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  • piha
    Free Member

    If you want to see how the ultra Brexiteers view this whole debacle

    Thing is, they’re not the ones we need to get through to.

    But the extremists are the loudest voices. And the ones dear old Mrs Miggins is listening to. With the Arch Extremist Farage being the loudest voice of all.

    Whatever the gullible are lacking in their lives, it will be the fault of the EU and could be rectified with all that money we send to the EU. It is too easy for Farage & co, Remain royally **** up in the Ref and the genie is out.

    This is a tory mess we find ourselves in and Corbyns fence sitting has prevented any unified counter to the Brexit cheerleaders.

    Free Member

    If you want to see how the ultra Brexiteers view this whole debacle, then go have a look at Pistonheads. 2 threads stand out in particular –

    Farage Fanboy’s

    The evil EU will eat itself

    There are some very knowledgeable Brexiteers on both threads but the hatred of everything EU is incredible. They won’t change.

    The tories are running scared and Bojo will pander to the more extreme tory factions to help negate the Brexit Party threat.

    Free Member

    OP, you’re concerned about image and you are thinking about getting a Zafira……

    The Dapper Gentleman.

    Free Member

    The tories need to stop their donors from deserting the party. A lack of money seriously threatens the tories ability to compete in the next GE. They also need to counter the current populist faarange, especially with his appeal to those voters the tories consider their own.

    Additionally, the tories would probably like their next leader to appeal to Trump a bit more than May does. This would also help thwart faarange’s appeal with the more extreme right wing Tory voters.

    Does anyone think Gove, Raab & co can do all of the above? Nope, didn’t think so.

    Boris is a shoe in.

    Free Member

    St Nige of Faarange doesn’t like answering difficult questions does he…….


    Grrrr, I have no idea how to link a twitter feed……

    Free Member

    Look around the world, a lot of countries have leaders in the image of their country men and women. Russia – Putin; New zealand – Ardern; Canada – Trudeau; Germany – Merkel; France – Macron; Britain – May… Johnson is an equally good fit.

    That is quite some statement.

    Do you always make such daft generalisations? You do understand that not everybody in each country thinks or acts the same way.

    Free Member

    It’s great to see LBD’s back.

    Free Member

    I think Paul Smith does some nice stuff.

    Well dressed gentleman cyclist

    Free Member

    In West London I pay £248.00 + VAT for a 8 yard covered skip. Hundreds of the bloody things. Doesn’t include plasterboard though, as they charge £1k and then I get refunded according to weight.

    Free Member

    Hopefully the local authority will be able to provide the members of the travelling community with some decent hard pitches at a local caravan site. Maybe the council could liaise with the Travellers and see if they require any help with anything, check they have access to healthcare and schooling etc.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the demise of the high street all down to the consumer buying patterns? I would guess that most people make their purchases based on price and bricks and mortar + staff cost money. The high street has changed and will keep on changing until there a just a few left in each area that offer restaurants and bars, plus a few fancy shops.

    Free Member

    The Labour leadership are looking for the answers only they want. They are ignoring the fact that the Pro Remain Lib Dems and Greens increased their share of the vote. However, I’m not surprised by their stance.

    However, it is utterly delicious to see the tories implode and if we do have EU elections, they will implode even further.

    Although I agree with Binners, May & Corbyn will probably cobble a Brexit deal together behind closed doors this week. This goes along with the noise coming from the Labour Leadership.

    And even better, UKIP is now completely irrelevant.

    Free Member

    OP, I think you would be mad to allow your unsupervised children to be brainwashed by a bunch of anonymous cultists.

    I will pray for you and your family.

    Free Member

    + 1 for the Snowdon Ranger path. Easy to get to from Barmouth and is a fairly easy walk. Upper/middle section does have a couple of short steppy sections but it isn’t difficult. It’s usually much quieter than the Llanberis path too.

    Free Member

    I am rather disappointed.

    I thought this would be a thread highlighting the musical heights of The Proclaimers critically acclaimed back catalogue!

    And bagpipes too obvs.

    Free Member

    Kelvin – I fully agree. Tedious but completely relevant.

    Jeremy is trying to get his version of Brexit integrated into Theresa’s WA. Whilst the majority of Labour voters don’t want any Brexit, Jeremy’s (or is it Seumas Milne’s) version of Brexit is being offered to the UK Gov. And who voted for that?

    Free Member

    “Jesus loves you.”

    Free Member

    Rats you say? You gotta call Severn Valley Ratters………


    Free Member

    I think we should start with a well informed electorate first.

