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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • pinetree
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    mafiafish – Member
    Southern accents on bikes.

    Haha! As a Scotsman living in Devon it’s something I’m having to get used to. Still just sounds all wrong though.

    Free Member

    Big booty hoes are so last year. It’s all about the FUPA now

    Free Member

    Oh go on then…

    Free Member

    12.5Stone? I doubt that as the average weight of a UK man is 13Stone

    Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s around the 19-20 stone mark. Thing is, a 10yr old frame won’t handle 20 stone as well as a new frame.

    It’s all academic really, as you’re not the original owner. They’re not gonna cover it under warranty. I certainly wouldn’t have warrantied it if you’d brought it into my shop. I’d chalk it up to bad luck and see if a Trek dealer will maybe be generous and do a crash replacement deal.

    Free Member

    Yeah, it’s been part of trek for quite a bit longer than that, IIRC. They never made a big song and dance of it til around 2009, but it’s been part of the trek group for a long time.

    Free Member

    If i remember correctly, Trek do state a weight limit for their bikes, but it’s pretty high (around 20 stone)
    I once had a 30 stone american guy in the shop wanting a Trek, but I couldn’t sell him one in good conscience.

    Free Member

    I have to say I agree with Tinsy, although I do not claim to be any sort of expert.
    Simply, the tube that has snapped has not been welded onto anything. It’s part of a complete tube which has the top-tube and seatstays welded onto it.

    As you’re not the original owner, you’ll not get a warranty claim. Also, from my experience as a former Trek dealer, they won’t deal with you direct.
    You’d be best taking it to your local Trek dealer and seeing if they can sort you out with a reduced price replacement through Trek. You’re in no way entitled to it, so I wouldn’t be that surprised if they say no. However, it’s of benefit to them if you keep riding their bikes, so they may be willing to work something out for you. Having dealt with them a lot in the past, they’re a pretty reasonable company and they’re generally pretty accommodating.

    Free Member

    Yetifan’s selling them as a complete kit for £82.99, which as good a deal as you’re likely to get on them. And he does free shipping for that money!
    IMO, it’s the best site to get Yeti stuff from.


    Free Member

    It’s about £50 for the dropout kit. Doesn’t come with an axle so you’ll need to get one of them separately- which are normally around £35 for a shimano one.

    Free Member

    Have a look at magnatoms videos on youtube, if you fancy a look at some terrible driving. All filmed in Glasgow, they show some seriously dodgy driving, including people getting out trying to fight him, spitting in his face etc… bad times!

    Free Member

    Does this count? I know it should have been a bodge, but I ended up running it for a few months. Surely that means it’s something I made? I did have to shape the stick after all…

    #edit- I should explain that the spring broke in my tensioner when out on a ride.

    Free Member

    SDG Hansolos are pretty chunky, and a really nice compound too. Or if you like em really big, the Raceface Strafe Lockon’s are CHUNKAY!

    Free Member

    Yeah, big ole mountain cycle shockwave.

    Free Member

    I’d basically written the same response as 29erKeith and posted, before realizing I wasn’t logged in. I’m glad to see someone else has common sense.

    It’s a nice idea, having LBSs dealing directly with manufacturers, but it’s just not going to happen.
    Using Hope as an example: UK LBSs deal direct with them, as they have a UK sales office. However, bike shops all over the rest of the world don’t order direct. It would simply cost too much to do, and take up too much of everyone’s time. Imagine someone in Australia has a warranty issue with a set of hopes- they’re not gonna send them back to Lancashire for servicing, are they?

    @Juan- the reason distributors send you to your LBS is because they simply don’t have time to deal direct with the public. With thousands of bike shops up and down the country, they’ve got enough on their plate as it is!

    This is a subject which could be discussed til the cows come home, but basically it’s a stupid idea.

    Free Member

    Talas 36?

    Free Member

    On the other hand, there are plenty of films which deliver exactly what they promise.

    Snakes on a Plane
    Hot tub time machine
    Four weddings and a funeral
    Gangs of New York
    Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (I watched the whole thing, and didn’t see a single tiger or dragon. They obviously hid well)

    Free Member

    Dr Dolittle- he did loads of stuff.

    Free Member

    First day of living in a new city I came across a lottery ticket lying on the ground. Checked the numbers and it had won a tenner! So basically, a stranger in York bought me and the missus a couple of bottles of wine as a housewarming gift!

    Best bit is I’ve never bought a lottery ticket in my life.

    Free Member


    Yeah, the LG1 Trail is now called the TRS+ Single. It should have been called this all along, but it looks as though some wires have got crossed somewhere.

    It’s a really cool wee guide- properly light and stiff!

