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  • philxx1975
    Free Member

    Got to say I’m with thisisnitaspoon sounds like someone’s overblown ego. They’re struggling to extradite Assange but he thinks they’ll extradite someone for not supplying a bike frame. The mild mannered receptionist Rosemary seems to think her case is special.

    This exactly ,

    Free Member

    I guess there is nothing like the sort of place I’m referring to here in the UK and Europe more generally. So I suppose my question is moot. But I’m sorry you perceive it the way you have

    judgemental knob

    Irony of judgmental knob Irony

    Free Member

    I don’t have a rebuttal that isn’t vacuous rhetoric; therefore it is irrelevant.

    How about the one where in 3 years the same 8 people will still be on here arguing about something completely beyond their control.

    Free Member

    All of them? How exactly can you know this?

    It’s Irrelevant I DO know as do YOU that 52% voted to leave.

    No they didn’t. If they did, we would have left by now.

    Picking the bits that make you feel comfortable won’t help dear, the people have had sod all to do with leaving since the Clear and Stable commitment was made by the illustrious shits in Parliament who have only ever jockied for their own self serving policies, as I said previously whichever side you voted , YOU’RE powerless.

    Free Member

    But that isn’t the point- “two fingers to Juncker and get on with it” delivers a brexit, but it doesn’t deliver the brexit that many brexiteers voted for

    Au contraire

    You and many others walked into a polling station

    52% thought at that time that’s exactly what they were getting with a cherry on top.

    48% thought it was a shit idea.

    The rest of your viewpoint drinks and all is what is happening now , today, it had nothing to do with the past , there was no small print to read.

    I have no doubt the next vote (if there is one) wont come with an education manual either.

    Free Member

    And again, the two options were not defined. Leaving or remaining can take many different forms.

    Oh do shut up you quite happily ticked one of the boxes at the time if you weren’t sure you shouldn’t have STOP blaming everyone else.

    Free Member

    And yet again a full page of people wanting to pick up on what they don’t want to hear.

    Only afterwards did the losing team start panicking and want things defining to the nth degree.

    Here’s what happened you put yourselves in this position

    Everyone went in there and had the same two options on the paper.

    The denial and blame is beyond hysterical from some.

    But yeah you keep on with the “sore losers” and “it’s really easy” narratives…

    It is really easy. You stick two fingers up to Juncker et al and get on with it.The problem is the lazy bastards in this country might have to work for a living and the politicians might ave to grow some spines.

    It really is about time for a change, of course there’s an element of sore losers the national interest for half the country is at risk.The others will be dead by the time it actually gets played out at this rate.

    Free Member

    Which were not defined

    How much more can you define two options on a ballot paper about 48% seems to be the right amount of defining. Everyone went in there and had the same two options on the paper.

    Only afterwards did the losing team start panicking and want things defining to the nth degree.

    No one said can we define all this before the vote. They we’re quite happy knowing two options existed and they would be picking one of them.

    The shit happened once the clown in parliament started their infighting.

    Free Member

    Yes, as I said, poorly defined

    Hardly. Anyone could vote and understand two choices.

    This thread is a textbook example of how people, when in conflict, cling ever more tightly to their opinions.

    its not an opinion is it? People were given two choices that is a fact.

    Those that liked it waged war information war after.
    Those that didn’t waged an information war after.

    The voters that facilitated the Political situation are now left helpless.

    Free Member

    It’s pretty difficult to implement a result that is so poorly defined,

    No it wasn’t.

    People were asked if they wanted to leave
    People were asked if they wanted to stay

    It was that simple the mechanics of it were irrelevant are now used by every tom dick and harry to reinforce their own argument.

    Now “you” have politicians imparting their will on the people, whereas before they were just trying to hoodwink the people.

    Free Member

    Some might think remain would win, the realists know it would be a proper, dirty fight (on both sides). And a second loss would of course be a final one for any hopes of remaining.

    But it’s worth asking precisely what the options on the ballot would be, there are still at least two viable flavours of Leaving neither of which our elected representatives could agree on. There is still only one flavour of remaining…

    So which version of Leave would be the one to put on a (hypothetical) ballot paper? How many leavers would vote remain in preference to driving off a no deal cliff? How many would vote remain in preference to supporting May’s deal (or something derived from it)?

