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  • Fizik Vento Ferox Carbon Shoes
  • philxx1975
    Free Member

    Yes but sadly they seem to cost the same as an entire bike.

    Free Member

    Personally I always thought it was the chap who came up with the readies, OH such is the confusion of the internet way of sales.

    Free Member

    However, I guess it does at least prove you have the items

    Ah I had not thought of this.

    Free Member

    Thanks Chestrockwell

    These are 27.5, not sure if that will make them less popular but I will stick them on at a couple of hundred and see how they go then.

    Free Member

    So its an average between cameras? or an average between the first and last camera on the stretch of motorway?

    Is this actually stated anywhere in the rules?

    Free Member

    I’m on contract in germany at the moment but two agencies have phoned this morning asking if I would leave this job and go somewhere else for an extra 6 months and £% an hour, NO I’m happy here thanks.

    Cut copied and pasted from Contractor UK

    Recruitment agents are habitual liars

    They don’t lie when it is essential, they don’t lie when they think it is necessary, they don’t lie occasionally, sometimes or frequently. They are so accustomed to lying they do it all the time.

    For example, here is a call I had yesterday afternoon. Warning signs and tips are in red.

    1. I have had a call from Jimmy Mumble from Mumblymumble Resourcing. If he had had a real role he would have stated his name clearly and quite possibly not his agency name (they really are that egocentric). This test works >90% of the time.

    2. He then did NOT say “Is this a convenient time to talk?”. They ask this when they have something worth talking about, when phishing they do not care about you as a person and do not ask the question. This test works >80% of the time.

    3. Scum: “I’ve got your CV from AnyOldWhere. You used to work at PreviousClientCo, yes?”

    Me: “Yes.”

    Beware. When told they found you, you are likely to feel head-hunted and flattered. They might not want you, but your knowledge.

    4. Scum: “They have a number of roles I am trying to fill and I have seen you have worked there before.”

    A number of roles means “none, but I’m trying to get a foot in the door”. Agents rarely are trying to fill a random selection of different kinds of role. When they are – and it is rare – then they will be loooking to build “an Oracle development team” or “a new in-house testing team” and not “a number of roles”. This test works >80% of the time.

    5. Scum: “What kind of work did you do at PreviousClientCo?”. He has my CV in front of him, FFS, he found me. Is he getting clarification? No, he has not read my CV, he got it from a keyword search on the employer’s name and now he is trying to find out what I can tell him about PreviousClientCo. This test works >50% of the time.

    6. Me: “I was a Junior Widget Wangler providing fundament cleaning services to Yes Men.”

    Scum: “So, who were you working with there?” There it is. That’s the primary purpose of the call: to get a contact name from you so they can start hassling your old boss, the friendly referee and making that referee hate you in the process. This test is valid > 99% of the time.

    In 15 years I have twice had an agent say this question legitimately:
    “Who were you working with there, because I placed Fred Bloggs in the manager role, he bought me a bottle of Scotch for placing him, what’s he doing now?”
    “Who were you working with there, because I dealt with a Melanie Frontage and I’d love to know how to get to see her again.”
    That is two calls out of an estimated 2000 (Ed: and the rest!) discussions with agents.

    —> If the agent wants names, there is no point continuing the call. <—

    7. Me: “Did you say you were recruiting for them?”

    Scum: “Yes.”

    Now I know he was lying because it was a government site that only uses Catalist for its recruitment and Mumblymumble Recruitment didn’t sound like one of those agents.

    When at ClientCo, always try to find out who is on their Preferred Supplier List. It often comes in useful later.

    8. Me: “There has been a shuffle round since I was working there, it is different managers doing the recruitment now.”

    Scum: “But can’t you give me some names?”

    Me: “I could, I know the recruiting managers and the directors plus the decision makers and key business managers, obviously. But as I say, they’ve had a shuffle round.”

    Scum: (now wetting himself) “So, who did you work with and what are they doing now?”

    Me: “I’m not sure that will help, many have now been promoted to more senior positions or moved sideways, they are doing different things.”

    Scum: (who has run out of ideas) “So can you tell me who is doing the recruitment?”

    Make them squirm. Practise your negotiation skills. They’ve wasted your time by lying to you, have some fun.

    Me: “The people you are already dealing with, of course.”

    Scum: “Err, oh, of course.”


    <you hear a Ping! as Jimmy Scum remembers his training>

    9. Scum: “Can you give me the names, just to make sure they are the same people?”

    Use their own silly lies on them. Then they understand what is going on as it is the only language they know.

    Me: “Sorry, I can’t do that. Data Protection.”

    10. <click> He realised he was going to get no information from me so he hung up on me.

    There was no “number of roles”, he was lying. He was using me to get information. Rather than simply tell me the truth he lied. Had he asked me how to get onto their PSL, I would have told him all about Catalist.

