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  • Fresh Goods Friday 717: Sound The Sun Klaxon!
  • philxx1975
    Free Member

    3 Failed Kickstarter and no products other than a load of abuse if you saw through their blag bag of tricks.

    I don’t think they sell many bikes at all , an army of 10 year olds saying **** , yet only 4 frames sold😂

    Free Member

    I believe some of their new bikes are being manufactured by Frank The Welder. Regardless of Sick bikes – his work is fantastic.

    They seem to be top BLAG.

    Free Member

    Holy shit… That is awful especially the back injury heal well and best put pissing off back to wherever on hold.

    Free Member

    What happened with the broken fork?

    Free Member

    If I were making bikes I’d be ashamed to let one go out with the gaping voids in the braze that are clear in the headtube here:

    This, absolutely shoddy workmanship as usual, and from the photos worse than what was being punted at steel demo day. If curtis had made that it would be almost perfect, To imagine thats in the same league fit and finish wise is delusion. for reference and their FS bike is equally as well crafted.

    Free Member

    So…are you against brexit?

    I don’t think it should happen but there’s 50ks worth of posts from the absolute creme de la crème of complete bellends onothe subject ,it would have been rude not to join in.

    I do however think the losers or winners should be made to win arm bands so you can punt one in the face when you see it on the street.

    Free Member

    Cougar shouldn’t you be off making some plan to save your countrymen from the impending doom or do you think correcting grammar will be enough?

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>IIsee no one is stepping up to the plate here are they and I had hope for you.</span>

    Free Member

    Your , you’re is all the effort I’m prepared to put in here I’m afraid .especially as I only really give you lot time in between squeezing a shit out.

    **** off with you’re poorly educated jibe kelvin eh you wouldn’t stand in front of me in fact anyone I would wager and mouth off so why do it from the comfort of your keyboard.

    Free Member

    Phil? Phil? You out there bro?

    Sorry had to come to work

    Free Member

    And as for the latter point, I quite like living here, thanks very much.  I fail to see why I should move house because someone else wants to set fire to the one I’m currently living in.  Arrogant much?

    Your problems not mine you chose to live with dumb people who got led up the garden path but your yet another who sits around waiting for someone to save you or lead you

    You have the power to stop it yet would rather just sit watch it unravel and then blame everyone else

    Get off your arse man organise a protest cause some unrest , you never know you might be the hero that’s quoted years from now as the person who started the fight back.

    But then it’s easier to sit back and relax ain’t it.

    Me my plans don’t involve Europe but don’t feel too bad, I won’t be stuck in this shithole when it goes south.

    Free Member

    In fact that was too harsh , you probably voted and lost then decide to sign a petition about how it’s so wrong.

    Free Member

    Phil has a plan… he wants our biggest export market to suffer financially, and he doesn’t care if there is a knock on effect on UK based workers. He also wants us all to move out of the country, taking our productivity and tax contributions with us.

    Entirely wrong I don’t actually and get that part I DONT actually give a toss what YOU do , it won’t affect me or have a knock on effect what you decide to do and that’s the part your not getting. As I said yesterday your part of the problem and won’t mobilise anything to do anything than lament the downfall on here.

    Free Member

    if they didnt have to import most parts from within the eu, with extra costs &* red tape thanksto brexit, then it would

    what it does mean is higher prices for uk consumers, but hey, blue passports!

    unless of course you do think that the eu should let us keep benefits after we leave?

    Its a Nissan hardly the end of the world is it?

    Vote with your feet.

    Free Member

    Having said that if I win the lottery this weekend I’ll forget about lack of capital and language skills and sod off to Europe or Scandinavia anyway before the xenophobes start building the wall.

    Give over if you had the money, you sound like a proper remoaner if it’s not what I want blah blah democratic blah blah when it suits blah blah  MTFU and crack on is what you need to do, it’s happening get over it.

    Add poor to slowoldman then.

    Free Member

    also I nelieve 2/3rds of nissans sunderland cars are exported, the majority into the EU

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Nissan do indeed .They designed UK specific models of their cars also , so that should save them a headache in the future and a few quid.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Mike I keep coming back to the argument if it’s so bad then go live in Europe where it’s great. Stop knackering the process for those that want to leave and crack on with your own plans life isn’t fair get over it. You still have a choice even if that’s making the best of what you might consider a bad job.</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>You could counter that with if we had voted to remain then the other half should also have the same said, if you want to leave Europe then go live in Mexico, </span>

    But no in the usual British way instead of getting on with it you now have two tribes **** it up for everyone

    Free Member

    It’s good to have philxx1975 on this thread (and the tory thread) to demonstrate the problems we have.  That level of bitterness, hatred and ignorance is sadly very common.

