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  • piha
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Are there any companies that have expressed an interest in moving to the UK post Brexit, so they can benefit from Brexit and our promised Brexit dividend?

    Free Member

    Oh look, loads of experts who don’t appear on this thread other than for a handful of weekends in spring.

    Just see what happens if england beat ireland

    It would be great if you pair would compile a list of suitable people you deem worthy of contributing to the thread? Anyone not included would know they aren’t welcome then.

    Free Member

    I find it quite telling that Jezza took his 2 favoured arch Brexiteers, Karie Murphy & Seamus Milne to No10 yesterday and left his trusted Brexit secretary, Keir Starmer out of it. Anyone who thinks Jeremy is not an enthusiastic Brexiteer is deluded.

    Free Member

    LOLs & LOLs @ cheddarchallenged. Your “Plenty of Data” link doesn’t work.

    A good number of these have been repatriated at our expense but return to the uk anyway – in some cases multiple times.

    I’ve never met a single foreign homeless person that fits your narrative. Sauce please?

    Free Member

    fussy Member

    I’ll echo what a lot of folk have said. Most of those out begging are making a living out of it in Manchester. There are plenty of places where folk can get a bed and food for the night, but they choose to sleep rough.

    The company my wife works for do regular ‘head counts’ and go round talking to the homeless, and most choose to live like that. The police and council advise not giving cash etc to them as it just goes on drugs and booze. Instead, give it to the charities that help re-build their lives. The places providing food and shelter have more than enough capacity I believe.

    Woah there, just hold your horses a minute there Cowboy…!!!

    The fella up ^^^^ there said they mostly went to their homes every night. Cant be both surely? And didn’t he say they come swarming into town on the train on a Saturday morning?

    In my experience very few choose to sleep rough….. I mean, it must be such a barrel of laughs this time of year so I ‘pose you know best.

    I’ve spoken to hundreds and hundreds of homeless people and a tiny minority choose to live on the streets.

    I would be very interested to hear your wife’s opinions and experiences on the issue? This company that your wife works for, does it have a name? Is it a company or a charity? Having volunteered for Crisis for the last 7 years I’ve yet to come across such a company.

    Giving money to a homeless person that has dependency issues will probably stop them from breaking into your house and stealing your expensive laptop or iPad or similar. Sounds a good idea to bung them a couple of quid after you’ve had a chat.

    Homelessness + drug/alcohol dependency + mental health issues = A very very complicated problem for society. Don’t underestimate how close you and your loved ones are to finding yourselves in a similar situation.

    Free Member


    What are the name(s) of the charities you are “uncomfortable” with and what makes you so “uncomfortable”? How many do you see?

    I completely agree with you regarding the complexities of homelessness.

    Free Member

    Lewis75 Member

    A good friend of mine is a Police officer in Leeds on a small team trying to solve homelessness in the city and all the issues surrounding it. She told me that around 90% of them all have a house and are on benefits etc. They can earn up to £200 a day from begging which is spent on alcohol/drugs. They even get groups of beggars travelling by train every weekend from smaller towns that come into the city on a weekend just to beg then travel back on a Sunday night.
    She says they work to try offer them support with addiction problems but virtually every single one refuses to engage with services available to them.
    It seems its more of a lifestyle choice to fund their addictions rather than a case of them not having homes to go to.

    How does a police officer solve homelessness? I’m intrigued…!!!!

    A lifestyle choice? I’m intrigued…..!!!!!!!

    Gangs of beggars swarming in by train at the weekends……!!!! Maybe they’re going to soccer match with their £200 a day…!!!!!

    *shakes head and wanders off to ERGtrackworld*

    Free Member

    I would be very very very very wary about buying any JLR product at the moment with my own hard earned dollars. PCP/Lease deals are going to reflect the resale value. Parting with your own cash could result in taking a big hit come resale time. Rumours abound regarding their future so if you are considering a dependable and solid warranty I might think again.

    Given your preference and with the cash you have available I would be looking new Porsche Macan’s or Volvo’s. Both hold their value well and PCP/Lease type deals will reflect this. Both company’s are probably looking to shift units too. Next on my list would be X5/X3,Q3,Q7 type things but can you really ignore the Korean manufacturers when its your own dollars you’re spending?

