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  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    ahh the bmw half-series…. massive on the outside, tiny on the inside, exact opposite of the real minis.

    anyone driving a bmw looks a tw*t… so why make it worse by getting in a horrible one? :lol:

    Free Member

    manly! i hope there was sweetcorn

    Free Member

    the owls are not what they seem….

    Free Member

    before anyone starts tearing into you, shock after an accident is such a surreal feeling and its pretty normal to feel flakey and unsure about everything.

    eat something sugary

    when reflecting it would be easy to beat yourself up for accelerating instead of breaking, but beating yourself up wont change what's happened so just gotta try and make sure you dont make the same mistake again (always assume the others drivers are blind idiots and drive safe)

    hope you're alright dude.

    oh yeah, MTFU, p1ss on his bombers etc etc :wink:

    Free Member

    organic food
    "classic" films and rock music (just 'cos something's old doesn't make it a classic!)
    +1 the matrix sequels
    +1 Withnail and I.
    american nature documentaries (in my humble opinion the tv liscense fee is worth it for the Blue Planet episode "the deep" alone)
    hot girls who open their mouth to reveal harsh accents
    sean lock's live stand-up dvd
    frankie boyle's live stand-up dvd
    my sister's choices in life
    my mum's inability to budget
    food that turns up with onions in/on it when you've specifically asked for no onions.

    Free Member

    what about people who wear clothing from other areas of the sport??

    for example downhill shorts are incredibly sturdy and i wear them for normal riding.. (i dont do downhill)

    i've just ordered some DH trousers for the winter when the weather gets colder…

    i am very much of the opinion that it doesnt matter what label/colour/style something is.. if its comfortable, does the job and is good value then its worth buying, couldnt care less of others judge me on my carrera :wink:

    Free Member

    holy-singlespeed batman.. i f**king love parsnip crisps

    Free Member

    i got a blowjob off a girl who was 70% covered in crisps and piercings… thats the only job i'm offering her!

    HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa i'm hillarious

    Free Member

    thats a clear sign that you want to make a statement against society firestarter, this means i can quite accurately make assumptions about you as a person, the kind of person who i wouldnt employ.

    whats "50p" harry? i must assume its a unit of currency but in my super high paid job running a business in the proffessional communications industry i havent come across it…

    Free Member

    using block capitols, is a sign of being stoopid molgrips

    Free Member

    crisps make you look stoopid, only the poor and uneducated scum eat crisps, thats why they sell them in cheap supermarkets, up north and to chavs or criminals

    anybody eating crisps are stoopid, its a clear visual clue that you're a complete retard (fact)

    i wouldnt employ you

    the general public dont want to see crisps

    Free Member

    most things in life are enjoyable if you do them with friends :) (friends that wash and dont stink of stale sweat!)

    Free Member

    cougar +2

    well said!

    no difference to people who spend hours completing the perfect lap on a racing game, or days completing final fantasy games, or weeks on red dead redemption, and so on and so on….

    (for the record i dont play computer games, never owned a console apart from a Wii that only gets used for 4 player mariokart about 10 times a year)

    ohhhh and being honest… it really does smell of stale body odour the moment you walk near the reading war-hammer/d&d type shop :wink:

    Free Member

    i take it you're living "oop north" Tron? :lol:

    Free Member

    levothyroxine shouldnt stop you riding your bikes :D its just like taking a vitamin pil in the morning, and the odd blood test really isnt that bad (the amount required for the test is REALLY small, its not like they'll be draining an arm into sevel pint jugs)

    Free Member

    agreed, i'm also against the whole "real women" movement, yeah i dont expect every woman to be a model and be perfect, but there's a big difference between having a wonky face.. and being 20stone but thinking its ok cos gok wan says so and anyone under a size 12 isnt a real woman anymore!


    Free Member


    "Occasionally, hypothyroidism gets better without treatment. In general, however, the symptoms get progressively worse if it isn't treated.

    Hypothyroidism can be treated with a thyroxine replacement medicine, called levothyroxine. This is taken as tablets and it can take some time to get the dose right. Usually you will start on a low dose that is gradually built up every few months. Your GP will adjust your dose according to the results of your blood tests.

    Once the correct dose of levothyroxine has been established, you will usually have a thyroid function test every year to check the levels of your thyroid hormones.

    You will usually feel much better once you're taking levothyroxine. Side-effects are unusual because a missing hormone is simply being replaced. However, if you take too much, you may develop symptoms of an overactive thyroid, such as anxiety and weight loss.

    If you have subclinical hypothyroidism (which means you don't have any symptoms but your thyroid hormone levels are disrupted) you may not need any treatment at first. Your GP will usually monitor how your thyroid hormone levels change every few months. If you develop symptoms, your GP will suggest that you start treatment."

    (taken from HERE )

    i cant find a single fault with that bit of information having looked after a few people with under-active thyroids, levothyroxine is a very effective drug and not known anyone have prolems with it so far :D

    hope that helps!

