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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • piha
    Free Member

    OP – Why does your wife think would ghosts choose to walk around your house in the middle of the night?

    Free Member

    The only issue I could see with this is falling in love with one of the dogs you look after.

    This ^^

    >looks at the great big furry (ex-foster dog) lump currently lazily stretched out on the sofa<

    Free Member

    If you have deep pockets then a Madkon Ammo box would be a good shout. Pros – Built to last, folds down well, made from stainless steel, comes with a tough bag for transporting it. Cons – spendy, heavy, availability.

    Did I mention they’re expensive!

    Free Member

    It’s really not. It shows they’re doing everything in their power to remove him, it would bind Tory MPs to Johnson’s fate

    It really is.

    The only people that can rid us of the hapless Bozza is Bozza or his own Party. Their majority is just far too big. I think the only real thing SKS/Labour can do is let Bozza destroy his own Premiership and highlight his shortcomings. Time will tell though…..

    Free Member

    Let’s not play the blame game. You could just as easily say the same about the rich selfish masses in the south who’ve been voting the Tories in for years and ultimately caused all the issues that led to the red wall votes.

    It is very much the Red Wall voters that have delivered this majority, Bozza isn’t a true tory, he’s a shameless populist that doesn’t do detail and the Red Wall lapped it up. Does anyone of the Red Wall really believe Bozza will deliver? Bozza has played his hand exceptionally well, he has delivered a thumping tory majority, greatly reduced the influence of the irksome pro-European MPs of the tory Party and delivered the vaccine (all single handedly it would appear if some of the comments from his devout followers are to be believed).

    The voters in the southern Shires did deliver the tory majorities of the past but the tories can no longer rely on their votes, especially as many of those tory voters get older & older. Many of the voters in the Shires see through Bozza and his populist rhetoric, look at the recent by-elections.

    If labour call a VONC its in the tory government and is a vote of all MPS. There is no rule that you cannot do it again for a year. You can have one every day if you want

    TJ – you are correct but with his 80 seat majority, Bozza is safe.

    The tories are drunk on power and they will do anything to maintain their grip on No 10. The last thing they want to do is lose their biggest vote winner but they do have some repair work to do.

    Free Member

    Calling for a vote of no confidence in the commons would be a start.

    Utterly pointless.

    Bozza would defeat any such move and that would leave him to do as he pleases for another 12 months or so. We are stuck with Bozza and his inept colleagues until someone in the tory Party emerges as a viable election winner. All thanks to the populist, Brexit voting, red wall constituents that delivered such as resounding margin of victory in the last G.E.

    I’m starting to think that Labour/SKS is possibly doing the right thing by not pushing too hard and allowing Bozza stumble on like a drunk leaving Whetherspoons at midnight. The longer Bozza is in place the more damage he ultimately does to The Party. Labour/SKS could never damage the tories like Bozza is!

    Free Member

    I just asked my tory voting Johnson fan brexiteer relative if she had changed her mind on any of it. She said she had not. Thats the bit I find weird.

    Unfortunately I have many many tory voters around here and most of them express solidarity and support for Bozza. They believe that anyone criticising Bozza are being unfair and mean. They claim Bozza has done his best, delivered vaccines and is working he’s way through Brexit. I simply despair and no longer engage in any sort of political conversation with them, I will add that they are generally pleasant and engaging people that I’m happy to spend time with.

    Free Member

    Have we done Bozza’s (alleged) surprise birthday party as organised by Carrie yet?

    Free Member

    Try here – Campervans 4 u

    Free Member

    All those Tory MPs voted for him as leader despite knowing his track record and the fact that he was totally unfit for the job of PM

    A vote of no confidence now will produce exactly the same result


    Regarding the local elections, they won’t matter to the Parliamentary Party and any drubbing will be accepted as mid-term voter apathy etc. If the turnout in May is similar to a G.E (highly unlikely IMO) and they take a massive kicking (highly probable IMO), then they will have to think hard but they will use that kicking to focus populist policies/ideas to those areas where they lost votes/seats.

    Free Member

    I don’t see your logic.

    Firstly, his Party doesn’t have a more popular personality, although the polls make for difficult reading at the moment. Sure, he is utterly useless and does as he pleases but until the Party finds someone more popular with the electorate, Bozza will be allowed to stay where he is. He will be convinced he can rebuild his popularity and recent history lends to this too.

    Additionally, he secured a thumping majority for his Party and doesn’t need to face a G.E for at least a couple of years. The accusations are in the past and in 18 months time they will probably (hopefully) be forgotten about by most who thought it was wise to vote for him. Furthermore, he’s not being criticised by his Party for how Brexit is progressing and his Cabinet appear to still support him.

