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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • phunkmaster
    Free Member

    No doubt the ParcelFarce drivers are in a union, so can do wtf they like with the threat of industrial action if anyone complains about them.

    Please say you’re being ironic. Either way, enjoy your weekend . . .

    Free Member

    @cruzcampo that’s the one. Terrible.

    Free Member

    Just glanced at the report. Have they really take. Usage statistics based on use from February to May?

    Those stats would have proved this to be a far more popular route during the warmer months. A lot of mountain bikers avoid this trail in the wetter months due to the boggy condition of Rushup.

    I am stunned at this ‘sanitation’. You will never please everyone but this trail was already down to bedrock. Maybe a little maintenance on the sides was needed but this is unbelievable. A genuinely iconic natural trail, used by several groups of people filled in.

    I would like to think most mountain bikers are considerate but, like anything, if you take away the available facilities, it will get to the point where early morning footpaths are the the only natural trails worth riding.

    Was talking to the farmer who lives near that sanitised bridle way near The Little Mill descent and he said it is now more dangerous because cyclist are going faster. He also said the drainage was terrible and they refused his offer to do it.

    Free Member

    Cool story bro? Says you Firestarter! Tell us more about how the things you’ve ‘witnessed’ and ‘seen’ make you flippant towards death.

    Jesus, every one’s an expert. Of course some people do some bad stuff because it’s fun. But, okay, that makes it fine to be somewhat happy they’re dead.

    I sorry I don’t have any facts and interviews to support the fact that I a little stunned that some people seem happy that someone is dead, and this happiness seems to stem from the fact that it was a bike that was stolen.

    Free Member

    Perhaps my 10 years in the army and 12 in the fire service have caused be to be somewhat flippant towards death.

    Well, my dads’s time in the military made him appreciate the value of life more. It’s a little shocking that, even on a cycling forum, that people will think that the world will be better now that someone has died in connection with stealing a bike.

    How many of you speed? Text what driving? Run that temporary traffic light because no one is coming the other way? I am certainly not religious but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Just because he stole? Or stole a bike some people seem glad. WTF?!

    That was someone’s little boy once upon a time. No one knows how he came to be running away from the police because he stole some piece of sh*t bike. When I read something like this article I imagine how desperate that person must have been to do what he/she did and consider the sequence of events that lead from that person being a little boy/girl, playing with a stuffed toy to thinking that the best option in their life is to choose a situation that leads to their death.

    I am not a hippy or a super hardened former SAS soldier but Jesus Christ. Show some compassion.

    Free Member

    I did some running with a broken shoulder, mainly on the trails I usually ride. Told the doctor when he asked if I had been doing any exercise and he wasn’t happy. He said, to quote, ‘if you fall on it again, you’re fu*ked’. Also, the bouncing around will hinder the fusing process.

    He had a point.

    Free Member

    I’ve done it. For me it was a way of saying goodbye and sharing an anecdote or two that his other friends might smile about. It is also a way for me to show his mum, dad, sister, brother in law (people I have never met) how much he meant to me.

    One of his other friends posts daily on his page. I guess, for her, it’s cathartic.

    You also have to remember that the world has changed and the way we communicate has changed. I found it difficult to look at my friends page because his electronic footprint was still there and I guess it made it more vivid that, for some, one minute you’re there and the next thing you’re gone.

    It’s no different to messages in the paper or threads on here saying RIP and the such.

    Free Member

    What is it with eBay and bike parts? Sounds like the buyer has frigged up the threads and is trying their luck.

    I have given up with eBay and selling bike parts.

    Years ago I sold a wheel, two rides old. Buyer claims it was so buckled a bike shop couldn’t repair it. Wanted a refund. I asked for the store’s number and it went quiet.

    Hope you sort it.

    Free Member

    Maybe a card made by your daughter. A present? tell her she’s dreaming.

    Free Member

    I have cromo on both my 20 and 24 now. Had a set of SLTs. Great fork.

    Hope you heal up soon.

    Free Member

    I actually got a set of daggers from him 18 months ago. He should certainly have options if not Daggers.

    Free Member

    Go on Facebook and look up Jasonoldschool bmx parts. He is also BMX Talk.

