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  • Madison Code Breaker Sunglasses review
  • PhilO
    Free Member

    So, is it bye bye Linda, do we think? It certainly sounds like Gavin’s stint in Ambridge is likely to be short.

    Free Member

    I can’t see mention of the C90 without thinking of this:

    The Cause

    Free Member

    Thanks all. Some useful stuff for me to mull over there. 😀

    Free Member

    Maybe needs a variation on this?


    Free Member
    Free Member

    I have an old desk lamp with CFL bulb stood behind the TV. No fancy reason – it just provides a bit of soft room lighting with zero screen reflections.

    Free Member

    Thanks db. Your Google-fu is clearly better than mine!

    Free Member

    Thanks for the comments so far…

    Yeah, I’m aware that many are narrow, although Stoner’s 1080mm equals the bed we have downstairs in our current ‘van. No harm in trying to find the widest available. The kids might as well have as much room as possible! :-)

    We definitely want a LWB van, so hopefully the low-end will be less of a problem, but I take your point re. space for large feet.

    Anybody else able to chip-in? I’m particularly interested in seeing if there are any advantages to getting a non-VW van in this context. The Trafic/Vivaro roof looks like it’s wider than the Transporter, and it would be good to know if the measurements bare that out. Anybody got one?

    Free Member

    +1 for a push mower. I bought the cheapest I could get this time last year when our electric mower died, and it’s so easy to do our 60m2ish of grass with it that I’ll happily crack on 3 times a week during peak growing season… It’s a bit narrow, though, so am pondering investing in a better/wider one. They definitely shouldn’t be noisy – if yours is, then it might have a bent blade.

    Free Member

    Interesting… I hadn’t realised these were a thing. I don’t often notice my colour blindness, but I’m aware that I don’t see colour as strongly as many; I have happily sailed on past dayglo orange waymarkers during events in the past (which is why I always prefer yellow hi-viz!).

    I see they also do clip-ons for those of us with corrective glasses already (and who don’t mind being incredibly un-cool!). Please update when you’ve tried them out! :-)

    Free Member

    In any period piece with a night-scene, there are aways a load of miraculously bright candles already burning in any room entered by the characters. Not only were candles really, really expensive, you’ve have to be a complete idiot to leave one (never mind a dozen) burning unattended by the curtains in a timber-framed house.

    Free Member

    Much as I like fast aeroplanes, my current ‘if only I had the money’ would be this house with attached bunkhouse in the Wye Valley:

    Besides, being colour blind I’d never be allowed to fly the jet! ;-)

    Free Member

    Can we please stop letting people get away with saying that those of us in favour of a re-think are trying to thwart the referendum result?

    I’m absolutely hard-core remain to the bone (in fact would love to see full-on federal integration across Europe. Hell, WorldGov would be nice…) but I wouldn’t be campaigning against the current moves if the promises made by the Leave campaigns were being delivered. I’d rather stay a full member, but if the promised better deal than membership, with no costs and continued SM membership were forthcoming, then I’d shrug my shoulders and get on with life.

    Those of us campaigning against this should be presenting ourselves as demanding that the promises made in the campaign are delivered, in full. In other words, we’re supporting the original result, not campaigning against it. Of course, if that proves impossible* then it should go back to the Public with the realistic options on the ballot paper.

    Sadly, I suspect that even with ‘economic Armageddon’ vs ‘as you were’ there’d still be a huge proportion of the public who’d press the self-destruct button.

    * “If”! Ha, bloody ha! :-(

    Free Member

    Also, re the other point, no, I had no idea of the identity of “my MEP”, but the TV analogy works for me, I was generally happy with how Europe seemed to be working out, so I didn’t need to care much.

    Plus, of course, the reason it’s difficult to identify a single MEP as your representative is down to the election process used – something which is selected by the Nation State, not the EU. Blame Westminster for the regional use of De Hondt (Sp?).

