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  • pinetree
    Free Member

    I’ve got a Thule Thru-Ride and it’s been brilliant. The clamp is bare metal so I guess it would mark the axle if you are a bit careless with it. However <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>6 months in and my axles are in great shape… and even if they were marked, what does it matter? They live inside your hubs!</span>

    I’ve recently got a new van though, so haven’t got any need for mine any more. Looking to sell the whole carrier and roof bar set up from my Focus. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll pm you some details.


    Free Member

    Sounds like you want an old mountain bike.

    Free Member

    Where do I stand/what should I do?
    Can anyone please help?

    You could:
    – Spend hours of your life moaning on a forum about a (fairly minor) problem.
    – Spend hours of your life waiting on hold with an online seller, who is ultimately not going to be able to help you resolve said issue in a timely manner.
    – Send it back to the online-seller for them to repair/replace, meaning you may be without a bike for a few weeks.
    – Have a crack at fixing it yourself. Might work. Might cause more damage.

    Or you could take it to your local bike shop, where an experienced mechanic should be able to fix it in a matter of minutes, at probably a very minimal cost.

    Personally, I’d fix it myself (but then I have the tools and know how to)
    If I were you though, I’d probably choose the latter option – pay a couple of quid and move on with my life.

    Your call though 😉

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I don’t own one, but have ridden one in the snow when I was in Germany a few years ago. It’s a lot harder than you’d think!

    Free Member

    I ran an e13 BB with my turbines (bb92 30mm) and found it to be pretty good. Not cheap, but good quality.
    I found the bearings were a bit deeper in the frame, which I assume stopped the crank rocking so hard on the bearings, helping em last a bit longer.
    The outer diameter was slightly different so I had to mess around with a couple of thin washers just to ensure they would preload properly, but after a small amount of fiddling they went on perfectly and lasted ages!


    Free Member

    Nope. Best bet would be to change to something like the Aeffect crank, which is pretty cheap, pretty light, has a 24mm spindle and would allow you to keep the nifty direct mount ring.

    Free Member

    Thanks for all the replies so far.

    Should have given more details in the original post. The wee one’s 15 months old, and we have a brilliant buggy. This is for getting out and about in the woods with though.
    We’ve had a front-mounted carrier for ages and my wife really gets in with it, but I’m not such a big fan of it now that he’s bigger and would rather have him on my back. Leaves my arms free for when we’re meandering in the woods/ up and down bits of Dartmoor.

    Darcy & FFJA – thanks for the offer. I’ll have a look at the specs and give you a shout if they’re likely to be suitable!

    Free Member

    It’s pretty straightforward, really. Just make sure the grease ports are clean, then pump through til you see the old stuff come through the seals. Give it a few more pumps then wipe it down.

    You tend to find the most amount of wear on the stanchions isn’t actually caused by a lack of grease in the link. It tends to be more down to seized bearings or uneven torque on the link, so before you ride the bike just make sure the bearings are all in good shape, and that the link is correctly torqued up. There’s a tech manual on Yeti’s site which explains it all.

    Have fun!

    Free Member

    I think a variety of them work, but not 100%. In any case Yeti do their own one –

    I’ve got one and it works a treat!

    Free Member

    I sit next to man who sits with his headphones tunelessly whistling the same tune over and over again

    Are you sat next to me?

    Free Member

    At least it’s his own ear

    And he’s putting it in his own mouth. At least be grateful for that.

    Free Member

    Hey we don’t all suck bud

    Yes you do! I’ve never met you, but I’m sure you do… 😉

    To be fair, it really seems to be a city of two hlaves. I used to live up in Peverell and it was great. Once lost a bike for a few days as I had left it in the back lane (numbskull that I am I forgot to bring it in)
    Turns out a neighbour had thought it was abandoned and brought it back a few days later with a very sheepish expression on her face.
    Once when I was on my way home from a night out at silly o’clock in the morning, not long after I moved here, I came across a group of youths hanging out on a street corner. Being from Glasgow originally I braced myself for some abuse, but they were so engrossed in their heated-discussion they didn’t notice me. As I passed, I heard one of them say to another “Mate, if you want some poetry, I will write you some f**king poetry!” (I kid you not)
    I miss living in Peverell. The people were nice there.

