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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • phunkmaster
    Free Member

    Had one yesterday. We get them all the time but my wife usually answers the phone and tells them to do one.

    Yesterday, she was out so I got took the call. Played along for a while before telling ‘Alan’ that he sounded cute and explained that I would like to give him a special cuddle. He got confused so I just told him what he was (unprintable here) and hung up.

    He called me back and left a message! “Hi, this is Alan from Microsoft Technical Department. You think you’re so smart. Well don’t worry. I will make sure you will/will not (can’t quite make out what he says) get these types of call every day, all the time. Thank you. Good bye.”

    Unfortunately, these scammers will eventually convince some vulnerable person to part with their cash. Horrid.

    Free Member

    This link suggests UK firefighters fatality rate was 2.7 per 100’000 in 2004-2007. So safer than the average in the chart above.

    Or it could be to do with the skill and competence of those in the fire sevice . . .

    Fully support those in the fire service.

    Remember, they go inside the burning building whilst you run out.

    Free Member

    Sweet! Might not be a bad idea to just let them wash it for me then!

    To be fair, I think I got lucky. He was fantastic and he could have made the end of a very long journey very difficult for me. My bikeless journey through Sydney this year was not so friendly.

    Free Member

    Took mountain bike to Adelaide with Quantas/British Airways. They let me take it free as sporting equipment was/is free.

    Got to Sydney and they checked it. I had dry mud on my tyres/wheels and the guy took them away and washed them for me!

    Free Member

    Bicycle smithy – miserable twunt, some people really shouldn’t work in costumer services….

    Couldn’t disagree more.

    For me, THE bike store in Stockport. Knows his stuff, doesn’t bullsh*t, great service, honest.

    Highly, and often, recommend.

    Free Member

    “‘Rectum’, miss? More like killed ’em”

    Free Member

    No returns does not mean he has no case at all. Distance selling regs and the simple fact he is stating they agree not as described means eBay will side with him.i don’t know why they have the No returns option as then you could sell anything at all on eBay and whether it be as described or not there would be no come said above take closer detailed pics and state in working condition.

    As already pointed out, DSRs do not apply to private sales.

    I know this is pointless now, but another way to protect yourself from the ‘not as described’ is to always state that ‘viewing/inspection is welcome'(obviously not at your home address though).

    This totally sucks for you and I hope you get it sorted. I have given up selling bike parts online these days.

    Free Member

    It is all getting a little Orwellian but the target audience of Ask FM and Snapchat are not always able to make rational and sensible decisions.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Is the staff member a first aider? Does the staff member have detailed knowledge of the area the school visited? Is there any chance that taking the dog was the only way that the staff member could go on the trip? Do you consider five days away looking after the most precious thing a parent has a holiday? Is the dog a pitbull? Has the dog been CRB checked? Was it off the leash during other times of the adventure holiday fully paid for by charging the students extra?

    I say ring the Daily Mail and complain.

    Free Member

    You do not have to be Narcissus to be self concious about losing your hair but don’t worry about it mate. My colleagues with shaved heads look extremely smart and I don’t think anyone has ever mistaken them for C18.

    Free Member

    Who knows what I will do but I will be in Manchester tomorrow with many other ‘enemies of promise’ standing up for standards.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I had a close friend take his own life when I was 15. Steve was 19. Every now and then I stop and think about him. It makes me so sad to think of all the things he has missed. Not only the important things like my marriage and the birth children but even daft things like samrtphones and DVD players.

    I miss him and his passing tore his family apart. He would have been 40 a couple of years ago and I can guarantee that the pain he was feeling at the time would have been a very distant memory if he was alive today.

    Please talk to someone.

    Free Member

    I am going to go 2X9 no bash because I lost one bolt during an awesome ride and the bash guard washers are nigh on impossible to find (most shops have been an awesome amount of help). I am sure the performance will still be awesome.

    Free Member

    Spent all day making a cage for my stepdaughter’s hamster. Like a scene out of The Wonder Years, we measuerd, sawed, laughed and, just as I hammered the last nail into the roof of the cage, cried when I realised there was no door.

    Free Member

    Jamj1974, I genuinely feel that way. Teaching is honestly the best job in the world. I have never not wanted to go to work.

    Free Member

    …my wife and I teach in a LEA
    Are you sure?


    Yes, certain . . .

    Free Member

    Really? So the fact that my wife and I teach in a LEA with different holidays to our children’s school

    My holidays are not sufficient to cover my children’s – at least you will have some crossover. Perhaps for your next job you could work in the same LEA…? Pardon me if don’t feel sorry for you incurring child care costs…

    ing childcare can be difficult? Or how an awards evening or parents’ evening cost us £40 child care

    Suck it up – it’s part of your job. Once again, don’t ask me to feel sorry for your totally foreseeable incurrence of child care costs. Did parents evenings not occur before you started teaching or did the naughty lecturers hide that fact when you were training…? I think no on both counts

    Wow! You just wasted your time Dr. Obvious.