    Free Member

    3? That’s just greedy! :-o

    I have a pedal-powered recumbent and would love to give a motorised one a go. :-)

    Free Member

    Another option:

    Randonneur Seat Post Rack®

    Although not really pannier-compatible so of doubtful benefit over an SQR.

    Free Member

    Not sure how easy it would be to find in this country, but if you can manage with a single pannier would something like this work?


    R&K do something similar, although you end up with a bigger bracket permanently attached:

    Free Member

    Oh im aware of the difference between tare gross and payload.

    Fairy ’nuff. I certainly agree that many of the plywood conversions you see are a lot heavier than necessary. ISTR that VW use honeycomb-cored board for the furniture in the California to save weight – but that’s probably one of the reasons that they’re so eye-wateringly expensive! I imagine that a decently crash-worthy rock’n’roll bed must be pretty heavy too, so if you can manage without rear belts that must help.

    My daily conversion rolls over the scales at 2900kg. And it’s over 7m long

    Impressive! :)

    Free Member

    As i say phil read my earlier post, it’s also possible to uplate a t26 to 28 just as a paperwork exercise for a couple of hundred quid if it’s needed. Mostly your number assumptions are wrong and for most even a t26 would be fine without replating and for anyone with the re-plate.

    Fair enough on the replating, that definitely is a good option.

    Which of my numbers do you think are wrong?

    I suspect he meant my numbers [the perils of two different Phils! ;-) ] I did say that they were plucked out of the air for illustrative purposes only, and my point was only to illustrate to Trailrat that the all-up weight of the van is not the payload, which can be quickly eaten-up.

    It’s good to know that the 2.6t van can be easily re-plated to 2.8t. I’d say that even if you *can* get away with 2.6t then that’s still worth doing, ’cause you won’t be visiting a weighbridge every time to load up.

    It’s also worth noting that a tow bar bike rack will have a disproportionate effect on rear axle loading because it’s cantilevered off the back. Which won’t normally be an issue but could be if you’re near the limit anyway.

    Anybody know what the difference in weight is between a LWB and SWB? Because I definitely fancy the extra space of the former, but need to be careful as it’ll both reduce payload and increase the scope for loading extra stuff in.

    Free Member

    So long as your not building your camper conversion out of lead I struggle to see how you could get enough stuff in such a small space to hit 2600kg for that to be a problem.

    That’s not the payload, though – it’s the total weight of the van, fully loaded and driving down the road. I’m not sure what an empty van weighs, but say for the sake of argument that it’s 2000kg. Elevating roof and carpet lining might weigh 150kg or more. Another 100kg for the rock’n’roll bed. Furniture, what? another 100kg? A full 50l water tank and gas bottles, say another 75kg? Fill the tank with diesel – another 50kg. So you’re now at 2575kg. And then the driver (80kg), passenger (70kg) and two kids (60kg) climb in, promptly taking it waaaay over the weight limit and risking your licence as soon as you put it in gear and release the handbrake.

    Yeah, ok, a bit OTT and the weights are all pure guess work/illustrative only, but you can see how easily it can add up, especially once bikes, surfboards etc get thrown in.

    Free Member

    Here’s one for wider consideration: I’m currently unrepresented, after my long-serving MP died a few weeks ago. The by-election is this week. The constituency has AFAICT always been Labour apart from a single term with a Tory decades ago. I’m a natural Labour supporter, but like many here have been dismayed by JC’s lack of opposition to the current shower. The new labour candidate is anti-brexit.

    Last time round, I voted Labour inspite of their policy to ‘respect the referendum’ as the most important thing was to keep the Tories out. This time, I can’t see one MP either way making a difference in Westminster, so I’m pondering risking letting the Tory in by voting LD or Plaid Cymru, while Emailing the Labour candidate and the Party to explain why.

    What does the panel think?

    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to seeing the size of Farage’s proposed march compared with the pro remain march planned for 23rd.

    Anybody care to predict which will get the most coverage on the BBC news? >:-(

    Free Member

    the people in Ulster organise their own referendum…

    Stay in the U.K. or join the Republic…

    That’s always looked a possibility – which is why I can’t understand why the DUP are supporting Leave.