    Free Member

    It’s a scientific fact that anything plus a lefty = awesome 😛

    Free Member

    #edit: So awesome in fact, that STW tried to post my statement twice. Ignore this one!

    Free Member

    I’d imagine an Apache helicopter would pretty much put a stop to anything.
    I saw one at an air show this summer and got to thinking that if me and a rag-tag bunch of fighters were running around with ancient AK47S and saw one of those, i’d just give up. What’d be the point in running or shooting?

    Free Member

    Well, it was only a matter of time… Urgh.

    How long until the trend of fatbikes goes away?

    Free Member

    As great as it is to be open minded, you ought to be careful about letting weirdos join your ride group. It’ll end up like this eventually:

    Free Member

    Care to share the link?

    Free Member

    Ha! I’d wondered how long it was going to take until this became a thing…

    Free Member

    whatever you do it’s unlikely those who’ve really profited out of the whole current situation will suffer – they always have better accountants.

    True dat.

    Free Member

    I’m regretting even mentioned my income situation to be honest, as it’s changed quite a bit recently. As I’d said in a previous post, this month will be the first month we’ll have £2k coming in.

    We left the last city we were in (York- which is terrible for renting) as I took a higher paid job down south. However since we moved, my missus has been out of work. She’s managed to find something now which is a reasonable job, but it’s a temporary contract due to last up to 6 months (they’re going to try and find her something else afterwards, but it’s not guaranteed.) It also involves a daily train commute which has been setting us back £55 a week since she started. Basically I’m skint.
    Up until this point we’ve been living off my salary. It’s allowed us to get by, but with the cost of moving etc I’ve had to dig into the small amount of savings I had. Meaning I’m starting again with saving, and it’s been bloody difficult!

    I don’t take back any of my points about the property market, as I feel they’re perfectly valid, irrespective of my personal situation.

    Free Member

    @poly- The only way I can find a place for -£300 a month would be to rent 1 bedroom in a shared house in the very dregs of this town. However, it’s rare to find somewhere for less than £350-£400.

    A colleague went to see one in a really shit part of town last night (he’s living by himself at the moment). For a small room in this shared house they want £350 a month. Even house shares aren’t that cheap any more!
    Anyway, aside from the rent I don’t live a lavish lifestyle. We have a car between us (10yr old fiesta) which doesn’t get used much, but the inconvenience of not having it vs how much we could sell it for, it’s not worth selling. I cycle to work pretty much every day (only use the car if the weather’s truly terrible) so it costs virtually bugger all to run.
    Our TV (a fairly decent, large one) was a donation from my dad, as a 10% strip down the side of the screen doesn’t work. Make do and mend 😀
    Bike parts are the only thing I do spend money on, and even then that’s been cut back drastically of late. I had to spend £20 on a tyre for my commuter bike yesterday, as I’d worn through the last one.
    I almost never go out drinking. I don’t think I have since I moved here 4 months ago.
    Any furniture we have has been bought from 2nd hand/charity shops.

    I didn’t intend to make this rant about my own situation, rather about the stupid amounts of money involved in property. I’m aware I don’t lead a perfect super-scrimper lifestyle, and I think you’d struggle to find anyone who can honestly say they do. I don’t particularly want to go into any more detail as it’s unnecessary, however I have divulged the above information in answer to comments such as:

    “Too many people are buying must have items like every Apple product under the sun, travelling the world etc. and not saving.”

    “Kids want everything handed to them on a plate these days” though I’m aware this could just be trolling…

    I honestly resent these kind of idle daily mail-esque comments. They are completely unnecessary, judgmental and unfounded.

    My current situation is my own problem, and I will find a way round/over/through it. I said in my original post that I wasn’t looking for suggestions of ways to get a house, and I certainly wasn’t looking to be told in so many words that I’m some sort of terrible person with a horrendous sense of self-entitlement. I’m many things, but I’m not that!

    Free Member


    +1 to Rudebwoy

    Free Member

    Well, after my rant, I did manage to get some sleep. I now feel a whole lot better about the whole thing.

    I should reiterate that many of the statements above were based on wild generalisations and are not designed to have a dig at anyone in particular. Let me address a few:

    @mikewsmith- that sucks about your situation, being stuck with a house in negative equity. My point would be that you’re in this situation because houses cost too much to buy. Therefore, in an unexpected situation like yours where you need to rent it, you’re stuck.
    I agree with you about mortgage deposits. It’s low deposits etc. which people capitalized on thinking they could make quick money, which got us into this mess in the first place.

    @mcboo- My grandad (now deceased) bought his first house for £7k. He saved up for 4 years and bought it outright. Try doing that these days.
    Relatively, I’d have to be earning at least triple what I am just now to even come close.