    He can get loads of bits from America, good price, just as quick and no faff.

    I highly recommend him.

    Free Member

    “Phunkmaster I’m sorry for your accident but the fact was if you crashed on the ice that even though you were below the speed limit, you were almost certainly driving too fast, or not being observant enough for the conditions. Perhaps some extra training would have taught you to recognise during which conditions and where this type of ice frequently forms and enabled you to have driven accordingly?”

    No, you’re completely wrong and have totally misses the point. Blocked drain froze over and caught me out. Otherwise, conditions standard cold morning. Whilst they were dragging my car out the hedge, two other vehicles crashed at the same point, one was a motor bike. Several sped through, I there’s slowed to film the chaos. We all had different ideas of what was appropriate and we were all caught out.

    You realise that sometimes, accidents happen and no amount of training can prevent it? Which is kind of the point I am making.

    This is exactly what I said would happen in my first post, semantics etc

    Free Member

    That’s the point maxtorque, I don’t trust your judgement on appropriate conditions. Some of the 60mph limits have been lowered recently.

    You may think you’re a great driver. You might think, I can do 80mph on this dry 50mph limit road on a day with good visibility but I don’t care. If you do screw up and plough into me by accident, I would rather it was at the 50mph limit which gives me a scientifically proven greater chance of survival.

    I ‘thought’ I was driving appropriately given the conditions one morning on the Strines Road. Hit black ice, lost control mounted the footpath and smashed through a wall. My wife and son were fine.God knows what might have happened if I thought,’I am a good driver, not a single offence or accident to my name and I believe I can do 60 down here because I believe the conditions, even though they are a bit poor, allow for it’. You never know and thankfully i weighed up the conditions in the opposite direction and I was driving below the limit and no one was hurt. I would never drive in a way that would endanger my wife and child. Still crashed though.

    Are the idiots who are running the temporary red light on Strines at the moment doing so because the have assessed the conditions and have figured, ‘it’s safe’? Or are they just useless chancers? They’ve nearly taken me out twice. Was that just bad luck by a brilliant driver who, on this occasion got it wrong? There is a nice set of skid marks there from another close call.

    Accept there are road rules and speed limits and drive appropriately within them, if not, see the last point on my previous post.

    Free Member

    The video is sobering.

    I detest all this talk about ‘appropriate speeds’ and ‘blindly following speed limits’. It’s a bloody road, not a race track. Those limits are there to keep all users safe. You don’t have to drive on the Snake or Woodhead passes for very long to realise that solid white lines and speed limits don’t mean a thing to those with greater skills and more heightened senses than your average driver. A guy I knew was a great rider. Lost control of his GSXR 750 whilst exceeding the speed limit on the Mt Lofty Road, slid into on coming traffic and was killed. I would put my mortgage on that other driver never feeling the same again.

    I am aware that there is no point in having an opinion on the internet because there is always someone who has read more, done more, knows more, and I’m sure someone will be along to critique my opinion, bang on about semantics and tell me they have done their Pass Plus but here’s what I think about this whole video and topic:

    The video shows how quickly the lights can be turned out. He probably did that loads of times but that one time the factors came against him and he never went home.

    Lastly, a license is not a right, it’s a privilege. If you’re so brilliant and want to go faster than deemed legal (safe in the knowledge you’ll never screw up because you’re so aware and trained), frig off to a track day. I don’t trust you or your brilliant skills.

    Free Member

    Selfie at the end. Cannot believe how those bunnies treated Danny as an object. Totally boycotting the Playboy Mansion now . . .

    Free Member

    He hops off that ‘kicker’ and gets unavoidable airtime which is quicker than having to brake and roll down. It’s an immense piece of riding that very few people could do.

    I think the term huck was used loosely. Hucks, dropping from a height often to flat, were in vogue about eleven years ago.

    Free Member

    The airtime is great and I bet the cannot see that landing until he’s in the air. The guy’s an animal.

    Definitely worth a thread.

    Free Member

    Whenever I am on the pushy, several drivers annoy me with their cr@p driving, red light running, thinking the footpath is a road and inconsiderate behaviour to others.

