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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • piha
    Free Member

    I would politely ask people to stop **** updating the number of casualties. If you have nothing better to add, then **** off.

    Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.

    Free Member

    Terrible terrible events in NZ. My thoughts go out to all those caught up in this senseless act of violence.

    Free Member

    Not a good day for Remain today but there is still plenty to be positive about.

    Although Corbyn is the biggest gift in Westminster for the tories and the ERG in particular. When will he start opposing this Gov?

    Free Member

    I’ve had a Yukon jacket and an Epsilon jacket for a couple of years now. I’m very impressed with both, the down jacket is used for proper cold weather, whilst the Primaloft insulated Epsilon jacket gets worn daily over cooler months. I especially like the Epsilon jacket for its shower resistant qualities.

    Both have been faultless and performed exceptionally well. I would happily recommend PH Designs. Keep an eye out for their sales.

    Free Member


    ….maybe uncomfortable being sat in close proximity…..


    Maybe the wimmins should have their own sealed off area in planes? Maybe we could extend gender segregation zones to more aspects of public life?

    Just so men don’t need to feel uncomfortable….!!

    Free Member

    Not sure quite how to put this but I’m pretty sure a lot of blokes would struggle sitting next to my daughter on a flight if she dressed like that, so yes I can understand why there are dress codes for flights. It’s not like you can politely move and sit elsewhere in the cabin.

    Doesn’t that say more about “a lot of blokes” rather than they way people dress?

    Free Member

    I think one of the reasons is that because there is high employment, there is also cash looking for a home. With bank interest rates so low people are looking to Stocks & Shares for income/growth. Recent legislation on “buy to rent” has made that investment less attractive too, pushing cash to S&S. And maybe the markets have priced in Brexit uncertainty. I am not an expert.

    Free Member

    The only way the UK will get honest and hardworking politicians that put the country first is if Labour & the tories disappear. The quicker the better as far as I am concerned, hateful, the lot of them.

    Free Member

    Apart from the fact that the ERG is made up of elected MPs, and is funded by the public.

    The comparison is not logical.

    So yeah, don’t vote for Tories and you won’t get them in power.

    I believe that the current ERG chair, Sir Michael Spicer is not a sitting MP. Happy to be proved wrong.

    The ERG don’t publish membership details and it’s widely thought that the ERG has many members and supporters outside of sitting MPs, just look at who contributes financially to them. I don’t think either of these groups have any place in UK politics. So the comparison, in my opinion is perfectly logical and valid.

    Free Member

    Well it doesn’t matter what Geoffrey Cox (or anyone else) thinks, the ERG have decided it doesn’t meet there demands

    I don’t think that matters because the ERG will oust May once her deal is voted through and they can then install someone that is more agreeable to their dogma.

    ERG = Momentum. And neither organisation can get elected by the public in a general election.

    Free Member

    I think the vote will go through and May will win. She will get the win because the tories want to keep the party together more than they actually want Brexit or what is best for the country.

    The tories are an absolute disgrace of a party, they only want what’s good for the party. Party first and sod everyone else. After the vote I think we’ll see the ERG take control of the party, as May is on limited time once she wins the vote.

    All in my humble opinion.

    Free Member

    I love this thread. Thank you so very much for getting a rescue dog, it’s a wonderful thing to do.

    I spent last weekend on the coast and my friend brought her rescue Beagle. She rescued her last November and she was a bit challenging to begin with but she is settling in quite nicely. She seems to enjoy eating anything/everything she shouldn’t and has boundless amounts of energy. After walking for 6.5 hours on Saturday, she decided it was time to chase any other dog she could see. Her recall is quite could but she is easily distracted. Enjoys scampering off into the woods but always returns after a few minutes. She gets on well with other dogs and socialises well.

    She is very affectionate however, when she was initially re-homed she would avoid and growl at men but she is now much more accepting of men. She is more than happy to come and sit next to me and will enjoy limitless attention from me.

    Enjoy your pups and please keep us updated.

    Free Member

    I was a massive Rough Guide fan. Magenta (and Sankha) were responsible for filling my head with a kinds of wonderfully daft travel ideas. RIP

    Free Member


    I’m not sure what a link to an explanation of GPS has to do with a public transport system that reaches everywhere.

    If a fully linked up public transport system included ‘public use’ self driving vehicles then we would have no need for private ownership of cars or vans etc. Self driving trucks have been in testing for years. Uber are using the same technology too. They use GPS systems to navigate, extend that to self driving cars and bingo, you can get anywhere you choose. Tis the future I tell thee.

    I would guess most cars get used 1 or 2 hours a day, so should we be asking ourselves why we need to pay something we actually use for such a short amount of time? Do away with private ownership and then you start paying for the amount of time you actually need and use the vehicle.

    Free Member


    Anywhere? Really? Don’t tell me, let me guess, you live in, or near, a major urban centre. Am I right?

    It’s voodooo I tell thee…

    Witchcrafty stuff

    Free Member

    Surely it’s about time we weaned ourselves off personal transport and embraced public transport. With a bit of thought and political will, we could have a fully integrated public transport system that can deliver goods and occupants anywhere in the UK? And then we could wizz up motorways at 150mph in safety and comfort.

    Free Member

    I’m on the Isle of Purbeck and last night was pretty wild. We were walking on a ridge overlooking the sea around 15;30 yesterday when the wind really hit and Freya blew hard all night after that. Still a little breezy here.