    Free Member

    And yet more lies and untruths……

    Free Member

    You will not be able to cut a hole in a double glazed unit. It will be cheaper to order a new DGU with a hole already cut in it. Make sure the new DGU (with hole) meets safety glazing regs.

    Free Member

    Mobilise the remain voters in the EU elections. Kick out the Eurosceptic MEPs. Keep ratcheting up the pressure.

    Post Brexit delay, I think this is absolutely critical if Remain want the Gov to take notice of how people are feeling. If UKIP/Brexit Party/EDL/BNP types gain votes and MEPs in the upcoming Euro elections then I foresee a hard Brexiteer PM taking control of the tories and it will further harden tory resolve to get a hard Brexit done.

    This might be Remains only chance to make a difference at the polls as both Labour & tory manifestos are committed to respecting the Referendum result. For Remainers to not vote in the EU elections for a Remain MEP could prove very costly indeed.

    Free Member

    Is the food manufacturer based in Blackwater?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I just saw this on Leave Means Leave faceache page and this shows how many people think….

    I think you are in denial, It is well reported a 657 seat train was fully paid for travelling from Bristol, 100 coaches paid for from Devon, paid for from donations received like the £1 million donation given by Julian Dunkerton the founder of Superdry, multiple celebrities paying for the full cost of coaches travelling from all parts of the country. My granson at uni gave me a flyer advertising a free day out in London as long as they went on the march. Wonder who was paying for that.

    Some Brexiteers (and I’m sure there are Remainers too) are utterly paranoid and will believe anything they are told or they see on SM. You cannot get them to listen or even think about what they are saying.

    I don’t talk Brexit with any Brexiteer friends or family.

    Free Member

    Heseltine’s speech was particularly good and surprisingly well received in Parliament Sq yesterday.

    I thought Caroline Lucas was better and her speech was better received IMO. Nicola Sturgeon couldn’t help herself with mentioning her particular political dogma when it wasn’t topic of the moment. I thought most of the political speakers kept party politic’s to a minimum.

    Free Member

    It is flipping great to see the support for tomorrows march on STW. We will see you all tomorrow.

    Peace & Love

    Free Member

    Could Labour have started with opposing or delaying Art 50?

    So you expected labour to commit electoral suicide for no end result, given they would have lost the vote even if they had opposed it?

    Well he did seem rather keen to support the tory agenda. Did he question whether it was correct to invoke Art50 before anyone had any idea what Brexit the tories wanted? No deal? Brino? Hard Brexit? Or did he simply empower the hateful tories and ERG?

    End result? It’s starting to look like we’ll be leaving with No Deal.

    Free Member

    Care to illuminate us on how labour could have stopped brexit then? I’ve yet to hear an answer beyond the meaningless ‘show some opposition’. I’m all ears…

    Could Labour have started with opposing or delaying Art 50? You know, back in March 2017. Instead of Whipping their MPs to vote it through?

    Free Member

    Where are people thinking of joining the People’s Vote March on Saturday?

    Free Member

    One isn’t a political party?

    I see 2 that aren’t a political party.
    1/ IRA
    2/ Chukka

    Care to enlighten everyone?

    Free Member

    Scotland deserves a chance to express their Independence preference after the UK leaves the EU. It’s obvious that the rUK has let Scotland down with the ref vote to Leave. Scotland is overwhelmingly Remain and the Scottish people deserve a say in their future. The same applies to NI + Wales.

    Free Member

    Reuters are reporting TM is writing to the EU to plead for a 2 year delay to Brexit. Is this what Jeremy was planning all along?

    Free Member

    How ironic that the March To Leave mob have an Isle of Man flag in their amassed ranks. The IoM didn’t vote in the ref and is a tax haven…..

    Free Member

    Led By Donkeys on Twitter is hilarious.

    Led By Donkeys

    Free Member

    I think it has been claimed the airline does not have a dress code.

    Free Member

    The Oz Senator is only in office due to electoral law. He didn’t win the election, rather he only got 19 votes but all the other politicians that won more votes than him had dual nationality and therefore forfeited the Senator roll due to Oz electoral law.

    His disgusting racist, hate filled rantings don’t do Oz’s political PR much good. His twitter account is shocking.

    Free Member

    The letter published by the Queensland Senator is incredulous…….!!!!! I won’t post it here but it is easily available online, surely he needs to face incitement charges for it?

    Free Member

    Good advice from howsyourdad1.

    Never underestimate how much money some people have.

    Free Member

    Wwaswas – Apologies if I came across as a bit blunt.

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