    He ignored the Patel bullying findings so the Sue Gray findings can be ignored too. Unless of course the Sue Gray report has some really damning new evidence then the pressure on Bozza will ease. I’m convinced the tories just crave power above all else and will focus on retaining their current position rather than risk installing Truss, Sunak or Javid or even someone remotely sensible like Davidson. Truss is probably the biggest risk to Bozza if we believe the polls but both Truss and Sunak are not in Bozza’s populist league.

    I would like to be proved wrong, I really would but I expect de Pfeffel to be here at the next G.E. The biggest issue he faces IMO will be in 18/24 months time, and the issue of levelling up the North but I’m sure he and the Party will succeed in deflecting any criticism and blame Labour/the E.U/Covid etc. We’ll have to wait and see I guess.

    Free Member

    The blonde buffoon won’t resign, he won’t lose a VONC and he won’t be sacked because the tory Party are too addicted to power. Bozza will stay exactly where he is. The only time we will see him go is when the tories find someone who can win the next G.E election for them. Running the country is secondary for this mob.

    Free Member

    The problem the tories have is they have become addicted to winning elections & referendums. Bozza has emerged as their match winner, their star striker and they don’t have another match winner waiting in the wings. This means they will do everything they can to keep hold of him and hope this all blows over. The tories simply don’t care about anything as much as they care about winning. Sleaze, parties, bullying, lying, manifesto promises broken, chumocracy & greed will all be excused as long as they keep winning elections.

    Free Member

    Dogs aren’t humans. Nobody should have to trade their own safety for the safety of a pet.

    Wowsers! Where did this event take place…. Mogadishu? Kandahar? Or was it perhaps somewhere even more perilous?

    Free Member

    OP – Life is too short for such negativity. Next time, maybe stop for a chat, make a fuss of the doggo’s and carry on your day with a smile on your face.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Beinn Eighe is a really lovely walk and you can park in the small carpark at the start of the trail at Loch Maree. The walk isn’t long or tough but you get in amongst some amazing mountains, with fabulous views all long the walk.

    Free Member

    If anything like our experience in the summer, most of the English on holiday decided to ignore Calmac pleas and requirement to wear masks onboard.

    Wowsers, what an interesting revelation, I assume you checked the passports of all Calmac passengers to ensure you get the relevant nationalities confirmed?

    Lazy generalisations

    Free Member

    If you do retrofit a vapour barrier you still need ventilation.

    Free Member

    A small donation to the Conservative Party will ensure all questions quietly disappear and any irregularities ignored.

    Free Member

    You have my sympathy OP.

    There is some good advice above and some not so good. It sounds a very complex and difficult situation you are in and without knowing more I’ll refrain from commenting on the relationship between you and your family members.

    What I will suggest is you need to look after yourself, maybe you could visit A.A and talk to them about your wife and her illness. A.A have people that know how alcoholics effect family life and what you can do to help deal with living with an alcoholic and the associated fallout. Good luck and please keep us updated with how you get on.

    Free Member

    It seems that IB have finally understood that sitting in the middle of the road and stopping hard working British citizens from getting to work or visiting sick relatives in hospital were alienating the very people they should be getting onside.

    Insulate Britains ‘Biff’ said

    We’ve had feedback that people are frustrated that they spent time in traffic queues.
    “We’re not planning to stop traffic but it could slow down to five miles an hour.”

    Free Member

    There’s no such thing as a ‘Sea Bass’, it’s a bass.

    Free Member


    Perhaps someone should make an instagram announcement informing English people that Scotland has more than one road.

    I’m fairly sure that your simple comment is well intended and not a sly dig at English people… Maybe you would like to explain why you think it’s English people that need “informing”?

    Free Member

    Initially your comment seemed sensible but a moments reflection reminded me that virtually every suffragette had a father, and many had a husband so if they couldn’t convince the two men closest to them to value their opinion and vote accordingly

    How on earth do you know what the fathers and husbands of the suffragettes valued? MPs, peers and many other men supported the suffragette movement. Influential men including Henry Nevinson, Israel Zangwill, Hugh Franklin, Henry Harben, and Gerald Gould, formed the Men’s League for Women’s Suffrage and men like George Lansbury, and other like MPs Frederick Pethick Lawrence, John Stuart Mill, Jacob Bright, Peter McLagan, and Walter McLaren were salso supporters of the movement.

    I think it was Israel Zangwill who declared the League for Women’s Suffrage support for the movement by saying, “The petticoat no longer makes the Suffragette. We are suffragettes – suffragettes in trousers.”

    As you wrote, initially your comment seemed sensible but a moments reflection reminded me…

    Free Member

    Maybe if a few of us stayed away it would help?

    Who gets to choose?

    Asking people to stay away is a nasty thing to say or suggest. Antisocial behaviour is completely unacceptable and should be challenged but education is the way to combat such behaviour. Nowhere in this country of ours should folk be told to stay away.

    To the OP – Do it, the scenery is wonderful and there are many beautiful and remote places just off the publicised route worth spending time at but just be mindful of the stresses increased tourism places upon small remote communities.