    Now I live at the bottom end of Stoke, which is within stumbling distance of Wyndham square and North Road West ie. smackhead central. My street’s awesome, but just over the other side of the park is a right hole; full of junkies and scumbags. Sometimes I feel like just going and setting fire to all of it. Can’t make it any worse.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I know it’s a long shot, but you never know! I’m going to check out the various pawn shops in Keyham/Stonehouse/round the Market in town. They’re always full of hooky stuff.

    To be fair, it’s been living outside for a year or more now, and this is the first instance of anything going walkies.
    It would be nice to think that other people are principled, and know that just because something’s not nailed down, doesn’t mean it’s theirs to take… but this is Plymouth, and the people here f**king suck.

    Free Member

    STW Forum member outraged by high-end niche products costing money… shocker.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Issue is ongoing Creak/graunch that so far 3 different bike shops haven’t been able to nail down… After 2 years of trying gets a bit wearing .

    Could be your knees? Being an old fart and all…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    mmm just sit down on the couch and tell me all about it….

    Yeah, in hindsight I should have phrased that better.

    Free Member

    Maybe why that’s you don’t get it.

    You’re probably right. Although I know several petrolheads, and people who just like to have nice cars, which I understand (although I couldn’t give two monkeys myself) – it’s the same as me liking nice bikes, and liking to have nice bikes.

    As per my previous post though, this all stems from this issue with my sister, who I know doesn’t give a sh*t about her car. It’s always filthy and full of junk, and she has to be reminded by her mum every year that it needs to be serviced. It just seems to me to be an exercise in “what can I splurge a load of money on this year?”

    Free Member

    If you can get the motivation to do any riding then I don’t think there’s any reason not to, other than it might perhaps make you feel a bit worse tomorrow.

    When I had shingles last year I couldn’t do a damn thing for days!

    Free Member

    CLA 55Y doesn’t exist according to DVLA, may have been scrapped or torched by a rival drug dealer

    Last spotted here:

    Free Member

    @Mudshark – That’s cool. If I had enough money to have a Bentley AND an Aston, I’d have em registered with something clever like that.

    It’s very different from having a fairly nondescript private plate on a fairly nondescript car though.

    Free Member

    Does the rear windscreen of your car have a sticker on it with the name of the car dealership it was purchased from?

    That’s one that I don’t get.

    Slightly different situation. If my car was bought from dealership A and came with a sticker in the window, I wouldn’t go out my way and pay several hundred £ to replace with with a sicker from dealer B.

    I’d imagine most people simply don’t notice or don’t care enough to remove it.
    Come to think of it, I have no idea if there’s a sticker in the rear window of my car.

    Free Member

    Mine cost £250. For a start you can’t tell the age of the car, mine is nearly 11 years old now but looks immaculate and almost new. You may call that vanity if you wish.

    I don’t know that I’d call that vanity – You clearly look after your car and it’s something you take pride in. I understand that, and I can see why you would want a private reg plate.

    Maybe she thinks riding bikes is odd

    Riding bikes is very odd.

    I guess it’s just because I know my sister and while her car is ok (a 2008 mini) she doesn’t look after it and it’s certainly not immaculate, so wanting this private reg plate has clearly nothing to do with pride in her car.
    She’s a very materialistic person (has a collection of fashion accessories worth god knows how much) and regularly gets birthday/xmas gifts costing £500 or more (handbags, clothes etc.) so I kinda think this is just the next in a line of fancy stuff she wants, but doesn’t really know why…

    As a broader point of principle though, private reg plates are the perfect example of modern capitalism. Take Corundum’s plate that’s valued at £1800 – the only justification for that price is that people want it. There are no R&D costs, there are no complex moving parts, there are very few logistical costs associated with it (bearing in mind he bought it for £300 a few years ago) and it doesn’t functionally do anything. Nevertheless it’s “worth” £1800. You could buy a bike for that money! 😆

    Free Member

    Not really doing a good job there

    You’d be right, except I’m being asked to spend my hard-earned dosh on one for someone else.