    As opposed to stamping your feet because it’s not what you want to hear ….diddums

    Free Member

    What exactly are they doing except for acting in the interests of the EU?

    Exactly that mike and I have no complaints but FFS pick a side and if you don’t like it **** off to where you fancy living ,see if the nice Europeans will give you your mercy visa.

    Free Member

    I never voted to leave or stay but I’m watching the Europeans and thinking **** you Europeans I hope it costs you as much as it does us.

    Free Member

    Give over

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>And the fact that 40 percent of their European sales are made here in the UK , is a strong reason to punt your crap here the Europeans will be as protectionist as they can be without appearing to be when VAG and BMW start throwing a strop.</span>

    Nissan were already courting plans to shut facilities based upon stopping diesel car production.

    Buy British unless it’s a Jag are your options and non of you lot can afford a McLaren.

    Free Member

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Why haven’t the people revolted, mainly because they’re spineless hand wringers </span>

    Free Member

    Here’s why the Japs are shitting themselves

    Japan-UK auto trade as strong as ever as third more British car buyers choose Japanese brands

    do you think the Europeans who make oodles more cars are going to buy a Japanese car, not a bloody chance.

    Free Member

    pensioners ?

    No the cast of Jeremy Kyle.

    Free Member

    poor houses are back,

    Maybe not a bad idea would cure homelessness , shirkers benefit fraudsters , the feckless who don’t want to pull their weight for a country.

    Free Member

    Ahh… Great Britain… where we have low levels of unemployment (unlike those countries “damaged” by being in the Euro) but we still get to blame our ills on the tiny number of people of working age not working.

    Brexit supporters I know also get very ranty about people “living of the state”. It’s the same mindset. Scapegoating… while supporting policies that will probably damage all our lives.

    And your the type that’s straight on here whining about how your sheds been robbed by a jobless scrote on when a drug dealer is selling to your kid outside the school gates.

    Free Member

    You gonna collect them all in a bus each morning?

    Why is there a difference between where the UK based  EU workers live and the bone idle that can’t get on a bus ,

    Or os this before they need to excuse every other tiny reason they won’t work but others will.

    Free Member

    who is going to replace all those agricultural workers post brexit!

    It’s not difficult to find estates full of feckless lazy bastards who refuse to work in this country, there’s hardly a shortage is there.

    If anything good will come of this at least it should be to force these people to work as opposed to moaning about how there’s no one to do low payed unskilled jobs.

    Free Member

    Not if you buy a house in Stockbridge it’s such a shithole it would be nigh on impossible to lose out.

    Free Member

    For sale brown shed

    Oh it’s had a respray was green

    Some things it would matter

    Not that however no clown would buy a green shed..they should be brown.

    Free Member

    For sale black Mondeo

    Oh it’s had a respray was green

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Wwyd</span>

    Free Member

    Wouldnt look out of place on any council estate , fat lass with tatts, all it needs is a fag in it’s gob.

    But I do worry that the normalisation of that shape is just part of the slow slide (roll?) into obesity for the UK

    Why how many read cosmo?

    Free Member

    Has anyone thought of actually pissing off to the European mainland if you feel so strongly about it.

    Free Member

    Man throws baby out of window after trying to gouge out it’s eyes and trying to strangle it.

    Bring it back for these types.

    Free Member

    Ah the Jews playing victim again.

    Free Member

    Dunno appeared on my Google feed yesterday as 23hrs ago. May have been

    Free Member

    I think if you don’t have a drive to park your car in you should be charged to park on the street.

    The roadside isn’t there for public parking convenience outside “my Manor” I find it incredible that people who buy a house with no parking assume the road outside it is theirs. 

    Free Member

    What the hell is even the point of horses these days, they do absolutely sod all but cause aggro.

    Free Member

    The snowdon thing works.

    Are you suggesting it’s a silly solution because according to many it works. And the risk is lowered  lowering risk is what it’s about

    You are aware they do close roads for events and have Marshall and lots of other things that stop other users using the road.

    Free Member

    Excellent. Where do I display my “I’m a commuter and thus more important than you. I am therefore allowed to be on the road at this time” badge? Does it have to go on my back, or is it OK to fit to my seatpost?

    You are sounding more and more like a self entitled car driver. It will be easy to spot you so don’t worry.

    Free Member

    commute to work in my car at rush hour every morning (as do many others).

    Your part of the problem.

    Why can’t you leave your recreational bike riding until after peak time so I don’t have to incur a 10s delay while having to pass you.

    They’re called commuters, but we’ll done for not thinking it through.

    In fact, why don’t we just designate a window in the day (let’s say 10am-11am – an hour is quite long enough) when recreational cycling is allowed on the roads so as to not inconvenience other road users?

    Like they do on snowdon so everyone can use it safely. Hey it seems to work  unless your a self entitled …..

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