    Free Member

    Corbyn was elected in a democratic vote under the labour party constitution, and everyone should accept that decision, no matter if they disagree with him or dislike him. It’s not Stalinist, it’s democracy.

    Is that how Jeremy performed when just a humble MP? Did he tow the party line at all times?

    Free Member

    If reports of Indian jets being shot down are true, then I would start to be very concerned. I think India has an election coming up and Khan has recently been elected in Pakistan. Neither want to lose face to the general population.

    Hopefully clear heads will prevail.

    Free Member

    It appears that some people just can’t help themselves…..

    More denial?

    Free Member

    And another one has gone…..

    Free Member

    It now appears that Hatton has been suspended…!!! That didn’t take very long.

    Free Member


    Do you really believe that? Jeremy Corbyn, a lifelong anti-racism campaigner who has done more than most other MPs put together to fight racism is suddenly a jew hater? Really?

    Wow, who on earth used that term?

    Free Member

    If the exodus of Labour MPs results with the tories being torn apart as well, then let us all rejoice!!!

    Free Member


    …On one hand Remainers cry Wheres your facts to back the evidence up – in the next they all conspiracy theorists, and know the real reason behind things …

    Obvs you believe everything you are told? Do you remember when Kraft said something about no job losses…..

    Free Member

    Ransos – Labour appeared quite happy for Quentin Davies to cross the floor from the tories to join them without immediately standing in a by-election.

    Free Member

    Tricky question.

    I think No Deal is currently slight favourite as the ERG headbangers (and Jezza Corbyn) can stop May getting her deal through parliament. I believe that if a deal hasn’t been agreed by 29th March, then No Deal is the default position.

    However, anything could change. May could ceed more concessions to the ERG headbangers, giving them more of what they want. Then they might vote Mays deal through.

    ETA – I believe another referendum will not happen and even if it did I think Leave would return a bigger majority.

    Free Member

    FFS… the return of Hatton…!!!

    This just gets worse and worse.

    Free Member

    I must admit that this made me laugh…..

    Who are you?

    Free Member

    @ Mike – HTH’s

    Splitters article

    And according to Kuenssberg they are already receiving abuse.

    Free Member

    @ deadlydarcy – And who is standing against Brexit at the moment? Surely someone should be shouting at Jeremy and the tories with their ERG inspired Brexit now? If not now, when?

    I applaud their move. They are a group of politicians that believe in something and have made a stand. Maybe more will follow, who knows? Somebody had to do something surely?

    Free Member

    @ Mike – Are you truly expecting a new manifesto on day 1?

    Free Member

    @ MSP – the antisemitism issue within the Labour party isn’t just about the leader. Look at what Luciana has had to put up with and what the local party has thrown at her. The apparent enablement of the ERG inspired Brexit is another massive problem for the MP’s.

    I hope they don’t leave, Labour would be losing some good people.

    Free Member

    From Peston….

    It looks as though the longest rumoured split in a major British political party since the creation of the SDP almost 40 years ago will happen this morning.
    The reason I think this is because last light I texted the Labour MPs Chuka Umunna, Chris Leslie, Luciana Berger and Gavin Shuker asking them if they were holding a press conference at 10.30 this morning to announce the split, and none replied.
    For what it is worth, I could also have texted Mike Gapes, Angela Smith or Ann Coffey among other critics of the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn.
    The mystery is not why they are leaving Labour: they are all alienated from a Labour leadership that they see as being far too slow and lacklustre in cutting out the cancer of antisemitism, and they are furious that Corbyn has been (as they see it) ignoring the majority of Labour members and supporters who would like the party to back an EU referendum.
    No. The mystery is why today, rather than in a fortnight or six weeks, when perhaps the UK’s EU destiny will be a bit clearer.
    The point is that those running the People’s Vote campaign for a referendum have been desperately trying to persuade Ummuna and Leslie to delay their split – because they think if they were to leave the party now, that would entrench the reluctance of Corbyn and those close to him to back a referendum.
    As and when Umunna and co formally leave Labour, the call for a referendum will be closely associated with those who have set themselves up as the enemies of Corbyn and his socialist project. So the referendum-sceptics around Corbyn will tell him that conceding a People’s Vote would be to capitulate to those who want to destroy him.
    So the big question for Umunna and the Labour refuseniks today is whether in leaving Labour because they want a referendum they are not in practice undermining the prospect of a referendum.

    @ MSP – do you remember the leadership saying that Labour did have problem with antisemitism? And you then go on and call it bullshit….!! You just provided a clear example of the antisemitism issue!!

    Free Member

    Reports in the press of a small number of MP’s leaving the party.


    Free Member

    Jeremy’s CU proposal speech included zero tariffs, as far as I can see the EU would need to include FOM.

    Free Member

    Good discussion going on here but I had to check whether a CU allows or excludes FOM. Found this……

    If the article is accurate and I read it correctly, how does Jeremy plan to execute his CU with no FOM?

    Free Member


    It definitely looks like a Rover to me, cracking name for a moggs.

    Or Jacob Rees…….

    Free Member

    So a quick poll – who’s the worst PM out of May & Thatcher?


    Free Member

    @Mike – to be fair nobody here is supporting TM, as everyone agrees she is tory first, country second. Jezza on the other hand doesn’t appear to effectively oppose HM Governments tory inspired ideological Brexit with any real conviction.

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