    I don’t care too much about chucking £30 or £40 into – If i were buying her a gift it would probably be around that value anyway, or perhaps a bit more as it’s her 21st. It just seems like a really odd thing to want.

    Free Member

    Not bike packing in the sense of barbags and bivvys, but here are some pics from a wee overnighter i did earlier this year.
    Left straight from work, picked some steak and tomatoes up from the shop then headed out to Dartmoor for the night. Up early the next morning- did some more trails and then back at the office by 9!

    Free Member

    If the OP lives in Texas this isn’t going to end well….


    Free Member

    Never mind all that, check out their prices on fork/shock servicing! Are they trying to put people off?

    Prices are the same as they were with mojo.

    Free Member

    Not a CX fan then, Northwind?

    Free Member

    Try watering it down.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a GPX route for a Plymouth/Wembury SW Coastal path loop if you want.

    Surely you just keep the sea on your right til you’ve gone as far as you want to go, then turn back and keep it on your left?

    Free Member

    This seems very much like a conversation to be had in your own head, OP. I mean, surely in any other walk of life if you have a repair job done by someone else and is not right, you’d just give em a call and get em to sort it properly, without feeling the need to post on an internet forum, right?

    Could it be that we as a society have become so detached from interacting with one another that we have to check how to do it on the internet first? Bigger questions…

    Free Member

    As above – powdercoaters spend their days doing fences and alloy wheels; pretty simple stuff.
    Can’t really expect them to be experts in masking off bearing/interfacing surfaces etc…

    Sounds like you need one of these

    Free Member

    UK Cycle Centre take trade ins of high-end bikes against new sales, so you’ll probably find that’s where it’s come from. Either that or maybe the rep sold it on to them.

    Not sure what’s suspicious about it.

    Free Member

    Aye, right enough actually. Looks like I’d tried to copy in a sad emoji from facebook (like a simpleton) Got it all sorted now, thanks!

    You can check the results here: Not-So-Stealth Ad!

    Free Member

    Doing everything on a phone & iPad. Tried copying into notebook first but it doesn’t seem to matter.

    I’ll just post it from a proper computer tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Having ridden them both I think the 45 is a better all-rounder. With Switch Infinity it goes uphill as well as (if not better) and the ASR due to the extra traction, but just has that bit more to give when you point it down.

    I’ve done all-sorts with mine – raced XC and the odd enduro, as well as just spending plenty of time razzing around the local woods. It’s an absolutely brilliant wee bike 🙂

    As an aside, I am actually looking to sell my current SB45 (sneaky stealth ad)
    PM me for more details.

    [edit] I’m aware my reply followed by an ad makes me look biased, but i assure you it’s not bullsh*t. It genuinely is a fantastic wee bike – so that I bought the 2017 version as soon as I got rid of the ’16 version I had


    Free Member

    @OP – do you have the chance to test ride one prior to buying? Sounds as though they’re ex-demo bikes you’re looking at, so surely you could have a go to see which one you’d get on with.

    Contrary to opinions on here, I never really got on with the SB66 myself (I could see how it rode well, but it wasn’t really my kind of bike) whereas I really enjoyed the SB95 when I test rode it and now ride an sb45, which is the nearest modern equivalent to it. They’re very different bikes, aimed at very different kinds of rider, so it’s not really a decision that can be made on paper.

    Free Member

    Edit to say I wrote that before I saw pinetree’s post.

    No dramas. Please don’t think I’m an over-protective parent though – arguably I’m the farthest thing from it, and generally have no problem with dogs irrespective of size. However when I see an unknown staffie-type (big head, wide jaws) dog running at speed towards my young child I think I’m justified in being a bit concerned.

    Point is, as you sound like a responsible dog owner who knows the flaws and behavioural tendencies of your dog, if you knew your dog acted aggressively in certain situations, surely you’d try to keep it out of those situations if possible, right?

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