    Remainers still have hope, because despite all the bluster and shouting, there is still a significant split in the Leave group, precisely because the 2016 vote was a very broad “in vs out” question…

    I like you. You seem to have a balanced handle on it.

    Free Member

    It’s still comical to see the leavers praying not to have a second referendum that they’re sure they’d win. Will of the people!

    You wrote , will of the people who will whine and whine ad nauseum till they get their own way wrong.

    Free Member

    It’s still comical to see the remainers praying for a second referendum , will it be a case of still be complaining when that is a lose too.

    Free Member

    Hard Brexit beckons.

    It’s only taken 3 years.

    Free Member

    Could it be possible that the whole lot of them are just lying scumbags?

    No that’s called a bona fide certainty.

    Free Member

    Totally ridiculous conclusion to come to. You’re ignoring what’s staring you in the face, which is that a party which didn’t exist 6 weeks ago and who’s single policy is a no deal brexit, won the election. This was a re-run of the referendum, and I’m afraid leave won again. A second referendum won’t change that. Get ready for no deal, it’s happening.

    Exactly. The existing party’s have **** this up and the people for so long now , people want out.They don’t trust any of the current political establishment they will vote to get rid.

    Free Member

    No party needs to lurch to limit their losses they just need to put out “leave” message and be done with it now.

    The surge of Farage has proved if you jump on his bandwagon your going to get a chunk of vote.

    Adding together the remain/pro-European Lib Dem, Greens and SNP means they have ‘won’ over the brexshit party and few conservatives and labour.

    Rubbish , you can’t just go adding up the votes of lots of other party’s to make up the numbers 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Sadly I have to admit two things, first I think Farage is correct in that if there’s no Brexit come the net GE they will end up in goverment

    Expect brexit party MPs a plenty.

    Free Member

    They can’t pay their bills,

    Do you have any proof of this?

    I’ve got nothing against them…but what’s the chance of any order someone makes today being fulfilled?

    Your forgetting the last drop saloon from China surely? Which of course was supposed to happen this month from internet rumour.

    Free Member

    Because if they say that then nobody will give them any more money. “Prop up our Ponzi scheme, if you’re lucky enough people will fall for it that you might actually get what you paid for”.

    But surely the faithfully won’t let them die.

    Free Member

    Why do they not just say we have no money but will refund as we trade out of the hole we are in.

    I suggest sales are shit and it’s impossible for then to move forward now without backing.

    No one is going to back this.

    No frames can be paid for from China.

    Someone is going to have to put their house on the line if they have the confidence in it.

    Free Member

    They should get Jamie Oliver in to do their emails.

    Free Member

    And in case you haven’t noticed, she’s bloody good at it. She’s been written off for 36 months now. She’ll have to be dragged out of Downing Street, kicking and screaming.

    She’s seen off every attempt to get rid of her. And officially they can’t get rid of her until December.

    I’m quite enjoying how much she’s pissing all the lunatics off 😂

    They might actually have to abduct her

    You have to admire her

    Free Member

    Has the bloke who brought Ubyk got anything leftover for another investment into a good brandname?
    Although that they havent protected the name wouldnt help.

    I am personally very surprised the On-one brand owner hasn’t bought into it has form for it.

    Free Member

    It is like the Tory party of the bicycle world.

    Jordan keeps reciting his deal and like May he has announced his resignation but not set a date.

    Are any of you sure this isn’t some complex play on politics.

    Free Member

    The vast majority of carers I’ve met and worked with have been superb, dedicated individuals and I’m tired of your ignorant attitude toward them.

    To be fair though Panorama last night didn’t do many favours to the industry in which you work.

    Free Member

    Looks like May her kicked the can down the road yet again. The Withdrawal bill, mean to be published yesterday, then tomorrow, has been hoofed down the road until after the summer recess
    Looks like the Maybot is still clinging on like the most determined of chug-nuts and has no intention of resigning. I can’t be the only one who’s finding this hilarious. The Brexiteers are clearly apoplectic at their own impotence in the face of her intransigence. Watching the news last night with Leadson resigning and IDS going puce, there seemed more than a hint that she was actively enjoying this. Driving them insane in preventing them replacing her with Boris and knowing there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it until December
    Surely this would be the opportune moment for Corbyn to call for a vote of no confidence?