    I have the best job in the world. I love every day of my job.

    All of the stuff you wrote, I agree with.

    My point was in response to the claim that ‘Many teachers have no concept of how it can make things difficult for working parents’.

    Free Member

    Many teachers have no concept of how it can make things difficult for working parents

    Really? So the fact that my wife and I teach in a LEA with different holidays to our children’s school gives us no first hand experience of how arranging childcare can be difficult? Or how an awards evening or parents’ evening cost us £40 child care, or when the teachers of my children’s school could not get to work because of snow, they got a paid day off but I had to take a day off, unpaid, to look after them? Yes, you’re correct, many teachers have no idea. Sigh.

    Free Member

    Depends from school to school. Ours are usually a mix of ‘state of the (educational) nation’ type stuff, looking at ideas to improve our overall practice, and any subject-specific training that teams might need.

    This pretty much nails it. If anyone was wondering though, INSET is never fun or a doss and, although I value training, nine times out of ten I would rather be teaching.

    Free Member

    Tory propaganda. If it isn’t, it might as well be.

    Free Member

    How does the STW massive try to explain to others why we bike so much?

    If I have to expain it to someone, they’re never going to understand.

    Free Member

    So you wanted passing cyclists to say, ‘Are you alright mate?’ just so you could say, ‘Yep, I’m fine, I actually have a spare tube in my bag’?

    Just to be clear, I always let on to other cyclists (funnily enough, I don’t let on to every one I pass in the Arndale Centre, even though we share the same mode of transport: feet!) but I didn’t realise they craved it so much.

    Free Member

    I bought two of these, 2.2, one of them wore out even quicker than that. It was like that on both sides, pretty much all the way round. I was surprised and put it down to a bad tyre. The other one is still fine but I keep an eye on it.

    Free Member

    Of all the things to get annoyed about! Would you also like the disability with which this privilege comes? Just do what other jeb-ends do on the A6, Hazel Grove, and park on them anyway if you’re that miffed.

    Free Member

    You can always open your own free school, in the trees . . . just sayin’

    Free Member

    What, wade through all the Google lawers’ post to find the actual highway code? No. I’d rather believe what someone told me in the pub . . .

    Free Member

    some words that mean the police can enforce the law wherever they need to

    Police top trumps. Put it on before you start your car next time and all will be good.

    Free Member

    Do not begin nor finish your route at your house. Solved. I like Strava.

    Free Member

    What tyres should I get for . . . :lol:

    Free Member

    Bicycle Smithy, Hazel Grove, Stockport.

    Great service, knows his stuff. Honest.

    Free Member

    Saw them a couple of times in Adelaide, mid 90s. Once supporting Pennywise but also in a small place called The Tivoli for their Wasting Time tour. One lad climbed their speaker stack and jumped, Hoppus pushing around security who were man handling punters. They were great. Watched them on the telly at Reading (?) and was disappointed. Too gloomy.I know you cannot stay nineteen forever but liked them as a fun band talking about Ben Wah Balls and the like. Still listen to Cheshire Cat every now and then.

    Free Member

    There is a huge difference between “felt” safe and “is” safe as you’ve probably learned the hard way.

    I agree. The other two motorist who crashed whilst they were removing my car probably also felt the road was safe.

    My point is that I used to always think there was “some idiot going too fast” (often my words)every time I drove past a crash. Now I know better. I had my wife and three year old son in the car and thought I would never put them in harm’s way. People were driving past taking pictures of my wrecked motor more than likely thinking the same thing I used to think. Stay safe out there folks.

    Free Member

    “Looking at the road I would say they we’re not driving it properly (read to fast)”

    I used to say things like this all the time – until I wrote off my 4X4 the other day travelling under the speed limit, at a speed that felt safe given the conditions, on a road that looked fine, new tyres, plenty of miles under my belt.

    I agree that those low profile tyres seem odd on a 4X4 but you never know. Just saying.

    Free Member

    Calm down, it was me, and it actually felt pretty good although I did have to change my username.

    Free Member

    Good on them, cleary an attempt at being funny and will probably only offend the Pinkbike-grommet-mafia who will, no doubt, start an entire thread and Bookface page about it thinking they will actually have some chance of destroying the entire company.

    What I think Surly should do is . . .

    Free Member

    Whenever I am on the pushy, several drivers annoy me with their cr@p driving, red light running, thinking the footpath is a road and inconsiderate behaviour to others.

    Whenever I am in the car, several cyclists annoy me with their cr@p riding, red light running, thinking the footpath is a road and inconsiderate behaviour to others.

    Free Member

    Bell Drop come up big. As do the Giro Remedy.

    Hope this helps.

    Free Member

    It will be harder work than a BMX or hardtail but drop the saddle, stiffen up the suspension a bit and you’ll be good to go.

    For council sessions I would show up half an hour after they say they will be there as I have often found them to be running a little late.

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