    Did I forget to mention to stay clear of JLR?

    Free Member

    This little mongrel dog is looking for her forever home…..


    Free Member

    If they were my kids I’d shut them in their rooms with no pudding until they agreed to stop being **** about it.


    Free Member

    1) They can’t go against Brexit because they’ll never get into power. And they want power to get a chance to deliver social justice which let’s not forget is also important, as well as EU membership.

    If the polls suggested Labour were just slightly ahead I could understand this comment, but as they are continually languishing behind the worst performing inept government in living memory I just can’t agree with your comment. It’s simply staggering that Labour aren’t 10-12 points ahead of the hateful pro-Brexit tories.

    Free Member

    I’m another past visitor to Dahab (of old). It used to be an amazing place to go but not anymore I believe as it’s all developed now.

    I’d sooner go to Jordan than Israel but politics aside, I’m sure Israel has its attractions. If I recall it was dead easy crossing the border around Taba/Eilat/Aqaba, so there’s an option if you want to visit Egypt, Israel and Jordan whilst you’re in the neighbourhood.

    Free Member

    If there is a 3rd referendum I’m very concerned it will deliver the same result. I definitely would not be making predictions based on how I and my family/friends/colleagues might vote.

    I think the only thing that could definitely swing the vote in Remains favour would be if a vast swathe of previous Brexit voters didn’t bother voting in the 3rd referendum.

    I would not underestimate how some (many) people view Westminster and the EU now and how they feel they’ve been completely deceived by both institutions. Go and spend some time on a pro Brexit forum, Pistonheads is a fine example. This STW thread is great but there is not a balanced debate here, its nearly all in favour of Remain.

    Free Member

    You’re not going to get the EU to do away with their ‘4 Freedoms are indivisable’ just because you’ve got a beard.


    Free Member

    Before christmas everyone was criticising Corbyn for not calling a no confidence vote. I’m bloody confused.

    I think people were criticising Jeremy for more than that. He has done too little for too long.

    Do you think Jeremy will win his No Confidence vote?

    Free Member

    “In the last two years, she’s had only one priority, the Conservative Party,” he states

    Yeah, and you are no better, your only priority has been your own push to power and you have ignored the wishes of your party membership in an attempt to gain it.

    For the good of the country, now is the time to end brexit, whether it derails your personal ambitions should be of no consequence if you truly want to do the best for the country.

    Well said. We can only hope.

    Free Member

    tjagain – so you made it up then?

    Free Member


    The issue many have with Corbyn and why they like Rawnsley constantly make up things to attack him with is that if corbyn is right on labour future direction then they have wasted their political lives chasing a Blairite agenda and they cannot admit they are wrong – So Corbyn must go and any lies will do to get him gone.

    How do you know what issue “many” have with Corbyn? Have you spoken with the “many” and have they informed you of their issues?

    Free Member

    I would like to remind all of the awsum STW driving gods that in a village setting, a posted 30mph sign is not a target, it is the absolute limit.

    If you are unable to see properly in the dark, then please slow down a little bit. Our villages aren’t race tracks or places for timed events, if you want to test your nighttime driving prowess, then go to a race track and speed with your lights blazing away to your hearts content and away from our hard working, family homes.

    Free Member

    My mutt has raw for his tea since a nasty bout of inflammatory bowel disease 2 years ago. He has been fine ever since apart from the odd small wobble. His dog eggs are always small and firm and he loves the food. ‘Natural Instinct’ offer a selection of flavours. My pooch seems to prefer the chicken & tripe variety.

    Free Member

    Democracy means representation. Not winner takes all, that it tyranny of the majority. Failure to give balance to the weighting of opinion / vote is destined for failure. A small vote leave win is not a signal to drive off a cliff.

    Unfortnately I don’t think Rees Moog and his tory nutter mates see democracy the same way you do.

    Free Member

    So Labour claims that 60% of their voters want to Remain, then Jeremy suggests he supports Brexit. You are correct, he isn’t a plonker.

    And lots of people want to vote for a politician that represents there own views, Jeremy has now suggested in the Guardian article that he wants what 60% of Labour voters don’t want. Does Jeremy have a cunning plan?