    Cabinet want the ‘22′ to do her in, the ‘22′ want Cabinet to. Both sides want to avoid the optics of a pack of men picking on a woman.

    Corbyn tried that previously in January.

    Free Member

    I’m sat in an office of 12 people right now, only 3 know there are elections today, only me and 1 other know what they’re for and who they might vote for. I find it very odd

    However outside your office the important people aged 50 to retirement are voting for good ol Nigel because he represents their views from years gone by.

    Why not have a little vote in your office and see who you can identify as a brexiteer wins

    Free Member

    Our company has always been a public face

    Did he mean Farce?

    These are growing pains, and they ARE painful, they are humiliating. But they are certainly not the end.

    I defer to “your customers will decide if it’s the end not you sunshine”

    My absolute favourite one and only thing I do like about the guy however, is that he still continues the masquerade that he is as big hitter as the chairman off Shell or BP.

    Stepping down from my position

    More pot noodle than Caviar fella.

    Free Member

    so jordan has quit?

    I believe it’s called an almighty FLOUNCE replaced by a robust system of washing your hands and running off Cameron had disguised himself well however.

    Free Member

    Unless of course you suspect Farage of being a liar.

    Well I would never assume that would be true.

    Free Member

    Fast forward to boris being pm

    You spelled Farage wrong

    Free Member


    Also, the town of Gravesend has managed to achieve two amazing things, the first is Gemma Arterton, the second is this:

    His milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

    Free Member

    6 o clock news. The people are angry.

    Looks like the protest vote for Farage will outnumber the protest vote against the Conservatives and Labour.

    Free Member

    4000 people at British steel, I do wonder if Farage will be getting their vote.

    Free Member

    $320 + $110 “express shipping” apparently, if you want two frames, they can ship them in one box, so you only pay once.

    Obviously some will be paying for their second.

    But why on Earth would you want anything with the name of the company on it.The user experience is now surely scrap value only.

    Free Member

    Roll Up Roll Up

    Pick yer Poison.

    Free Member

    On-One spun out of planet x
    DMR were associated with Upgrade/Kinesis?
    Cotic was a loan/savings and help from Brant
    Starling’s were self built in the beginning

    Most if not all were started well before the kickstarter era? (prepared to be corrected here)

    Tom mate you are completely obsessed with it man
    I’d get out more

    UH OH someone else has noticed.

    Free Member

    That’s a low bar to reach

    Yet here we all are waiting to see who it is going to be.

    pretends to be a man of the common people

    I personally he’s very well aligned with the common people or perhaps it is he can align them with him, wether he is duplicitous or not I cant see how he is any worse of the other two who will use whatever nefarious tactic they deem fit to get the top spot.

    If you are fine with that, fill your boots

    I didn’t say I was fine with anything Just pointing out the march to power candidate.

    How will Brexit benefit me and my family?

    Unfortunately YOU and YOUR FAMILY are irrelevant in THEIR grand vision especially if your not on board.

    From the looks of things, some of you are in danger of falling into a hole filled with non-sequitur and poorly-informed irrational nonsense. In that case, I strongly recommend the Killfile to preserve your sanity.

    And some of us think killfile will make whats happening in the real world go away, oh dear.

    Free Member

    Not enough milkshakes in the world if that happens.

    If you don’t like democracy, don’t have a democracy

    One thing I think most people can all agree on is that every single one of the candidates for next PM doesn’t really bear thinking about, and within weeks we’ll be looking back on the Maybots term as a golden age of ‘strong and stable’ political leadership

    Not at all Farage seems to be the least moronic of them all.

    Free Member

    Tired of conventional? With its have Blue ti/carbon hybrid, Sick Bikes may have the answer.

    And again a press release where Dumb & Dumber sold you the line it was carbotanium, it was in fact chinoshiteium straight out of a catalogue.

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