    Find a way to cope with these liars so you can sleep at night.

    11. When you have found that way of coping, please post it on here for my benefit. Thanks.

    Free Member

    Keeper of the Peak offers a free service updating folks on trail conditions

    Which is awesome if your such a dumb ass you cant actually decide if its banging it down, has been banging it down, or Noahs ark is in attendance due to floods, that it might be stupid to go out on a bike in the peak

    If you feel so strongly why does KOTP and PDMTB not just put some charity donation buckets on some posts up in the peak for the feel better crowd to throw a few quid in?

    Honestly it doesn’t need organising to ride a bike just common sense amongst users.

    Free Member

    Zero wouldn’t pay a cent and wouldn’t support it either.

    Free Member

    My face.

    Oh the amusement of watching STWers screaming

    come on My face

    Free Member

    Self righteous jingoism?

    Free Member

    Was it a British made Bronson, possibly was badly built.

    Free Member

    Not one of them, British stuff is generally overpriced crap that can be bought else where, a similar product for less money without the foibles.

    Customer support on disposable hobby items really?

    Free Member

    Wait till they fake the Mars landings

    Free Member

    I think really the briny water is just the hot dog factory overspill.

    Free Member

    I had a crack at it, maybe that’s why my 26″ wheels are better than my new 650b ones

    Free Member

    It’s going to go two ways

    Water, really who gives a f***

    The second more interesting one features

    Religious zealots climbing over themselves to

    Free Member

    I’m going with Hitler though I can bet Brian Cox is wetting himself silly already in wonderment.

    Free Member

    Marshenge…..Google it FTW

    Free Member

    Is it me or have on ones generally just gone to shit since Brant Richards departed? His new brand stuff doesn’t get much PR either.

    Free Member

    feeling a bit meh,

    This sums it up exactly

    I did read a lot before this purchase and whilst I was not conditioned to think it would be the holy grail did actually expect it to be better I actually looked at a 29er too but as I lack inseem length it seemed a ridiculous folly.

    I said earlier I did actually put my old wheels on for a comparison and whilst thats not science it just felt better, all the stuff you read about half a degree slack this that or the other rolling speed , well it just didn’t, it didn’t do anything other than feel like I was captaining the good ship slow

    Free Member

    Hora, calling hora

    This frightens me have I done wrong?

    Free Member

    How does the discount code thing work? How do people come across them?

    Free Member

    I would now like to add sarcasm in my previous post.

    oh the FAIL 🙁

    Is nothing sacred anymore?

    Free Member

    I always make 2…..that way if the first was really good I can immediately have another.

    I had never taken this approach.


    Free Member

    No; they instantly mark you out as a rider that doesn’t have a clue.

    Exactly, and who gives a shit if you can afford Enve wheels if you cannot afford the Santa claus Cruz to put them on.

    You don’t see Orange 5 riders mincing round on Enve.

    Free Member

    No but £300-£350 is pretty much a set of Hopes and that is enough for my pro world champion wannabe forum warrior delusions.

    Free Member

    Don’t you only get gonorrhea from bum sex?

    Free Member

    Its been done before, they wrote some book about it last time and there was a bit of outrage.

    Maybe a film this time?

    Free Member

    Op how much are you selling it for?

    Free Member

    Why not go on pepi poo first before heading over to this forum for a complete berating, I did this first to make sure there were no tiny loophole I missed.

    I then asked the question on here in the full knowledge I was going to get my Pants pulled down by the horde.

    YOU seem to have missed the fact some other Joe will also have had this happen to them and tried to find a wiggle out clause or for some reason the police won’t have seen some one try the 14 day out of time trick?

    In my case I thought there was wiggle room for speeding and I might have had some room to get away with it, and just like you came on here with a thinly veiled story.

    A good idea might be to just let it go to court and in due cours, the judge slap you down, then give you the 1k or so fine for wasting his time.

    Free Member

    Probably read it in the daily star, after all, he is a lorry driver!

    I never thought to google it,low and behold he was not mocking my cycling antics

    Free Member

    Just get Ben Cooper to build you something.

    Job done.

    Free Member

    Sexist Porcine Lawyer described his own daughter as HOT?

    I think this poor guy is being victimised for stating the obvious

    The photo of his daughter excercising, She does indeed look hot ,this is byproduct of physical activity in a gym, of course I thinK she also looks hot.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Is she on tinder?

    Secondly I wonder how many people have sent her a message saying “cor your fit” on LinkedIn.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Mike I’m just rising to the earlier DW? remarks 😉

    Free Member

    All this trouble I feel I have caused and all I did was take a morning glory and read the Google news.

    Free Member

    Ha ha “why close roads that have a cyclepath on them”

    Proof that Facebook now extends to the village idiot and that he can be taught to use t’internet

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