they’ve been fantastic. I rebuilt the hubs on to a set of 650 rims when I made the switch, and the hubs are still going strong.
    Got a few mates using them too, none of whom have had problems or done anything beyond usual maintenance.

    I’ve not used the Crossmax wheels. They’re probably very good, but I’ve not felt the need to switch from my TRS+

    Added bonus, they sound a bit like this 😀

    Free Member

    Sure it’s not just your bones, Oldfart? 😆 😉

    Free Member

    Officerfriendly, I’m going to suggest something pretty radical here, and while it may seem a bit “out there” I’m certain it’s going to solve a lot of your problems.

    You might want to sit down for this. Comfortable? Good. Are you ready..?


    Not sure what helmet you want? Go to a shop, try helmets til you find one you like and that fits you, then buy it.
    Unsure about which frame size to buy? Go to a shop, try bikes til you find one you like and that fits you, then buy it.
    I could go on giving other examples, but I’m sure you get the picture.

    Honestly dude, half of your problems seem to stem from asking for advice, then completely ignoring all of it.
    I’d feel bad about suggesting this, as if it was anyone else they would perhaps stop posting such hilarious threads. However as it’s you, you’ll probably ignore my (and everyone else’s) advice, go on to buy something completely unsuitable, then post a follow up thread with a picture of a cushion strapped into a colander, asking why your new helmet doesn’t fit well, and is a bit sweaty…

    Free Member

    Officerfriendly, don’t listen to these idiots with their rational, logical statements! Keep building those bat sh1t crazy bikes, like you do so well. This forum would be a much duller place if you were to stop…

    Free Member

    please don’t mock


    Free Member

    Why was my EC70 seatpost not like this or both my carbon Havocs?!!

    Possible you bought fakes?

    Free Member

    The options for the kind of thing you’re after are pretty much limitless, so perhaps it’s better to narrow the field a little bit. What sort of distance will you be using it to commute? Are you a fan of drops, or do you want something with flat/alt bars? What’s your budget? And so on, so forth…

    The sensible thing would be to go to your lbs and pick up a cheap hybrid, but I’m guessing because you’ve posted on here, that you’re after something a bit different, and don’t mind dropping a few £ on it.
    Can’t go wrong with Surly, as pretty much any of their bikes will do what you’re after, then it’s just a case of deciding of which end of the spectrum you want to go for. They’re not hideously expensive either.

    Free Member

    Why not think about the Flux? 120mm travel and 650b, it’s a proper peaks machine!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a set on my Yeti. They’ve been pretty good so far!


    Free Member

    This is getting good

    And I promised myself I wouldn’t get drawn into arguments on forums anymore… There are no winners really.

    Free Member

    Maybe he doesn’t know you?

    You’re right, he probably doesn’t. But he also doesn’t state how many people he knows with Yetis. Could be 1, 2 or 100. I’m betting it’s either of the first two though.

    Free Member

    Every carbon Yeti owner I know has had their swing arm snap, though.

    I’ve not.

    I give my SB5C a proper pasting, and check it pretty regularly (just in case) but am yet to find anything.
    Had an ASR-5 with carbon back end which I hammered for a few years too, and never had an issue.

    They’ve upped their warranty on the new frames anyway: 5 years, as opposed to the 2 they used to offer. The Switch Infinity system is also covered for 2 years.

    Free Member

    Capra’s a 165mm bike though, isn’t it? Can’t really compare that to a 127mm trail bike…

    Have you got mud in there yet?

    Yes. Yes I have.

    TBH, i just hosed it down after that. No need for excessive scrubbing!

    Free Member

    Piece of cake: A little bit of grease through the grease ports every 40 hours or so is enough. They reckon any more than that is unnecessary, but it depends on riding conditions obviously.
    There is no actual servicing of the unit required.

    Doubt you’re gonna see a carbon 575 tbh. They’ve spent years and a lot of dolla developing switch infinity- i reckon there’ll be more of those bikes before you see any more single pivots.

    Free Member

    Ach, what a pain. Surely they can let you have a wee car park bounce at least?

    I had given a look to the Mondraker Foxy (test rode one of their forward geo 29ers last year and it was really good) but I’m an out and out Yeti freak, and the SB5C just grabbed me.
    I also really liked the principle of switch infinity- it’s a solid idea that makes a lot of sense once you get your head around it. Looks pretty complex, but in reality it’s a very simple idea, with a lot of benefits over other eccentric-type systems.
    I’ve had a few Yetis before and they’ve always been great, so I trust that they know what they’re doing with bike design.
    The only one I didn’t get on with was the SB66, as it was just too much bike for me (having gotten used to shorter travel bikes in recent years)

    I had just come off an ASR-5, and the geo of the SB5C stacked up pretty well with what I wanted. It seemed like a similar type of bike, but turned up to 11 🙂

    I don’t know anyone who hasn’t ridden one and loved it.

    Free Member

    I’ve got one, and it’s f**king brilliant 🙂 Does that help?

    Have you spoken to Cycleology in Armagh?

    Not exactly on yer doorstep, but I saw on facebook that they had one a while ago. They might still have it?

    Free Member

    Singletrack bikes +1. I’ve used them a few times and they’ve been great.

    Mistakes happen, so I think it’s pretty unfair to go online and call them shite because of 1 bad experience.

    Free Member

    Sounds pretty much bob on, but as others have said, those wheels sound a bit low-spec for the level of the build.
    Had you thought about the e13 trs race wheels?
    That’s what I’ve got on my sb5, and they’re shit hot! They have alloy rims but they’ve got carbon shelled hubs (much pimpage) and weigh nowt. They’re crazy stiff, and as an added bonus, the hubs are LOUD!

    I’m not exactly light, and I give mine a fair hammering- yet to show any signs of letting up.

    Free Member

    You don’t need to read every single post on STW you know


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