    Free Member

    a303 on friday before bank holiday weekend is a bitch

    reading festival traffic was surprisingly gentle this morning, thsi evening the bands would have already started so i'd personally go for the m4 option!

    and i'd leave earlier than 4 8O

    Free Member

    you forgot "Surf Matt = level 1billion awesome rogue" Hora

    Free Member

    driving into Reading this morning for work, mentally prepared for a 3 hour traffic jam and it took me 30 minutes door to door, that faster than a normal morning. :D great journey.

    Free Member

    riding is freedom.

    i like you already. hope everything healed up ok?

    Free Member

    howdy, remember:

    dont ever type you're opinion on this forum.. it will be wrong.

    dont ever talk about work/your boss… the thread will be emailed to your boss.

    dont ever admit what car or bike you have… it will be wrong.

    dont ever miss a thread that involves MrNutt.

    Free Member

    TROLL!!!! this must be based on some kinda war or ancient battle.

    (i like your idea dude, i like to leave my small change in car park ticket machines in the change slot, that way some random gets an awesome suprise when their fake pound coin gets rejected and they go to try it again with the "spinning technique")

    Free Member

    mate died in front of us whilst playing football when we were about 16, just fell down whilst running and didnt get up, we left him on the floor 'cos a) we didnt notice for a couple of minute due to the fact we were running after a ball and b) it was pretty slippery so lots of us had fallen over that day.

    turns out he had a small hole in his heart that his mum knew about but never told him (diagnosed as baby, but no issues through childhood.

    live life while you can. hope you're coping ok dude!

    Free Member

    this thread has gone from making me chuckle to making me feel a sense of dispair. before i leave and never return to this thread, shib.. what job do you do?

    Free Member

    so cycling (a hobby you enjoy i'm guessing) for charity once a year and a couple of pro bono projects…

    have to say im not impressed.

    secondly making assumptions about others based on their jobs and/or appearance is

    a particularly stoopid thing to say

    half the people i know who collect money for charity are older people who have given up highly paid jobs to do something worthwile

    nice avoidance on the nurses example!

    Free Member

    current generation of idealistic bedwetters who, armed with their Open University sociology or psychology degrees and Jeremy Kyle on series link descend upon the 'real world' with absolutely nothing worthwhile to offer.

    so what contribution do you make to society Shib? what good deeds do you do for your fellow humans on a regular basis?

    most of the people i see collecting for charity have tattoos and piercings, most of the nurses i know are the same… and so on and so on….

    Free Member

    i think, and in no way am convinced that i'm correct, but i think… that its data transfer as apposed to 2gb downloads…so uploads as well as downloads. youtube and i-player can be pretty data hungry esp in HD mode. i use the internet for about 5 minutes a month at home but i pay for "unlimited" as our housemate spends his days on youtube and online gaming

    Free Member

    Gary Glitter is currently en route to Chile, apparently the news of 33 trapped & helpless miners was just too tempting to ignore.

    Free Member

    *meanwhile in the South people got on with their lives without really paying any consideration to the North at all*

    nail on the head there. through work i get to meet people from all over the country it's the northerners and jocks who insist on pushing their regional identity when most people 'down here' are not really interested and couldn't give a toss where they are from.

    if they become assimilated they lose the chip after a couple of years and become normal people. ( i don't include midlanders in this assessment, they are usually friendly and up for a laugh without that underlying sneer of a 'proper northerner')

    agreed, the north is the place they go to for those secret millionaire programs yeah?

    Free Member

    i dont know about the others with tattoos… but i definately never thought tattoos would make me look better. what a very odd thing to assume :?

    Free Member

    The bloke at must have thought all his Christmases had come at once!!

    excellent :D

    Free Member

    whats wrong with being anti-Semitic? didnt the jews kill 6million or something?

    Free Member

    i've got no problems with eating cloned beef, i'd eat horse, dog, cat if they were available like in other countries. i'd eat human if i had to (southerner of course, the northerners meat would be too fatty and full of "real beer" :wink: ) .

    Free Member

    why didnt you offer your seat to one of the elderly people?

    (its not like you paid and they're on there for free, enjoying the sensation of "bus surfing" or anything)

    actually… were any of them hot? you could have offered for the fittest one to sit on your lap "'cos the seats are a bit hard and you're laps nice and soft… at the moment :wink:"

    Free Member


    i bow to your awesome to the power of rad trolling skills, if i had a bridge, i'd offer an open invitation for you to live under it.

    i actually upset the other-half last night by reading this in bed and laughing whilst she was telling me something i couldn't care less about 'cos its about people i've never met and have no impact on my life something important.

    if i was having a party, i'd invite you.

    Free Member

    something i think we can all agree on is that london is rubbish :D

    London, to me, would be hell on earth as somewhere to actually live.

    agreed, i'm not far from london and i cant bear even driving near the m25 let alone into london, horrible place and everyone who lives there has a weird sense of superiority.

    Free Member

    ever since i was a kid i had dreams of being able to master time travel, one day i discovered it was easy… just drive north, the only problem is that it makes you think you're having eyesight problems as everything just looses colour and the world turns grey :S


    Free Member

    what sort of bike has parts made from panel fencing?

    Apollos ;)

    Free Member

    take photos of the fece but with a tape measure around the outside of your plot… show clearly its in your land then dismantle the fence.. sell it for bike parts

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