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  • Monday Debrief 105
  • philconsequence
    Free Member


    very sexy

    Free Member

    women, with opinions, on computers, away from the kitchen.

    what is the world coming to?!
    next thing they’ll be driving… or voting!

    Free Member

    i know its probably bad form to recommend another forum but if i were you id’ check out the mtb britain forum, there’s a few guys on there who ride swinley about 3 times a week. the weekend ride is at a much nicer pace, lots of stops and chatting. they always make sure someone rides at the back to keep everyone together and nobody gets left behind.

    a few weeks into riding i went out with them on a weekend and it was fantastic, about 12-13 miles and nearly all singletrack, it was great. i’ve been many times since with other friends and still cant tie together a route thats all singletrack.

    the evening rides they do are a faster pace and hardly any/no stops at all but still led by guys who know that place like the back of their hands and easy to get along with.

    i cant wait to go out with them again on a weekend, but working on getting the other halfs confidence up first as she’d have a crap time if she thought she was holding everyone up.

    Free Member

    dont forget to pack:

    spare mobile phone
    spare mobile phone battery
    life raft
    spare flares
    waterproof matches
    night vision

    (if going for a quick local spin)

    if you’re planning on riding past the end of your driveway then i hope to god that you’re not stupid enough to ride without a support vehicle?!

    (me…. im a real man, i ride naked and covered in bbq sauce, best way to train is to always be outrunning the wolves and bears)

    Free Member

    still new to riding, still new to swinley but do head down there a couple of times a week. when abouts are you hoping to get down there dude? how would you describe your fitness and ability?

    Free Member

    HOw short is short? I’m intruiged

    Free Member

    YEah It’s a mount that sits directly over the stem by attaching either side with zipties, very light bit of plastic…. very sturdy last night I must admit

    Free Member

    SAme set-up choice for my mate, he’s really happy. Can’t wait for the ll to arrive!

    Free Member

    most likely, i’ve also mailed about ordering a trout-mini for the helmet/wife too, just waiting to hear back on that one but i’m guessing he’s busy :)

    one thing my mate did say about the ay-ups was that he noticed a finger print on the inside of one of the lenses which he wasnt to pleased about, but now he’s ridden with them (every night since they arrived) he’s forgotten about that haha.

    Free Member

    wow….. just to throw a couple of extra examples in here for you all to argue over.

    mates band, released 2 albums through sony, recorded in america, produced by same guy who did the red hot chilli peppers, had their tracks on BIG computer games, toured the UK, america, Japan, did all the festivals, sold out the astoria etc etc…. sold over 244thousand albums…. havent seen a penny, all of them work in places like tescos to survive.

    Another mates band is due to release an album next year, already signed up to a major booking agent, in talks with a major international label and have been promised over 200 shows a year, havent released anything yet and theyre driving to germany to headline a festival next weekend, BIG things and big buzz around them already…. they wont get paid more than £150 per show next year. that has to pay for the van, fuel, etc etc…. then whats left is split between 6 people, so even with over 200 shows and not having the ability to have a part-time job or anything… they will all be constantly broke and living off vegetables they’ve grown themselves and renting out their studio space to other bands and hopefully selling some t-shirts and CD’s at shows….

    sad state of affairs.

    before arguing about i-tunes and spotify plays i suggest you look deeper and find out exactly how much the label or artist gets per play or download!

    Free Member

    OK, i think this is the right thread to put this out there:

    I’ve been secretly developing “Faster Phils Faster Fills” sticks for a couple of years now, this product is aimed at drummers who want to play fills is a higher speed and generally improve their drumming, co-ordination, timing and rhythm… as well as their future.

    The new Faster Phils Faster Fills sticks are tuned to be in perfect harmony with your bodies natural frequency, with no stages inbetween your hands and the sticks, you’ll find they respond to your exact movements, even if you speed up!

    With practice and the new confidence that can only be gained by paying me 60pounds you’ll find your drumming will improve.

    Our Sticks are stored in a room that contains both a dream catcher near the window and a small glass “angel” that i’ve been assured by an angel therapist will ensure no bad energy waves will reach your sticks. I have had a Tarot reading to double check and apparently if i work hard my future might be better, so rest assured lots of ahrd work ahs gone into these sticks.

    Who wants one?*

    *sticks may be the cheapest sticks i can find at the local music shop but with “phils” written on the side in permanent marker, drummers must practice to enjoy the new skills provided by Faster Phils Faster Fills Sticks.

    Free Member

    make a point by walking faster than 5pmh everywhere.

    that’ll show em.

    Free Member

    buy a nose-clip….

    that’s your brain juice escaping that is.

    Free Member

    sell your son

    Free Member

    so, up for a good old fashioned pint and then off to the woods to freak out some of those girly mountain bike riders in the dark?

    oh and i’ve been meaning to ask, did you by any chance inherit your mums boobs? if so then that’d be sweeeeeeeeeeet

    Free Member

    but son…. did your mother ever tell you why i left!?

    needless to say Smallsquatch (or davey sasquatch, depending on if you’ve seen him in the pool under the hidden waterfall without his speedos on or not) had nothing to do with it. Ever wondered why mum hung around with that black bear?

    Free Member

    might watch it again next week, surprisingly good (never liked wrestling o watched it as a kid)

    Free Member

    yes son, i am back!

    hows yer mum? still rocking that hot furry ass?

    we’ve got much to catch up on, i know it’d be wrong to do the normal father and son stuff like teaching you how to shave (the horror!) but we could spend some father-son time together braiding our fur and picking insects off each other?