    Free Member

    you realise it’s the people going about the normal lives that put people in Westminster- they / we are very much the right people to be the focus of a protest as we put the people in Westminster and we also remove them.</span>

    we’re the people who have the power to make change with or without Westminster

    Once every 5 years isn’t it?

    And after a decade of tory dominated government I don’t think putting trust into the wider electorate to think of the greater good is a particularly good plan, do you?

    Free Member

    I have a lot of sympathy for the Insulate Britain protests but I feel their actions are just driving a wedge between citizens, the same citizens they actually need to support them and their protests. Insulate Britain really need to start inconveniencing politicians and making them take notice rather than folks that are just going about their daily business. I fear somebody is going to get seriously hurt or worse before too long.

    Free Member

    I use St James Place who max the ISA allowance each year between me and the Mrs and then do mixed portfolio and pension stuff for me which I don’t pretend to understand. I’m not the sort to want to work the market and trust my adviser who understands

    Without appearing rude I would suggest you take a very very detailed look at the charges St James Place charge for their products, it might save you a surprisingly large amount of your money over time.

    Free Member

    This thing about getting away from low pay low skill workforce is worrying. Does he want a society of middle managers which leads to that weird shoe shop world in hitch hikers.

    I think this will be Bozza’s undoing. He is trying to appeal to everyone, and especially his new voters but I can see short reactionary wage inflation spiralling out of control and then the tories trying to suppress that with tax rises. This will alienate both traditional tory voters and new tory voters. Once Bozza realises he has lost the popularity of the electorate, he will resign and leave others to pick up the pieces.

    Free Member

    I had a friend go through exactly the same. Her car was parked in a pub and someone reversed into it when we were talking, at the time we were about 20 metres away. She was offered, and accepted a hire car and then fought for the costs with her insurance company for around 18 months. She eventually won but it was a long drawn out frustrating process and unfortunately for the insurance company she’s a bright cookie and very very determined. Her damaged car was a well specced BMW 2 series and she was offered a similar car but much lower spec, the insurance company based a lot of their arguments around the opulentness(sp) of car she hired.

    Free Member

    That’s a lovely looking dog and lots of great suggestions above.

    I’d go back to the shelter and try to find out what the trigger was that resulted in the ‘freak’ fight. If you can find what triggered the fight you can help Alvin, AKA Ziggy avoid finding himself back in that situation.

    Free Member

    It’s actually what happened. Plenty of evidence for that, if you care enough to want to learn.

    There might have been divisions within the Labour Party but Brexit seems to be the issue that decided the 2017 election. Labour benefitted from the anti-hard brexit vote, especially amongst the young.

    Free Member

    They failed to get over the line because of internal factional fighting from the right wing who did everything they could to prevent a labour victory.

    Is that what the voters said and believe or is that what the Corbyn supporters insist?

    Free Member

    Pfft, OP you think you have problems….

    We recently had a group of campers arrive on our local football field. They decided to tow their caravan and tents up on the field with their shiny 4×4’s and transits. They then started to discard their rubbish around the perimeter of the football field and defecate in the bushes and paths. None of them cleared up the rubbish they left and the human faeces they left was shocking, can you imagine how a friends young daughter felt after getting covered in the stuff?

    Why can’t humans and campers in particular clean up after themselves? None of them take responsibility for the mess they leave. Have we reached peak human/camper numbers and when will this insanity end?

    Genuinely think there is a kind of Dunning Kruger style effect whereby campers consistently see their own as being much more of a ‘good human’ than the reality.

    Free Member

    My OH has been on a bit of a crash diet, running at 600-800 calories per day. Still rides her house etc, so has enough energy.


    Free Member

    I started feeding my dog Natural Instinct raw food after he recovered from a nasty reoccurring stomach infection. He has been fine with his raw diet ever since and I’ve had no reason to believe it has been detrimental to his health. He gets raw for his dinner and a quality ‘sensitive’ kibble for his breakfast. I am careful where I prepare his food and it is always prepared in the utility room and not in the kitchen. He would eat raw all day, ever day if I allowed it and I do mix some raw in with his kibble as his isn’t so keen on kibble.

    Free Member

    Judging by some of the above posts, carp have a better and more varied diet than I do.

    Free Member

    I have an alert set up with these – – they sell multi-bedroom properties similar to your description. They probably know the market well and their adverts seem well presented.

    If the property is sold below market value there is a very real chance it could quickly be back on the market at a significantly higher price by the buyer.

    Free Member

    I want to love Inov8’s after having a few pairs but the last 2 pairs I bought wore out astonishingly quickly, especially the uppers. The most recent pair I bought had the graphene sole and it seems to wear very well but again, the uppers just disintegrated after a few months. And Inov8 aren’t cheap, I won’t buy Inov8 again.

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