    AIUI the Good Friday Agreement includes a clause guaranteeing a referendum on Reunification if a yes vote ever seems likely. And the next census is expected to see Catholics becoming a majority in NI. So a referendum is almost inevitable with or without Brexit. But if Brexit results in the GFA failing, the DUP could argue that there’s no longer a requirement to take the question to the people… Call me cynical. :-(

    Free Member

    Obviously, no1 will be EU retailers introducing a £136 minimum order value for UK buyers. :-/

    Free Member

    How does he propose to “use the time allowed in the transition period to work on those facilitation agreements in an orderly manner” when crashing out necessarily means that there is no transition period.

    Free Member

    I’m very happy with a mudhugger on mine – also a pre-evo 26” model.

    Free Member

    …but that is for the nation states (own peculiarities) to deal with <u>or to coordinate amongst themselves</u>.

    Good idea!  We could cooperate with other counties to work on shared standards, simplifying trade and sharing the costs of administration between us.  Overall bureaucracy would be decreased.  You could also give it a special name… Something with ‘Union’ in it, perhaps…

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Yes, assuming the ERD actually *is* the same. I understand that there can be some variation in how it’s measured, but in my (limited) experience it has never been a problem.

    Free Member

    Bez you’ve explained why you shouldn’t ride in the gutter. It’s not too difficult to think why advising people to ride in the middle of a narrow road might also be a bad idea

    On a single track road, out of the gutter = in the middle of the road.  QED.

    Free Member

    There are also some good ways up and down Mynydd Machen without going to the trouble of driving round.  Our most common after-work trip heads up Machen Mountain – although we usually bypass the summit, the way up is obvious if you want to do it. I’ll PM you a link to Strava…

    A couple of other alternatives that haven’t been mentioned yet: Head up the steep road opposite Cwmcarn car park, then up the forest track above, doubling-back right after the large turning area. You cross the Cafall descent and pedalhounds before coming out on the edge of the Mynydd Maen moorland. A big horseshoe out from there and back towards Twmbarlwm makes a pleasant ride on a nice evening. Descend via the Twrch or carry straight on to Mountain Road and descend to the canal via the steep upwards (it soon goes back down!) track on your right immediately after the cattle grid.  Or start from 14 Locks, nip through the housing estate to Mountain Road. Bare right into the nature reserve behind the school after about a mile. At the end of this track, turn left, pass Cwrt Henllys, and then climb the tester beyond up to the moorland above Mountain Road. From there, you can either head out on the reverse of the above route, cross over to Cwmcarn, or head down the old incline into Cwmbran and return via the canal.

    Free Member

    You should have had one in the box with the helmet. Are you sure you didn’t miss it?

    I have one that I don’t use and which I could post to you if you’re not in a hurry.

    Free Member

    Slight increase here, too. But having said that, I usually check before breakfast, and the increase was about the weight of the breakfast that I’d just eaten, so I’m sanguine about it – especially as I’ve had a week of poor self-control. :-/

    Free Member

    Fashion? What’s that then?

    ETA: Bah! Can’t work out what I’m doing wrong with the image tags… :-/

    Free Member

    Yakima Front Loader. Grip the tyres rather than the frame, so no scratching. Fit onto the roof bars in seconds. Just make sure that you don’t have a slow puncture when you load up. Also they don’t play nicely with full mudguards, so probably not for a touring bike owner…

    Free Member

    Back on track… Well, that’s a relief. ;-)

    Now to keep the good work up.

    Free Member

    This week’s report: C-, must try harder.

    Another zero change week… At least it didn’t go up, I suppose.

    Free Member

    Half a kg in the right direction this week. Probably the best I can hope for given the current lack of exercise – once it’s down below 90kg, I can crank up the lunch time runs a bit without knee trouble.

    Free Member

    Hmmm… My scales appear to be stuck. Same weight as last week, within 0.1kg.

    Ho hum; at least it hasn’t gone up.

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