    Free Member

    yes i know, i’m hot.

    Free Member

    i hope so…. although i’ve just got to the ten year mark of having dreadlocks and i think i might cut them off tonight, so who knows!

    i will most likely be in a wheelchair in 10 years, that might be a problem :( but i’ll get one of those wheelchair type bikes and then people will feel guilty about mocking my un-awesome skilllzz

    Free Member

    MrNutt, i completely see where you’re coming from, but as a nurse who’s gone into management i feel i’m in a position to comment… the other guys on the forum have a massive point… being a manager is completely different to being a real nurse in so many ways.

    my experience is only in the mental health side so i cant comment on general hospitals, but i think there’s different levels of management… rotas, ordering stock, managing front line staff, appraisals, supervision, hands on problem solving at a ward level… an experienced nurse can step up into that role providing they can get their head around a computer. (ward manager type job)

    but managing other managers, big budgets, multiple teams and everything else involved in running parts of the nhs… i havent met many people at that level who find having been a nurse (or other professions within the nhs) that useful, being a manager is SO different from being a nurse.

    in my humble experience (and it is humble compared to some of the other STW’ers experience in the nhs) is that i’ve worked with some incredible ward managers who have worked up from being a cleaner – nursing assistant – nurse – team leader – ward manager.

    but also i’d agree with:

    the bigger organisations get, the more complex institutions become, the more managers you need.

    What it needs is lots of good managers, who manage well.

    too many nurses are pushed into management as their only career opportunity without the adequate training or support.

    What the NHS needs is:

    Politicians to be honest and tell the public that they can’t have everything they want from the NHS – we simply can’t afford it.

    its early, i hope that made sense in some way :S

    Free Member

    Sex panther

    Free Member

    always been super slow for me, no matter what browser its always slwoer than any other site.

    i blame the government.

    Free Member

    shhhhhh! google will be reading!


    Free Member

    one day, when i grow up, i want to be an inventor just like Lumi and Trout!

    Free Member

    not sure if its just me, but searching for ikkle only bring up this thread… any chance of a link? :)

    EDIT: well found, thank you!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    well it was mainly musicians (i was using FB heavily to promote the band) who were getting their knickers in a twist…. any content uploaded was then facebooks to keep and use as they please… so any press pics, and tracks, videos etc.

    i’m not sure if anything happened as a result, but most bands and artists jsut went quiet and got on with things as before after realising FB was too big to care.

    similarly a while ago they updated their terms and conditions and i saw a lot of chatter about the fact all personal photos and stuff uploaded (even if the user deletes them from the account) stay on the FB servers…. again, nothing seemed to change.

    i might be wrong with the specifics mentioned above, but the FB terms and stuff are here…!/terms.php

    Free Member

    wasnt there something in the terms and conditions a while ago about them keeping all photos and videos etc uploaded even after you delete an account? i remember a few people kicking off about it but dont remember it being changed…..

    Free Member

    did you keep the receipt?

    Free Member

    black bmx, dad ran over it in his company car, never got replaced.

    Free Member

    Sniff with all your might, swallow, let your stomach acid do its job. Sorted…..

    Or use the nearest stinging nettle, whichever is easier

    Free Member

    It doesn’t matter how big your backpack is ffs! GIve me links to facts or I’ll stay up all night worrying about how the internet might collapse with wrongness

    Free Member

    +1 on nearly everything mentioned above :)

    reassuring to know its not just me, i think i’m lucky that the OH has gone into the job she does now, dont need to explain how i feel or dont feel anymore as it all makes sense to her now haha.

    Free Member

    planning a midnight ride once the liberator mk3 arrives… fingers crossed the woods will be completely empty apart from my riding buddy and I (and all the midnight beasts that lurk in the shadows….)

    Free Member

    I find that in some ways, nothing much shocks me any more, which is a worry at times, but I personally put this down to being overloaded with stuff that the average person (luckily) never has to be.
    To add to this, I find myself getting wound up by trivialities outside work (for instance, some of the more argumentative stuff on here), which is probably down to the fact that again, a lot of the time when working I have to deal with everyone else’s s**t, leaving me with a little less tolerance outside of work.

    same here, i dont get wound up by stuff on here, but little things like friends being late or selfish cause me to stress much more than anybody watching me at work would think possible haha.

    even bad things happening to my parents dont really stir a reaction in me anymore…. the OH read out a sheet on vicarious trauma she was given on a course and it definitely rung true in many ways!

    Free Member

    “the other half”

    because i’d spend more time thinking about it and riding it than i would thinking about and riding ‘er indoors.

    so many applications too… “i’m going to take the other half out to the woods for a good thrashing tonight, just need to work out how to attach the new lights to her handlebars”

    Free Member

    sounds incredible! i cant help, but i’d love to see a thread that keeps us updated with designs, build photos and the finished product.

    Free Member

    So then “bikes = fun” then?

    WOAH THERE!!!!

    this is stw, dont ever, ever suggest something that could be agreed on, the world might collapse.

    Free Member

    Hi luminous, cheers for the reply, mate has added the Lumens up to 800 per set, but I think the website reads as 400 per set not 400 per light… anyone able to shed some light on this?

    Your new helmet (401?) Light is looking good luminous!

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