    @Jota180- I think I may have miscalculated in my sleep deprived state. between the two of us there’s about £2k comes in every month. Up until this point however, we have been living off my salary alone (after tax there’s about £1150pm.) It’s not a huge amount, but I think I’m lucky to have the income I do. There’s a lot of people working harder for a lot less. My girlfriend’s just got back in to work, so that will make things easier.

    @Trail-rat- I’d love to be in a position to buy a council house, but I don’t live in one. It’s not right-to-buy that I have a problem with.
    Regarding debt, I’m definitely very lucky. My girlfriend and I both have a relatively small amount of student debt (I say relative because we’re both Scottish and went to uni up north)
    When we get to the point of having kids, we’re definitely going back to Scotland.

    @StewartC- Would you like a pinch of salt with any of my statements? I think it would be great if there was no private rental sector and it were all government run. Social housing as it should be: for everyone! Buy to let has basically turned social housing into something only for those with the lowest income, and attached a real stigma to it. Any properties in decent areas are snapped up by people who call themselves property developers. This makes it much more difficult for first time buyers, forces up the price and reduces the amount of affordable housing.

    I’d love to answer more, but I gotta get to work. Have a nice day, all!

    Free Member

    I’ve still got this piece of cycling history, although in a different guise as a single speed knock-about bike. I don’t fancy riding it too far from home in case it disintegrates…

    Giant Cadex- circa 1990.

    Free Member

    Probably making it harder work for yourself than it needs to be. Also depends what you want to carry.

    I used to see it all the time in my old shop- people putting slick tyres, bodged full mudguards and bodged panniers onto swingarms. Total waste of time and money. You’d be better off spending a couple of hundred quid on a hybrid/trekking bike. It’ll be much nicer to ride, and is the proper tool for the job.

    Free Member

    I lived in york for a couple of years, and just moved away 3 months ago. I now live in Plymouth and really miss York.

    Anyway, Rowntree Park’s great if you’ve got a family (and the weather’s nice!) Big playpark and loads of sculptures etc… Very picturesque.

    If pubs are your thing, have a look at Pivni (V Close the shambles) as its one of the oldest pubs there and does really nice beer. Another one to check out is The House of Trembling Madness (on Stonegate)- very cool medievel pub.

    Also, the recently opened chocolate museum’s well worth a look. It’s a bit of a tourist trap (like Jorvik) as it’s not really a museum, but it’s a pretty cool tour and there’s a few freebies at the end!
    Also, a lad who was on “come dine with me” works there- random bit of trivia, I know.

    And if you’re there in the evening, definitely have a go at one of the Ghost tours. There’s plenty of them available and they’re all fairly decent.

    If you can get away from the missus for a wee while and want to see w quirky wee bike shop, visit my old place here[/url]

    Free Member

    It’s only legal to do that with a bow and arrow though.

    Free Member

    Chilcotins up in the BC Interior. Did a trip up there when I was working in Whistler and it was by far the best singletrack I’ve ever ridden.

    Stayed with these guys for a nights and got shown round by one of their guides.
    PSA a guide is a really good idea, firstly because they know the area. Secondly, it’s Grizzly bear country up there, and it’s nice to be riding with someone who carries a gun- just in case!


    Free Member

    an E-13 TRS+ Single would be the best thing for you. It’s basically an LG1 without the taco bashguard. The backplate’s slimmed down quite a bit so it is a fair bit lighter than the LG1. It’s also a fair bit cheaper than the LG1+

    I use one on my XC bike (125mm full sus) and it’s great for that, but I also used it on another bike for the Megavalanche this year and it was spot on.
    For full on DH I’d want something with a bashguard, but for general purpose stuff I find it’s just overkill.

    Free Member

    I went out this afternoon on the mountain bike and did 37 miles 😀

    Rode out from the house, up onto dartmoor, around Burrator reservoir and back again via some singletrack.

    I’ve done the loop before, and the guy I rode it with told me it was 37/38 miles. I didn’t believe him but I mapped it out when I got home and true enough! Pretty chuffed with that for an afternoon spin.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t worry too much about getting a full on gait analysis done. Just make sure you go to a decent running shop, not somewhere like JD sports. The people who work there will know what they’re talking about and will help you find the right thing.

    I went to my local running shop last weekend with the missus to get her a pair. The owner there was really helpful, and the missus is chuffed to bits with her new shoes! 😀

    Free Member

    A pie?! Pfft, if that’s the best you can come up with you’ve obviously never lived there:

    Trapped Scottish drivers forced to deep fry each other

    That was a hard winter…

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