    Whenever I am in the car, several cyclists annoy me with their cr@p riding, red light running, thinking the footpath is a road and inconsiderate behaviour to others.

    I said this a year ago. Can I reiterate, I am a cyclist and a motorist. I don’t have any fact or percentages to reel off but I stand by my point. Us and them won’t solve anything.

    Both drivers and cyclist flout the laws. It’s frustrating.

    I bet I am not innocent. Although in 22 years of driving I have never had a single motoring offence (please feel free to tell me how I’ve simply never been caught) I’ve ridden on the footpath plenty of times too. Bit of cheeky, innit?

    Free Member

    Search my past posts. You will find one from about a year ago that says something like , every time I’m on my bike, I see drivers being idiots. Every time I am in my car I see cyclists being idiots.

    It’s more detailed than that but I cannot be bothered typing it all out again.

    My point is, I agree but this ‘us and them’ attitude will get no one anywhere.

    Free Member

    Obviously I hope the cyclist is ok in the same way I hope all people involved in accidents are ok.

    I don’t like the ‘us’ and ‘them’ attitude though. I am a motorist and a cyclist. Every morning I drive to work from Hayfield to Stockport and see loads of cyclists doing things which put themselves at risk. Running red lights is the main one. It’s frustrating because, in my opinion, it gives cyclist a bad name.

    Conversely, when I am out on my bike there seems to always be some maniac in a car who wants me dead. I feel the need to have a ‘please don’t kill me, I pay emissions tax too’ poster on my back.

    I grew up in Adelaide and feel that cyclists are given greater consideration over there. There will clearly be those, including myself, with negative experiences. The roads in Adelaide seem to accommodate cycle lanes better and there are many cycle paths, away from the road, to use. So you can get from Glenelg/ Plympton/ West Beach to the city centre without having to cycle on the road.

    Free Member

    Late 30s, active/fit. Mine was a bad break, shoulder only but not the ‘knocking an ice cream off a cone’ type. More like taking a slice out of cake. No pins or operation but my bones were in a good place.

    Obviously, at first, I kept it as still possible because every time I raised my arm sideways the muscle attached would separate the bone like a flip top bin lid. That stung a little bit. Six weeks of minimal movement but dangling arm if/when possible to avoid frozen shoulder.

    I kept as active as possible against they doctor’s wishes. I don’t recommend that but I’ve always been a pain in the butt. Funnily enough I did nearly fall of a stationary bike.

    What hurt the most after the initial six weeks was situations when my muscles reacted fast and instinctively. Like nearly knocking something off a table and going to catch it. The worst was an slight shock from a light switch that made me flinch.

    I was lucky I guess because the range of movement needed for cycling was fine. Crashing is another story though and perhaps I should have given it more time before riding.

    My advice is avoid the internet (I see the irony here) take time and ease back in. Do the rehab even if it seems pointless, I struggled with it more because it was hard work. I ate well, nothing fancy/no supplements because of all the conflicting advice. I still do a fair bit on resistance bands and standard compound exercises. My strength is now fine and my range of movement not noticeably different apart from reaching around my back.

    Hope you’re good soon.

    Free Member

    Broke mine lOctober 13th like second pic. Every case is unique. I was in the ‘Couple of months and you’ll be grand’ camp’. Not saying you’ll be though. My first very tentative ride was 23rd of November. My advice is rest but move. Will post more details of rehab/ recovery later if you like.

    Free Member

    It’s functional. End of thread.

    Free Member

    Speed limit. Had someone overtake me on the Strines Road waving their arms about and shouting some abuse because I had the nerve to stick to the speed limit, on a notoriously dangerous road, whilst I had my kids in the car.

    Just set week, I was in front at the temporary traffic lights on the same road. Some pollock, three cars back, ran the red light then someone else started beeping their horn at me because i wouldn’t run the red. We hadn’t been waiting an age, just impatience.

    I love it that people will happily abuse me and get frustrated because I follow the rules of h road. I am not super slow, I just don’t want a fine and points on my license. Some folk don’t seem to care.

    Free Member

    I know the OP through BMX Racing. Top bloke.