    Free Member

    Christ alive, that Guardian article makes for depressing reading. We really are truly ****. Well done Jeremy.

    Free Member

    dazh – are you saying that if anyone that wants to be PM, they should follow the populist demands of the electorate? Or do we deserve a potential PM that makes decisions for the good of the country?

    Free Member

    If Jeremy thinks he has to play the long game, then that’s what he will do. However, how long will we have to wait before we find out what & when he is going to effectively challenge this tory led Brexit? After the event perhaps? Or was his NCV omnishambles the highlight of his challenge?

    Free Member

    TJ, your posts certainly come across as an apologist for Corbyns inaction and apparent lack of opposition of the tory inspired Brexit due to the right wing media criticism. However, Jeremy has no problem to rightfully criticise Israel over the treatment of Palestinians, regardless of the right wing press attacks on him.

    Free Member

    Anything, something, anything at all, apart from the nothing he is doing doing at the moment. Lead the opposition party and challenge the government perhaps? His inaction might cost him dear at the next general election.

    If TM as tory leader, is unable to lead the tories then she should quit. Should Jeremy do the same? Both political party’s are an utter disgrace.

    Free Member

    I agree with DrJ and cchris2lou.

    Corbyn had the opportunity to provide leadership to the country but has failed. Corbyn is a Brexiteer and knows that his party don’t agree with him so is happy to let May **** the country.

    A 2nd ref with produce bigger divisions within the UK. May will get her WA through parliament and then quit, the following General Election will be interesting as there will be nobody with a shred of decency left to vote for.

    Sad times.

    Free Member

    Fill yer boots with this lot…… Dogs Galore

    A good rescue should be able to match you up with the dog that is right for you. Out of the three, I’d go for a Staffie, great wee dogs.

    Free Member

    mattbe + 1

    In the past I’ve used plenty of Londons ‘spoons during the day as my unofficial site office. They provide a valuable social hub for some. Some of the ‘spoons in London also seem to be quite tolerant of the local homeless people coming in for a warm and a drink. Due to the owners political stance I have stopped using them but on a local level I think they give much to their local community and many of the staff are nice thoughtful caring people.

    Free Member

    Are you in Wetherspoons for a Pro Brexit march meeting?

    Free Member


    The person who caused the damage is in the wrong – legally and biblically.

    Its criminal damage.

    Its against christian teachings
    ” turn the other cheek” “he who is without sin cast the first stone” “do as you would be done by”

    The Lord cannot be wrong.

    This is blasphemous talk. Praise Him and obey Him.

    Free Member

    Check online reviews before gifting money to Viagogo.

    Free Member

    Have a look at JLR. They are on their knees and are desperate to shift units.

    Free Member

    Can Mr Late Payment Fascia Co work from a cherrypicker? Tell him he needs to get a machine in or complete the scaffold or you will employ another company that can and you will look to recover costs from him.

    Free Member

    I had a new car detail and ceramic coating on my car. I quite pleased with it and it seems to last quite well. Fr the amount of effort I’ve put into cleaning and waxing my cars in the past it is worth the expense. Google to find your local approved company.

    Free Member

    Has the Fascia company paid their Scaffolding sub contractor?

    If I was the scaffolding sub contractor and my payments were overdue then I would erect the scaffold just enough to placate the customer. When Mr Late Payment Fascia Co asked me to finish off the scaffold I’m politely request he pays his outstanding invoices.

    Saves me the cost of dismantling and storing the scaffold over the winter end of year holiday too.

    Free Member

    <span class=”skimlinks-unlinked”>senor j</span>

    <span class=”skimlinks-unlinked”>But</span> I do know where the vendors near me live. They commute to their pitch.

    Isn’t that the whole point of The Big Issue? To get homeless folk back into a routine, show potential employers they can turn up for work each day. Encourage them to find and live in permanent accommodation?

    But I guess it is shocking that somebody that once was homeless can manage to find somewhere to live and keep a low paid job at the same time.

    Would it be better if the chap you see, who now lives in a house, travels to work and does a low paid job was just forced out of his house and living on the streets? Just so that we all know he isn’t living in a house?

    What would the tory press (that señor j doesn’t read) make of it eh……..

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