    Even if it shows up, seller needs a headlock for being flakey.

    Hope it turns up. Trust no one.

    Free Member

    I race and it’s great. Above is the 30-39 cruiser final from last year’s Brits at Perry Park Birmingham. 40-44 and 45+ are just as fast on 24 and 20″ wheels.

    In my experience, BMX clubs a full of great, helpful people.

    Free Member

    Just after application, dip finger in white spirit and run finger over sealant to smooth out.

    Free Member

    I like it. Great warm up climb from car park and the red descent from the top to the middle of the initial climb is great. I often take my 4x bike and Session the jumps, session the pump tracks and get a couple of runs on the full red descent. More than happy.

    Free Member

    Have just put winter tyres on my Civic. Last winter I wrote off my X-Trail on black ice on the Strines Road and this is just a peace of mind thing for me and my wife.

    The guy at the garage was very honest. He said that winter tyres are for temps below 6 degrees and wet roads. Snow and ice are always going to be slippery. Especially in a RWD.

    FWIW, he has put winter tyres on his mum’s BMW.

    So far, although it is probably all in my head, I believe there is a difference. The car feels far more uneventful and planted in corners. They were expensive but the two ways out of New Mills towards Stockport are both hazardous so I went for it.

    I would say go for it.

    Free Member

    English teacher. Unfair advantage :D

    Free Member

    Even after six years as a secondary teacher I still find it amusing that kids get so excited about finding out teacher’s names!

    *teachers’ names . . . just saying. :wink:

    Free Member

    Whilst I don’t actually like the cops and love anyone that holds them to account

    Sigh . . .

    I totally support the police and wish there were more of them busting all the arrogant road users I see every day.

    Free Member

    My Profile SS hubs are nearly a decade old. New bearings and a rear axle. Good as new. I am tempted by the new Hope BMX hubs that are available at the end of the month.

    Free Member

    As for a larger fitting helmet, I don’t think you can beat a Bell Drop for value. It meets the downhill standard and is a really large fit.

    Free Member

    Out of those, the Haro is probably the one I would go for. The pproblem with many of those mid/low end completes is they have 20.5 top tubes. I am 5′ 9″ and wouldn’t want anything less than a 21″ top tube. But that is just me. My 20″ is 21.5 and my cruiser is 22″.

    Triton Cycles had some great deals on higher end SE race bikes. I would also suggest getting on BMX Talk and looking second hand.

    Also, source bmx has some bargains on Intense Bmx at the moment.

    Get to your local track and speak to the club, they will have bikes to try out.

    Free Member

    Huge fan from day one. Although, as a 15 year old, messing about with your mates bending each others arms about not really knowing what we were doing after watching UFC 1 on VHS, it’s lucky no one ended up badly hurt!

    Great to see UFC where it is now. Fertitta and White seem to be doing all the right things.

    Love the technical side of the fighting and it’s a shame that many crowds boo as soon as it goes to the mat. I also love the way a fighter like GSP just counters the opponent’s strength. Not the most spectacular fight but demonstrates how a well rounded game is key. Many ‘fight fans’ boo this kind of thing as well. Personally His upcoming fight with Hendricks will be interesting. Hendricks can punch and wrestle.

    Agree with the comments regarding boxing. Although there have been plenty of duff decisions in the UFC. Dana White’s twitter makes funny reading during/after a card.

    Another thing I like about the UFC is that fighters can have several losses and it doesn’t mean they are washed up.

    The UFC, however, could become a victim of its own success as more and more cards are put on. Maybe a danger of spreading the talent too thinly and having to have average MMA fighters on cards.

    Free Member

    Conversely, people who are not doing the speed limit seemed to get annoyed when I overtake them

    It is, after all, a limit and not a target . . .

    Free Member

    Was doing the speed limit the other day down Strines Road and some dick passed me gesturing and clearly annoyed that I was doing the speed limit. The amount of people I annoy by doing the limit really surprises me. But I do not care. I usually have my kids in the car and will never drive over the limit regardless of waht it is. Not worth it.

    Free Member

    scammer trolled Here is the last hour of a two hour conversation from the master of trolling these scamming rotters.

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